I think Abra is making a fair claim. There are Christians who do this. I'd just like to remind everyone that not all Christians are like this and lets not stereotype. If we can keep this thread calm and open minded, we can claim the title of "mature" and share ideas cooperatively. Mud slinging and name calling is really not needed. Just my opinion.
Obviously, the individual who opened that other post is immature in his faith. Ideally, even he/she doesn't need to be chastised. Just don't respond and get caught up in all that! |
This is absolutely true. I don’t even try to understand it ‘fully’. I’m convinced that it is impossible to fully understand our spiritual nature whilst in the human form. Although, I don’t even hold that as a ‘truth’ in general. But I have a feeling that it will at least be true for me. Especially since I’m not seeking to fully understand my spiritual essences (i.e. I’m not dedicated to spiritual enlightenment). I concur. Many religions, including Christianity, speak of the physical world as being unimportant, or certainly less important than our spiritual essence. Well, it may be less important, but it’s certainly not unimportant, nor do I see the physical world as being inherently ‘evil’ (i.e. sins of the flesh). I think it’s absurd not to enjoy the physical world. Why bother to create one if the only reason is to reject it? Just as a test? Seems a bit trivial to me.
I concur I love the physical world, and I won’t pretend that I don’t. And most of the things I love about it are not sinful or evil in any way, (such as my love of growing flowers or landscaping the earth to be in harmony with it’s natural indigenous foliage). Loving the physical world is not a sin in my mind. I have a great appreciation for all of the natural world, including many manmade objects. I love my ‘toys’.
I concur and will even be brave enough to admit that some things in this physical world that I love, are sinful! (gasp) I’m not a religious man. I’m spiritual only in the sense that I recognize that I’m spiritual, not in any sense that I make that realization the focal point of my life. Far from it. As I just stated, I think we are here for the movie, let’s make the most of it, we’ll be spirit again soon enough!
I concur. I have no expectation from any higher power. I can only believe that if a singular higher power exists (a single godhead) it must surly be nicer and more reasonable than me. That leaves me in pretty good hands. I’m more inclined to believe that the spiritual world consists of a multitude of spirits just as humanity consists of a multitude of humans, and that those spirits are ultimately connected. I don’t think they judge at all in the way that humans do. It’s just not even necessary. They just don’t think in terms of ego like we do. There’s nothing to judge because we are all one. This is how I believe things are. It would only make sense to judge if beings were truly separate.
I concur with what you have said here, however I also believe in the single godhead. Yes Pantheism doesn’t have all the answers. But for me, it at least makes sense in the answers that it does provide.
I concur. I feel the same way about Christianity, not the Christianity you see on TV though. Let's be careful not to stereotype Christians. There is an apostacy happening in this age. There seems to always be apostacy's, yeah? Movements, heresy's, cults... The predominant display of what is coined "Christian" is found when you channel surf. Benny Hinn, Creflo, TBN, the list is too exhaustive. There is a tremendous amount of heresy that has invaded the church. The "Prosperity Gospel", "The Apostolic Reform", "Dominionism", "The Prophetic Movement", once again, too exhaustive. A lot of preachers are filthy rich. A lot of them have done some pretty blatant things that insult the integrity of Christianity. The point is, true Christianity should not be understood to mean what these sects or individuals are promoting. I understand completely why "non-believers" are upset. I am too, you have no idea! I might add here always, that there are many things (especially popular phrases and clichés) in the Bible that do ring true. When I say that the overall story of the Bible can’t be true, I don’t mean to imply that it doesn’t contain a valid word. I actually agree with just about everything that Jesus taught from a moral point of view. I would even argue that Jesus had nothing to say that hadn’t already been said before in countless other religions, and even by non-religious philosophers. A lot of it is just plain common sense. Okay. But that doesn’t make the whole book true verbatim.
Reminder: Written by man, "inspired" by the Holy Spirit. Moreover, most of the real problems in the world today are caused by our industrialized throw-away lifestyle and waste. Most of the things that are really causing us problems are being done everyday by people who consider themselves to be perfectly upstanding Christians! They don’t even realize that their everyday lifestyle is what’s causing the problems. They aren’t living this way to rebel against God. They don’t even view it as being rebellious against God. They’re just going with the flow of society in general.
