Bluster, Bully, Bribe
The Obama Way: Bluster, Bully, Bribe Michelle Malkin – Fri Mar 5, 3:00 am ET The White House took great offense this week when conservatives suggested President Obama might be trading a judicial appointment for a wavering Democrat's vote on his health care reform plan. "Absurd," a miffed administration official told Wherever could the American people get such an impression? Let us count the ways. On Wednesday, the very day Obama hosted 10 swing Democrats who had opposed the expansive health care takeover bill in November, the White House issued a press release trumpeting the nomination of Scott M. Matheson Jr. to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Matheson just happens to be the brother of Democratic Rep. Jim Matheson of Utah — one of the 10 Dems invited to sip wine and nosh on calorically correct appetizers with the arm-twister-in-chief. The seat on the 10th Circuit has been vacant for nearly a year. When one of the judges, Michael McConnell, resigned to take a lucrative post at Stanford Law School last summer, Matheson — Rhodes Scholar, law school professor and dean — let the White House know right away he wanted the job. For nearly a year, there was no action. Liberal groups have been complaining for months about the glacial pace of Obama's judicial nominations — a predicament they blame not solely on obstructionist Republicans, but on Obama's own team of incompetent, indecisive foot-draggers who put the issue at the bottom of their priority list. (It's worth noting that Utah GOP Sen. Orrin Hatch supports Matheson's candidacy.) As the National Law Journal pointed out at the beginning of this year, "the Obama administration has been slower than the Bush administration was in sending judicial nominations to the Senate, submitting 12 circuit nominations last year compared with 28 for Bush in 2001. The White House last named a circuit nominee on Nov. 4." Now, out of nowhere, comes the announcement of Matheson's nomination — in the heat of White House vote-grubbing to salvage the Democrats' government health care designs? To quote Dana Carvey's old Church Lady character on "Saturday Night Live": How conveeenient. Let us consider the possibility, for a brief moment, that this is all merely coincidence. Is the White House so fantastically blind and tone-deaf that it failed to detect the blood-red flags and blaring alarm bells that Scott Matheson's judicial nomination would raise coming on the very day Obama was wooing his brother? Incorrigibly corrupt or incorrigibly stupid. Take your pick. The perception of a judgeship-for-Obamacare-vote deal is, of course, horribly unfair to Matheson, who seems more than qualified for the position. But full blame for creating that unmistakable perception lies squarely at the feet of the rank opportunists in the White House, whose timing is worse than a broken metronome. This debacle comes on the heels of damning disclosures about other possible White House bribery. Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania admitted to veteran Philly newsman Larry Kane that Team Obama dangled a "high-ranking" position in the administration if he dropped out of the Senate race and left incumbent Republican-turned-Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter alone. In Colorado, the Denver Post reported last fall that Deputy White House Chief of Staff Jim Messina "offered specific suggestions" for an Obama administration job to far-left Democrat Andrew Romanoff if he withdrew his challenge to White House-backed incumbent Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet. And earlier this month, The Washington Times noted that Mary Patrice Brown, the person assigned by the Justice Department to oversee an internal investigation into the shady dismissal of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation cases, is now "the leading candidate for a federal judgeship — for which she is being vetted by some of the same offices she supposedly is investigating." So, wherever did we get the impression that pay-for-play is the Obama way? Somewhere, Chicago corruptocrat Rod Blagojevich — who wanted to play, but didn't get paid — is laughing bitterly. JUST GOTTA LOVE THAT GAL, MICHELLE MALKIN......CHEERS TO MICHELLE |
I think racism is all but dead in this country.I haven't heard so much as a peep from the KKK,the skinheads,the black panthers,and all the other famous racist originations in America in the last 10 years or more.We all know teachers can't even so much refer to a hispanic person as a "Mexican" with out threats of being fired.Racist jokes are not tolerated in any public places by the general public anymore even in comedy clubs.Racist humor is dead even in the movies.Yes there is still good ol boys out in them woods,and yes there is still black power brothers who blame whitey for everything but their days are numbered. I agree with some of the other posters in saying this post is directed towards the exploding tea party movement.I don't think I have seen any origination receiving so much hate towards it as the tea party movement and Sarah palin in peticular.People don't just disagree with the tea party movement.They loath and hate them. "...and yes there is still black power brothers who blame whitey for everything but their days are numbered." Now that's showing true colors there. So "racism is dead" in America yet this is said? That sounds like a threat....and BTW, the SPLC lists black radical groups as well, they report on the extremists in America that are becoming a threat to national security....regardless of race. It's not a matter of being PC, it's about respect and I see less and and less respect for diversity in America. This IS fueled by the 24/7 media of hate radio and the GOP propaganda from FOCKS and of course the leftover GOP who oppose any progress in repairing the damages...absurdly thinking this will win them elections..Really? For example the DC rally on 9/12 was organized by Glenn Beck, a known racist, and it's core is racist in nature. One only had to see the posters the people were the numbers were a joke, FOCKS reported a million+ and it was about 75K at the most...they even cooked the numbers to imply it was a vast movement. Wrong, it's