Community > Posts By > HeSearches
Wow! Do you ever like to ask loaded questions. If the men in here who have any hope of meeting a woman in here answered this question honestly they would probably blow their chances. Answering this honestly for most men is a NO WIN proposition.
However, since I think it's unlikely that the woman for me has made an appearance on this site (I'm only interested in local women) I'll give it a shot. Let's start with the profile. 1. Only one photo and it's not a very good one. 2. The profile reads like every other profile. 3. Minimal information about interests, background, preferences, etc. 4. Lists interests that wouldn't attract most men If you're asking about women in general, here are the general complaints. 1. Don't like her appearance - not HWP (height weight proportionate), too short/tall/wide/slim/whatever 2. No sense of humor / goofy sense of humor / strange sense of humor / very sarcastic sense of humor. 3. Not a good match in terms of intelligence, values, goals, etc. 4. Inability to communicate well, uneasy about communicating, talks too much, talks too little, conversation is a lost art with her. 5. Has attitudes about romance and sex that are a lot different than mine. 6. Rigid personality - my way or the highway. 7. Arrogance that would take your breath away. 8. Talks trash about her ex, her family, her friends, her employer, nobody is good enough her and everybody did her wrong. 9. Brings too much emotional baggage into the situation. 10. She's no fun. I'm sure the gents could add some more to this but I think they'd say it's a pretty fair list. |
I got a date for tonight!
No date tonight. I had one last night. I'm sure I'll find some cute and pretty women to dance with me tonight!!
Hey kid, rest easy. I'm sure there's a cutie out there for you somewhere, sometime, someplace. It'll happen for you. |
Edited by
Fri 07/25/08 03:59 PM
No I don't think so.
What you're not getting is the men were asked to pick the ONE trait they thought was most important to them in a woman they considered "relationship material". It's not the ONLY trait they considered important....but they had to pick just one. If you think about it, the answers make sense. If a woman is disloyal then whatever other traits she possesses don't really matter. Do they? |
It does make one wonder who has more of an axe to grind.
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Fri 07/25/08 01:14 PM
I just love how these threads digress and EVERYONE has talk about their agenda instead of answering the question.
First of all, this question is FOR MEN, not for women. Second, do not confuse ANATOMY with PERSONALITY!! Third, the choices are the choices. Don't try add to them. If you choice isn't there, answer OTHER!! Here are the survey results from 29% A sense of loyalty 23% A sense of caring/nurturing 21% A sense of humor 21% Intelligence 6% Other What is your choice MEN? |
I took the answers from a national survey of 75,000 men. I wanted to see how the guys here compare to those answers.
Personally I would place confidence high on the list. |
Edited by
Fri 07/25/08 01:16 PM
Your personality in your boobs? AMAZING!!
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Fri 07/25/08 01:15 PM
This question is FOR MEN ONLY. Women can comment but I want the guys to answer with their preference.
What is the most important personality trait that makes a woman "relationship material"? 1) A sense of loyalty 2) A sense of caring/nurturing 3) A sense of humor 4) Intelligence 5) Other The answers are the ONLY CHOICES. If yours isn't there, answer OTHER. TY |
I need
This Schlitz is for you kid!
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its time for
Sounds good to me! Any lovely ladies want to spoon with me and fall asleep?
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Money and attitudes about money aren't usually discussed much at the beginning of a relationship but they are crucial to the long term survival of the relationship.
While you don't have to agree about everything, big differences in how you handle money are going to lead to big problems. If you're conservative with your money and he's a spendthrift spending everything he earns it's never going to last. |
I need a job
Edited by
Fri 07/25/08 11:19 AM
What are your special talents? I mean those outside the bedroom? hehehe
Seriously, think outside the box. While you can do the typical looking a job ads and sending out resumes, what you really should be doing is finding businesses or occupations that really interest you. Once you've identified some good prospects then start finding people who know people to network your way into an opportunity. Send your resume to businesses you admire and tell them why you want to work for them. This actually worked for my old girlfriend. She had loads of experience managing restaurants but also had a huge interest in wine. I told her to send her resume to the restaurants that had the best wine lists that she admired. She did that and within two weeks she heard from a five-star restaurant that had been looking for someone like her. She now has a job she loves and it keeps her so busy she doesn't have time for me anymore! |
At least three
1. Awesome sex! 2. Great wine! 3. Good smokes! Now if I could get all three from a tall sexy woman with smarts my life would be heaven! ![]() |
Let us Imagine together
You're obviously a very literate man and that's great to see. Please keep posting as often as possible. We need more posts that makes sense instead of nonsense and drivel.
