Sad news for me
I'm sorry to hear this also. But don't ever give up, where there is life there is hope. And Andy's advice sounds pretty good, it all depends on how much trust you have in our medical research. Good luck to you, and I hope it doesn't take as long as the summer of 2013.
Virtual Dating
It's when you feel all hope is gone, when that special someone will show up. Don't give up, and good luck to you.
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Are you approachable?
I think I'm approachable, I have many friends, that trust me, and know that I wouldn't repeat what they told me. If a stranger approaches me and wants to talk, that's fine, but living in a city like Brooklyn, makes it difficult to trust what the person is saying is true or not. I just trust people until I see a reason not to trust them. Sometimes that can hurt, if you are honest with others, and they aren't with you, but live and learn (hopefully anyway) is not a bad motto when you are talking about life in general.
How am i doing?
First of all I liked to say welcome, I'm new here myself. I read your profile, and think it's good. You did state you were shy, so perhaps that is the reason why you didn't put too much on your profile. I don't see anything wrong with that, with the right woman, she will get you talking. Good luck to you!
friendship anyone?
I'd be willing to be a friend to you. Welcome, and I hope you find many friends here that can help you with whatever you need.
Most hospitals offer recovery from many addictions, some are also free, no need for insurance. To the best of my knowledge, AA for alcoholics and also certain drug addictions, are free.
Remember one important point however, a person must first admit they have a problem, and be serious about wanting help. Personally, I smoke, cigarettes that is, and at this time I have no desire to quit. If and when the day comes, and hopefully it won't be when I am diagnosed with a terminal disease, I will make that decision for myself. |
First I want to start with an apology, I didn't read all of the answers posted. In my opinion, in our age group, most people are married, and still together. It does get harder as you get older to find someone to share a life with, but I still believe it is possible.
As far as anyone asking for personal information. like income, and so on and so forth. I would just write them off as even a potential friend. I don't need to hear anything about what someone who worked their whole lives to put in the bank, or what kind of home they own. In all honesty, material things don't make me happy, if the person's feelings aren't sincere. I have come across this type, and even after repeatedly telling him that I don't care what he owns, still went on and on, about what he owned. I found that boring, and really quite frankly, none of my business. Get to know the person first, and let things come naturally. If they were meant to be they will be, if not, ask yourself how much worse will you be if you had to live out the rest of your life with just your family and friends that you have now. |
Being yourself
Answer to sub question:
What's to fear? Either people like you or they don't. Whether it is a meeting for a future relationship or just a friend. Life isn't a popularity contest, and I have been crucified for my opinions on certain topics, but I don't back down when I feel that I am right, but I do apologize when I find out I am wrong. Life is all about learning, and meeting different people from different cultures, can be a learning experience. |
--- Ancestry ---
To the best of my knowledge I'm Italian on both sides. There is a site you can use to find out your whole ancestry, and I like that a lot. I use it occasionally but don't know enough about paternal grandmother, to get too much information. She passed away when my dad was 2 years old. I do find it very interesting though. You never know where your bloodline will lead you.
Rate my Profile Not Me !
I think your profile is good, if you really need to be proven wrong though, it sounds a bit arrogant. None of us are perfect, and we all make mistakes, if you want a relationship you need to be more flexible.
Being yourself
It's always wise to be yourself. If you pretend to be someone else, how long could you keep the masquerade going, before the real you comes out?
As for your question on am I being honest on here? Yes I am. Whether or not it will lead to a future with someone, what will be will be, but whenever meeting someone, please do be yourself. If that person don't like the "real you" someone else will appreciate what you have to offer. Good luck to you! |
A thought to ponder
I agree with this statement, but I am also guilty of it. The best thing I can say is, what doesn't work the first time, doesn't mean it won't wont work another.
What's For Supper?
Chicken Caccitore, is usually liked by everyone, over rice of course.
Why did you do that?
I felt it was right at the time, we all make mistakes.
tell me
I don't think any of us would be here if we had a love life lol. Sorry I didn't mean to make light of your subject matter, however, it is the truth.
I agree with the majority here, unless it's an emergency, there is no need to text, or be on the phone while on a date. Even if the person finds that they aren't interested, they should end the date early, or at the end of the date, admit the truth, that you aren't what they expected.
What is love to you?
Love to me is someone who I know would be there for me, and I for him without any hesitation. It has to be real, not fake, and most of all to feel free to be myself, without fear of being judged.
I don't see anything wrong, or smart *** about what you said. There will always be a difference of opinion on all topics, whether it is politics, religion, even as far as raising children. Should it then be that anyone with differences have a right to smack someone? Absolutely not! As I said previously, don't sweat it, and keep trying till you find the right one. Good luck to you.
Most of my friends on facebook, are family, some are friends and their children. Others, I did get a request from playing games on there. Recently FB did let people that I don't know, from other countries, that don't speak English, send request from a game. It all depends on how you handle yourself with these people.
If there is trust, and no parties are the jealous type, I believe it could work, perhaps even better than someone living next door to you. The anticipation of seeing each other, should help the relationship grow. It depends on the individuals and how mature the two are. Good luck to you!