I don't understand why you hate gays so much when it has been proven that jesus himself was a homosexual and had a relationship with john the baptist. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm saying that Jesus wasn't gay and wasn't with John the Baptist. I didn't think that was what you were saying. Btw, I thought that we already agreed on some things. That is exactly what I meant when I said we agree on something....to say Jesus was a homosexual is....I cannot even come up with words to say what it is... Yes, we do agree on some things. You were fortunate with you Chow... Unfortunately, at dog shows I saw some nasty chows... But, hopefully the AKC stepped in and did what they did to the American Cocker Spaniel people....Cocker Spaniels got such nasty dispositions at one point the AKC stepped in and told them to get the breed back to its original temperment (the mild, loving, eager to please spaniel) or they would be kicked out of the AKC and the breed would no longer be acknowledged by the AKC. I sure hope that is what took place....bad traits can be bred into and bred out of the dogs.....show people can get carried away and want to breed top dogs who have bad temperments (by fluke mostly) to anyone who wants to breed to them....you end up having a bad temper dog bred to a bad temper dog and soon the whole breed is ruined.... It also happened to my former breed, the English Springer Spaniel.....but fortunately the The National English Springer Spaniel Parent Club stepped in and laid down the law....now Springers are getting back to that docile, loving spaniel breed they were meant to be, but not soon enough to avoid some really bad bites.... Lindyy ![]() |
I don't understand why you hate gays so much when it has been proven that jesus himself was a homosexual and had a relationship with john the baptist. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
boo2 - who knows, she may simply have to think before she writes. We'll see. I've read the whole thread, originally I was going to stay out of it so I'm sorry if it seemed I ignored anybody. Some just drop in, drop and opinion and leave, I've been known to do that, but I hate to do that on a subject that's so important. Overall this was an interesting thread and because the subject matter tends to bring out more of one's personality, I think I know some of you better. Who knew how well some of you could express yourself - for either side of this debate. Real life makes forums more personal, nice getting to know you all. Later! ARE you through now? NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE has to answer any question from anyone in these forums.......Can you understand that? Silence is Golden. From my perspective you and Boo2u are simply trying to incite an argumentive/hate/bashing situtation to which I refuse to be a part of. Lindyy ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 12/10/08 05:31 PM
I never feel inferior ![]() Lindyy and I both know where each other stands and we're ok with it lol Yes, and Foliel states his opinion in a mature, intelligent and amicable manner..... ![]() And what about me huh, lind ? lol Oh, Brandon, you too post with intelligence, respect and always speak as a gentleman.... ![]() P.S. Do you cover your macaw's cage to give him some privacy with his bell? ![]() |
AGAIN, sigh.....the US Supreme Court INTERPRETS the Constitution..... The US Supreme Court decides if the decision of a lower court erred in its decision according to the Constitution...... If the US Supreme Court decides NOT to hear a case it is because they felt the case did not violate constitutional law......and YES.....many times they send the case BACK to the lower court as that is where the case should be decided.....ALL depends on what the case is about and if the lower courts erred in its opinion. Hundreds (perhaps thousands) of cases do not make it to the US Supreme Court as they do not merit the need for the US Supreme Court as the US Supreme Court ruled that jurisdiciton belongs in the lower court. Lindyy ![]() |
I never feel inferior ![]() Lindyy and I both know where each other stands and we're ok with it lol Yes, and Foliel states his opinion in a mature, intelligent and amicable manner..... ![]() |
It's like talking to a brick wall. ![]() ![]() It sure is ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Lindy's problem is she is quick to strike out with her own beliefs, but when countered gets all huffy and cry's foul. You have the right to your own ideas, and beliefs, and to express them all you want and really in whatever way you want (irregardless of forums policy even this isn't about consequences but about what you CAN do) But so does everyone else, so get over it already! Lindy if you never mention your right to make these comments, then no one will reply about your right to make them . . . come on lady figure it out already . . . . Perhaps you should follow your own advice.... |
I think its worth commenting... ... about how many (self-proclaimed) "Christians" on this board are addicted to argumentative behavior, and at every slight political reason, chime in as if they speak with the mouth of God. Thus inviting people to bad mouth them... and then wondering why they don't find "Christian Rights" here... ummm... sort of like Gay people wanting "Gay Rights." (???) What is it in their mental make-up that causes them to invite this bashing of their faith? (or belief system) What is it in the mental make-up that causes people to bash that same faith? (or belief system) It amazes me to find people arguing so bitterly about such a wide variety of stuff. I really think it isn't "in the name of God" these types argue on and on endlessly, but it is in the very bitterness of their soul that they have allowed the world to enter in and convert them to be such argumentative types. There are a million more productive things to do with one's life the to extinguish life's precious time here on this web site heaped nearly irretrievably in some kind of completely vain argument. I think I can observe this for all people.... ... arguing feeds the flesh. And for a faith that is taught to deny the flesh, this might be worth consideration. Then maybe one would not be wondering why (ahem) <quote-unquote> "Christians" are being bad mouthed in every corner of this web site. Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. There is no new thing under the sun. IS IT RIGHT TO BAD MOUTH A CHRISTIAN FOR THE CHRISTIAN'S OPINION? THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE SAYING.....AGAIN CHRISTIANS ARE VERY ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINIONS AND DO NOT HAVE TO CONFORM TO NON CHRISTIANS....... LINDYY ![]() You are right that you are entitled to your opinion and that everyone has the right to free speach. But, having read what you've said in most of your posts- the world has to conform to your opinions- including your christian ones. Basically (after reading the whole thread) one can only come to that conclusion... I won't fight with you anymore as it's pointless, but I'll leave you with a bit of wisdom I've learned. "What works for one person does not always work for another." Or in a more simplified way: Not everyone will come to Christ by the same means. Your opinions on homosexuality might not work for others and if you don't want to be called out on it then quit posting on threads that involve it- it's that simple. I'm not trying to silence you but don't play the victim here. If you didn't want to be singled out then you wouldn't. That's called personal responsibility. And people who know what that is change the channel on the television when something they don't like or a program that attacks their belief's come on that station. I am glad you admitted you have been "fighting" instead of debating. And as I have stated before, if one does not like my posting, simply do not read my posts....and I will continue to post according to my Christian view point....no one has the right to tell me to stop posting I do NOT tell others to leave the thread and go to another....that is an attempt to dominate.... I have yet to bash anyone, I have simply posted scripture from the Bible which is how I base my opinions and live my life.....perhaps others do not like my opinion because it is in total contrast to what they believe....but just the same...I am entitled to my opinion and state it without this type of a post being made directly to me..... Lindyy |
I think its worth commenting... ... about how many (self-proclaimed) "Christians" on this board are addicted to argumentative behavior, and at every slight political reason, chime in as if they speak with the mouth of God. Thus inviting people to bad mouth them... and then wondering why they don't find "Christian Rights" here... ummm... sort of like Gay people wanting "Gay Rights." (???) What is it in their mental make-up that causes them to invite this bashing of their faith? (or belief system) What is it in the mental make-up that causes people to bash that same faith? (or belief system) It amazes me to find people arguing so bitterly about such a wide variety of stuff. I really think it isn't "in the name of God" these types argue on and on endlessly, but it is in the very bitterness of their soul that they have allowed the world to enter in and convert them to be such argumentative types. There are a million more productive things to do with one's life the to extinguish life's precious time here on this web site heaped nearly irretrievably in some kind of completely vain argument. I think I can observe this for all people.... ... arguing feeds the flesh. And for a faith that is taught to deny the flesh, this might be worth consideration. Then maybe one would not be wondering why (ahem) <quote-unquote> "Christians" are being bad mouthed in every corner of this web site. Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. There is no new thing under the sun. IS IT RIGHT TO BAD MOUTH A CHRISTIAN FOR THE CHRISTIAN'S OPINION? THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE SAYING.....AGAIN CHRISTIANS ARE VERY ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINIONS AND DO NOT HAVE TO CONFORM TO NON CHRISTIANS....... LINDYY ![]() You are right that you are entitled to your opinion and that everyone has the right to free speach. But, having read what you've said in most of your posts- the world has to conform to your opinions- including your christian ones. Basically (after reading the whole thread) one can only come to that conclusion... I won't fight with you anymore as it's pointless, but I'll leave you with a bit of wisdom I've learned. "What works for one person does not always work for another." Or in a more simplified way: Not everyone will come to Christ by the same means. Your opinions on homosexuality might not work for others and if you don't want to be called out on it then quit posting on threads that involve it- it's that simple. I'm not trying to silence you but don't play the victim here. If you didn't want to be singled out then you wouldn't. That's called personal responsibility. And people who know what that is change the channel on the television when something they don't like or a program that attacks their belief's come on that station. I have yet to bash anyone, I have simply posted scripture from the Bible which is how I base my opinions and live my life.....perhaps others do not like my opinion because it is in total contrast to what they believe....but just the same...I am entitled to my opinion and state it without this type of a post being made directly to me..... Lindyy |
I would never use that vet for any of my dogs I have had over the years.............PLAY???????? News to me..... I have always been extremely selective about my vet (1) because I love my dog(s) and (2) I had shown dogs and I also bred dogs.....thus I needed a credible vet...... I have used credible vets also. My family members raise Chows Chows. I have had a white Chow Chow and an Australian Shepard. We do not take vet selection lightly. I have seen far too many chows dismissed from the show ring for agressiveness and/or snapping at or biting......the dog is allowed 1 warning and it is submitted to the AKC....the next time the dog is banned from ever being shown again..... I trust a doberman or rotweiler before a Chow....from my own personal experience...... |
Lindy, Some animals dont even need sex to reproduce, its called Parthenogenesis, there are alot of diverse species that use it. Sex is in no way just tied to reproduction, Ive got a male Scarlet macaw that mates with his bell for crying out loud lol There is no such thing as a Black/White Idea when it comes to nature my dear How are yah by the way? Have you ever seen those annoying dogs that hump people's legs? that's about dominance...and...not sexual in nature... That's not quite true. I had a female dog that kept humping my child a week before the dog went into heat. Some dogs even hump items that aren't people. Are they trying to dominate them? No. The vet said that dogs hump for 3 reasons: to mate, or to play or to dominate. I would never use that vet for any of my dogs I have had over the years.............PLAY???????? News to me..... I have always been extremely selective about my vet (1) because I love my dog(s) and (2) I had shown dogs and I also bred dogs.....thus I needed a credible vet...... |
Since this is a dating site... ... I was wondering if the people who compulsively and obsessively argue are lonely? ... I was wondering if they had given any thought to the idea that constantly bitterly arguing was not all that attractive to the opposite sex or potential partners? Nobody wins when people argue. You don't win some kind of Mingle prize for having the most cruel argument. There is no victory at all. Only a feeding of the flesh for one's own selfish means. Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. There is no new thing under the sun. Well, sir, you are in the Politics, Current Events and News forum....and, you are participating in the debates here too, keep that in mind....... |
like i said ..dont like my answers ..I DONT CARE...AND IF IT WERE A MATTER OF MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS THAT WHY WOULD SOMEONE POST THIS THREAD THAT INVITES MY OPINION..public forum not everyone that agrees with me forum ..get that clue..o there are no disclaimers if you feel that this is directed at you than you might be right..i hide behind nothing... YOUR POST IS 100%++++ CORRECT....... Just look at what they say to me.....they do not like what I post and try to mute my voice....it will never happen....and they claim everyone should respect each other's opinions....well what they mean is respect THEIR opinion and the rest are to shut their mouths. Lindyy If you would have READ my posts, then you know I was talking about real life minding your own business. Not on this stupid thread. ![]() May I suggest that you make your posts more precise and clear as to whom and what you are referring to............ |
