I did the same thing a couple months ago....looked about the same too. My suggestion (it will become your bestestest friend in the whole wide world!!) Go to wal-mart and pick up some aloe with lidocane. (it's a blu-ish looking goop) Put some on when you get home, then store the bottle in the fridge. It stings something awful when it first goes on and then....omg. bliss! You can move and it doesn't feel like your skin is cracking like the dried up river beds in the African Sahara!
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Just a Quick Question
non-traditional huh? I'd have to go with a pheonix, caracal, clouded leopard, serval or a rusty spotted genet
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nothing...I'm sitting in the nude ![]() ![]() ![]() You should at least put shoes on like me. That's for making a quick getaway ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() lol nah...I run faster barefooted ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Learning this new language
you forgot one. loq means laughing out quietly ![]() lol yuh huh...I also forgot "joo" meaning "you" and "ur" for "your/you are" and a ton ofother ones ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Learning this new language
thank you so much ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() lol you're welcome dear :P Was there some that were new to yah? I forgot to add a bunch of them in lol But glad it was actually helpful to someone! ![]() ![]() |
Learning this new language
| here you are! Well guess what...I am so gunna teach you how to speak "Teh Net" yes..."teh" net. Not a misspelling at all. This odd language is often harder than the English language to learn, because...things can mean several things at once. It's a strong case of detective work to interpret the hidden meaning behind the language. (People most proficient at this tend to be in the 12-19 year old range, be forewarned!
![]() Ah now..let's see...where to begin. We shall start with the basics, always a good place! LOL/LOLZ/LAWL/LAWLZA Meaning to "laugh out loud" LMAO Meaning to "laugh my a** off" LMFAO Meaning to "laugh my f***ing a** off" ROFL Meaning to "roll on the floor laughing" (sometimes rotfl) ROFLMAO/ROTFLLMAO A combination used most commonly when something is utterly hilarious. IMO Meaning "In my opinion" IMHO meaning "in my honest opinion" or "in my humble opinion" JMO meaning "Just my opinion" FTW Meaning "for the win" or "f*** the world" FTL Meaning "for the lose" BTW Meaning "by the way" BRB meaning "be right back" AFK meaning "away from keyboard" (though interpreted as "away from comp") OT meaning "off topic" PPL meaning "people" ADN meaning "any day now" TTYL meaning "talk to you later" TT4N/TTFN meaning "ta ta for now" G2G meaning "Got to go" W/E meaning "whatever" Those are the most common ones used, however...we havn't even begun to scratch the surface of this language! Now that you have the basics understood...let's talk about common things. ![]() Firstly, letters will be replaced with numbers. This is a MUST! For example: the letter "A" will no longer be used. Ever. From now on, all letter "A"s shall be replaced with the number "4". "The" is no longer "the" but now "teh", "M"s are no longer "M"s but now done like thus: "/\/\" Whenever speaking about more than one thing, you shall forever pluralize it by adding "0rz" to the end of it. (with a zero, not an "O") Have you been confused yet? lol No worries! Study this, we shall continue with the studies shortly. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (yeah...don't mind me...utterly bored and thought it would be funny lmao For those truely interested though, you can check out a flash video a friend of mine made here: or you can check out this site which really goes into full details for those very lost: |
nothing...I'm sitting in the nude
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uhm. No. I don't speak to the vast majority of my "family" (and I use that term loosely) and it's a very mutual thing. They hate me...I hate works
![]() ![]() ![]() I have one brother in Utah, who..last I has 2 children. (He and I don't speak) Another brother somewhere past Singapore in the Navy (we sort of speak) A third brother in Alaska (we don't speak.) My biological parents in Alaska (we absolutely never, ever do/will ever speak to each other.) Then two sisters....both in Alaska who I speak to on a regular basis ![]() Oh..and an Aunt in California that I speak to once in a blue moon..and that's only if I decide it's worth the lecture and guilt tripping to answer the phone. ![]() ![]() |
Didn't mean it
nope. I make sure I mean it before I say it. Those arn't words you just throw around for the helluvit. imo :D
I hate the IM thing. You try to minimize it and as soon as the person says something it pops up over what you're trying to type. Or if you don't chat for 10 times out. (hello...I have kids...I can't sit at the comp hitting a button to keep it from timing out
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Her children are everything
I suppose I'm somewhat different...