I concur, however to single out Christians is a bit reaching IMO. Everyone is guilty of this. The bottom line in all of this is that I don’t even see Christianity as being a useful religion even if it was true! It just doesn’t invoke an appreciation for the natural world. On the contrary it actually preaches that we shouldn’t give the physical world much value. Sin’s of the flesh and all that.
It's useful for me as an individual. Doesn't that equate to something that makes it useful in your mind? I mean, if it helps me in my life, why discount it as a whole? |
Edited by
Tue 01/15/08 05:23 AM
We'll probably have to agree to disagree, but I mean no offense toward you. I respect your personal beliefs; however, I want you to know why I don't find your arguments convincing. It's not my intent to convince you of anything. I'm not proselytizing here. First off, I fail to see how the situation is analogous to child rearing or "trying to pound" anything into anyone as if that's something desirable or even necessary. Here are the major issues I have: It's analogous in that we can get pretty thick headed sometimes. My analogy assumed you have raised children through their teenage years. If you haven't, then this analogy won't make sense to you. If you have, then you have my condolences. A father loves his children whether they do right or wrong. A father gets disappointed when his children make mistakes and even moreso when they make mistakes even though they've been taught otherwise. A father can only instruct, and then stand back and hope. He doesn't stop loving and he can't stop his children from erring. According to scripture, won't God do whatever you ask in Jesus' name? I think that appears in all four canonical gospels. Since you asked, then shouldn't nonbelievers be forgiven? Why not take the next step and ask God to extinguish the flames of hell and let us into heaven, too? No. This is taken out of context. When I invite you to my house, and yes you are welcome to come over anytime, I'll tell you to make yourself at home. This doesn't give you the authority to rearrange my living room or paint my walls. I didn't say you couldn't do these things, but you know. There's a lot more to scripture than taking a sentence or two out and trying to make it work in your life. A lot of Christians do that and unfortunately for them, it only becomes a frustration when what they ask doesn't play out in their lives. Unfortunately for you, you get to see this confusion and it only adds to your own. You have a lot of valid questions. Time doesn't permit me to answer them all. We have a book called the bible. We believe it is God's instruction to man, written by man but "inspired" by God. I certainly wouldn't want to be elected to try to dictate all of God to mankind in writing, would you?! I'm a man and I am falible. The bible was written by man, let's not forget that. Because we don't understand or comprehend what was written thousands of years ago by a culture and a people much different than us, or believe everything this bood says, doesn't negate the existence of God. Whether a person has a full and complete understanding of God, or even no understanding of Him at all, the bible it's full of wisdom. Anyone can gain from it. |
It would seem scientific observation places a date on the universe. I understand creation may be problematic for you, especially in light of theism, but how do you explain the cosmos? With all due respect sir, I said that the biblical picture of God cannot possibly be true. I never said that I have an explanation for the cosmos. These are two entirely different things. The Bible doesn’t give an explanation for God either. It just states that his spirit moved on the face of the deep. I grant that the universe is spiritual in nature too. But that doesn’t automatically make the entire biblical story correct. Far from it. All religions begin with a God in some form or another. I’m not an atheist. It’s probably actually incorrect to say that I’m a ‘pantheist’. That implies that pantheism is a religion and I’m a believer of that religion. I don’t think of pantheism as a religion. If there are organized religions out there that claim to be ‘pantheism’ I doubt that I’ll agree with all their views. I use the term generically to simply mean that I believe everything is spirit, and that all spirit is one. Although, even the very concept of oneness is a human concept. Maybe it’s better to just say that all is connected inseparably? I don’t claim to know the details of how reality works. I only claim that the biblical picture of God can’t possibly be true. Mainly because it makes claims that the universe doesn’t agree with. If I have to choose between a book that was written by men, or a universe that was written by God, I choose to believe the universe. May I offer the same respect in turn. The biblical picture of God can be difficult to comprehend, I agree with you. I refrain from saying that I don't believe it all, instead, I simply don't understand it all. It sounds like you have a little sprinkle of classical pantheism, but that could be remnants of your theistic background. It would also seem that you don't have it fully defined just yet, and that's fine too. Much to learn in this universe of ours. Is it possible, that many people struggle with theism because it constitutes an interaction with a higher power, a relationship, that sometimes cannot be felt or experienced enough to meet ones expectations? Isn't it easy for this relationship to be disappointed at times, even abandoned? Our spiritual existence also encompasses our emotional one. Let's not discount that they interact with each other. I am not going to attack you for your faith. There's no reason to do that. I think I'm a fairly intelligent person, as are you. Pantheism leaves a lot of unanswered questions for me, as does theism for you. However, since we are both a part of this spiritual existence, wouldn't it be prudent of us to gain insight from each other instead of tearing each other down? Kind regards |
Forgive me if I'm being presumptuous again, but I gather that you lean more towards naturalistic patheism?