just mostly a bunch of racist malcontents wanting to blame the people who are trying to fix the mess left over from the last 8 years that destroyed our economy....small numbers but yet still a threat. If you guys want to claim that the T-baggers are not mostly a racist group then why did the recent convention feature this guy? "It turns out that the Tea Party has more in common with the mainstream political parties than we may have realized. They too are completely and utterly dysfunctional. Kicking off their controversial national convention in Nashville last night, Tom Tancredo, the one time GOP Congressman, presidential candidate and confirmed wing-nut, presented the opening speech. To make certain that the event got off to the right start, Tancredo proceeded to give the most racist speech I can recall since David Duke, the Ku Klux Klan leader turned politician, amazed us with his vile dribble. Ripping into Obama, Tancredo announced that the president had won his office because “we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country.” This was no accidental choice of words. Back in the days of the Jim Crow south, literacy tests were used to take away the right to vote from the majority of African Americans. It was a practice successfully employed to deny these rights from the late nineteenth century right on through to the 1960’s when it was mercifully ended by The Voting Rights Act of 1965, and one that continues to be one of the darkest stains on our national history. But Tancredo was just getting warmed up. People who could not spell the word vote or say it in English put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House — name is Barack Hussein Obama.” Via Fox News But he wasn’t finished yet. He still had to point out that America’s problems are the result of the nation’s “cult of multiculturalism.” Tancredo basically did everything he could to make his racist point short of handing out copies of “Mein Kampf” and carrying a sign reading, “If you ain’t white, you ain’t right.” I have never accused the Tea Party of being a racist movement. While I acknowledge that there are certainly those who identify with the group whose objection to Barack Obama is based on his race, it seems unfair to paint everyone in the movement – many of whom are upset with the state of the country and want to express their concerns – with so negative a brush. But if these people want to be taken seriously, why would they waste the national stage they have created with this convention to highlight a racist like Tom Tancredo? To be fair, there were those in attendance who get that. Mark Skoda, a founder of the Memphis Tea Party and a spokesman for the convention, was left shaking his head in amazement, saying “It doesn’t further the dialogue.” You can say that again, Mark." Glenn Beck a racist? Quite obviously many are paranoid over people such as Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Bill O'Reilly, Tea Party supporters, etc...........heck, let's just put the entire FOX CABLE broadcasting system up here.............. People who are anti the above, just are plain paranoid over the fact that the people of the USA are sick and tired of what is being done to our country and are standing up and speaking out about it..............such is life............. I view the hatred against such supporters, hate evidenced throughout this website forum on Politics, as supporters of obama and his little boy temper tantrum whenever he does not get his own way. My God, how many times has obama cry babied, on national television, about Fox news and Sean Hannity? It is so repulsive of this man, obama, AND never have I ever heard any President, or other political figure, except obama and those that he keeps himself surrounded with and has associated with most of his life......come out and cry babied over a news media...............SHALL WE PITCH IN AND BUY OBAMA AND HIS CRONIES A SUPPLY OF BABY PACIFIERS? |
The Current Situation
Edited by
Fri 03/05/10 12:52 PM
1. "Hater is a contemporary slang word for people who put down others,,, Is 'repulsive' also a slang word?" ............ If you do not know that get out a dictionary and look up the word repulsive. Oh, Dear God, hater and repulsive are both adjectives ..... And again, the use of the word hate is totally out of order for describing people who merely dislike, disagree or feel dismay over another's opinions, agenda, policies....... 2. I, and I am confident that the rest of the population of the USA, could not possibly care less about your Pew poll. Whatever it is supposed to be. I do highly question the credibility of this "Pew" poll and "American Political IQ" As 1,002 adults is a far cry from a representation of the total population of the USA citizens. And, again, you go making a declaratory statement, this time declaring that Americans are not knowledgeable about geography.... 3. It is of extreme importance that the American citizens make daily observations and decisions about obama and the current Administration's actions, accomplishments and/or lack thereof. To not do so is total negligence and a maintainment of a reckless attitude in keeping thoroughly apprised of what is and is not taking place in this administration's actions, agenda and policies. Our welfare and security of ourselves and future generations are at stake in this issue. 4. I do question if you actually do have privy to an adequate number of attorneys who do not consider obama a as you made no reference to who these individuals are and/or where they are located and the type of law they practice, the courts they are licensed to practice law in and their political party and stand on relevant issues that are of the utmost concern of the American citizen. Thus, again, I state that after 22 years as a legal secretary experienced in local, state, Federal, appellate courts, and high contact and observance of attorneys practicing in said courts, I can rightfully state that obama is a says he will do one thing and turns around and does another [please refer to my statement about his so-called 'transparency' policy which never took place]....never intending on doing what he originally stated he would do. 5. How obama's agenda as acting [for lack of a better word] president can be seen EVERY day. No need to wait till he is out of office to see how he is IMPACTING the USA. The economy is spiraling downward rapidly, unemployment 10%, the USA has trillions of dollars in deficit, of which China owns the great majority of the USA debt, the people of the USA are screaming to STOP SPENDING OBAMA.......!! He has spent his entire first year in office on the health care issue..... NOTHING on the economy and unemployment, the job situation......and still has accomplished NOTHING........ So, he is doing the best he can with what he has? Whatever "what he has" means. If his best is running the economy and job situation to ruin.....I hardly consider that "the best"...... I AM SCARED TO DEATH TO SEE WHAT HIS 'FULL' TERM WILL BRING ABOUT. "........................perhaps your 'declaratory statement' that most do not care about polls (or written work in general, I guess) is true but in YOUR previous post you asked for some statistics or substantiation of my 'declaratory statement' regarding the state of political education in the US, which is what I gave." RESPONSE: PLEASE QUOTE ME CORRECTLY: "2. I, and I am confident that the rest of the population of the USA, could not possibly care less about your Pew poll. Whatever it is supposed to be." I DID NOT SAY ".....polls (or written work in general....." ********************* As previously stated 'I actually AM privvy to lawyers who dont find OBama to be a bullshitter, but rather that has bearing on what you consider to be valid is another issue' I am attesting to the fact that I am privvy to lawyers who disagree with you which was your original question. For me to now answer how many , tell their names, where they work, in what field, their social security numbers,,etc,,, would do little to further the conversation or encourage any type of relevant debate. RESPONSE: Your allegations that you have privy are just that, allegations.....something that has not been proven.....You cannot, or you refuse, to even state what type of court of law these alleged attorney(s) practice in......Thus, your "attest" is worthless, unacceptable and not credible. ANYONE CAN SAY ANYTHING, BUT WITHOUT FACTS TO BACK THE STATEMENTS UP.....ONE CAN ONLY DRAW TO A CONCLUSION THAT THE STATEMENT IS JUST A MADE UP FALLACY...... ********************************* Finally, I do observe OBama and from where I sit he has been a part of much progress. Here in Las Vegas, he stopped waste from being dumped in our backyard. He has been a part of the process to stop credit card companies from RIPPING us off. HE has been a part of the process which has greatly reduced the rate of foreclosures we have on homes here. He has been a part of expanding unemployment benefits. Job loss has decreased nearly exponentially. He was part of the progress that helped our country avoid another potential depression.. RESPONSE: LET ME REFRESH YOUR MEMORY.....PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH initiated the first expansion of unemployment benefits the Fall of 2008.........obama merely followed in President Bush's footsteps..... FURTHERMORE, unemployment ROSE TO A RECORD LEVEL (10%)since obama took office........ Credit cards? I FEEL SORRY FOR NO ONE WHO LIVES ON CREDIT CARDS. Perhaps you and obama should practice obama's "pay as you go policy"........ Foreclosures are up more than ever and are expected to rise even more........ ********************************* I could go on and on about the progress I see him making, but in the end, its about how he fits my personal priorities. Like with any relationship, if someone isnt meeting those needs most important to us, we generally want to cut them loose. I expected him to tackle healthcare after stabilizing the economy. I didnt expect he would have so much opposition, but I did expect that he would see it through however long it took, which is what I believe he is doing. My priority is health, because without it, there is no job, and therefore no home, no food,,etc,,,, I am pleased he made it such a priority. He is more than living up to what was important to me so I am still pleased with his leadership. I respect that others who may have different personal priorities than me, priorities that have yet to be met,, will feel differently. Thats life, but its also subjective, personal, opinion. RESPONSE: "....I expected him to tackle healthcare after stabilizing the economy. I didnt expect he would have so much opposition,...." Obviously you do not listen to the USA citizens either......and the fact that you 'expected him to tackle healthcare [AFTER]stabilizing the economy.', WELL, WHAT MORE NEEDS TO BE SAID, OBVIOUSLY, EVEN YOU FELT THE ECONOMY NEEDED STABILIZED FIRST. THE ECONOMY SHOULD HAVE BEEN STABILIZED BEFORE EVEN THINKING OF HEALTH CARE...... UNEMPLOYMENT SHOULD HAVE BEEN STABILIZED BEFORE EVEN THINKING OF HEALTH CARE..... WITHOUT THE ECONOMY AND UNEMPLOYMENT STABILIZED, THERE WOULD BE NO MONEY FOR ANY REFORM TO HEALTH CARE NEEDS COME BEFORE WANTS..... |
The Current Situation
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Fri 03/05/10 12:51 AM
Sigh,,, well 1. Hater is a contemporary slang word for people who put down others,,, Is 'repulsive' also a slang word? 2. From website 'You likely won't see this poll result elsewhere, so I thought I'd highlight it here. This is a Pew Political IQ test conducted over the phone with 1,002 adults from Oct. 1-4. They were asked 12 questions, and answered an average of 5.3 questions correctly, according to Pew.' I am sure if you googled American Political IQ, you could find many more. The truth is not putting down, I didnt judge people for not knowing about politics, I just stated that on average americans are not well knowledgable about the processes and procedures. Just as geography is , on average, not a topic americans are widely educated about. 3. I can assure you I have no lack of intellect, common sense, or intelligence although I could have been more specific when stating that we should wait till OBamas completed presidency to decide what he has or hasnt accomplished. Of course, common sense dictates, that we can always decide what people have or have not accomplished up to the present time. My point was about what he achieves or does not achieve as PRESIDENT, not just his first year or two, but the whole time he is serving his role. 4.I actually AM privvy to lawyers who dont find OBama to be a bullshitter, but rather that has bearing on what you consider to be valid is another issue. 