Community > Posts By > romancingu
this aught to be interesting
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Hello everyone, I hope everyone is having a pleasant evening. I have a question and don't really feel like beating around the bush.
So here it is..... lol! So..... how do you tell your mate about their " NOT SO FRESH SCENT" if you get my meaning. I mean really...! how do you tell your mate " ummm... lmao I dont want to hurt her feelings and I really like her so..... anyone? |
Something Special
Isn't it funny how some of things you hold dearest to you are the very same things hat slow you down in life and keep you from furthering your success. Isn't it also funny how people complain about their lives and how unhappy they are. Yet, they do nothing to change it. Really? Everyone is capible of making their lives better and that much more successful. Those of us with good heads on our shoulders learn from our mistakes and then laugh about how others don't listen. Well, I am certainly trying to change my life by getting a better job so I can be sucessful but at my age; no one wants to hire me. So if you have any ideas; please let me know. Don't give up with all that " no one will hire me" That is probably why you don't have a job. Be a little more positive on the situation. There are tons of ways to make $$. You your abitlity to create. Think, and use that brain of yours to create a idea . Then focus on it and don't give up till you have reached your goal or fall on your face. Then if you fall....? Just pick yourself up and keep trucking!!! GL on your job search :) I know it is hard with our economy but don't lose faith. |
Something Special
I love my life, I have everything i need and my success is probably not what others would call successful but I love the simpleness of my life. |
Something Special
How Fast Are You Moving When You Are Sitting Still? When, after a long day of running around, you finally find the time to relax in your favorite armchair, nothing seems easier than just sitting still. But have you ever considered how fast you are really moving when it seems you are not moving at all? When we are on a smoothly riding train, we sometimes get the illusion that the train is standing still and the trees or buildings are moving backwards. In the same way, because we "ride" with the spinning Earth, it appears to us that the Sun and the stars are the ones doing the moving as day and night alternate. But actually, it is our planet that turns on its axis once a day -- and all of us who live on the Earth's surface are moving with it. How fast do we turn? To make one complete rotation in 24 hours, a point near the equator of the Earth must move at close to 1000 miles per hour (1600 km/hr). The speed gets less as you move north, but it's still a good clip throughout the United States. Because gravity holds us tight to the surface of our planet, we move with the Earth and don't notice its rotation in everyday life. ![]() Good to know :) But.........? lol |
Something Special
Edited by
Sat 11/12/11 05:17 PM
well going slow is good . Just as long as you are happy with your pace. why do the things you hold dearest slow you down? The things I hold dearest enhance my life. I don;t understand I think hes talking about 'burdens'. If you look at something as a burden, its obviously not what brings us joy, while if something truly difficult is still what we consider 'no trouble at all' thats the trick. We find our happiness. again it is such a negative perspective - how could something one holds dearest be a burden? I have been on another thread on here - started by a man who apparently has never been married - and it is so negative - what you can't do, shouldn't do, blah blah blah.....if things are burdens or sacrifices - why do them? if the OP feels he's being held back and he is unhappy, I would say that he is confused about what it is that really is "dear" to him and his success is, in reality, the more dear Well, what I was trying to say is some of the things we hold dearest hold us back from moving on to something more interesting or diffrent. The things we hold dearest to us are because we are comfortable with them and know they are safe. The things we hold dearest to us are even sometimes people who lead us into a false sense of closeness and love. When in reality you just waste time trying to make that person a priority... Rather then giving someone else a chance. But, why would you? You want that friendship or relationship to come true. But, in reality you are fooled by them and it" slows you down in life" ... not just that situation but any ...Job..... Relationship... Where you live... who you hang out with.... I'm not saying we all have this problem either so please don't be so judgemental . We all don't have a perfect life, but we complain about things we can fix. Why ? Are we all Lazy? No, we put other people or situations before our needs and continue to be unhappy. |
Something Special
well going slow is good . Just as long as you are happy with your pace.
Something Special
Isn't it funny how some of things you hold dearest to you are the very same things hat slow you down in life and keep you from furthering your success.
Isn't it also funny how people complain about their lives and how unhappy they are. Yet, they do nothing to change it. Really? Everyone is capible of making their lives better and that much more successful. Those of us with good heads on our shoulders learn from our mistakes and then laugh about how others don't listen. |
What decision
Edited by
Mon 05/16/11 10:28 PM
trust me ... I have said my peace... but quote " I just want to do me right now" meaning she wants to find herself and make all the angry thoughts of a relationship disappear before she gets into another relationship..... I dunno... i just don't want to make the wrong decision... But, I also don't want to realize I made the wrong decision by waiting for her to come around years from now....
What decision
But , I dont want to be 5 years down the line either before we commit...
What decision
Ah, you mean moving on without talking to them about it? Just cutting someone off and ignoring them instead of discussing the situation? Why wouldn't you talk about it? same as the rest of us.... scared of being hurt again after a disasterous relationship... so not really healed enough to move on... I guess... |
What decision
I just move on, and if they ask why no contact in let them know you are giving them their space, after all you're not committed....right.. real hard to do that... we have become best friends and she knows I love her. I also know she has issues and am afraid if i move on .... that is saying she was not worth the wait.... |
What decision
Or do you just do what? just move on... |
What decision
just move on...
What decision
So do you tell the person who is not wanting to commit your moving on? Or do you just do it and see what the reaction will be?
iPhone or android?
Which phone is the best by popular demand? Which is better?
dumbest response yet!!!
Edited by
Sun 04/03/11 08:19 PM
Oh my... did I hit a nerve? Its a simple as I explained... I asked a simple question with nothing else added. It was very simple I was from blah blah and went to blah bl;ah to school. Where did you go to school? Did you live close to blah blah....
I explained it real and without exaderations. I am sorry you do not agree with the majority of us. It was a real stupid comment to come back wit. I'm judging her by asking those questions? I don't think so.... I cannot judge someone that easily. Then she proceeded to bad mouth me over her assumption in the same email. TY :) for calling me a A-hole ![]() ![]() P.S People jump to there own conclusions way to often. They exaderate the situation and "assume" there own ideas of how they think the situation is going to play out. I do it too! I am not saying I am innocent or without fault. I am just simply saying here is another example of someone else doing something dumb. |
dumbest response yet!!!
lol :) These are all great comments. I just could not believe what I was reading when I opened the message. I was like.... " I was just trying to get to know this person". But, you are right ! It is better to know that person is NUTS!!! to begin with.
I can say she didn't beat around the bush with her sanity..... lol ! |
dumbest response yet!!!
So I had a mutual match with someone that was from the same area. So, I decided to converse with that person. I sent a message responding to her. I basically asked what part of town she was from. I told her where I went to school and asked her where she had gone to school at?
Pretty basic questions. But, as a response I get " So its true?? you are trying to judge me by where I grew up and where I went to school. that is hilarious " What idiot would think I would be trying to judge by those questions? How would you even? I told her that she has serious self esteem issues and that she should not even bother trying to converse with someone until she gets over her insecurities. SOME PEOPLE!!!! NO BRAINS |
oldie but goodie!!!
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Wed 01/12/11 07:25 AM
There is no such thing is a nice guy anymore. They are called stalkers today lmao!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |