Topic: IS THERE GOD? | |
People have been asking themselves this question for many centuries. But there
are no fewer doubters. Genesis 1: 1 says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Does anyone else believe that all this splendor is the sky and everything on it, the earth and everything that happened on it by chance, as a result of a big bang? All this could not happen by chance, by chance! And how did we humans appear? Are we descended from monkeys as a result of evolution? Of course not! God created the first people in his own image and likeness, as stated in Genesis 2: 7 - "And Jehovah God went on to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living person." Such complex systems as man, animals, different laws of nature could not arise by chance, but only by the will of the wise Creator. And God is such a Creator !!! Therefore, God exists and he is real! |
If God didn't exist, He would have to be invented.
Therefore, Man created God in his image. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 09/11/20 12:12 AM
Thank you for your humor! ![]() |
Thank you for your humor! ![]() Bill is right, I don't know if God created us or not but we certainly created God. |
Yes, people have created a god for themselves and more than one. Only all these "gods" are useless when trouble comes to the house - they will not return a deceased loved one, they will not restore health, they will not solve a difficult problem ... And if you want to know about the origin of man (created by God or he descended from a monkey), read the Bible. Everything is written there. |
Yes, people have created a god for themselves and more than one. Only all these "gods" are useless when trouble comes to the house - they will not return a deceased loved one, they will not restore health, they will not solve a difficult problem ... And if you want to know about the origin of man (created by God or he descended from a monkey), read the Bible. Everything is written there. Like every other religious person, your "God" is the only true god. Everyone else is mislead, of course. How incredibly sad that you have to base your life on a book - any book. The Bible was written by men, and is the Word of Man, not any "God". I'll not take the "monkey" bait. The only monkeys are the ones believing the Bible. |
The Bible is a book from God. As stated in 2 Ti 3:16 - "All scripture is inspired by God ...". Some people ask: how can the Bible be a book from God if people wrote it? The answer is in the Bible itself, in 2 Pe 1:21 it says - "People spoke from God, moved by the holy spirit." Simple example: the boss instructs the secretary to write a letter and state his thoughts in it. Who will be the author of the letter? Of course, the boss, not the secretary. It is the same with the Bible: God through the holy spirit transmitted his thoughts to people, and they wrote them down. So who is the author of the Bible? Of course, God, not man. The Bible also tells about the past, explains the present and predicts the future. No man could do this. This can only be done by someone who knows from the very beginning what will happen at the end. Isa 46:10 tells us that God talks about what will come at the end and what has not yet been done. |
God actually has a pretty sweet gig going.
He gets all the credit for the good stuff, but doesn't have to take any blame for the bad things. As far as predicting the future, if the future is predetermined, then what's the point in anything, if it can't be changed? Your philosophy does away with free will. Why would God go to all the trouble of creating everything if He already knows how it's going to end up? |
Philosophy is the brainchild of man. And I'm talking about God.
Yes, God did a lot of good for people: He gave them life, gave them a beautiful home, gave everything they need for life ... And eternal praise and honor to God for this !!! What are people doing? When misfortune happens, misfortune comes people say - God is to blame! Is it? When a person kills his own kind, when criminals rob a bank, when parents rape their own children, when an innocent person is sent to prison ... - what is that? Is it God's fault, is God to blame for all this? Not! The man is to blame. It's a great philosophy to blame God for everything bad that man does! And keep all the good things for yourself. |
Edited by
Sat 09/12/20 05:53 PM
Lord knows what is good and what is bad.
All I know is that believing in God is like standing on a train at 77 miles per hour and being opposed to God is like getting run over. |
My question is how did Jesus redeem is by dying on the cross?
Is it so His dead body can empathize with how we feel? I am confused. The resurection I understand. To me it is intuitive. We visualize positive abstractions of the way God’s world works, in our fallen condition. The life we lived in our window of action, and our pattern of self aware consciousness, are abstractions of an eternal filing cabinet. |
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Edited by
Sun 09/13/20 12:27 AM
FOR LS =========== The question you asked is very difficult. I will try to answer it. God created the first human couple to be perfect and opened up the possibility for them to live forever. what did God want in return? He wanted Adam and Eve to obey him. But at one point, Adam disobeyed and broke the law of God. By disobeying his Father, Adam sinned. He lost his perfection and the ability to live forever and died as a result. Also, Adam passed on to us, his descendants, sin, disease, aging and death. And what did God do to correct this situation? God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to free mankind from the gifts of Adam. But how? Sin and death were inherited by the perfect man Adam, who did not obey God. Therefore, in order to free people from sin and death, another perfect person was required who would obey God to the end. Jesus Christ became such a perfect person. Having died a martyr's death for the people on the stake, he covered with his blood (perfect life) our sins and gave us back the opportunity to become perfect again and live forever in paradise on earth. This is what God intended for people from the very beginning. Jesus redeemed people by voluntarily giving his perfect life for us sinners. Interestingly, and now someone will give his (imperfect) life for someone else? |
Redemption from relational sin makes a lot more sense. I know it was standard worship at the time to atone for sin by making a sacrifice as a symbol to express seriousness and affirm repentance for deviation from Gods will. The manifestation of the Lord voluntarily paying for our sin, since we can not really make things right on our own by making a sacrifice, is intuitive redemption.
Thanks ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Just take a look at all the nature that surround us and the stars in the sky above our head. the earth rotates around the sun and it takes 365 days to go all around the sun.
people are born and die on this earth and the earth goes on rotating around the sun. |
YES !!!
I've had two close calls with death in the last year (and several others prior) and those that haven't...................well it might change your thinking. |
There will be heaven after death. Heaven is in existence right now. We will not be able to experience heaven after death, but we can experience it right now, and heaven is eternal.
All possess a fragment of heaven. Jesus communicated a larger, shared fragment of heaven; heaven can not be without that piece, but it is not the only piece.
Death is as dark as it instinctively looks. Definitely avoid.