Community > Posts By > WarElephant
That don't mean jack if you didn't serve yourself. I had two husbands that served in Vietnam and they were so totally screwed up from the experience it made them dysfunctional for life. Also, my cousin died of agent orange and my father serve in world war II. That does not qualify me as an expert on military life because I was not in the military myself. Same goes for you.
Haha, I love the typical adhominem from Americans who automatically think that if you have not been in position A you can not relate to experience B. No wonder we have a such a bad economy--no one thinks practically when it comes to anything. It's like, ya know, we can't possibly know anything about a car unless we've driven it and changed its oil! Yeah, forget the fact that you're exposed to a military lifestyle growing up, forget that you have more friends overseas serving than you do on your own street, that doesn't make you an "expert" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean), so therefore, your opinion must be completely irrelevant. Yeah, that's right, don't address any substantive argument, just call the person ignorant and move along with your life to make yourself feel better because, hey, it's the American way, right? |
No, death doesn't take on a new meaning. It may seem more "real," but that doesn't change its effects. Crying in a warzone is what civilians do. Soldiers kill.
McCain is not a war hero. He has shown little compassion for the victims of war.
And his father should have received a court martial for the U.S.S. Liberty incident. |
I can.. but the saddest of all that is that it is just those men and women that serve and get discarded, which allows exactly such ignorance
Don't insult my patriotism, or my family's legacy by calling me ignorant. My father is a Vietnam vet, and two of my cousins have served in Iraq. So sod off. |
McCain on Foreign Policy
How about McCain and Bob Byrd team up.
It will be like 1800s all over again. Just without the big beards. |
I agree it makes a difference, but it doesn't make the deaths any worse or better. Death is just death. It's an indiscriminate force during times of war.
Awareness of the war should be championed, but policy decisions should be made with the mind, NOT the heart. |
Wow, now if this isn't sensationalism, I don't know what is. Comparing the U.S. military to a prison? Yeah, because, you know, they threaten to kill you nowadays if you refuse to sign up! Oh wait, now I remember, it's a volunteer force.
Also, this kid is a moron and should have never been let into the military, "I almost took out a 6-year-old boy. I almost killed someone's son." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You're in a warzone, chief. Your job is to kill or be killed. If you can't grasp that concept then you probably shouldn't be in the military, period. What if that kid really did have an AK? I'm sure he would've thought the same for you! ![]() |
720 m? dont you realise that our "money" comes off a printing press and has no value? who cares what it costs. Now you're speaking my language. ![]() |
what is politicized, the death counts? Putting a face behind a number is too much for you?
Or you mean republicans feel guilty enough as it is? Death counts are politicized every time someone says "LOOK AT OUR MEN THEY ARE DYING FOR ______" or "HOW MANY MORE LIVES MUST WE WASTE FOR _____". Coming from a military family, I can assure you that politics means nothing on the battlefield. Death counts are seen as part of the job. I oppose the Iraq war because it is unconstitutional and being used by international banking institutions to expand their markets. All other reasons are secondary to me. |
Not a supporter of the Iraq War here, but there are plenty of good reasons to get out of Iraq other than politicized death counts.
I am hoping that he will not be, more Bush bull. ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh yeah, change like Obama who wants to invade Pakistan, or Hillary who says we need to be more aggressive with the Serbs. Now that's some real change from the Bush "bull." When will you people get it through your thick skulls that Bush/Clinton/Obama/McCain are all playing for the same team? |
Hahahahahahaha Hillary...
Neither Hillary nor Obama can win in a general election at this point. Petty race/gender issues aside that Democrats seem to be obsessed with, they have effectively thrown it all away by engaging in tiresome mudslinging. McCain is going to be President.
Oh wait, it's not like it matters. McCain/Hillary/Obama agree on pretty much everything. |
Bush's Legacy
what is it that you want to know? if the constitution should be thrown out if majority wants? yes, if that's what the majority of this nation desires.
Thanks for proving my point. Have a nice life. |
Bush's Legacy
Right, that's what I thought. You can't even respond to me, probably because you just don't want to, so you repeat yourself instead. Move along.
Bush's Legacy
Oh no no, first you're going to answer my question: where is the freedom in majority rules? To quote Jefferson, “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” So again, please, since my thinking is so "backwards," please give me an answer... and I will give you one.
where isn't the freedom? is voting on the laws and regulations of our nation not a freedom being excersized? every branch in our government where there is voting works on the majority principle. and what freedomes shall be lost? no law should violate our founding documents. i really don't understand your logic. do you believe the minority should sway politics? Wrong, the judicial branch has nothing to do with "majority rules", as it is based on a system of unanimity, and the executive branch has no form of democratic decision making whatsoever. That's why it's called the EXECUTIVE branch. We have a separation of powers for a reason. The minority SHOULD have a valid sway in politics, because the history of this country is one of an oppressed minority, whether it was in the Revolution or the Civil War. Do you know what percentage of people during the Revolution supported secession from Britain? Do you know how many people in the North supported Lincoln's policies towards the South? A majority is irrelevant when it is at odds with the concepts of freedom. Your logic suggests that if a majority of people decided to throw the Constitution out tomorrow, then that in itself is just and democratic. Voting is indeed an expression of freedom. But government's have a habit of becoming tyrannical, even at the behest of your so-called "majority." That's why we were founded as a Republic, and that's why we are one to this day. |
Bush's Legacy
where's the freedom in restricing voters? Oh no no, first you're going to answer my question: where is the freedom in majority rules? To quote Jefferson, “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” So again, please, since my thinking is so "backwards," please give me an answer... and I will give you one. |
Bush's Legacy
Have you ever heard the terms pompous and presuptuous
![]() ![]() Have you ever heard the term ignoramus? ...the complete ass backwardness of your thinking Please, enlighten me. Since you were so courteous to come on here without any hesitation and simply chastise me as a nut because I said something YOU didn't like, why not also take the time to explain why my thinking is so "backwards?" Or rather, tell me, why exactly is the idea of freedom so "backwards?" Or is all you're going to do is make completely non-substantive posts here? |
Bush's Legacy
Have you ever heard the terms pompous and presuptuous
![]() ![]() Have you ever heard the term ignoramus? |
Bush's Legacy
| do you feel about your voting privileges?
![]() really man, everyone that is an american is free to vote. if idiots vote an idiot in, so be it. if the majority of the country becomes a bunch of alien worshiping weirdos and elect someone like that, so be it. our nation is about "majority rules", there is no excluding the stupid or odd. i have a hard time reading your opinions on such matters, it comes off very antiamerican Oh hilarious. You come in here and say that our nation is based of off "majority rules" (a blatant misconception and ignorant thing to say), and then in the same paragraph have the gall to say I come off as "anti-american"? What are you smoking? It's quite clear you have no concept of political systems, let alone the foundation of our nation, which is NOT BASED OFF OF DEMOCRACY. No, not every American is free to vote. Felons can't vote in a lot of states. Voting restrictions are still in place today; for example, you may not vote in a state which you are not a resident of. This may seem trivial, but it is hugely important when we talk about politics in America because we have states, not some European-styled unitarian system. Also, I'm glad you find it hard to read my opinions. The founders would be ashamed of you. |
Bush's Legacy
Ahh, now a pastor. That's a different story from a church. The pastor can endorse whoever he wants personally. Can't do anything about that, unfortunately.