I think its worth commenting... ... about how many (self-proclaimed) "Christians" on this board are addicted to argumentative behavior, and at every slight political reason, chime in as if they speak with the mouth of God. Thus inviting people to bad mouth them... and then wondering why they don't find "Christian Rights" here... ummm... sort of like Gay people wanting "Gay Rights." (???) What is it in their mental make-up that causes them to invite this bashing of their faith? (or belief system) What is it in the mental make-up that causes people to bash that same faith? (or belief system) It amazes me to find people arguing so bitterly about such a wide variety of stuff. I really think it isn't "in the name of God" these types argue on and on endlessly, but it is in the very bitterness of their soul that they have allowed the world to enter in and convert them to be such argumentative types. There are a million more productive things to do with one's life the to extinguish life's precious time here on this web site heaped nearly irretrievably in some kind of completely vain argument. I think I can observe this for all people.... ... arguing feeds the flesh. And for a faith that is taught to deny the flesh, this might be worth consideration. Then maybe one would not be wondering why (ahem) <quote-unquote> "Christians" are being bad mouthed in every corner of this web site. Vanity, vanity, all is vanity. There is no new thing under the sun. IS IT RIGHT TO BAD MOUTH A CHRISTIAN FOR THE CHRISTIAN'S OPINION? THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE SAYING.....AGAIN CHRISTIANS ARE VERY ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINIONS AND DO NOT HAVE TO CONFORM TO NON CHRISTIANS....... LINDYY ![]() Yes, but I am not a (quote-unquote) "non Christian"... Opinion is one thing.... on and on and on in arguments about religion day after day after day show me something about an arguers personality. I will know you by your fruits. If I did not have the Spirit of God in me, then you may possible blow me off, but since I do (read my profile), what I am doing here is holding you accountable for all the bitter garbage you allow to spew out of your computer and into the eyes of the innocent. Not everybody here is some ultra-terrible demon-possessed person who needs to be beat up by your constant arguments. I wonder how many good people were actually considering Christianity as a life choice, but after seeing you and other like you who post constant bitter rags in the name of God, perhaps you have made them choose differnelt, at which time you ceased to be doing God's work, and blindly begand working for the Enemy of God. Obsessive arguers are showing signs of severe bitternes, very little peace, and in my opinion, are making a mockery of the God they claim to love. It isn't anything more than feeding the flesh. Why not be posting somewhere else to add something that is uplifting? Instead it is a constant woe of strife. Why always be in some situation showing people how much you can hate them with your words? Is this how you plan to show Christ's love? Wow..... "Jesus wept." Check your heart... it appears there is something drastically wrong with it if a person compulsively and obsessively posts nothing but arguments day in and day out. Where are the beauties in life? Where is your peace? Where is your compassion? Where is simply... your love" "God is love." Is life a non-stop, drama filled argument? That is all people here get from you. It is the testimony of the obsessive arguer, it causes people to hate God because of your example, and you don't seem to care. It seems more important to you to perpetuate the hate in your flesh and to feed it by posting more and more and more argumentative comments. This is the Christ you are presenting by example as people who may or may not be Christians are watching through the screen of their computers. I have the freedom to kill someone, and I could feel I am entitled, but that does not make it right. You may feel you have some kind of freedom to go on and on and on endlessly in arguments, but that does not make it right. It typically gives people the wrong impression about Christianity when you claim to do it because it is (in your words) "in the name of God", etc. I do not think Jesus would be on an Internet site everyday arguing about anything. He would be out doing good works, like healing people, or teaching with love and compassion. Perhaps you need to follow His example and get away from your computer for a season and do some of those types of good things. Arguing contains no healing, only strife and bitterness, and it seems like the world is your victim. The same world Jesus died for on the cross. If that is your view of Jesus, I really pity you. Bitterness, hatred, contempt... for people of all types... in the name of Jesus... if I did not have my faith, I would run for the hills from your example. Have you considered stopping the arguing because you, by posting your bitter opinions, are actually doing the Devil's work by driving people away from Christ by the hordes? You are so far from the truth of Christ, that you cannot see any truth whatsoever, that is what I think. I think you are back-slidden and lost, and basically very close to the Biblical Pharisee and hypocrite. I am actually trying to help you, but I think you are so lost in this obsessive online arguing stuff, that it would take a lightning strike to force you to repent. There is such a thing as being addicted to being online. Sort of like being addicted to gambling or any other activity. Arguing feeds the flesh. It is vain. You should stop, and I don't mind posting the truth about it that many more will see and acknowledge. It is what someone needs to stand up and say, and I have said it openly and with no fear. Repent. REPENT, does this apply to you also?.....and a repeat of your post back to non christians....again....an attempt to mute the voice of Christians....will NEVER happen... |
