Community > Posts By > Jeanniebean
woman inches closer H W P Henry Winkler's Penis TRP |
There must be chemistry. Unfortunately, sometimes there is chemistry with the wrong partner, and no chemistry with the 'nice' guys.
Its not easy to find both in the same guy. |
I learned this from a wise guru.
Resistance is the cause of all pain. |
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Tue 11/26/13 03:48 PM
Why do I always have a hard time emotionally when I break up with a partner and others take it much better? Also why am I not able to absorb advice and words of wisdom that are said to me even though it makes sense to do so? How can I be stronger like this? The worst thing is that I am very strong and some would say confident at work and where I teach and people ask me for advice, but I cant see my own advice... Whats wrong with me? You resist what is. This is why. Accept what is and move on. |
Has it been established with verifiable evidence that "the beast" is anything other than an invention of human imagination? If that has not been credibly established, what is being discussed cannot rationally be considered anything more than mythology. Numerical digits have significance in mathematical calculation. Can they be DEMONSTRATED to have celestial or ecclesiastical meaning (with anything more substantial than quotations from unverifiable ancient writings by unidentified authors / folklore / religious opinion)? 6666 used to be the last four digits of my phone number. Church ladies were really creeped out by it and I actually got harassing phone calls. |
Things that pisses U off
Headaches. And deadlines. And having to write papers around Thanksgiving. And people who assume posts are about them.... I find it annoying when people take jokes personal. Like I was talking to a woman in twitter about her blog. She had a post about hot to find someone for a three some. In it she said you need to find a unicorn. I asked her what she meant by a unicorn and made a joke about it being a mythical creature. She sent me a link to another post of her where she explains a unicorn is an emotionally stable lesbian willing to participate in a three some or something like that. I guess it would be a emotionally stable bi sexual woman. So I replied by saying something like, so I need to find an emotionally stable lesbian? Still sounds like a mythical creature to me. She retweeted as I guess she got a laugh out of it. Some time later I got a reply from someone who read it from the one woman's retweet complaining that I was being negative or insensitive or something like that. I told her to relax it was just a joke and she kept complaining and calling me a jerk. I then told her she should have read the entire conversation that led to that joke and explained its origin. Didn't hear from her again since then. Seems like the people who take these jokes person most of the time are those looking to fight or who have been teased for it. Just have to accept that there are people that are going to take things personal and keep on trying to have fun any way. hahaha Yeah, I think people who do that are paranoid and probably trying to overcompensate for something. I just can't imagine being so arrogant that a person makes a post or a comment and out of everyone in the world (even people in the real world) they think it's about them. I should be so important. Or else she took it personal because she was an emotionally unstable lesbian. |
Hate to ask
I don't know how true the rumors are, but Aspartame has been rumored to cause freaky symptoms.
Snoops say these rumors are false, but I'm not so sure. |
Things that pisses U off
Running out of weed pisses me RTF off ! ![]() ![]() You don't grow your own? ![]() |
Things that pisses U off
Guys who say they want a relationship but really just want a roll in the hay Right! WTF! I don;t need a dating site for that ![]() You mean a roll in the hay is not a relationship? ![]() |
Things that pisses U off
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Tue 11/26/13 01:42 PM
All you can eat buffets that refuse to let you take a doggy bag. My fricken rights as a consumer, man ![]() Seriously? It is ALL YOU CAN EAT! Not all you can carry out in a doggy bag. geeze. ![]() |
To suggest that it needs to be perfect straight off the bat is wishful thinking. For somebody with such overwhelming expectation, I suggest you **** into one hand and wish into the other and see which hand fills up first. Give science a chance and then give the system time to catch up. What a cop out. Since this thread is 14 pages long and the O.P. was posted in 2009. No one has a clue what you are ranting about, or two whom you are talking. So your response makes no sense. Care to elaborate? |
Why I like America
I've only been out of this country once and I was in Mexico. I couldn't wait to get back across the border.
The Mexicans were very nice people, but when I was there it was almost impossible to place a phone call to America. I felt very cut off. I don't know how it is now, but damn. |
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Tue 11/26/13 09:36 AM
my nephew is autistic to, I don't think that's psychological its a physical ailment , like having been born with one arm but its more about having been born with something not developed in the brain I wonder if autism could be a birth defect or brain injury like they discovered cerebral palsy was. It could also be a result of the dangerous food and drugs Americans consume. |
cool, cultural perception
America is a great country in spite of its flaws. ![]() ![]() ![]() Why I like America thread: |
Why I like America
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Tue 11/26/13 09:28 AM
In spite of the corruption, America is a great place to live. This thread is for people to tell why they think America is a great place to live. Here is what I see: The American people themselves are largely very generous and will lend a helping hand to those in need. The State governments vary, some are better than others, but they can be independent from Federal rule, take care of their own citizens, etc. as long as they are not so dependent on Federal funds. People for the most part feel safe and there is law and order. We have freedom of religion. We have freedom of speech. (so what if some people abuse it.) Military service is voluntary. (Unlike Israel where it is required.) Women have equal rights, (Unlike Muslim countries) We help the poor. (Unlike some other countries) I love this country. |
cool, cultural perception
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Tue 11/26/13 09:13 AM
America is a great country in spite of its flaws. Russia from the things I have read is like the wild wild west. Even the police can't be trusted and are ripping people off on a daily basis. People are mounting cameras on their cars to protect themselves not only from scammers, thieves but from the police too.
If your dog goes blind he will likely go into depression if he is left alone. He would need a companion dog who would be with him, even leashed together to show him where the food and water is.
I had a dog who went blind and he got so depressed he quit eating even though he could find the dish. It was so sad. Another dog we had that was blind had a companion dog who looked after him and alerted him when a car would come into the driveway and would keep him from getting lost. |
I could afford to retire at 40. I have been retired my entire life. ![]() |
I can lick my eyebrows & hold my breath for 4 minutes. ![]() prove it. |
About fifty percent of mental illness is genetic. The other half is acquired. I have seen it up close and it is truly sad. Some of it is described as "evil". I guess that is a matter of opinion. Yeh I guess not all psychopaths or sociopaths are "evil." (What ever evil is) Like Patrick Jane on the Mentalist. At least he is not a serial killer. ![]() |