In a way....this one is kinda tough for me. I have run into quite a few divorced women ( some with kids, some without ) that are so p*ssed off and bitter about what their ex did or didn't do that even considering dating them would just be asking for problems. As fas as whether or not she has kids...well..fortunately for me, and unfortunately for some women I have met, my daughter was a very well behaved kid. That gives me a relatively low tolerance for women who have children that are out of control. I look at it this way....if you can't keep your children under control ( and don't get me wrong, I know that kids will be kids at times, that's not what I am referring to here ) then how much control can you have with other important things in your life? Talking trash about their ex is the quickest way for a woman to get the exit...without the interview. I don't know why some people seem to keep wanting to revisit the pain of a breakup and stick pins in themselves or cut themselves again and again so they can feel the pain again. GIVE IT UP!! Well-mannered kids tell me a lot about a woman. It tells me not only what kind of parent she is but what kind of person she is. Granted kids, especially adolescent kids, can be a handful sometimes, but if she can't control how her kids behave around adults then I don't think I really want to know her any better. If she continually makes excuses for them then I really don't want to know her better. |
I have made a couple of great lady friends on this site. Unfortunatley they live more than a thousand miles from me and I'm not interested in a long distance relationship. But they're a lot of fun to write and read their mail.
![]() ![]() ![]() I'm still waiting for someone local to show up on this site that can hold my interest. Wherever Ms. Right lives, is not her current address. ![]() ![]() |
First Date Etiquette
Okay.... I had a date last night. The guy brought up his ex three times in the first 45 minutes. This included telling me they broke up in January and he was "devastated" and "physically ill". He was "lost" and she just "walked away"..... I know more about her than I ever cared to. Why do people feel the need to talk about their exes on the first date? I mean I can understand the whole why are you single thing, and a brief conversation/explanation, but really! More importantly, why do people date before they are over their ex? It is infuriating. The date had other problems, but he did not seem to notice. I heard the old I don't watch TV or listen to mainstream radio line... I don't keep up with current events. When he asked me out again, he did not even look me in the eye. We were standing outside, I'm looking right at him, and he is totally avoiding looking at me. WTH???? Some people really need to take a break from dating after a long relationship has broken up. I don't know about you but I don't want to be anyone's "rebound relationship". The first date is supposed to be airport talk. It's general. It's finding out mutual interests, similar experiences, and other interesting things about this new person. Most of all, the first date is to help you decide if you want a second date with this person. Talking a lot about past relationships on the first date is very uncool. It shows you still haven't gotten over "them". You can quickly cover the basics of past relationships on the first date - I was married (X Times), I have (X number) of children, my ex and I (have/don't have) a good relationship, it's been (X months) since I had a real relationship. That's about all that's necessary. Your guy spending all this time talking about his past relationship was a waste of your time. If he couldn't look you straight in the eye to ask you out a second time it shows he has issues you don't even want to explore. Dump him and move on. |
Fade, I gotta disagree with you from my own experience. I'm not going to take on the task of explaining what other men do but if I tell a woman I miss her I really miss her. I wish she was close, talking to me, doing something with me, laying in bed with me, and just being around. If a woman told me she missed me I'd want to know why and how much? Most of them are too chicken to tell you that. D Oh now I NEVER said the guys don't MISS the women .. that's not what I said. I said the WAY they SHOW they miss them is the difference. I totally agree they MISS their woman .. but I've had wonderful men tell me how much they missed me yet you coulda fooled me...THAT'S what I'm sayin. I think it's more communication breakdown and let's remember Communication is NOT what I SAY, it's what you HEAR ![]() Like a guy will say .. "I miss you baby" but he didn't even try to call all day. Why? Because he truly does miss the woman but it just stops there. That's all .. I think that what you say about communication is very true. It's what I hear, not what you say. I really don't understand a man who misses a woman and doesn't try to call or email her all day. If he does that then I would say he's just not that into you for some reason. He's saying what he thinks you want to HEAR. |
Fade, I gotta disagree with you from my own experience. I'm not going to take on the task of explaining what other men do but if I tell a woman I miss her I really miss her. I wish she was close, talking to me, doing something with me, laying in bed with me, and just being around. If a woman told me she missed me I'd want to know why and how much? Most of them are too chicken to tell you that. D Oh now I NEVER said the guys don't MISS the women .. that's not what I said. I said the WAY they SHOW they miss them is the difference. I totally agree they MISS their woman .. but I've had wonderful men tell me how much they missed me yet you coulda fooled me...THAT'S what I'm sayin. I think it's more communication breakdown and let's remember Communication is NOT what I SAY, it's what you HEAR ![]() Like a guy will say .. "I miss you baby" but he didn't even try to call all day. Why? Because he truly does miss the woman but it just stops there. That's all .. |
50's Women And Interviews
Flarob, you really should stay away from "it seems to me" phrases when it's clear you don't understand much about this. Your allusion to Tax Man is contemptible. I have nothing to hide from anyone. I just tire of dull people talking about things that would put me to sleep. Zzzzzzzzzzzz