My children comes first, yes. But...that doesn't mean that my significant other/husband would be "second" unless he put me in a position that I had to choose between him or my children. Now...any man that truely loved me, would never do that. So yes, in that case I would always choose my children first and foremost, no question about it. If my husband/significant other had children, then my first priorities in my life would be my children, my husband/S.O. and his children equally. I think that what some women mean by that (and men too) is that the person they're interested in dating understands that they have children who they truely do love and would never "replace". So they want a person who would never ASK them to choose between them, or their children, but accept that by dating the person they'd best have enough love to go all the way around. ![]() |
"Do you like to be cut with a knife so you bleed during sex?"
(Yes...I've been asked that before ![]() ![]() |
Don't you ever get tired...
precisely....I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks along the same lines.
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Don't you ever get tired...
of the same old thing? A constant and repetative bickering from one table to another of who can say the loudest that they are correct. After some time, don't your voices ever get hoarse? And at that when people can actually listen because the din has died down.
CHRISTIANITY! PAGANISM! SIRITUALISM! CHRISTIANITY! HINDU! MUSLIM! on and on, over and over again...the same tiring arguments with both points stating their facts, shooting down the facts of others, pointing fingers, calling names, shouting "FOUL!" while at the same time having flags thrown down on the field against them. If history has taught us anything, it's that we will always have differences in opinion, religion, thoughts, actions, justifications etc etc. The list goes on and on. As, clearly, no common ground will ever be reached...why continue the fight? It seems futile and redundant. As we've now proven that, in the most general of terms, no common ground of truce can ever be reached...has it now become a sense of pride, maintaining the last word and self validation and less about religion itself? People (on a broad, loose and purely general sense) are quick to find offence in a lot of posts, even posts where no offence was ever intended; and pull out rule books combined with heated and bitter words intended to sting while masked with phrases like, "The truth hurts" or "I'm only defending myself and my beliefs" etc etc. Truely, if a specific religious group/follower was honestly out to cause emotional harm to oneself and one's religious holdings...why not target more specific posts? Such as "Prayer Warriors Unite" posts? Or "Wiccan Coven Chat" etc etc. Certainly, if one was truely wanting to cause offence, those would by far be a better target for hate mongering than posts blatently fish-and-baiting for arguements and offence. In my opinion: The basic and general discussions for religion are no longer truely about religion in any sense or fashion. They have become a battle ground much like the civil war. (The civil war supposedly purely about slavery...but in reality...slavery was only one of many reasons and became the "scapgoat" of the civil war.) "Religion" has become the "scapgoat" so that fear, hatred and anger can find a new breeding ground from all sides. Were these threads truely about one would find room to be offended or take it upon themselves to allow themself to be affronted. It would be the calm, considerate, respectful exchange of ideas and personal beliefs with the intent of sharing those ideals and providing mutual enlightenment, even if the belief of the one is not adopted by the other. I came to this thread in the hopes of finding common curtesy, respect and enlightenment of all religions. Instead, I found a battle ground. (Naturally...not everyone is like that...but let's face it...the religious threads are anything but generally friendly and pleasant) I bid you all adieu on the religious threads, though I'll probably pop in and out from time to time...but honestly, there is just too much hatred here for me and it breaks my heart. Hugs and kisses to you all and I'll see you about on the other threads ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I wanna die with you!
A few children, my sisters and a couple others
mmm...everyone deals with things in their own ways. Me personally...I've learned to be able to just shrug it off and move on. Deal with current issue at hand one minute at a time and not dwell on it...dwelling solves/does/helps nothing/no one so it's not productive. That's not to say when it gets quiet and I lay in bed I don't go through a few mood swings on it here and there...but, I never allow those moments to last long and I always deal with them privately.
Welcome back to the religious threads Tribo lol And what an entrance! *backs into a dark corner and sits eating her brownies and watching the thread* dont be hoggin all the brownies scinn, and you need to send your recipe to me also - hahaha ![]() ![]() ![]() lmao My brownies! *snugs them close* I'll make you your own batch though hehe Would you like mint brownies or peanut butter brownies? Or cream cheese brownies...? lol |
The Policy of Truth
I'm always honest...sometimes downright blunt and direct. Depending on the topic. It's how I'd want people to be with me (and yes...I've had best friends be completely blunt with me on some very painful topics that, in the end, I was extremely glad they hadn't danced around it or kept their silence.)
Stuipd pool maintenance
lol ours is nice :D The kids have been in it all day but it's a big pool...plenty of room :D