Community > Posts By > Jeanniebean
Msharmony, you never got why consenting adult sex was okay?
How about freedom? Free will? etc. |
Liking always turns to love?
What are your thoughts? An example, let's say an old friend of yours tells you they have been dating a few months, and their date has recently become more serious and suggested they see more of each other because of how well they get on together. Your friend confides in you that they like their date very much and want to know what you think they should do, even though you have never met their date. Would you say to them, liking is not loving, and suggest they let their date down gently and look for someone else. Or Would you tell them to say no to more dates and to continue as they are, at the risk of their date ending it to find someone more seriously minded. Or Would you tell them, that if they liked their date very much to take the next step, because these things always turn to love. What are your thoughts and what advice would you give your friend, if any? Im confused why my friend would ask me for an opinion about something I don't have any information on Id tell them it was entirely too personal a situation for me to have an opinion, and they should go with their own instincts They are an old friend and they value your opinion and thoughts on these issues, because of your experience in life, and they would probably be a little disappointed receiving no opinion. there is not enough information for me to form an opinion he has dated someone and he likes them,, I don't know anymore than this? my advice is, if he doesn't have some reason NOT to continue dating the person,,,,,,,,why not do so? I envision that he wants MORE. More time, more intimacy, more commitment, and the bottom line is ... more control. |
I don't think prostitution should be "legal" or "illegal." If it is "legal" then it becomes regulated by the government and the government collects their cut in taxes hence making the government into a pimp. If it is "illegal" then most of the time it is the women who get a record and the customer goes free. Why? I guess because he is a man and can't help himself. Who knows. I think the transactions between a man and a woman behind closed doors are nobody's business. This of course is about men as customers, and women as prostitutes. It is not about all the other variations of sexual transactions going on, including sex slave trade, or men prostitutes etc. I don't know that one goes free more than the other. I know they do stings where they go after the johns. So they certainly get arrested. Not very often. Mostly its the women. By legalizing it makes the government a pimp I mean a LEGAL pimp. That stuff you mentioned was not legal no matter if members of the government were involved or not. |
I am also not impressed by the horrible reputation of Saul as apposed to Paul, nor am I impressed by his alleged transformation. He went from persecuting believers to persecuting non believers. He was a murderer and a fanatic.
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Sun 11/24/13 01:10 PM
I don't think prostitution should be "legal" or "illegal."
If it is "legal" then it becomes regulated by the government and the government collects their cut in taxes hence making the government into a pimp. If it is "illegal" then most of the time it is the women who get a record and the customer goes free. Why? I guess because he is a man and can't help himself. Who knows. I think the transactions between a man and a woman behind closed doors are nobody's business. This of course is about men as customers, and women as prostitutes. It is not about all the other variations of sexual transactions going on, including sex slave trade, or men prostitutes etc. |
Liking always turns to love?
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Sun 11/24/13 12:35 PM
That is using the term "Love" to mean ..."Let's live together and have sex." Or: Lets be an exclusive couple.... get rid of your other friends if they are of the opposite sex.
This is why so many people are afraid to "love" each other or express their love for each other. |
Liking always turns to love?
I don't understand the question, if your friend likes his date, and his date likes him, what is the problem? Why can't they continue to see each other and see how it works out? I agree that "like" doesn't always turn to love, in many cases, it can turn to hate, but sometimes it does turn to love. I'd wish my friend good luck and leave it at that. That too. I think the issue is that one person wants to go to the next step... what ever the next step is. |
For me, faith is accepting what is, (no matter what).
Well said. I use the term "realism" for accepting what is. Your prayers cannot change the opinions of rational intelligent people. Even if you believe they could, to pray for something like that is akin to black magic and would be interfering with another person's free will. So stop praying for other people to believe as you do.
Well said again. Prayer is a form of wishing --�� and produces no more effect than chance alone. However, those who pray for divine (or other) interference with the lives of others must assume that they know more about what is best than the person directly involved. How presumptuous (and ignorant). Exactly. ![]() |
Liking always turns to love?
Sorry, I was deliberately keeping the example vague for simplicity. Looking at the question of whether or not to enter in to a more serious relationship, a monogamous one of courtship, moving from only liking someone in a dating only relationship, because their date wants a serious commitment from them, possibly engagement. Would you say to them, liking is not loving, and suggest they let their date down gently and look for someone else. Or Would you tell them to say no to more dates and to continue as they are, at the risk of their date ending it to find someone more seriously minded. Or Would you tell them, that if they liked their date very much to take the next step, because these things always turn to love. What are your thoughts and what advice would you give your friend, if any? Both people should stop playing the guessing game and state what they want from the relationship. Do they both want it to go further into an engagement or exclusive dating (going steady) and possibly marriage or not? Is one simply pushing for a more intimate exclusive relationship? Is the other prepared for that? In the end, if one is not ready for that, they should say no or break it off. |
I have not tried to build one just yet. I don't have any beer cans. I think maybe I can find some pop cans. I'm going to video myself making it so if I cut myself with my zacto knife everyone can see it on youtube. LOL
Go ahead. Tell me I am wrong. Tell me something that makes sense.