Well, words are just labels that can often be confusing. Differnet people, assign them differnet meanings. I do lean toward what I think of as ‘naturalistic pantheism’, meaning that I believe that the true nature of the world is spiritual. This is opposed to ‘scientific pantheism’ in which people just revere the universe itself but are basically atheists and don’t give the universe any spiritual quality. They believe that they will just die when they die. I believe that our true nature is spiritual. There was never a time when I was not, and there will never be a time when I will cease to exist. I didn’t come into being when my body was born, and I won’t cease to exist when my body dies. I believe in reincarnation, and certainly not restricted to just coming ‘back’ to earth for another go at it. I believe that reincarnation can take many forms that may actually include experiences outside any that we can even imagine in our human form. While I can’t prove that this scenario is true, I can’t find any reason to disprove it either. I can also point to a lot of reasons why I am personally compelled to believe that it is more likely than not. It would seem scientific observation places a date on the universe. I understand creation may be problematic for you, especially in light of theism, but how do you explain the cosmos? |
Edited by
Mon 01/14/08 05:10 PM
You are an atheist? No. I'm a pantheist. But I didn't turn to pantheism as a 'religion'. Instead I simply came to the realization that pantheism best describes the true nature of God. I never doubted God's existence even when I realized that the biblical picture was incorrect. I've always known that God exists because he lives within me. The Bible is simply an incorrect picture of God is all. God isn’t like that. Forgive me if I'm being presumptuous again, but I gather that you lean more towards naturalistic pantheism? |
So, you used to be a Christian? When you look back to the time when you decided you've had enough, tell me, who was it that hurt you? Sounds like "church people" to me.
You’re jumping to some huge conclusions here. I didn’t abandon Christian for emotional reasons. I actually decided to teach it and when I began to seriously study it in detail I realized that it didn’t make any sense. My reason for rejecting it is purely intellectual. . I’ve come to the conclusion that it simply can’t be true. The Bible clearly contradicts itself, it contradicts the observed universe, and to be perfectly frank about it, it’s simply too absurd to be from any supreme all-wise creator. I’m completely 100% certain that the Bible is in fact false. It’s manmade mythology. I’m as certain about this as I am about anything that I know. It’s not even a question for me anymore. No emotion required. It’s entirely an intellectual observation. It can’t possibly be true. Period. You are an atheist? |
Has any Christian (praying in Jesus name of course) ever asked God to extinguish the flames of hell? If not, why not? He's supposedly "all loving", "all good" and "all powerful". Is that beyond even him?