Lindy, Some animals dont even need sex to reproduce, its called Parthenogenesis, there are alot of diverse species that use it. Sex is in no way just tied to reproduction, Ive got a male Scarlet macaw that mates with his bell for crying out loud lol There is no such thing as a Black/White Idea when it comes to nature my dear How are yah by the way? Have you ever seen those annoying dogs that hump people's legs? that's about dominance...and...not sexual in nature... GIO!!! Right you are! Puppies, before they leave the litter, show their "alpha" nature by doing this......from a few weeks old, at least dogs, show who is the "leader" or "leader of the pack" by doing this..... Lindyy ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 12/10/08 10:53 AM
Lindy, Some animals dont even need sex to reproduce, its called Parthenogenesis, there are alot of diverse species that use it. Sex is in no way just tied to reproduction, Ive got a male Scarlet macaw that mates with his bell for crying out loud lol There is no such thing as a Black/White Idea when it comes to nature my dear How are yah by the way? Brandon!!! Hello!! Maybe your Macaw is just so horny he is frustrated and will use anything? Oops, you triggered my brain....some plants are self-polinating..... Lindyy ![]() |
Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked. That is the WAY GOD wills it. You will always be an Alien to this World. The problem right now is the World trying to embrace it, but as they do they will CHANGE it and Warp it. It is a Personal Relationship with God... NOT LAW others into Christianity. There is a difference... one is conditioning of the Heart... the other is in appearance only for show and shallow, a ritual. Whenever there is Power and Money involved, MAN will corrupt it... the Christian Right movement has been corrupted and it is EVIL. It has turned away kind hearted, bleeding Hearts away from GOD. THAT IS SUCH A FALSEHOOD...... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What is False about it? You think the Christian Right is all about God. You don't think the sin nature of man can corrupt christianity... what are you disagreeing with? Read "Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back" by Frank Schaeffer Man has used Christianity before, KKK, Crusade, etc... what makes you think you are any better that you can't be fooled by the manipulation of man. I am guided by the Holy Spirit and God's word....the Holy Bible...NO man manipulates me....that is an "excuse" people come up with to try to prove something that is false..... |
Edited by
Wed 12/10/08 10:42 AM
are you implying that the only purpose for love is reproduction? and what about those who don't believe in God or even your God for that matter? why should they be forced to abide by rules they don't care much for? if you believe in those rules, good for you, don't marry a guy but i don't think it's our right to mandate people's personal choices of whom they wanna love and share their lives with. it goes against the very principles this country was built on. freedom of the individual in case you're wondering... The whole purpose of male and female is to reproduce....even flowers, animals, vegetables, fruit trees, fish, trees on and on ALL have male and female sexes................was anyone in here ever in a biology class? BTW, I have yet to see male dogs 'breeding' with each other.....I can say that because I was very involved with the showing and breeding of English Springer Spaniels and involved in national dog clubs and national dog shows.....NOPE, seems dogs have more common sense............ Lindyy Animals are doing it. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/07/0722_040722_gayanimal.html Even plants do it. how do you think they reproduce?.................????????????? I'm talking about them doing it with the same sex. That's what your post was referring to. ![]() Like I said, I have yet to see dogs of same sex engaging in sex... Plants, trees, flowers.....the pollen from these plants are passed on from the male tree to the female tree via the wind............or by man when creating hybrids, developing new or carrying out same type i.e. sweet corn, pop corn (Yep I grew it one year) cherry tomatos, oxheart tomatos, lillies, roses, on and on..... How can you tell a male pine tree from a female pine tree? Well, I am referring to the spruce....the male spruce is blue in color, the female is green...... I have yet to see a vegetable or tree or flower "snuggle up" to each other..... ![]() ![]() |
Breaking News
ABC News is saying that Jesse Jackson, Jr. is Senate Candidate Five. Senate Candidate Five is the one Blagojevich says was willing to supply campaign cash for the Senate seat. I'm betting that a lot of money Obama raised for his campaign came from crooks of the same sort. People donated money to Obama via emails. obama got money more than just from E-mails.....come on now....face the truth........he is in hot water now with this arrest of the Illinois governor..... |