5. Literal fact and truth are quite different from personal opinion. How Obamas (full) presidency impacts America is yet to be seen. I feel he is doing the best with what he has and will reserve further judgment until his job has run its course. 1. "Hater is a contemporary slang word for people who put down others,,, Is 'repulsive' also a slang word?" ............ If you do not know that get out a dictionary and look up the word repulsive. Oh, Dear God, hater and repulsive are both adjectives ..... And again, the use of the word hate is totally out of order for describing people who merely dislike, disagree or feel dismay over another's opinions, agenda, policies....... 2. I, and I am confident that the rest of the population of the USA, could not possibly care less about your Pew poll. Whatever it is supposed to be. I do highly question the credibility of this "Pew" poll and "American Political IQ" As 1,002 adults is a far cry from a representation of the total population of the USA citizens. And, again, you go making a declaratory statement, this time declaring that Americans are not knowledgeable about geography.... 3. It is of extreme importance that the American citizens make daily observations and decisions about obama and the current Administration's actions, accomplishments and/or lack thereof. To not do so is total negligence and a maintainment of a reckless attitude in keeping thoroughly apprised of what is and is not taking place in this administration's actions, agenda and policies. Our welfare and security of ourselves and future generations are at stake in this issue. 4. I do question if you actually do have privy to an adequate number of attorneys who do not consider obama a as you made no reference to who these individuals are and/or where they are located and the type of law they practice, the courts they are licensed to practice law in and their political party and stand on relevant issues that are of the utmost concern of the American citizen. Thus, again, I state that after 22 years as a legal secretary experienced in local, state, Federal, appellate courts, and high contact and observance of attorneys practicing in said courts, I can rightfully state that obama is a says he will do one thing and turns around and does another [please refer to my statement about his so-called 'transparency' policy which never took place]....never intending on doing what he originally stated he would do. 5. How obama's agenda as acting [for lack of a better word] president can be seen EVERY day. No need to wait till he is out of office to see how he is IMPACTING the USA. The economy is spiraling downward rapidly, unemployment 10%, the USA has trillions of dollars in deficit, of which China owns the great majority of the USA debt, the people of the USA are screaming to STOP SPENDING OBAMA.......!! He has spent his entire first year in office on the health care issue..... NOTHING on the economy and unemployment, the job situation......and still has accomplished NOTHING........ So, he is doing the best he can with what he has? Whatever "what he has" means. If his best is running the economy and job situation to ruin.....I hardly consider that "the best"...... I AM SCARED TO DEATH TO SEE WHAT HIS 'FULL' TERM WILL BRING ABOUT. |
The Current Situation
I'll let the Mobfather sum this arguement / debate only he can...from yesterdays show... "It really is time for Republicans to stand for the people who are paying for all of this, and that's us. Government is not supposed to be about redistribution and subsidies and payouts and bribes and kickbacks to union people. It is supposed to be about promoting a healthy society and freedom for the individual within an ordered system called the Constitution." republicans are cowards . and thats on a good day . I don't always support all things the demos come up with actually not many things but at least when they post here they don't exclude most of the country . and I have heard republicans saying we should refuse to allow people to vote . all the repub's want is to pig out on the country's purse . Hmmm......I do not consider myself to be a coward....why do you say that......I do believe it is the democrats who have this country's deficit into the trillions of the expense of the USA citizens..............and I do believe your statement about refusing to allow people to vote is a total fabrication............. Why do people say such things, filled with hatred towards people they do not even know......why cannot intelligent conversations be had instead of all the hate and fabrications............ |
The Current Situation
Obama's a good guy and a great public speaker, but he does not seem to have the political power to get things moving in the right direction. The Republican conservatives are just playing political games while the country goes into the toilet. The conservatives need to get their collective heads out of their butts before there is rioting in the streets. Good point. If the country is going into the toilet, I hardly think it is the fault of the Republican Conservatives, after all, the democrats are in control and obama is, presumably, the president, although his actions to date, make that a very questionable matter. |
The Current Situation
Edited by
Thu 03/04/10 02:36 PM
