"If you don't read for entertainment or knowledge, well I guess I don't have to clarify that, or Do I ? "
Perhaps just a little clarification would help. |
"It has been so long I don't know how to do this but here goes."
It's like riding a bike. Only on a freeway in a torrential downpour with clown shoes. |
I just wonder how so many people can use the same cliche. Is there a "Do It Yourself" book that recommends it? It is so pervasive that it seems like people believe their profile is lacking if they don't mention "easy going".
"whats up. just looking to hang out what about you i guess this needs to be longer. "
I'm told that it's not the length; It's how you use it. |
"I like to drink v8 juice along with lemonade while eating pizza with chocolate sryup"
It surely took you years of experimenting to come up with that specific combination. |
"I believe the only reason you need to be outside if to get from the front door to your car."
If you keep your car in the garage, you can virtually eliminate any exposure to the sun. |
"I am really not wanting to say much but I have to say something don't I."
With that kind of attitude, I really don't think it will matter. |
"Hey!! Well I'm a proud mom of 2!! I luv them soooo much!! Just message me if ur interested!!"
In what? Adopting them? |
"sing and dance
i want to join the Navy I am very unique i like all kinds of music hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahha" A very inconvenient case of the giggles. |
"hi there this is my description I'm only here for a minute. no pervs. no cams. no emails. thanks blah. I really have nothing to say but apparently ******** thinks I'm being funny so I have to ramble on and on to meet the criteria"
Even hilarious profiles like yours are required to meet minimums. I am as dumbfounded as you. |
"I belive that chilvary still excists."
You typed 6 words and missed on 3 of them. That's not bad.... for a slugging percentage. |
"Well I don't like a borring life much less a borring conversation."
You could try spicing up your life with a new dictionary. |
Edited by
Tue 01/04/11 09:03 PM
"P.s there is nothing best but a good laugh once in a while if not better all the time."
I keep thinking that if I can find the perfect combination of punctuation I can get this sentence to make sense. |
"Mommy neads a brake once and a while to go out and have nothing but the best adventures."
You must live on a very steep grade. |
Edited by
Sun 01/02/11 08:49 AM
"Im going to be a grandmother and feel pround of it."
Not sure this is something of which to be proud. I mean, other than giving birth yourself, how much did you contribute in the becoming of a grandmother. Nagging? |
"hmmm.....thought i'd update this section and actually write something instead of just rambling on to meet the minimum to post."
Finally, someone that wants to make the effort to have a unique and interesting profile. [continued] "i'm a very down to earth chick" Fail |
"well if you've read this much about me u must think im really cool or super lame"
Yep. |
"I am a very whitty person who likes to make people laugh"
Why do you have to bring race into it? |
"I like fishing. Going to the zoo. bahabhabah. aayhd djfkdi fdkjalfds. Im sophisticated and working on getting my degree."
And a history of momentary blackouts. |
"I want to be a famous porn star."
I can only imagine the number of requests you get for nude pics... |