Community > Posts By > BettyB

BettyB's photo
Mon 02/03/14 06:57 AM

From his posts, it sounds like pet owners in general. Those who don't like animals just need to look for others who feel the same, rather than thinking pet owners will change for them.

That is not what I got from his posts but I agree that its better to seek someone who is more compatible. I learned from experience that a fanatic pet owner will never love a person as much as they love their pet so not much future in dating someone like that.

What makes someone a fanatic pet owner?

As I stated one that will never love a person as much as they love their pet.

I suppose that some people are like that, but I would hope they are in the minority of most dog owners.
I know its for sure not the case with me. I love my dogs and I love people too. I just don't want to be romantically involved with a man that does not like them. None of us would get along well then.

BettyB's photo
Sun 02/02/14 09:37 AM
Edited by BettyB on Sun 02/02/14 09:42 AM
I personally DO NOT put pets over people nor do I force them on anyone.
I have a few relatives that are scared to death of dogs so when they are over I keep the dogs downstairs.
They are only here a few short hours and not that often so its ok.
My point is I am responsible to keep my dogs out of harms way ,as well as keeping people out of harms way of my dogs.
That's why anybody I date who will be at my house more often MUST love pets.
I once made the terrible mistake of dating a guy that didn't like dogs and I caught him kicking my dog for no reason...yes for no reason...I saw him do it.
I will never ever put my dogs in that position againnoway

BettyB's photo
Sat 02/01/14 08:14 PM

For me it is necessary that any man I would even consider dating MUST love dogs and cats.
I do not have any interest in a man that doesn't.
Pets are a huge part of my life and that's the way it is and always will be.
Like Tawt said dogs will and do give you unconditional love.
. How many people do?

Actually my friends and family give me unconditional love and I don't have to pick up their poop or walk them. laugh

laugh That's true.

But I was talking about dating. Men come and go but my pets stick with me no matter what .

Now if only I could get them to shovel the snow !!!!!!!

That is what snow blowers are for. laugh

HEY you just gave me an idea. I should add must have a snow blower on my profile.

BettyB's photo
Sat 02/01/14 07:57 PM

For me it is necessary that any man I would even consider dating MUST love dogs and cats.
I do not have any interest in a man that doesn't.
Pets are a huge part of my life and that's the way it is and always will be.
Like Tawt said dogs will and do give you unconditional love.
. How many people do?

Actually my friends and family give me unconditional love and I don't have to pick up their poop or walk them. laugh

laugh That's true.

But I was talking about dating. Men come and go but my pets stick with me no matter what .

Now if only I could get them to shovel the snow !!!!!!!

BettyB's photo
Sat 02/01/14 07:38 PM
For me it is necessary that any man I would even consider dating MUST love dogs and cats.
I do not have any interest in a man that doesn't.
Pets are a huge part of my life and that's the way it is and always will be.
Like Tawt said dogs will and do give you unconditional love.
. How many people do?

BettyB's photo
Fri 01/31/14 12:29 PM

Any snow for sale ?

You come and shovel it you can have it.

Hi everybodywaving

BettyB's photo
Fri 01/31/14 12:22 PM

I am more turned off by the word "MUST" than usually what follows. Someone has a big list of preferences I can deal with it but they start dictating how I MUST feel, behave, think well I will have the burning desire to hot foot it out of the door without even one look back.

I don't really understand this. Isn't your saying you are turned off by the word Must the same thing as the ones who say you must?
In other word are you not saying you must not say must?
Is that not one of your preferences?

BettyB's photo
Mon 01/20/14 03:59 PM
This is all a load of crap. The idea that women want a jerk is only an excuse men make up when they can't get a woman.

BettyB's photo
Sat 01/18/14 07:30 AM

I sure do understand the vindictiveness need. I prefer to feel hurt, as in sadness, that the relationship didnt work out, tho. I can have fleeting moments of hating the other person (for not being my match) but then I come to my senses and have to realize that I chose that person, and I continued a relationship with them. I see at some point that there were signs and I was too weak to respond to them. In the end, I recognise the bad, so I can avoid them next time, and enjoy the good memories.

...oh! and if they didnt have feelings for you from the start, you are way ahead of them. Having feelings is awesome isnt it? Didnt you love having those feelings? The other person missed out on something great. Theres something broken in someone who cant feel, so maybe you can feel better about your situation with that perspective?

Excellent post KLC flowerforyou

BettyB's photo
Sat 01/18/14 07:08 AM
I think the older you get the less shy you become, at least I found that happened for me.
You get to a point you realize you have earned the right to just be yourself, and you are no better or worse than the people you are with who you feel shy around.

I think feeling shy is a fear of not being accepted. You can't please everyone so don't worry about it and just focus on accepting yourself and embrace the person you are.