I would submit the reality that MOST americans dont understand the political process nor the roles of government. Just like I wouldnt expect to tell a doctor what to do for me, I can only tell him what is wrong and he must decide based upon his experience and knowledge how to help me with it. As a constitutional lawyer, I am sure he has a bit better idea of what things are politically viable than the average jill and joe does. The president isnt merely a spokesmodel for the opinions of Americans, he also is expected to have a BIT more knowledge about government policy and process which means that after he hears our concerns, yes, he needs to make decisions about what should be done for those concerns and I certainly PRAY that decision is based on what he thinks is best for US, himself and his loved ones included. "The president isnt merely a spokesmodel for the opinions of Americans, he also is expected to have a BIT more knowledge about government policy and process which means that after he hears our concerns, yes, he needs to make decisions about what should be done for those concerns and I certainly PRAY that decision is based on what he thinks is best for US, himself and his loved ones included." This current president is no spokes model for anything....especially the opinions of the citizens of the USA.....he had closed ears, closed mind and cannot see past his nose......just because he is an alleged attorney who practiced, supposedly, constitutional law, does NOT make him qualified or competent and correct and precise in that area of law......I speak from experience of 22 years as a legal secretary, familiar with the Federal Court system.....I know a B.S'er when I see one....and that obama certainly is............ obama does not have a clue what is best for the USA citizens......he only knows what his political agenda is and what he must do to accomplish it.....and so far his 'plans' have been met with extreme disagreement and repulsiveness by the USA citizens......only obama refuses to listen.....his arrogance is waiving all over the USA, unlike our beloved flag that waives proclaiming the freedom that this great country stands for.......THE REPUBLIC for which it stands............. I am not gonna compare a constitutional lawyers qualifications for presidency to the knowledge of a legal secretary, because that was far from my point. My point was that the AVERAGE american doesnt politically understand what things can and cannot be done within the government anymore than the average medical patient knows how to heal thyself. So in the end, when decisions MUST be made(which is part of a presidents role),,then YES, I pray that president is making decision based upon what he thinks is BEST for the nation. As far as the rest, its all perspective I guess. What you see as arrogance, I see as intelligence and confidence, I dont see this extreme repulsiveness by the majority of people, but expect it from some as its impossible to please every single one of the two hundred million plus adults in this or any other country. I could meet your legal secretary opinion of him being a bullshitter with opinions of LAWYERS who dont see him as one...thats all subjective. In the end though, AFTER he is out of office, is the time when what he has or hasnt accomplished will become clear and I am sure (like any other president) there will be plenty of things on both lists for supporters and haters to cling to. ***************** Well....pray tell, please advise where you get your statistics to prove and substantiate your personal statement and opinion that MOST Americans do not understand the political process nor the roles of the government? If you made yourself open and willing to seek out the information provided via news media - which reports on the people all over the USA, not just one local community....I am confident, based on how you express yourself, you would be totally shocked as to just HOW MUCH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DO, AND I MEAN DO, UNDERSTAND......I, personally, do not feel you have the expertise, qualifications or right to demean the American people by stating, without fact, what they know or do not know, understand or do not understand....anything.... Unless you are privy to lawyers whom, as you claim, do not view obama as a, your statement about this issue is null and appears to me that you have a tendency to form opinions based on your own self-imposed opinion and desire for facts to be the way you desire them to be, as opposed to the literal fact and truth. obama has reneged on so many issues that he campaigned on, transparency, for one MAJOR issue, thus lending him to be one who cannot be trusted, he is not a man of his word, thus.......the adjective of comes into play.....double talk, whatever adjective one chooses to use to describe obama's most negative trait. If you do not see the repulsiveness, then again, I must draw to a conclusion that you do not keep apprised, via any news media, as to how the American people truly feel........ I do not see why you refer to the word 'haters', perhaps that is in your attitude towards those of whom you have opposite opinions, but myself, and the people I associate with and listen to across the USA via various news media, the word 'hate' is not in their or my vocabulary concerning difference of opinion and agenda ...... dislike, disapproval, dismay, but NOT, unlike you, the word hate....... It is a lack of intellect, common sense, and maturity to want to wait until obama is out of office to see what obama has, has not and will not accomplished. It is laid right before our very eyes........this very minute.....for all to see.......putting off accomplishes nothing......he must be judged and opinions formed on his attributes and contributions and accomplishments NOW, every day that he is in office......NOT LET IT GO TILL HE IS OUT.....and too late for the American people to do anything to counteract obamas grievous errors....... |
The Current Situation
