| big deal to me. :P And I keep lysol handy wipes under the sink just in case...I have a 7 yr old boy who doesn't aim so well in his sleep and a 2 yr just learning how to make that thing the eternal scheme of really doesn't matter if he lifts the seat or not...hit or miss....just always seemed like such a petty thing to argue about imho
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Do you feel safe?
Mm....yes and no. I can walk around my own little neighborhood/cul-de-sac...but not out on the main street so much...depending on what time of night it is. lol
July Across the World
So here in America, we're getting ready to celebrate our Independance Day...a grand day for the United States. But what about our neighboring countries? What's going on for you in the month of July? I'd like to extend a "Happy Holiday!" to you all around the world and hope your own holiday days will be as wonderful and happy as ours will tomorrow!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Cayman Islands -- First Monday in July -- Constitution Day British Virgin Islands -- July 1 -- Territory Day Burundi -- July 1 -- Independence Day Canada -- July 1 -- Canada Day Rwanda -- July 1 -- Independence Day Somalia -- July 1 -- Foundation of the Somali Republic Belarus -- July 3 -- Independence Day Cape Verde -- July 5 -- Independence Day Isle of Man -- July 5 -- Tynwald Day Venezuela -- July 5 -- Independence Day Malawi -- July 6 -- Independence Day (Republic Day) Comoros -- July 6 -- Independence Day Solomon Islands -- July 7 -- Independence Day Palau -- July 9 -- Constitution Day Mongolia -- July 11 -- Independence Day/Revolution Day São Tomé and Príncipe -- July 12 -- Independence Day Montenegro -- July 13 -- National Day France -- July 14 -- Fete de la Federation French Polynesia -- July 14 -- Bastille Day New Caledonia -- July 14 -- Bastille Day Mayotte -- July 14 -- Bastille Day St. Martin/St. Pierre and Miquelon -- July 14 -- Bastille Day Wallis and Futuna -- July 14 -- Bastille Day Iraq -- July 17 -- Revolution Day Colombia -- July 20 -- Independence Day Belgium -- July 21 -- Ascension to the Throne of King Leopold I Egypt -- July 23 -- Revolution Day Liberia -- July 26 -- Independence Day Maldives -- July 26 -- Independence Day Peru -- July 28 -- Independence Day Morocco -- July 30 -- Throne Day (accession of King Mohamed VI to the throne) Vanuatu -- July 30 -- Independence Day **Source: |
Welcome back to the religious threads Tribo lol
And what an entrance! *backs into a dark corner and sits eating her brownies and watching the thread* |
I spent 5 1/2 years waiting for "proof" and all I got was the 3 kids. (Personally...I got the better end of the deal..)
In my experience...waiting on insurmountable proof just isn't worth it. You'll make yourself sick trying to "set traps" to catch the person, or talking to any/all mutual friends to try to catch the person in lies, or waiting until they say they're going somewhere you know they arn't so that you can show up and then prove they weren't there. It's just too much stress, energy and time for little bits and pieces of "proof". Your best bet: Sit down and talk to them about it. Watch how they react, if you still get that "sick" feeling in your's not worth investing a lot more time into the relationship. (jmo) You can't be in a healthy relationship if you're constantly waiting for your partner to slip up, can't trust what they say or them, and go through every day with that god awful feeling knawing away at your belly. It's not fair to you. To the other person. Or to anyone else directly affected by the relationship. |
wed. night rool call 7/02
heya there love :D
video games, hiking/fishing/camping, reading, drawing, doing crafts,really...just about anything. Whatever strikes my fancy at the time lol
dark red/black and whatever's on sale :P
<------ Tis the kitty cat...she's smexy!
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JSH crushes - part 6
I've got a couple crushes....but like the girl a few posts back, I don't know if anyone has a crush on me. Aside from my gamma *snugs*
lol It's funny you bring this and my sister were having a conversation about this awhile back (she's 16) and she was talking about how hot Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Mel Gibson and Bruce Willis is and how she would happily be Mrs. _____ with any of them.
Yet when asked what she thought of a guy I was interested in (who's 32) she was like, "OMG! He's so old!!" I had to laugh at her and point out that most of the people she said she would "happily be Mrs. ____" with were older than that...some in their 40s. Her response, "But that's different." Why? Because they're movie stars who are very good at playing a character but who she knows nothing about on a personal level. To me...age doesn't really play too big of a you said, it's just a number. And way back in the old used to be the norm for teenage girls to get married off to men in their 30s+. It's just society that has changed over the years and now frowns on large age gaps. |
conversationalist? lmao
Usually after 30 mins with me, people are looking for the "off" switch to my mouth ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Everybody show me your...
this is the best I got lol
Somehow...I don't think it qualifies ![]() |
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Whose guitar version of The Star-Spangled Banner was featured in a 1996 Aiwa TV ad? What part of the banana is used to make banana oil? Euro tunnel links which two countries? #1 I would have to cheat and I don't know 2. none :P banana oil gets it's name from the fragrance 3. they just had a special on t.v. about this awhile back, it's England and France :D |
What is the most widely eaten fish in the world? What is the minimum number of musicians a band must have to be considered a "big band"? Who became the first father and son to win the NHL's most valuable player award? 1. uuhm...I'm gunna go with the herring 2. 10... 3. Bobby and Brett Hull (I love hockey ![]() Humm correct again lol maybe you should be asking them a few instead lol don't think anyone can beat you at this one lol lol I know entirely too much useless facts :P like...did you know that the average lifespan of the cidada is up to 17 years? Or that ancient egyptians would take oaths on an onion because it was considered to symbolize eternity (because of it's round shape). And that the Far Eastern leopard is the most endangered of the big cats. lol entirely too many useless, yet fun, little facts. ![]() ![]() |
What is the most widely eaten fish in the world? What is the minimum number of musicians a band must have to be considered a "big band"? Who became the first father and son to win the NHL's most valuable player award? 1. uuhm...I'm gunna go with the herring 2. 10... 3. Bobby and Brett Hull (I love hockey ![]() |
Very normal lol And you'll bounce back and forth over it...especially as time goes by and heals some of the sting off the'll start thinking more about the good times than the bad.
Correct on all three again great job!! ![]() I love trivia :D And whew on #2...I wasn't totally sure about that one lol |
1. What famous document begins: "When in the course of human events..."? 2. Why was the Animal Crackers box designed with a string handle? 3. What U.S. military base was won in the last major battle against Japan? 1. Declaration of Independance 2. As I was originally intended as a christmas tree decoration type thing 3. Okinawa (I think I got the spelling right....) |