Community > Posts By > HeSearches
I think the reason older women date younger men is because they find an older man too intimidating.
We're as smart and probably smarter than they are. We're more experienced and won't be lead around like a younger man would be. I doubt that it has much to do with sexual endurance as some women claim. It has a lot more to do with who controls the relationship. I'd prefer to date a woman who is younger or who at least acts younger than her years. I don't need to control her. I need her to be able to keep up with me and most of the gals my age just can't do that. |
where have
Define "good girls" for us.
How Men Scare Women
Dear Nurse Nell,
I was wondering when a woman was going to have the cajones to hijack my idea for a thread and write about how men scare women. You didn't manage to faithfully reproduce the idea though. I was writing about all the scarey stuff women put in their profile that turns us off. In answer to your questions 1) Being indecisive - I've found this is more of a female trait than a male trait. Women can't seem to decide if they're in the relationship or not and how much. It seems to be tougher for them than picking the right outfit. A guy will tell you straight up if he wants you and how much. A woman rarely will. 2) Wanting a good woman - heck, we all want good woman...with a bad girl streak. If we found one, I don't think we'd run off with some other b****h who treats us least not for long. 3) Calling on time - I always call when I say I will. The problem always seems to be your wacko work schedule or some other problem and you can't talk right now. Let's not even start on the voicemails I leave that you never return. 4) All women are the same? There is a sameness to a lot of the profiles. I would never assume you're anything at all like my ex-wife. If you were I'd run. 5) Flirting with others in your presence. I agree this is really uncool...and guys, if you're going flirt, don't do it when you're with a woman that interests you. 6) Trash talking your ex. This is very uncool. I never trash talk my ex. She's a good person. I just don't want to be married to her. If you trash talk your ex-anything what does that say about you? 7) Not respecting each other's time. I'm totally with you on this one. 8) Trash talking other men. We sorta covered this one with #6. Get over it! 9) Fishing for compliments. If you tell me I'm sexy I want to know how I make you feel that way about I can tell you that I'm flattered...and keep on doing those things that make me supremely sexy in your eyes. 10) Being clingy and possessive. I'll happily share you with the world as long as there are parts of you that are only for me. Deal? D |
Ok to call?
If she gave you her number, she expected you to call...and she's probably unsure why you haven't called already dude. Go for it!!
I just don't get these women who put avatars, drawings and photos of inanimate objects in their profiles.
It's ludicrous for them to think they're going to attract a man with those photos. Are they here just for fun? It's not fun for the rest of us. |
good morning
Went dancing last night. Pondering the day ahead...what to do...what to do.
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50's Women And Interviews
I don't assume that you're dummies because you're women or anything. Again, another bad assumpton on your part. You seem to keep making a lot of them I've noticed.
No, it just that I find it really boring to talk to a woman about my work. It's not that I find the work boring but I know she will. I'd rather find something much more interesting to talk about. |
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I haven't met anyone from here.
Either the women who seem to be interested in me I'm not interested in, or the ones that might interest me aren't interested or aren't available. I'm not interested in a long distance relationship with anyone no matter how good they seem to be. I'm here mainly for fun with no expections that Ms. Right will walk into my life. It's a small population of people here now so I'm not disappointed. Time will add new users and you never know. Made a couple of online friends though. |
Can we dance?
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Since its summer and snow is kinda sparse around here, how about we go to an old-fashioned A&W Root Beer Stand for a frosty tall one and a foot-long hotdog? Takers?
Horace Greeley is the one who said "Go west young man".
So I took his advice and moved to Colorado! |
how old were you
You mean where I got to pick her up in a car, go eat somewhere, makeout like crazy and steam up the windows, and take her home?
Oh, sweet 16 of course. |
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I like that Sweet Smile!! Yummy...
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How about a snowball fight? First,we need to find some snow.....
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Not since I drove a 10 ton in the Army.
i think
Rut Roh!!
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You know what?
Who you callin chickenbutt ms. chickiepoo?
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