so, not only is there a house plan, senate plan, and presidential 'plan', there is also a specifically democrat and specifically republican plan? Wow, no wonder politics in high school seemed like alot of wasted energy. Its not a team that works for america its several teams who work to outdo each other. it's called protecting our Liberty from more government control... True, our founding Fathers set up the Constitution to prevent the government from taking over....... You have to do more than just read the Constitution, you have to go back to the beginning and study the history of what was taking place and why the decisions were made which constitute our Constitution. Our founding Fathers wanted to prevent another King from taking over the country, that is why they left England! The main reason for the second amendment concerning right to bear arms....... Those very reasons and values that instilled and created our Constitution STILL STAND TRUE TODAY...... IF obama had his way we would be headed towards socialism and marxism......look at his past and the people he associated with and even appointed to his cabinet and his czars........obama has had so many of his appointees resign because their past was revealed and there was public outcry over his appointees.... One would think that obama would be smart enough to realize that the past would be revealed.....why he thought the citizens of the USA would just let him do as he pleased and not do any vetting of their own is totally beyond my comprehension..... obama's arrogance is going to turn around and kick him you know where, and it already has begun to....only he is so arrogant that he refuses to even care what the citizens of the USA want...... And YES, the fool does think he knows what is best for us.....and that we do not know what is best for us..........such stupidity will eventually lead to his downfall...........the SOONER THE BETTER for the people of the USA! I would submit the reality that MOST americans dont understand the political process nor the roles of government. Just like I wouldnt expect to tell a doctor what to do for me, I can only tell him what is wrong and he must decide based upon his experience and knowledge how to help me with it. As a constitutional lawyer, I am sure he has a bit better idea of what things are politically viable than the average jill and joe does. The president isnt merely a spokesmodel for the opinions of Americans, he also is expected to have a BIT more knowledge about government policy and process which means that after he hears our concerns, yes, he needs to make decisions about what should be done for those concerns and I certainly PRAY that decision is based on what he thinks is best for US, himself and his loved ones included. "The president isnt merely a spokesmodel for the opinions of Americans, he also is expected to have a BIT more knowledge about government policy and process which means that after he hears our concerns, yes, he needs to make decisions about what should be done for those concerns and I certainly PRAY that decision is based on what he thinks is best for US, himself and his loved ones included." This current president is no spokes model for anything....especially the opinions of the citizens of the USA.....he had closed ears, closed mind and cannot see past his nose......just because he is an alleged attorney who practiced, supposedly, constitutional law, does NOT make him qualified or competent and correct and precise in that area of law......I speak from experience of 22 years as a legal secretary, familiar with the Federal Court system.....I know a B.S'er when I see one....and that obama certainly is............ obama does not have a clue what is best for the USA citizens......he only knows what his political agenda is and what he must do to accomplish it.....and so far his 'plans' have been met with extreme disagreement and repulsiveness by the USA citizens......only obama refuses to listen.....his arrogance is waiving all over the USA, unlike our beloved flag that waives proclaiming the freedom that this great country stands for.......THE REPUBLIC for which it stands............. |
Well, try as I might, I cannot comprehend how you came up with this comparison.......nevertheless...... Quite alright, I'm sure some of us don't understand how Hannity and Limbaugh come up with some of their material either, but I seem to recall your saying on here recently that 'the other side' is just afraid of their opinions. I'm sure you're still trying to figure out why Rick Santorum could have possibly gotten the electoral size 12 boot out of the Senate in 2006, too. :) Bunning was not 'filibustering' he was, in his own words 'OBJECTING' to the democrats NOT having a plan to pay for the UCC benefits extension, which, by the way, was temporary and only extended benefits for 30 days to some 400,000, whose benefits, including all of the Tier 1, 2, 3, were already used up. The bill also included other provisions for other projects, NOT just for the UCC benefits. Oh please. Jim Inhofe is ranked THE most conservative member of the Senate and even he said Bunning was single-handedly causing a lot of grief and called him to tell him so and quit doing it. Google up 'Bunning filibuster'-- it's all over the news. Be that as it may, it was quite obvious that Bunning had no intention of never voting for the bill, he was making a last stand, as he is retiring, to point out the fact that Harry Reid, who partook in initiating the 'pay as you go' policy, was totally going against his own policy in wanting to pass a bill with NO provision for paying for it. A bit on the hypocritical side for Reid and the democrats. Point in check that Bunning made quite clearly. Whatever. In those immortal words of Dick Cheney, "Deficits don't matter." -Kerry O. Sooooooooooooo, what point are you attempting to make? LOL.......... |
The Current Situation
so, not only is there a house plan, senate plan, and presidential 'plan', there is also a specifically democrat and specifically republican plan? Wow, no wonder politics in high school seemed like alot of wasted energy. Its not a team that works for america its several teams who work to outdo each other. it's called protecting our Liberty from more government control... True, our founding Fathers set up the Constitution to prevent the government from taking over....... You have to do more than just read the Constitution, you have to go back to the beginning and study the history of what was taking place and why the decisions were made which constitute our Constitution. Our founding Fathers wanted to prevent another King from taking over the country, that is why they left England! The main reason for the second amendment concerning right to bear arms....... Those very reasons and values that instilled and created our Constitution STILL STAND TRUE TODAY...... IF obama had his way we would be headed towards socialism and marxism......look at his past and the people he associated with and even appointed to his cabinet and his czars........obama has had so many of his appointees resign because their past was revealed and there was public outcry over his appointees.... One would think that obama would be smart enough to realize that the past would be revealed.....why he thought the citizens of the USA would just let him do as he pleased and not do any vetting of their own is totally beyond my comprehension..... obama's arrogance is going to turn around and kick him you know where, and it already has begun to....only he is so arrogant that he refuses to even care what the citizens of the USA want...... And YES, the fool does think he knows what is best for us.....and that we do not know what is best for us..........such stupidity will eventually lead to his downfall...........the SOONER THE BETTER for the people of the USA! |
