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Fri 09/11/20 12:39 AM

Revelation 20:13 says, "And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and the Grave gave up the dead in them..."
Many people do not believe in the resurrection of the dead. Indeed, how can you resurrect someone who has died, decomposed into atoms and nothing is left of him?

But think:
when a designer creates a device, he remembers every screw, every detail, remembers the scheme of his brainchild. And in case of unforeseen circumstances, he can recreate his invention.

Also Jehovah God remembers everything about each person, character traits, features, advantages and disadvantages ... Therefore, it will not be difficult for him to resurrect or recreate all dead people.

Just imagine that your deceased loved ones will come back to life! Isn't that happiness? Happiness!

And finally, for all those who have lost loved ones, tears will dry up and heart pain will go away.

Dear readers!
English is not my mother tongue.
And i can make mistakes.
Please forgive me.

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Mon 10/05/20 11:22 PM
We all have relatives who are no longer with us. The pain of losing loved ones will never completely heal.

But this is not the only thing that torments us. Some of the dead offended us, some of them we offended. And these old grievances torment and gnaw us. And everyone thinks: if we could return time back ...

Yes, you can't return time!
But God promises us the best - the resurrection of the dead!

I believe and hope - my mother will rise again and I will be able to hug her and ask for forgiveness for all the troubles that I caused her.
I'm sure a lot of people think the same way.
Although we live in different countries, speak different languages, think differently, we have the same grief and misfortune.

But in order to see this historical event, one must turn to face God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

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Wed 10/07/20 01:59 PM
God's Word is Truth. Whatever His Word says will come to Pass.

God does Not lie. Man does.

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Wed 10/07/20 01:59 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 10/07/20 02:01 PM
God created Man and before that the Universe!

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Fri 10/09/20 03:01 AM
Yes, you are speaking correctly.

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Sat 10/17/20 12:57 AM
Who will not be resurrected?

Although the atoning sacrifice of Christ was made for all mankind as a whole, it will not be applied to everyone. In Mt 20:28 (New World Translation) it is said - the Son of man came "to minister and to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many." This verse does not say "for all," but rather "for many." Therefore, some part of the people will not be resurrected.

Sins are hereditary and intentional.
Hereditary - sins passed on to us by Adam.
Intentional - sins that we do ourselves.

The atoning sacrifice of Jesus covers those sins that a person received as an inheritance from the forefather.
If a person sins on purpose, on purpose, then such sins are not covered by the ransom.

Those who will not be resurrected:

1. Sins against the holy spirit.
A person who denigrates the holy spirit will not be forgiven in this
system of things, not in another: Mt 12:32 (New Translation
Peace). Such a person will never be forgiven and
there is no point in resurrecting it.

People who knew the truth and received the holy spirit, but
later retreated.

For example, Judas Iscariot.
He learned the truth and received holy spirit, but later retreated,
began to sin and, as a result, betrayed the Son of God.
Judas Iscariot has no hope of resurrection.

2. Angry people who do not want to change.

3. Adam and Eve. They were
created perfect - their sin was not
He was intentional. They had a choice: eternal life or
death. The ransom of Christ does not apply to them.

Adam's firstborn is Cain. He killed his brother Abel
intentionally and not
repented of his deed. He will not be resurrected.

4. Contemporaries of Noah and the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah.

5. Our contemporaries who will not accept God.

Abhilash's photo
Sat 10/17/20 01:17 AM
I know my past but I don't want to share all these things. Because nowadays if we believe in God or talk about these kind of topic people will call us schizophrenic..

no photo
Sat 10/17/20 10:02 PM
Yes, you are right.
But does it matter what people say? They say today one thing, tomorrow another ...
What matters is what God says and thinks, because only God has a perfect understanding of everything.

Speaking badly about those who believe in God, people do not understand that they are talking badly about God himself.

no photo
Wed 11/04/20 08:38 PM
Where will the people who will be resurrected live?
What will they do?

tdion's photo
Thu 11/05/20 01:45 AM
Edited by tdion on Thu 11/05/20 02:26 AM
There is lots of Christianity in here. That clouds correct thinking. When we deal with truth, we must lean on the Holy Bible. The prophet [Isaiah 28, 9-10] explains that we must start with the milk like a new born baby and then with the meat, after we grasp the basics. Using biblical words with a Christian mindset leads to confusion and wrong interpretation. Biblical Words such as sin, holy ghost, spirit, death, soul, resurrection, heaven and hell have different meanings from what we have learned.

For instance: When we read "All Nations" it often means something different from what we believe or have been taught. When Christ commanded his disciples to go into "All nations", and preach the gospel, he ment the jews only, because they were scattered into all nations, and were foreigners in these lands.

Also, we actually have two Gospels namely Christianity and the Holy Bible. Christianity is based on the Catechism of Rome, and the Holy Bible is the book of God. The one is man made and the other is from the creator himself. The bible tells us, We must trust in God rather then men.

no photo
Mon 11/09/20 02:49 AM
Yes, you need to trust only God.
Because only God has a perfect understanding of everything.

tdion's photo
Thu 11/12/20 05:16 PM

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Sun 11/29/20 05:23 PM
How many people have lived on earth to this day? Unknown.

However, if Jehovah resurrects 20 billion people, then there will be plenty of room and food for everyone.

Today, the land area is approximately 148 million square meters. km or 14,800,000,000 ha.