Interesting thought Whiteboy. I used to be a Christian (still am according to technicalities), I’ve never prayed “in Jesus name” in my life. I’ve always prayed directly to God. I guess I never really bought into there being more than one God, or a need for a middle man. I just assumed that Jesus was an incarnation of God. If he was a different entity than God then that throws a whole wrench in the soup. The whole ‘son of God’ thing never made any sense to me. Especially in fact of the fact that I had always been taught that we are all children of God and that he is suppose to be our heavenly father. So what sense does it make to start talking about favored children??? In any case, I always prayed to God to save the world first, then come see me for personal favors later. I’m still waiting for him to answer my first prayer. Evidently it was a bit much for him to deal with. But I’m a patient man, and I’m still waiting. I’m not in any hurry to go anywhere. Whenever he gets a round tuit is fine with me. It’s his universe. Oh, by the way, I never really thought about asking him to quench the flames of hell. I never really believed in hell to begin with. I see no reason to believe that he wouldn’t welcome non-believers into heaven. There’s nowhere in the bible where it says otherwise despite what people may claim. People are just idiots for the most part, that’s all there is to that. ![]() If he’ll accept idiots into heaven I imagine he’ll accept the intelligent people too. After all, he’ll probably enjoy having someone around that he can actually converse with. ![]() So, you used to be a Christian? When you look back to the time when you decided you've had enough, tell me, who was it that hurt you? Sounds like "church people" to me. |
TO Abra and Anoasis: ![]() ![]() TO ANYONE WHO CARES TO ANSWER: Has any Christian (praying in Jesus name of course) ever asked God to extinguish the flames of hell? If not, why not? He's supposedly "all loving", "all good" and "all powerful". Is that beyond even him? Why not give the nonbelievers a break, ask God to forgive us as many of you seem to do everyday, and let us in heaven when we die? Or do many of you need the doctrine of hell to feel vindicated for the wrongs done to you in life? Does someone have to pay? If so, why? ![]() Maybe if you think of God more like a Father, it would help. Are you a father? When you raise your kids, do they believe Ol dad and respect you for what your trying to pound into their sometimes knuckle headed brains? Do you not have to lay out the rules, attempt to enforce them, and allow your children to suffer the consequences of their own actions? Does this action show that you are an unloving father or a loving one? Does this make you a bad dad? I have never prayed for God to extinguish the flames of hell. Why? I never felt a need to. I prayed that my own father would extinguish his own wrath, but that never seemed to help and I got my butt blistered anyway. "Is that beyond even Him?" Obviously not if He is all powerful. I ask God to forgive me, and the nonbelievers, however it's not my place to let you into heaven. I personally don't need to be vindicated for the wrongs done to me. I either punch their lights out or forgive. Sorry, just being realistic. I too have the choice of right or wrong. Does someone have to pay? Pay for what? Making poor decisions with consequences attached? I think we all do, don't you? For years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He calmly backs out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone? |
TO Abra and Anoasis: ![]() ![]() TO ANYONE WHO CARES TO ANSWER: Has any Christian (praying in Jesus name of course) ever asked God to extinguish the flames of hell? If not, why not? He's supposedly "all loving", "all good" and "all powerful". Is that beyond even him? Why not give the nonbelievers a break, ask God to forgive us as many of you seem to do everyday, and let us in heaven when we die? Or do many of you need the doctrine of hell to feel vindicated for the wrongs done to you in life? Does someone have to pay? If so, why? ![]() The score is now: You-1 They-5 |
i could ask a 5 year old and get a more accurate representation of truth Ah, now you might be onto something! |
Maybe you need a score keeper. "this thread is about questions" - After 550 posts and over 3600 views, we're still on the same question. the original question doesn't ask or need you to be a score keeper the original question ask that you answer the original question with a rational explanation if the answer to the original qustion is "no" Chuckle. Yeah, I know. None for me thanks. |
Apostles and Prophets
I love websites, you can get a real 'feel' from them. Of course all new ministries require some capitol, I mean how else can they travel and 'share' thier epiphanies? There are supplies to purchase, pamphlets to print, flights, hotels and 'training' and somewhere there MUST be a 'church affiliated' site, right. I mean even Jesus and the original apostles required cash, didn't they? Strange, I don't remember them begging, how did they come the massive amounts of cash required to spread "the word"? Well anyway, this affiliation doesn't seem to require too much, only a humble place to call home. from their web-site Growing Pains
Well, this is the big picture. One of the urgent needs we have as a consequence of the urgent assignments that God keeps giving us is more office and classroom space. We cannot advance much in our present facilities. We are asking God for a large WLI/GHM campus that will allow us to move ahead with the freedom that we feel we need. We have located a 56-acre parcel of prime real estate, and we have made a down payment on it. However, we need $8 million dollars by October 15, and after that we will need massive funding to build offices, classrooms, and a conference center. When God provides all of that, the picture will be much bigger! Don't forget, there is a direct way to 'donate' just visit the web-site. Ah, Red, I just realized the "Growing Pains" quote comes from Wagners website. I wonder if they ever got their $8 mil? I'll try to find out. |
Apostles and Prophets
Good post Red, thank you.
