Community > Posts By > whatdoyaknow

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Thu 02/28/08 07:30 PM

reson y im drinking to forget about issues

:cry: unfortunately the issues will most likely still be there when you sober up. Hope it gets better for ya

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Thu 02/28/08 08:03 AM
Edited by whatdoyaknow on Thu 02/28/08 08:06 AM
Yea..pray for our men and women to come home safe and also pray for the people that have to make the decision to go to war or not. Im not saying that i support the war or not, that is not the issue, but I would not want to be the one to make that decision... You can't please everyone. We also need to pray that once they do some home that they can re-adjust to civilian life. I hear it is a really hard thing to do. Also pray that they do not come home with any diseases that they picked up while there... brings tears to my eyes just thinking how many are there that miss their family, that have missed babies first steps and many other "firsts" that can never get back.

I do appreciate the ones that fight for my freedom.... support and prayers for you all

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Thu 02/28/08 12:47 AM

i havent heard back from him senice i sent him this........

First off u know nothing about me...I was raised in a church and still go Thank u very much...I have been saved...How little u know...My own father whos a studying to become a pastor has tattoos...Get with the program...I just added some stained glass windows to my temple...I mean isnt that what my body is??? thats what the bible says it is.. So what churches can have stained glass but my body cant??? F0 that... Maybe in ur book i ruined my appernace..but in my neck of the woods, The church i go to, the people i hang out with and i date, like how i look... Hate to break it to you. but i've dated respectable men...actually the last one i dated was a studying to be a youth pastor...Every tattoo and pericing i have has some sort of meaning to me and i dont get them for nothing. they are each something i've gotten AFTER God has helped me through a really hard struggle.....

Whatever...UR just a sadd lonely little man whos got nothing better to do then to pick on other people.....cuz ur jelous and scared

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou you go girl

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Thu 02/28/08 12:45 AM

please dont believe anything that that person said, You are a very beautiful young women... for some reason they need to hate others to feel better about themselves.

If that email came from a user here I would send it to "the powers that be"

I am also a Christian and I do not believe that God condemns us for tattoos... from what I saw on your page yours are pretty cool, not satanic or evil.

I am so maddd at that person... Makes me angry when others pick on anyone for no apparent reason.

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Thu 02/28/08 12:37 AM

he thinks that every time he gets out of jail he can come back to me, and i'll take him back...then he fools around behind my back, and goes back to jail...ehhh

brenda, I am sure you heard it before and it is true...YOU DESERVE BETTER THAN THAT.. move on dear

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Thu 02/28/08 12:31 AM
always spit...if you swallow it just comes back up and makes ya caugh yukk

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Wed 02/27/08 09:30 PM

And I thought you were gonna call your group the "He-Man Wimmin Haterz Klub"! laugh

laugh laugh laugh laugh
can i be darla?

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Wed 02/27/08 11:13 AM

yes you are notified

thanks for the reply... i wonder how people were added to my list than hmmm o well I guess it is just another mystery that has no closure laugh

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Wed 02/27/08 11:09 AM
Hi everyone... I am kinda new here and I was wondering how favorites work.

I clicked on the favorites button to see what options it gave and there were two people there. Are these people that chose me as favorite cause I know I didn't add anyone there, but it didn't say anything like "so and so has chosen you as favorite" so I was a little confused.

I guess a question I have is, when someone adds you as a favorite are you notified?

thank you... off to work now. I will check back later for answers

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Wed 02/27/08 11:01 AM
hip hip hooraydrinker .... you go girldrinker drinker congrats.... its party time drinker drinker drinker

(how was that :smile: )

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Wed 02/27/08 10:57 AM
laugh laugh where is the icon for lmao? anyway... I have seen this before.. a long time ago and it is still a good one.

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Wed 02/27/08 10:55 AM

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Wed 02/27/08 09:00 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Wed 02/27/08 08:57 AM

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Wed 02/27/08 08:50 AM
Edited by whatdoyaknow on Wed 02/27/08 08:52 AM

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Wed 02/27/08 08:50 AM
Edited by whatdoyaknow on Wed 02/27/08 08:52 AM
well...if my friend was female and I had a BF i would not trust her. After time the friendship would prob deteriorate because without trust it is hard to have any kind of relationship.

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Tue 02/26/08 08:55 PM
Edited by whatdoyaknow on Tue 02/26/08 08:55 PM
hmmm you just did some advertising for him :D uhhh thanks? jk jk

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Tue 02/26/08 12:05 AM
nahhh don't bother me... it is just a way of saying i would like to get to know you if you feel the same stop in and say hi.

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Mon 02/25/08 08:57 PM
GOOD LUCK DUDE!!!!....that is wonderful. would give ya a kiss for luck but not sure how you would know all that sexual harassment stuff laugh ........>>>>>>snakes away quietly

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Mon 02/25/08 08:55 PM

I met this girl on another site and replied to her after I read her email and she waited 4 or 5 days to respond, but there is a feature where you could see if they read your email and she did the first day I sent it, but she waited so long to respond.

Maybe she didn't have time to respond. I try to respond as sson as I read but sometimes I have waited a day or two.... sometimes it was because i was not interested and had to think of a way to say that without offending him and others because i wanted to take my time in answering because i was interested... hope that clears things up lol