Community > Posts By > romancingu
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
Piss on all that roses bulsh!t. She's interested or she ain't. Yes, I'm the romantic type. Well all women love flowers. I bet you don't even buy flowers period.. do you? My brother is the same way. " flowers are waste of money"... Well I say no they are not!! They brighten up someones day and make that day go by just a little better. |
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
<----puts order in for flowers!!! ![]() What is your favorite flower? |
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
Edited by
Thu 06/04/09 09:49 PM
How would that be creepy to go to your car a find a single rose?? because it could be confused with being a stalker. think about it: you're milling around her property at night while she's asleep. kinda creepy but keep in mind dude, i'm tryin to help you out, i'm not talking ****e or anything How about stopping by before I went to work and didn't go past the driveway... lolol you know does she know that?? I see what your saying now. |
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
Ok here is what you do..........skip the roses. You gotta be the alpha have to make her want you bad.... You have to grab her.... take her by the face....back her into a wall and plant a long and sensous kiss on her lips......where she just wants to melt right there and gets dizzy!! ![]() Yah well I guess it wasn't good enough...or maybe it was . I am not sure she does want to keep seeing me. But still hurt from last relationship I guess? |
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
ahhh forget it you all scare . I am not going to call her for at least 2 weeks now.
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
How would that be creepy to go to your car a find a single rose??
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
UH OH........nice guy alert!!! ![]() ![]() This is what I keep hearing >>> ![]() |
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
Well ,it is just a idea. I have not made up my mind on if I am even going to send flowers? well, you said that you've been dating for a couple weeks now right? how serious is the relationship? personally i think the flowers are a good idea, just dont send roses or anything though, its cliche. descreetly find out what her favorite flower is, and send them to her. Thats the thing she is not ready to be serious yet.... I have to earn her trust so she will let me in..?? This is the hurdle I am trying to jump |
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
lol I did that yesterday morning. But, didn't leave a note or message. I just put it on her window. She isn't a morning person.
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
Edited by
Thu 06/04/09 09:37 PM
She almost seems to skidish to even do that. But, I just thought it would be sweet.
Anyway I will check in morning for everyones responses hope to see many. |
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
Well ,it is just a idea. I have not made up my mind on if I am even going to send flowers?
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
lol you greedy gypsy
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
Possible, not to strong huh??? Smart aproach.
Flowers & music??? 911!!!!
I have a strange question for you all. .........
I have been dating someone for a couple weeks now that is very...mmm. well I would say a tough cookie to get to open up to me. So I thought I would try something romantic...You all let me know what you think. I was going to send her of course a dozen roses with a small note stating that I would love to see her again. I would also include a cd??? of the song "AWAKE" by "SECONDHAND SERENADE". You would probably have to hear this song to judge it.It is either going to freak her out or..... she is going to think its was romantic. What do you guys think she would think. Like I said all the romance in this gesture is in the song. Just wondering??? Either this or I am just not going to call for a while. |
No relationship??
Edited by
Tue 06/02/09 08:58 PM
well considering I basically just told her I didnt want to see her because of it. I think I might be up s-creek without a paddle now.I would not even know what to say now.
You know now I think about it. I think I was more scared about hearing that she didn't want a relationship .In fear that i would get hurt in the long run. |
No relationship??
So I wonder what i should say to her now . I already expressed myself. I wanted more from her. I told her to call when she could offer more. I guess I can still call her to ask her out though I guess.
No relationship??
Lol ok Bye
No relationship??
OK I'm really leaving you now So you think I did it as a threat? lol Not me... |
No relationship??
Just wonder if I was too hastily to decide that she was bad news . Rather then give her a chance to open up. well what do you think I decided? |
No relationship??
That is what I am thinking. I am rushing things. But like I said gives a weird feeling for someone you like to say . I can't commit to you.