Money is the root but I think it maybe more like the carrot for most. I spent 20 years in the "Pentecostal/charismatic" movement and have seen first hand the things that motivate people who are following this. And, it's not just the people at the lower levels, the ones at the top have their eyes on the same thing. Not money. In their minds, money is only a by-product and not the goal. It is only one of the blessings expected from their dedication to God. "Prosperity" is more encompassing than just money for them. Prospering in all aspects of life, and especially in the spiritual realm. To focus this discussion on money alone would miss the mark. I speak from experience and it's refreshing to find information out their that describes things better than I can articulate them myself. More important and desirable, is spiritual power. Having the ability to move God's hand to see miracles and healings. Wagner and his group believe these are the last days and the church is to rule and establish Christ's kingdom prior to the return of the Lord. Unfortunately, it is quite common to be taught to close your ears to anything contrary. My speaking openly here marks me in a very negative sense to them, as "speaking against the prophets". My wife was led to divorce me for this reason. Christians involved in this movement cannot discuss anything contrary, openly or objectively and ultimately will fight against anyone who does. Other than "the A/P" movement, we're also dealing with, "Dominionism", "Prosperity Gospel", "Manifest Sons of God", "Latter Rain"... |
Apostles and Prophets
Okay, new day. Rested. I looked through the thread and what I see is a diversion from the subject at hand.
Miles, Red, I'm not 100% in agreement with CultWatch either for reasons that are not necessary to elaborate upon within this post. However, the piece which I included in this thread relates to the subject at hand and is accurate. Considering the source of that information is relevant, I agree, however let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. I stumbled upon that piece only yesterday so it's not that I'm basing this discussion solely on what I have read there. I have studied this movement for a number of years now and find information from a multitude of places. The subject is C. Peter Wagner and the Apostolic/Prophetic movement and how it has affected us. The concern is that many Protestant churches are unknowingly subjected to the ideologies of this movement and people are being blind sided. |
Apostles and Prophets
Perhaps wrote: The Word says to stand not in the counsel of the ungodly. Tell me, where shall we "buy the truth"?
- the point that Miles was making was that truth is given freely, out of love, with concern and faith that it will be accepted. But a child who twists the truth they were freely given, and uses it to make a profit is not living by the standards taught. What's worse is giving the parents money, especially money made by 'selling' the truth that the child was given freely. In their old age parents do not want that kind of comfort their real need is to find comfort WITH the child (and in the Child). Making payment for the truth that was extended freely, is not only disrespectful, it is considered payment to relieve the guilt of the child who is not living the truth as it was taught. Does that make more sense? Miles and I pretty much agree that the scent of those in question, in the OP, is one of something spoiled. If "OP" means "Original Post" then I might. However, the context of this discussion seemed to have taken a side road, or maybe it's just that I'm getting tired. Thanks for explaining. |
Apostles and Prophets
the word is not to be sold. anything in wisdom that Yahweh may of showed you was freely given and you are to do the same.. The buy the truth if you notice is speaking about listening to your parents. The buying is your parents. Taking care of them . Yahshua spoke of this and how the pharasees polluted this concept.. Matt 15:3-9 3 He answered and said to them, "Why do you also transgress the commandment of Yahweh because of your tradition? 4 For Yahweh commanded, saying, 'Honor your father and your mother '; and, 'He who curses father or mother , let him be put to death.' 5 But you say, 'Whoever says to his father or mother ,"Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to Yahweh" — 6 then he need not honor his father or mother .' Thus you have made the commandment of Yahweh of no effect by your tradition. 7 Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: 8 "These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. 9 And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'" NKJV This buy in this scripture is speaking of taking care of your parents when they are old. Hold onto the wisdom they have shown you. Do not sell it as it was freely given to you. As Yahshua also says. The other is a prophecy of the shepards at the end of this age. They will do as they are doing trying to get every dollar out of you in the name of Yahweh. But they are decietfull and could care less about your salvation.you might say. He goes on and explains what thier end will be. I hope that is clearer. I know those are some hard sayings of the scriptures.. Blessings..Miles The Word says to stand not in the counsel of the ungodly. Tell me, where shall we "buy the truth"? From the ungodly? Isn't the workman worthy of his hire and the oxen that treads the field permitted to eat of the harvest? Believe me when I say I am completely appalled at the heresy regarding the church and money. However, I am not completely against ministries receiving funds to pay for their responsibilities. Are you insinuating that my wife was in agreement with scripture by leaving me to follow her mothers religion? Isn't the scripture clear that says to leave father and mother and cleave unto your spouse? That Christ is the head of the church and the husband is the head of the wife? Where do the mothers and fathers come in? Or, Titus 2:3-6, "The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed."? If this is the case, are you sure you're not taking things a bit out of context? |