Even if you use only half of this space, then more than 1/3 hectare will be needed for each person. From 1/3 hectares, you can get more than enough food for one person, especially if the land is blessed by God and gives rich harvests.

And if we assume that there is not enough room for life, that is, places where people do not live - swamps, deserts, mountains, snowy continents. Jehovah can make them fit for human beings.

In any case, all people have enough space and food to live.

tdion's photo
Wed 12/09/20 12:49 PM

How many people have lived on earth to this day? Unknown.

However, if Jehovah resurrects 20 billion people, then there will be plenty of room and food for everyone.

Today, the land area is approximately 148 million square meters. km or 14,800,000,000 ha.

Even if you use only half of this space, then more than 1/3 hectare will be needed for each person. From 1/3 hectares, you can get more than enough food for one person, especially if the land is blessed by God and gives rich harvests.

And if we assume that there is not enough room for life, that is, places where people do not live - swamps, deserts, mountains, snowy continents. Jehovah can make them fit for human beings.

In any case, all people have enough space and food to live.

I am not sure why you believe the earth is over populated with shortage of space and food. That's not biblical. It was Bill Gates who was talking about "depopulation" and an over crowded earth. That's part of the covid-19 agenda, why it was discussed before the pandemic became a fact.

no photo
Wed 12/09/20 04:23 PM
I probably got it wrong. I am not saying that the earth is overpopulated. My guess is that if God resurrects 20 billion people or more, then there will be room for all people to live and eat on earth.

tdion's photo
Thu 12/10/20 09:19 AM

I probably got it wrong. I am not saying that the earth is overpopulated. My guess is that if God resurrects 20 billion people or more, then there will be room for all people to live and eat on earth.

There are no such plans and the bible does tell us, that the earth will abide forever.

no photo
Sat 03/20/21 05:49 PM
The last test of humanity.

When the 1000 years of Christ's reign ends, Satan will be released from prison (Revelation 20: 7,8).

What will he do? As always, he will begin to mislead the peoples, trying to take them away from God and gather them for war. There are many people who will follow Satan.

Revelation 20: 8 says - "They are many, like the sand of the sea." Their number is not known in advance, but judging by Revelation, there will be many.

Which of the people will follow Satan, having lived 1000 years without wars, hunger, poverty, crime ...?

Most of the people who will live at that time are resurrected people. And they have never been tested in faith. Before their resurrection, they did not know God's purpose.
These people were part of that system of things, they were unrighteous. After the resurrection, it will be easy for them to serve - they will live in paradise, where there will be no wiles of the Devil.

But will these billions of perfect people serve God if Satan is given the opportunity to try to take them away from the Creator?

To resolve this issue, Satan and his demons will be released from prison. And they will take many people away from God,
as it is said - "there are many of them, like sea sand."

It turns out that not all people will pass this last test.
But whoever survives to the end will be blessed forever!

After the test, Satan, his demons and those of people who did not pass the last test will be thrown into the "lake of fire", that is, will be permanently destroyed.

God will put an end to evil on earth and the life that every person dreams of will come.

tdion's photo
Sun 03/21/21 07:36 AM

The last test of humanity.

When the 1000 years of Christ's reign ends, Satan will be released from prison (Revelation 20: 7,8).

What will he do? As always, he will begin to mislead the peoples, trying to take them away from God and gather them for war. There are many people who will follow Satan.

Revelation 20: 8 says - "They are many, like the sand of the sea." Their number is not known in advance, but judging by Revelation, there will be many.

Which of the people will follow Satan, having lived 1000 years without wars, hunger, poverty, crime ...?

Most of the people who will live at that time are resurrected people. And they have never been tested in faith. Before their resurrection, they did not know God's purpose.
These people were part of that system of things, they were unrighteous. After the resurrection, it will be easy for them to serve - they will live in paradise, where there will be no wiles of the Devil.

But will these billions of perfect people serve God if Satan is given the opportunity to try to take them away from the Creator?

To resolve this issue, Satan and his demons will be released from prison. And they will take many people away from God,
as it is said - "there are many of them, like sea sand."

It turns out that not all people will pass this last test.
But whoever survives to the end will be blessed forever!

After the test, Satan, his demons and those of people who did not pass the last test will be thrown into the "lake of fire", that is, will be permanently destroyed.

God will put an end to evil on earth and the life that every person dreams of will come.

The Holy Bible was not written to everybody. Something I have to repeat. Christianity was!

no photo
Mon 03/29/21 10:46 AM
Dear Sir!

Explain your words, please.
What does it mean that the Bible was not written for everyone? For whom?

tdion's photo
Wed 04/07/21 10:27 AM
Edited by tdion on Wed 04/07/21 10:42 AM

Dear Sir!

Explain your words, please.
What does it mean that the Bible was not written for everyone? For whom?

[Psalm 147:19-20] He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgment unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation, and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD.

Israel was not a Landmass but the name of a man and his people. He gave the bible to Jacob and they suffer his judgment. Simply put; if you are a heathen then the judgments and the penalties that come with this judgments (the bible), are not for you.

Because of those penalties those who received it, runned away from it, and it was stolen and put into the hands of those that don't suffer the consequences, but soon will. It's terrible lo live for God and disobey Him. You are either a heathen or not, and that MUST be your 1st concern. Hopefully this helps!

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