Community > Posts By > WarElephant
Is Condi Rice a Lesbian?
You didn't critically think that one through... So the fact this guy got married proves he's not gay? Just like Larry Craig?
Uh, you do realized Charlie Crist was married once before in his younger years, right? By this logic every single male must be gay if he enters politics without a spouse. |
America's Greatest Threat
WarElephant....the $hit disturber... You are a piece of work. That is all. I've got a real hard-on now. Any other takers? |
![]() ![]() I find it sadly ironic that with this story, you advocate the election of left-wing statist. Good job! |
you people crack me up..I lived most of my life in the States..couldnt wait to get the hell out of there and Im glad I did... And we're glad you left. The last thing this country needs is more people trying to tear it to pieces. |
War mongering has gotten America where it stands now in the world..looking over your shoulders, never sure of who is going to attack you next...any semblance of being a "world leader" (AKA bully), is because you sit on the greatest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Go home, peacenik. You need to grow up and join the world of adults. The fact you equate defense spending with warmongering shows just how far removed you are from reality. wow...funny boy..did you get the "peacnik" from one of your daddy´s war movies or was that your own John Wayne impersination..oh wait youre too young for Wayne, maybe Reagan??? ![]() Are you insulting my family's legacy? I've had immediate family members in every major war since World War I, including Iraq and Afghanistan, so seriously, please grow up. You're not even American so don't bother criticizing the policies of something that is (thankfully) out of your control. Why would it matter what branch? |
The war in Iraq is Over
Im going to teach my kid not to hit by spanking him. Lets teach other countries not to kill people by sending in our troops to kill them. Sometimes I just want to throw a 2nd grader into the white house to explain things.
You missed the point. You don't kill people to teach them not to kill. You kill them so they can't kill. There is a reason why war is nasty--if it wasn't, it wouldn't teach people lessons and there would be no penalty. You should take off your rose colored glasses and start seeing the world for what it is. |
The war in Iraq is Over
I thought we liberated France and a few other countries in WW2?
Maybe, but then again, we didn't exactly occupy them afterward either. About the closest thing to an occupation during that time was of West Germany, and that's because we had to teach those Germans a lesson. |
War mongering has gotten America where it stands now in the world..looking over your shoulders, never sure of who is going to attack you next...any semblance of being a "world leader" (AKA bully), is because you sit on the greatest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Go home, peacenik. You need to grow up and join the world of adults. The fact you equate defense spending with warmongering shows just how far removed you are from reality. wow...funny boy..did you get the "peacnik" from one of your daddy´s war movies or was that your own John Wayne impersination..oh wait youre too young for Wayne, maybe Reagan??? ![]() Are you insulting my family's legacy? I've had immediate family members in every major war since World War I, including Iraq and Afghanistan, so seriously, please grow up. You're not even American so don't bother criticizing the policies of something that is (thankfully) out of your control. |
I'm a Conservative. That doesn't make me a warmonger. That doesn't make me a homophobe. That doesn't make me a self hating homosexual. It doesn't make me a bigot. It doesn't make me a fascist. It doesn't make me unsimpathetic to those less fortunate than myself. It just makes me a Conservative. Does all this make me a bad guy? your call only when you impose your values and beliefs on what you want with your life, let me do what I want with mine... You aren't an American. You can do whatever Argentinian law allows you to do. Yeah, but see, they don't see it that way. If something is wrong in their life, they have to blame America and responsible, hardworking Americans. That's the way it works. |
Michael Moore
I don't watch Fox. OK. I accept it's purely coincidence you echo Faux. You smear those with opposing opinions like them too. Is that coincidence? It appears to me that if you can't argue a point your trump card is to claim that a person's opinion is simply parroted from the television and not their own opinion. I simply said Moore has an agenda, just like Faux. Then I got jumped on over semantics. Not jumping on you learner, just wondering why you claim that I am parroting what I see on Fox news when I don't even watch it and why it seems that you use "Faux" news as a neener neener tactic. Yes I agree that Fox has an agenda and that is why I don't watch it as well as CNN except that it is force fed to me at my gym. Thank God for iPods. You chose to ignore the fact that we are a Representative Republic and quickly accused me of being a Fox and Hannity mouthpiece. I do not listen to Rush, Coulter, Franken, Moore etc. because, whether they share any of my views or not, they are all entertainers and I find their brand of entertainment to be less than gratifying. This is typical of them on this board. They read only what they want to read, and then make attacks. I've had every liberal on this board call me a Bush supporting neocon, yet every other post in this forum of mine is a Bush bash. Since I don't like Obama, socialism, or lazy poor people, they just call you a name saying you watch Fox News/support Bush/warmongerer/neocon/etc. No critical thought processes with these people at all. |
America's Greatest Threat
Baldwin: America’s Greatest Threat
Posted on August 15, 2008 by Steve Farrell By Chuck Baldwin Every time violence erupts somewhere in the world, our national leaders and news media make it sound like that particular outbreak is America’s greatest threat. The conflict between Russia and Georgia is no exception. Almost as soon as news of the conflict broke, the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee, John McCain, was suggesting that the United States (or the United Nations) should send troops to the scene. I guess two wars are not enough for McCain; he now wants to start a third. (And with all his talk about bombing Iran, make that four.) Talk all over Washington, D.C., was mostly about what kind of military response the United States should take. Have people lost their minds? Or do people really believe that the United States is the world’s–or should we say the United Nations’–policeman? Apparently, that is what our national leaders from both major parties believe. Let’s face it: most of America’s foreign policy over the last several decades has been more about fulfilling the U.N.’s global desires than protecting the people and property of the United States. And, yes, that includes America’s invasion of Iraq. Do readers not remember that soon after launching the invasion of Iraq, President Bush appeared before the United Nations and plainly told that sinister organization that the reason he had ordered the invasion of Iraq was to “defend . . . the credibility of the United Nations”? Frankly, I did not know the United Nations had any credibility worth defending. Nevertheless, G.W. Bush was willing to sacrifice over 4,000 American lives for the express purpose of defending the U.N.’s “credibility.” Now, John McCain appears willing to send troops to Georgia. I will not use this column to analyze the specific events leading up to Russia’s attack against Georgia, except to say that one can count on the fact that there is much more to the story than what NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN are telling us. In addition, one of the major fallacies being perpetrated by most in Washington, D.C., is the notion that America is somehow strengthened and protected by aggressive meddling in the affairs of foreign countries. Such a philosophy was considered anathema to America’s Founding Fathers. They rightly understood that such reasoning created more problems than it solved and that it made America more vulnerable, not more secure. Regardless of what the underlying and overriding reasons for Russia’s attack might have been, I will say here and now that the Russian-Georgian conflict is not America’s greatest threat. I will also be so bold as to say that Iran or North Korea is not America’s greatest threat, either. In fact, I will categorically state that no foreign nation (although, of all foreign nations, Red China should undoubtedly be our biggest concern–and none of our national leaders seem the least bit concerned about it) is America’s greatest threat. America’s greatest threat comes from within. And I am not alone in that opinion. Daniel Webster warned, “There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing.” While the national media focuses on Russia, Georgia, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Iran, our own leaders are quietly molding the clay of our own demise right here at home. Both political parties, and the standard-bearers they select, are facilitating the surrender of our national sovereignty and independence. They are working in darkness to build an international community where the laws and principles of individual nation-states (including America’s) are made subservient to the laws and principles of international entities. This is America’s greatest threat. For example, John McCain supports the International Criminal Court. Can you believe this? Can you imagine U.S. citizens being hauled off before an international court to be tried for crimes? Imagine an international court whose rulings and opinions overrule U.S. rulings and opinions. Imagine a court setting where the constitutional protections of the Bill of Rights are null and void. Imagine a court setting where international law trumps U.S. or state laws. If that is not a surrender of U.S. sovereignty, nothing is! And John McCain is all for it. Furthermore, both John McCain and Barack Obama support NAFTA, the WTO, GATT, and the FTAA. Both major party candidates support the NAFTA superhighway, the creation of a North American Community (which is the precursor to a North American Union), the SPP, and the United Nations. Ladies and Gentlemen, America is on the verge of losing its independence and its national sovereignty. And both major political parties (along with a compliant national media) are equally culpable. And mark this down: when America loses its independence and national sovereignty, we also lose our freedoms and liberties. Please remember that before a Constitution and Bill of Rights could be drafted, there was first drafted a Declaration of Independence. It is the Declaration of Independence that lays the cornerstone and builds the wall of protection around the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Lose the Declaration and we lose the Constitution and Bill of Rights. No, the greatest threat to America does not come from Russia, Iraq, Iran, or any other foreign country. America’s greatest threat comes from a complacent populace who would sit back and do nothing while our own civil magistrates surrender our nation’s sovereignty and independence to international interests. Think about it: 232 years after Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence, and after our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to defend that document, our nation’s leaders from both major parties are in the process of ceding America back to the kind of global empire from which we fought to break free. This is America’s greatest threat! ------------------------------ Perhaps the Obamaramas/McCaininites in this forum can enlighten myself and Pastor Baldwin as to why we need to keep bleeding for the globalists en masse on behalf of their anti-American agendas. |
Is Condi Rice a Lesbian?
This is tantamount to the slander that took place about my governor here in Florida. Liberals had no problem insisting he was gay because of his lack of a spouse; then their idiocy ended in light of his recent marriage. Besides, I thought liberals were the tolerant ones?
The war in Iraq is Over
Since when was the purpose of our military to liberate people? Soldiers are designed to kill, destroy, and complete their mission. End of story.
oboma osoma or yo moma
At least Osama and my mother don't lie.
Yes death and war would be a way of life for some eh? please stop the personal comments
Wait wait, let me get this straight--I call someone a peacenik and tell them to grow up, and that's a personal comment? Good, solid debate is a welcome thing, but when there's no thought and just emotion in a post, it deserves to be ridiculed. Building weapons does not equal chaos and destruction--sounds like the typical anti-gun argument on a larger scale. You had no problem calling me a neocon in several threads, which was a consequence of your inability to read. Do the rules also apply to you? Again, please, act like an adult. Thanks. |
Yes death and war would be a way of life for some eh? please stop the personal comments
Wait wait, let me get this straight--I call someone a peacenik and tell them to grow up, and that's a personal comment? Good, solid debate is a welcome thing, but when there's no thought and just emotion in a post, it deserves to be ridiculed. Building weapons does not equal chaos and destruction--sounds like the typical anti-gun argument on a larger scale. |
Don’t Cage Dissent
Too bad you can't offer real, patriotic dissent--if it was Obama or a socialist pinko you'd be praising them to no end. Unlike myself and others on this forum who basically call these crooks what they are: traitors.
Is Condoleeza Rice Stupid?
I just bring you the articles if you havent noticed rarely with my own opinion but pravada to me is a little more respectable than some of our news outlets.
Now that's almost as funny as Ray Charles driving a bus. Go home. |
War mongering has gotten America where it stands now in the world..looking over your shoulders, never sure of who is going to attack you next...any semblance of being a "world leader" (AKA bully), is because you sit on the greatest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Go home, peacenik. You need to grow up and join the world of adults. The fact you equate defense spending with warmongering shows just how far removed you are from reality. |
Is Condi Rice a Lesbian?
So much for Madison's tolerance.