Apostles and Prophets
Edited by
Sat 01/12/08 07:17 PM
I love websites, you can get a real 'feel' from them. Of course all new ministries require some capitol, I mean how else can they travel and 'share' thier epiphanies? There are supplies to purchase, pamphlets to print, flights, hotels and 'training' and somewhere there MUST be a 'church affiliated' site, right. I mean even Jesus and the original apostles required cash, didn't they? Strange, I don't remember them begging, how did they come the massive amounts of cash required to spread "the word"? Well anyway, this affiliation doesn't seem to require too much, only a humble place to call home. from their web-site Growing Pains
Well, this is the big picture. One of the urgent needs we have as a consequence of the urgent assignments that God keeps giving us is more office and classroom space. We cannot advance much in our present facilities. We are asking God for a large WLI/GHM campus that will allow us to move ahead with the freedom that we feel we need. We have located a 56-acre parcel of prime real estate, and we have made a down payment on it. However, we need $8 million dollars by October 15, and after that we will need massive funding to build offices, classrooms, and a conference center. When God provides all of that, the picture will be much bigger! Don't forget, there is a direct way to 'donate' just visit the web-site. I haven't looked closely, however I do see they have a 'Store" tab. They only sell this one book though. Compare this to the Elijahlist.com and then come back and tell me we have "fleecing of the flock" going on with CultWatch. I own a website myself. Don't have anything to sell, but I could sure use help in financing it. Would any "biblically based" religious folks like to help me out without my asking? CultWatch has been around for a long time. I notice their website is new, their ministry isn't. My son designs websites for a living. Do you know what that costs? I must say, I'm a little envious of him right now, he's bringing in $30,000 this month alone. He must be sinning somehow though. Peace, Steve |
Apostles and Prophets
Prov 23:22-23 2 Listen to your father who begot you, And do not despise your mother when she is old. 23 Buy the truth, and do not sell it, Also wisdom and instruction and understanding NKJV Zech 11:4-6 Thus says the Lord my God, "Feed the flock for slaughter, 5 whose owners slaughter them and feel no guilt; those who sell them say, 'Blessed be the Lord, for I am rich'; and their shepherds do not pity them. 6 For I will no longer pity the inhabitants of the land," says the Lord. "But indeed I will give everyone into his neighbor's hand and into the hand of his king. They shall attack the land, and I will not deliver them from their hand." NKJV Some strong words about Yahweh's people and his Word...Blessings...Miles I might not be catching what you're trying to say here Miles. Care to elaborate in your own words? |
Edited by
Sat 01/12/08 06:06 PM
this thread is about questions that the religious will just close their minds to and refuse to answer or just afraid to answer because it will question their suppose faith or question that they just can't answer rationally ..here's the first one according to believers logic, God had to have created the universe because the universe couldn't have popped out of nothingness and create itself .....so therefore do the same logic apply to the creator if the answer is no then could you explain why with a rational explanation Maybe you need a score keeper. "this thread is about questions" - After 550 posts and over 3600 views, we're still on the same question. *You lose 1 point. They gain 1 point. "that the religious will just close their minds to and refuse to answer or just afraid to answer" - After 550 posts and over 3600 views, the religious haven't closed their minds, refused to answer, or were afraid. *3 total points possible for this one. You lose all 3. They gain all 3. "because it will question their suppose faith or question that they just can't answer rationally" - It doesn't appear that they are questioning their own faith or not answering rationally according to their faith. You're questioning these things, that doesn't count. *2 total points possible for this one. You lose both. They gain both. If I did the math right, looks like the score is: You-0 They-6 You're behind by 6. Logic would indicate that you might be able to gain one point, but here's a hint, you gotta ask another question! However, you need to realize too, that you're only gonna be good for one point out of six at the end of the game. Cheers, and the best of luck to both teams!! |