Oh, my, what an ugly, hateful, nasty, meaningless statement filled with a bunch of words equaling a bunch of nothing. I guess the truth hurts...that network has done a lot of damage. Seems like too many Americans blow that stick. FOX draws a lot of racists and other haters...and that usually indicates a low IQ as well..I mean one would have to be pretty thick to follow them for news...I could post their lies all day here and not one of their viewers would be able to acccept that they are being lied to...constantly. Its been estimated that 11 million Americans are idealogical and/or political sheep, totally blind to reality. But back on topic...the emergency bill was passed...but again, an indicator that we have a long way to recovery and it may take years to undo the damage. OH PLEASE, SPARE ME the sob story.................better yet, get rid of the hate and try smiling and being positive ............ |
Pretty funny, actually, because Bunning and some of the GOP is like a teenage boy being dragged to a shotgun wedding trying to claim it's not all his fault and that he was probably tricked into this situation. That besides, he _can't_ marry her because he's already married to someone else and that as an old-school Mormon, he's standing on principle -- _his_ rights are being violated because given his druthers, he'd be a polygamist. The fact that hypothetical teenage boy doesn't have a job and spends what little money he DOES have on playing World of Warcraft online is just an inconvenient detail. -Kerry O. ??????????????? The above paragraph makes no sense......... I cannot decipher what is trying to be stated It's simple, really-- like the lad who has to own up to paternity under the shadow of a 12 ga., the the GOP strategy for this fall is to filibuster everything in sight (they've already threatened to do so/have done so 40 times this year already, a new record that looks to triple the old one), so as to hem and haw their way out of responsibility for obstructing needed legislation. Their aim is to blame the gridlock on the Democratic party while being pretty cagey about what they'll do, hoping people won't notice. Oh, they'll strike up the Tax Cutz Fer the Rich Band and claim tort reform will make medical care so cheap and plentiful we'll be giving dogs, cats and hamsters MRIs with all the excess capacity it'll generate. (Laff.) It might even get them a few seats, but after it's all done, they'll still be like Mark Sanford of S. Carolina. -Kerry O. Well, try as I might, I cannot comprehend how you came up with this comparison.......nevertheless......Bunning was not 'filibustering' he was, in his own words 'OBJECTING' to the democrats NOT having a plan to pay for the UCC benefits extension, which, by the way, was temporary and only extended benefits for 30 days to some 400,000, whose benefits, including all of the Tier 1, 2, 3, were already used up. The bill also included other provisions for other projects, NOT just for the UCC benefits. Be that as it may, it was quite obvious that Bunning had no intention of never voting for the bill, he was making a last stand, as he is retiring, to point out the fact that Harry Reid, who partook in initiating the 'pay as you go' policy, was totally going against his own policy in wanting to pass a bill with NO provision for paying for it. A bit on the hypocritical side for Reid and the democrats. Point in check that Bunning made quite clearly. End result is 'voila' pull out of the magic hat, a new bill was quickly packaged together (perhaps the democrats already has this on the back burner and just want to score some desperate last minute political points to use against the Republicans for the November elections?????), which bill is even bigger, but my oh my, all of a sudden there is a way to pay for it.......and all shall vote for it and live happily ever after........ P.S. Oh, this was on the news tonight, FOX of course, what else would I dare to watch? FOX is not a news outlet....try CNN or remain ignorant. "Bunning relents; jobless benefits deal reached" BONUS SITE: Proof that FOX is a GOP/corporate shill station that only appeals to the lower end of the IQ ladder in America...well, and racist morons as well...clueless people basically. "Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know." Oh, my, what an ugly, hateful, nasty, meaningless statement filled with a bunch of words equaling a bunch of nothing. |
Edited by
Tue 03/02/10 05:54 PM
Pretty funny, actually, because Bunning and some of the GOP is like a teenage boy being dragged to a shotgun wedding trying to claim it's not all his fault and that he was probably tricked into this situation. That besides, he _can't_ marry her because he's already married to someone else and that as an old-school Mormon, he's standing on principle -- _his_ rights are being violated because given his druthers, he'd be a polygamist. The fact that hypothetical teenage boy doesn't have a job and spends what little money he DOES have on playing World of Warcraft online is just an inconvenient detail. -Kerry O. ??????????????? The above paragraph makes no sense......... I cannot decipher what is trying to be stated It's simple, really-- like the lad who has to own up to paternity under the shadow of a 12 ga., the the GOP strategy for this fall is to filibuster everything in sight (they've already threatened to do so/have done so 40 times this year already, a new record that looks to triple the old one), so as to hem and haw their way out of responsibility