BettyB's photo
Wed 01/15/14 04:45 PM

:smile: It's my personal opinion that most of the good men are in Canada. But diff to say only bcuz people tend to complain about things or what's wrong, & not talk enough about the good things in the world.

Good for what? Intimate encounters like what your profile says you are after? I suppose intimate encounters is what you consider the "good things in the world". Personally I like people with more "depth" than that, so I'm not going near Canada if you are the "typical" Canadian. JMHO :tongue:

Being a Canadian myself ,I can assure he is not. Well not anymore than any other country.

BettyB's photo
Wed 01/15/14 04:42 PM
I don't like those choices. I want to have Family and be rich.happy

BettyB's photo
Tue 01/14/14 05:12 PM

I never understood why becoming older is looked down or feared.
I mean really, who decides if you are old or not .If you are old so what???If you are young so what?
We all come into this world at different times and we all leave it at different times. Its what you do with TODAY that matters.
Enjoy every minute you have, whether you are young or old.

I agree. My dad died very suddenly, a young man of 58. He told me a few weeks before that time: Treat each day like it is your last day on earth. You may never again get the chance to tell someone you love them or get to say good bye.

I am sorry about your Dad Kandy. The advice he gave you was right on. My parents used to tell me the same thing.

Thanks BettyB, Dad had premonition of his death. We talked in length of what to do afterwards. It caused a lot of jealousy with my sisters because they did not get to say goodbye.

Grief does funny things to people sometimes. Its misplaced anger. I hope its all resolved now. Family is so important.

BettyB's photo
Tue 01/14/14 07:42 AM

I never understood why becoming older is looked down or feared.
I mean really, who decides if you are old or not .If you are old so what???If you are young so what?
We all come into this world at different times and we all leave it at different times. Its what you do with TODAY that matters.
Enjoy every minute you have, whether you are young or old.

I agree. My dad died very suddenly, a young man of 58. He told me a few weeks before that time: Treat each day like it is your last day on earth. You may never again get the chance to tell someone you love them or get to say good bye.

I am sorry about your Dad Kandy. The advice he gave you was right on. My parents used to tell me the same thing.

BettyB's photo
Tue 01/14/14 07:39 AM

No sex or cohabitation before marriage, good idea or mistake?

I like all the cards on the table.

That's right. Got to make sure the Joker doesn't show up.:tongue: .

BettyB's photo
Fri 01/10/14 12:14 PM

The odd one Betty but there always seems to be an ulterior motive

How is this any different from older men?laugh

BettyB's photo
Thu 01/09/14 07:14 PM
Is it possible that they are just interested in the woman herself and are looking past her age?

BettyB's photo
Wed 01/08/14 12:08 PM
Canada is pretty darn cold too. Yesterday with the wind chill it made it feel like minus 41c. DREADFUL!!!!

BettyB's photo
Wed 01/08/14 08:57 AM

We have all been hurt in one way or another. And we have hurt others.

But we are all on this site for a basic reason. To find a partner or friends and trust plays a big factor.

Trust must be earned. I must say though that if you are holding on to all the misdeeds of the past, then you are not ready to trust again. Not yet. I believe in some ways we have to move past the hurts and on some level, we must forgive. I am NOT saying that we justify or belittle what we went through but... move past it... let it go! Think of how you're learned and grown past and probably because of those experiences.

I think it's the only way to slowly be able to open your heart to trust again. Then we trust again through positive experiences where the person follows through with what they say they will do. Even simple things as a phone call. This to me is integrity. If a person displays integrity, you will slowly realize that he/she is a trustworthy person. Honesty is, of course, a big part of integrity.

Very wise words!!!!!!!flowerforyou

BettyB's photo
Sun 01/05/14 05:07 PM

Cause the women they are with are dumb enough to believe it. That's probably part of the appeal. An intelligent women would realize that if he is cheating on his wife with her he's going to do the same thing too her if she ends up with him?

Do you know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result...

I believe this is totally true.

I don't really agree. There are a lot of intelligent women who have been taken in by this "promise." The man wants to have his cake and eat it too. Some go to great lengths to maintain this illusion instead of working on things at home or getting out.

The woman wants to believe's a delusion that she allows herself because she wants to believe it is true. it seldom turns out to be, however. People often believe what they want to believe, hear what they want to hear....

Yeah but why any woman would even want to get involved with a man who does not honour his commitment gets what they deserve..nothing in return.

good question. but we know it happens. from my experiences online I will say that married men do not always disclose that factoid right away...IRL I guess that's analogous to his removing his wedding ring when he goes to the

That is so true. It does happen. But once they find out he is married they should run away and not ever look back.

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