You are not wrong. If religion made sense it would not be religion, it would be knowledge, it would be verifiable, it would not require "faith" (believing what you are told without evidence that it is true or accurate). When religion uses the word "faith" that is what they are doing. Trusting in the word of their Bible or their religious authority or priest, minister etc. But that is not how I use the word faith. For me, faith is accepting what is, (no matter what). It is a feeling of serenity that all is as it should be according to universal law. This serenity has no need to agree with the Religions or the scientists. I place my faith in the truth where ever it lies even if I don't know what it is. |
The O.P. were my comments on Sam Harris's video on youtube. Here is the link to that video if anyone would like to watch it. |
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Sun 11/24/13 08:55 AM
A word for genuine christians here.You cant stop unbelievers from forming wrong opinions about God,Jesus,the Bible,etc.But do not aid and abet their opinion.Its prayers that can change a lond-cherished believes and opinions of non believers,not arguement only A word about discussion with "believers." They won't (and can't) discuss these subjects rationally because they believe in irrational myths. Your prayers cannot change the opinions of rational intelligent people. Even if you believe they could, to pray for something like that is akin to black magic and would be interfering with another person's free will. So stop praying for other people to believe as you do. I have discussions with scientists, atheists, and the religious theists and I ask them for evidence and for a rational reason for their assumptions and beliefs because I want to know why the believe what they believe. They don't really know so they refuse to discuss it, or they quote from their authorities like Einstein or The Bible because they can't find the reason or the words. I have questioned both sides. There are gigantic flaws in the reasoning on both sides. The scientific atheists will imply that I am ignorant and uneducated and that is why I don't agree with their conclusions. -The end The religious theists claim that no one can see the truth until they take the Lord Jesus into their heart. -The end. What a bunch of B.S. Nobody wants to try to discuss the hard questions with reason and rationality, including scientists who believe that we evolved from an inanimate, unconscious, unaware, unintelligent substance, but have no idea how or where Life and consciousness suddenly began. Theist just say "God did it" end of story. |
My needs unanswered....
I used his line last night with 10 different women. Never got laid once. Any new ideas on how to git da' womens to drop dem draws?!?! ![]() Lots of cash? |
Sex before marriage...
Yeah its a sin,and some christians do it....mind you,every confessed sin must be forgiven.... What? How about you just stop sinning and forgive yourself and become a better person? |
Person of Interest..
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Sat 11/23/13 12:08 PM
I love the series, but not so keen on this woman in it now. There were a few episodes where she suddenly got all the action, all the smart stuff and fighting and Reese started to look like a wuss, not doing anything macho at all anymore. I dislike the Hollywood and the network's tendency to create dark depraved super villains. On the Mentalist, you have "Red John" On Bones, you have "The Grave digger." and Gormagon the cannibal. And Sherlock Holmes has Moriarty. Just give me a series where the good guys solve the crime and get the bad guys and stop trying to scare people with depravity! |
Sex before marriage...
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Sat 11/23/13 10:48 AM
people do keep rules, and they are in place for a reason I do agree though, that the government is not really a mandate in a coven that is supposed to be be with God,,,, because the government is by definition not allowed to really 'back' God up or not,,, marriage should be religious in nature or civil in nature but it shouldn't be mandated to be both,,, and I don't think it is government marriage is for those who seek the government stamp on their spiritual coven,, who wish to receive 'perks and benefits' from the government for their choice if I marry again, it will be strictly a coven with God without government involvement,,,, ![]() ![]() Although a legal marriage appears to be a civil union, THE STATE is ultimately corrupt and that's why I feel it is "the Devil's" institution. (I may not believe in the Devil but there may be an non human life form alien that plays that role. If not then it just represents evil to me.) If you believe this way though, then you should not register your children with the government with birth certificates, and SS numbers. It is when you do this that the government take over your family and feels that your children belong to them. Unfortunately unless you live in a religious society like the Amish, it is difficult to function without being entangled with government. |
Who or What is God?
I believe in the supreme being called God. It is far easier to believe in an all powerful being than to believe the universe just happened. Seriously, have you looked at the big bang theory? Ludicrous....jmo Since humans have no way of knowing how the universe originated they propose THEORIES. Some are scientific theories. Some are god theories. Many claim to KNOW what they only theorize or they accept what others (ancient or contemporary) claim to know. In the conduct of my life it makes absolutely no difference how the universe came to be. To those who say, "You will see after you die", I respond "There is no assurance that the proposed 'afterlife' exists or that humans possess a 'soul' that transcends death. Those are just more theories / beliefs that cannot be verified. Believe what you want but you waste your time telling me unverifiable opinions." ![]() ![]() You are absolutely right. |
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Fri 11/22/13 04:35 PM
In John 14:6 Jesus said, "��I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Now if what Jesus said is true, then other faiths are not alternate paths to God. To deny what Jesus said is to deny the Christian faith altogether.
Besides, how do you go "through" Jesus? Explain that. I can go through a door, I can go through a storm, through space, but through a man? But it does not make any sense to "go through" a man that has been dead 2000 years. So if you can't go through the man Jesus, then what does that mean? I think it means through his teachings. "To love thy neighbor as thyself. To love your enemy." TO LOVE. Go ahead. Tell me I am wrong. Tell me something that makes sense. |