Topic: How close are you to your family... | |
I was just thinking about this past weekend when i went to cali to visit them and knowing how i live In Utah now. I don't get to spend that time with them as i used to.
So if your family lives in the same area. Do you spend time with them? BBq's going to a movie, camping etc. Or are things different for you? |
I was just thinking about this past weekend when i went to cali to visit them and knowing how i live In Utah now. I don't get to spend that time with them as i used to. So if your family lives in the same area. Do you spend time with them? BBq's going to a movie, camping etc. Or are things different for you? I spend a lot of time with my family we are very close |
My family is inthe same area I am. I speak to my adult children everyday, my parents twice a week. We all have busy lives and don't spend a lot of time together. We all try our best
Really close to my kids, talk to at least two
of them out of four everyday. We get together when we can. As for the rest of my family we only get together maybe once or twice a year. I talk to my sister on the phone alot. |
i have a very close family. we spent 4th of july toghter, and if i dont see them im calling all the time...
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My parents are in Florida, they moved over 8 years ago when my father retired. I have a sister that lives about 6 miles from me. I get to see her often enough, when the household is not volatile. I really miss my twin she lives in PA, and I only get to see her a few times per year. I wish she lived closer, I would get to see her all the time.
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My family is scattered across the states.
From Boston to Hawaii. Makes it fun to go visit. Some brothers here in AZ too. ![]() |
My brother lives about 20 minutes from me, I rarely see him, though it's not because we don't want to, we can just rarely get our schedules to mesh. As for the rest, they live about 500 miles away, for which mostly I'm grateful, sad to say.
I am very close to my immediate family. Unfortunately, my Mom lives in New York so we don't get to see her maybe twice a year. She's actually coming down this weekend for two weeks. Can't wait to see her. My oldest brother and his wife moved to Mexico, and we see them once a year. And now my baby brother has moved to Australia, so I don't know when we will be able to see him again. But we all keep in touch by phone, email, and believe it or not, MySpace. We talk to each other in some way at least once a day, and never go a day without telling each other I love you.
uhm. No. I don't speak to the vast majority of my "family" (and I use that term loosely) and it's a very mutual thing. They hate me...I hate works
![]() ![]() ![]() I have one brother in Utah, who..last I has 2 children. (He and I don't speak) Another brother somewhere past Singapore in the Navy (we sort of speak) A third brother in Alaska (we don't speak.) My biological parents in Alaska (we absolutely never, ever do/will ever speak to each other.) Then two sisters....both in Alaska who I speak to on a regular basis ![]() Oh..and an Aunt in California that I speak to once in a blue moon..and that's only if I decide it's worth the lecture and guilt tripping to answer the phone. ![]() ![]() |
I have a sis in SF, my dad another sis and one brother in San luis obispo and my mom and twoo other sisters and my other brother in LA. So yeah i get to go visit and stuff but time goes by and my parents are getting up in age and i wish i had more time with them. I used to go camping alot or go to movies or just hang out with him this last 6 years up until this last year. we talk on the phone alot, but it's not the same when you have no family around.
Edited by
Wed 07/09/08 08:37 AM
When I am living near my family, I do things with them regularly. My sister will call me and us at the park to watch the sunset and when I get there half my family has taken over the park.
![]() I am out of town a lot, but when I go home to visit, it's a zoo of family around me trying to get in as much time as possible before I have to leave again. We are very tight!!! ![]() |
family is important!!!!
we are all very close, we may not see eye ta eye at times. But just go against one of us.....thats when we all stick together!!! |
I am very close to all of my family and it is a true blessing.
I live 10 minutes from where I grew up, where my Father still lives. We talk daily and see each other at least 3 times a week, spending a day on the weekend together doing whatever it is that week.... My aunts, uncles and cousins are even close and we have extended family gatherings throughout the year. My sister moved to Alabama recently and it was the hardest thing on all of us - specifically her, but thankfully with her job she can work from anywhere, so makes it back home at least a week every month. I'm here in Alabama now, staying with her while she recovers from surgery, 2nd time to be here in 3 weeks since her surgery. I'm very very thankful I'm able to do this, work my job remotely, and be here with her. ![]() Yeah, there are times I might not like them and vice versa, but we'll always be family and always able to count on each other no matter what it is, or when or where in our lives. I'm all of my nieces and nephews second (some of them their only...) 'Mom' and of course their Favorite Aunt!! They are my lifeblood. ![]() |
Family first, they have always been there for me & now that they are in their 70's I'm there for them
dads passed ,mom i talk to a couple times a week
she lives about 15 miles from me. my brother only calls when he wants something,or to see if im cooking on the holidays |