no photo
Tue 12/16/08 08:33 AM
Edited by SeriouslyJustSayHi on Tue 12/16/08 08:34 AM
Even the best sociologists who may study this for years have no answer to your question.

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Tue 12/16/08 07:05 AM
Some people are so f'ing sick!

Hopefully now, Santa will grant this little girl her wish. And maybe the publicity will bring in lots of extra toys for her too!

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Tue 12/16/08 06:58 AM
First off, if anyone ever tells you they loved your profile...Ask them WHAT ABOUT your profile did they like.

Never offer to spend any money on a womans plane ticket. That is absurd! Especially if she contacted you first. If she is contacting a man who lives far from her, then she should be prepared for what comes.

There were a million red flags in your post. Just like there are millions of impoverished people throughout the world looking for some sucker.

Good Luck to you.

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Mon 12/15/08 07:10 PM
For romance...sunset..its is a soothing feeling watching the sun go down.

The sunrise, is a start me up, lets get up and start the day feeling.

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Mon 12/15/08 06:58 PM
Edited by SeriouslyJustSayHi on Mon 12/15/08 06:58 PM

You look good. But it doesn't say anything in your profile.

I took it out because no one read it anyway!

Then you are going to continue to attract men who dont care about anything other than your are conceeding you are a peice of meat.

Complete your profile, and maybe one day someone will actually read it, and you will know better if that is someone you want to be with.

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Mon 12/15/08 06:54 PM

Didn't we discuss this just a short while ago, this afternoon?

yeah we

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Mon 12/15/08 06:36 PM
Thank you all for your support. I HATE drama like this. I avoid it like the plauge.

I am grateful to you all for your kind words of encouragement.

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Mon 12/15/08 05:20 PM
Edited by SeriouslyJustSayHi on Mon 12/15/08 05:24 PM
It wasn't much, I would say less than $50. But being a single mom, and having a mortgage, and christmas to pay for, things are over extended this month.

It is making me SICK! She doesnt even know yet, noone does. Other than you all... I just needed to vent..

Does anyone has any advise as to how to calm down???

I am also embarassed. I mean this was in MY home! My daughter wasn't here, but a few of my friends were here yesterday watching football. After the game everyone left, the young cousin came back in to grab his cell phone and the money was gone...(the whole bank was gone!)

This is my home, I feel like I dropped the ball on my daughter.

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Mon 12/15/08 05:15 PM
explode explode pitchfork pitchfork

mad mad mad mad mad mad

A family member of a friend stole my daughters piggy bank!

I am so angry! Because my poor daughter (who is only 5) had been saving to buy ME a present. I dont have the money to replace it right now.

I am just so angry...How does someone steal from a little girl?

This is going to end LOTS of friendships for me too!

I am just so hurt and angry! URGH!mad madexplode explode explode rant rant rant pitchfork pitchfork rant devil devil grumble explode

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Sun 12/14/08 04:48 PM
absolutely..however I also beleive that a way a person looks does reflect to a point on their personality and life experiences.

The Huntchback of Notre Dame just doesnt have the same life experiences as Brad Pitt, hence dealing with them would be difficult.

I also belive there are other thing than looks, like smell, or just "chemistry"

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Sat 12/13/08 02:54 PM
Welcome Precious! You seem to be a lovely lady. Call in your patients and you will find someone worthy of your talents, class, and experience.

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Thu 12/11/08 05:56 PM
where do you do these background checks? I would love to have access to that kind of information

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Thu 12/11/08 04:50 PM

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Thu 12/11/08 04:20 PM

who are you again????

Quit it! Get your @ss back in my bed!

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Thu 12/11/08 04:17 PM
sad That is the sadest post I have ever read. I am going to hang myself now...

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Thu 12/11/08 07:06 AM
I love the pic of you with the long dread things, in your profile.

I know what its like to try to deal with that mid-length hair...but since you asked for opinions, I think you should consider growing it out...You would look fabulous!

no photo
Thu 12/11/08 06:54 AM
You are a very sweet young man. I understand the emotions are so strong and VERY REAL for your right now.

All I can say, is be patient with yourself. As the other posters have said, you are very young. Try to focus on a brother or sister or good friend right now. Enjoy your last few days of freedom. The military will be tough, and it will toughen you up.

Honestly, this girl sounds a bit nuts, and most likely you are better off without her.

Enjoy your youth, your health and the future you have ahead of you. It is looking bright!

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:27 PM

i could but i cant look cute with no dam dryer lol so i can sit n have a drink but id rather drink while watching one of u fix my dryer.... hehe

Men just dont get it....someone needs to run right over there and be nice and fix the damn thing for her....

URGH... I hear ya sister..I have a house too, and right now my fancy european dishwasher is TAPED shut to my countertop, with an attractive BLACK electrical tape...

dash it all, I can wash the dishes, but it would be nice if the thing would stay shut!

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Wed 12/10/08 06:10 PM
Edited by SeriouslyJustSayHi on Wed 12/10/08 06:16 PM

I don't know, a lot of us have gotten a good feel for each other on the forums and would have some fun I think.

I agree if it were some of the regular forum posters in a room...but if your talkin just a big singles bar with Mingle2 people in it....well it would be pretty quiet.

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Wed 12/10/08 06:07 PM

However, its not because I am some super intelligent woman. Its because I find it boring when I dont have anyone to share it with.

I will watch some tv with my daughter from time to time, but i prefer her not to watch it at all so I avoid it.