Community > Posts By > HeSearches
Places to meet
Carolanne, you really need to get out more. We men don't bite. Think of us as friends you'd like to make. That's usually the best approach with us. Don't ask us silly questions like we're applying for a job. Ask us things that you'd like to know about us as people.
Thanks for reminding me to go see this movie CoCo.
I don't have a Bucket List but I have the list of 101 Thing I Want To Do Before I Die. |
Check me out. Maybe you need to think Older Man.
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I'm 58 and look and feel 48. Woohoo!
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Boob Job.................
I prefer natural BUT it's up to the woman. I don't think any woman should get a boob job because of a man.
What Should You Do?
Start dancing.
![]() Serve her a drink. ![]() Go watch a sunset together or walk on the beach (it shows you're romantic) ![]() Ask her to tell you the one thing that people would be surprised to learn about her (this should be a goodie). ![]() Ask her about her favorite song, movie,flower, store, and anything that's a favorite. (it shows you're interested) ![]() Conversations aren't just about talking mate. They're about listening and asking good questions. If you don't have enough questions, go look on the internet for Great Date Questions. I'm sure you'll find something of interest. |
I think long distance relationships will ultimately fail once you get together. The reason is simple. A person can look far better than they are from a distance. They can hide parts of themselves you would see if you lived near them.
I had a long distance relationship. I moved for her. It was one of the worst mistakes of my life. I'd never do it again and I'd recommend you never do it. |
OK for the men~
I think there is a huge difference between a woman being clingy and needy, and having daily communication with man in her life.
Some of us like to talk with the woman in our life at least once a day or correspond by email. It says to us that "hey, I was thinking about you." It says you care about us. When you never call or write or initiate anything, it says you could care less. It's fine with me if a woman is busy with her career or whatever, but I want to know that she cares enough about me to connect with me. If she can't make a priority in her life then I'm going to be out of her life so quickly she won't know happened. |
I remember you so clearly even if you don't
All the pieces of you that came together In one magnificent whole There were so many parts to you You set me on a journey And kept my mind racing Thirsting for the knowledge To mend a broken doll You could be any of 1,000 women And I could have any of them I wanted But all I wanted was you The most incredible woman I ever knew That was you Touching parts of me that no woman ever had Exploring me while exploring you There were always parts yet to be discovered And so many stories to be told A child that made me giggle With wonder at the world Adorable with an unforgettable smile Life was nicer much nicer A seductress without peer Your seduction came so natural It tempted me deeper As the music fused our souls A busy woman with boundless energy Filling every minute of every day You knew no other way A broken doll slipped from my fingers And she was lost for a long time Until I discovered her again I couldn't repair my broken doll So she fixed herself How I don't know What occurred is a mystery She was always mysterious An enigma, a puzzle, unsolvable Memories are lost Memories of what we once were She'll always be broken Even when she appears whole And that is the knowledge I have From mending a broken doll |
I'm betting that he's married or has another girlfriend. He's really Just Not That Into You for some reason. Otherwise why would he do this?
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 7
Currently very available and single...waiting for the right siren to get me to crash on her rocks.
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What Would You Rather?
I'd rather have a relationship with the right person....marriage is optional.
Do men really hate to ...
I love Pillow Talk - those intimate conversations after sex. Not every guy is man enough to do that and that's their problem but no problem for me.
I spoon, I cuddle, I hug, and I embrace. Some woman needs to fine me soon. ![]() |
Most Interesting Way You Met
I met my ex-wife at a mutual friend's house when I was in college. There were 4 people living in the house. She had a friend who lived there and I had a friend living there. It was completely unexpected.
We decided to go out that night. We wound up at a bowling alley because that was the only place close that served drinks. There was a park across the street and we climbed in the trees. We really liked each other. I married her in less than six months. |
i really just wondered
I think before you say I Love You, you should know whether or not He/She is really into you. You can tell a lot by how they act with you.
An excellent book on the subject is "He's Really Not That Into You" written by one of the writers from the Sex In The City show. It will tell you all the subtle ways you can tell whether or not a man is really into you or you're something else to him. I've read the book myself and everything it tells you is true to life when it comes to men. |
50's Women And Interviews
Indiblue, I think you're saying from a woman's point of view what I've been trying to say. I think the Passion Factor is a lot more important than the Finance Factor. I can have compassion for someone who's had some tough breaks but not for someone who is very irresponsible. I'm fine with paying for the night out but I really appreciate it when my love interest reciprocates from time to time.
I think women who are hung up about finances will miss out on men who could make them very happy. However, I think another one of the women made a good point. There are men who are losers and they need to be avoided. The lady who mentioned that her old boyfriend expected her to watch his children and quit her job is right on point. That's nothing short of abusive. That's one reason why as a matter of habit I avoid women with children still at home. My two experiences with women who had kids at home were to my regret. The woman who has to tell me in her ad or profile that she owns her home and is financially secure has issues I just don't want to explore. |
50's Women And Interviews
I suppose there those deadbeat dads and lazy men. That's a consideration.
All this becomes a problem for me because I'm an entrepeneur and self-employed. My income flucuates for various reasons. I'm certainly not going to ask a woman for a loan. I have other resources for that thank you very much. The average woman with her concepts of stable income and having a "steady job" doesn't have the ability to comprehend what I do. I have more than enough money to take her to nice places and that's all she really needs to know. |
Do you still enjoy intimacy?
It takes a great relationship to have great intimacy and great sex. I don't know if that's necessarily the "friends first" that women seem to think it is. It causes me to wonder how long will we be "friends" before we become "lovers" or if she has issues about being intimate.
One area where the guys really fall down on the job where women generally don't is taking care of their skin. Women use a good skin moisturizer all the time but men rarely do. Once I started using a decent drugstore moisturizer with SPF 15 I took at least five years off my face. If you want to get rid of that aged haggard look try that. It'll make ya feel sexy again fella!! ![]() |
50's Women And Interviews
By the way, whenever a woman tries to "interview" me I have only one thing to say..........NEXT!!!
50's Women And Interviews
Hopefully you get my point that I think this is a ridiculous place to start the conversation. I'm looking for a woman who thinks I'm a cute wonderful guy. I could care less about how much money she has or doesn't have. Either she's fun or she isn't. Either she's compatible or she isn't.
I have no plans to get married again. It might happen but it's not my first thought. What I do know is that if I find the right woman I want to spend a lot of time with her. Her interests, personality, compatibility, etc. are far more important than the state of her finances. Why do women think it works differently when it comes to men? The size of someone's bank account will matter little if they make you miserable. |