for obstructing needed legislation. Their aim is to blame the gridlock on the Democratic party while being pretty cagey about what they'll do, hoping people won't notice. Oh, they'll strike up the Tax Cutz Fer the Rich Band and claim tort reform will make medical care so cheap and plentiful we'll be giving dogs, cats and hamsters MRIs with all the excess capacity it'll generate. (Laff.) It might even get them a few seats, but after it's all done, they'll still be like Mark Sanford of S. Carolina. -Kerry O. Well, try as I might, I cannot comprehend how you came up with this comparison.......nevertheless......Bunning was not 'filibustering' he was, in his own words 'OBJECTING' to the democrats NOT having a plan to pay for the UCC benefits extension, which, by the way, was temporary and only extended benefits for 30 days to some 400,000, whose benefits, including all of the Tier 1, 2, 3, were already used up. The bill also included other provisions for other projects, NOT just for the UCC benefits. Be that as it may, it was quite obvious that Bunning had no intention of never voting for the bill, he was making a last stand, as he is retiring, to point out the fact that Harry Reid, who partook in initiating the 'pay as you go' policy, was totally going against his own policy in wanting to pass a bill with NO provision for paying for it. A bit on the hypocritical side for Reid and the democrats. Point in check that Bunning made quite clearly. End result is 'voila' pull out of the magic hat, a new bill was quickly packaged together (perhaps the democrats already has this on the back burner and just want to score some desperate last minute political points to use against the Republicans for the November elections?????), which bill is even bigger, but my oh my, all of a sudden there is a way to pay for it.......and all shall vote for it and live happily ever after........ P.S. Oh, this was on the news tonight, FOX of course, what else would I dare to watch? |
It never fails to amaze me how much whining and complaing I hear from the left and the liberals any time anyone attempts to take away their right to free speech.But yet you have Rush who is only speaking his mind(like it or not)and now it's a wonderful thing he nearly died simply because you can not stand his views.There is a ton of people I can not stomach to listen to no matter what they have to say but I don't rejoice when they nearly die.Just because they have political views different from yours that doesn't mean they may not have lots of common ground with you on other issues.The freedom of free speech is a wonderful thing in this country.It keeps balance and equality with people who have opposing views.I know when I listen to the radio stations I am always happy to hear one radio station who is conservative and one that is liberal.I know if they were all liberal or all conservative it would only lead to a huge mess and a lot of anger and hate. It's a free country people.You don't like what Rush has to say then don't listen to him.I can't stand Howard stern and I don't like the man but I know a lot of people do and it's really none of my business to play God and wish that he dies soon.You people that wish that Rush dies soon only show your true colors towards a society with out free speech or freedom of thought.If Rush offended you go cry to Obama you momma and tell him you want him kicked off the air so you can have your liberal only talk shows that the majority of Americans can't stomach for more than ten minutes. Calm down 'thomas3474'!!! No one here REALLY wishes ill or arm to any one else. It is naive and hypocritical to suggest otherwise i your comments. Second degree filters are essential in weighing people's words and their true intent when we afford the freedom to speak their mind. If you are such a lover and defender of 'freedom of speech' like most everyone in the western world, why would dissenting voices from what you claim to be YOUR BIASES, '... never fail to amaze you...'!?!?!?! Be consistent with your 'freedom of speech' conviction, and celebrate it every time you come across dissenting and contradicting opinions and views. I must disagree with you Mr. is a well known fact that certain "groups" of individuals do wish harm to others, and specifically to Rush Limbaugh as he poses a threat to the agenda of those who oppose Rush. And, after reading through this post, I am thoroughly convinced that when certain people wished harm on Rush Limbaugh, they certainly meant what they said. Please, do not offend us by attempting to convince us that we are naieve............NOR should we have to "FILTER" through anything and play mind readers. When individuals make a statement, it is naturally and legitimately considered that statement to be of their true belief and intent. Dear 'Lady Lindyy', You obviously have an opinion, and appear to be in full agreement with it!!! That is good! Unfortunately, reality and the 'annoying' line-up of facts show little sympathy for your position. Whether YOU, or many others, might believe in '... one's statement to be naturally and legitimately their true belief and intent...', ... in an overwhelming majority of instances, action doesn't follow, thereby contradicting the 'first degree' nature of the statement!!! If we were to prosecute everyone on their statements alone 'Dear Lady Lindyy', we wouldn't be living in a 'free' North America. Rush Limbaugh, along with his supporters, AND DETRACTORS, live and thrive inside a 'freedom of speech' paradigm !!! I'm afraid your argument is severely inaccurate. Here are some statements heard often, which shouldn't be taken literally... : "... I could just wring the neck of those little monsters..." "... Why did I ever have children..." "... I wish I could just be on a desert island, away from it all..." "... We should all send them back where they come from..." The list goes on... Hate to break it to you 'Lady Lindyy', but if you didn't exercise your own 'first degree' filter daily, and took most statements made 'with a grain of salt', you wouldn't be posting on these forums with the rest of us. You would be working for a 'gestapo' like fascist police, denouncing and prosecuting the whole bunch of us!!! ............"Hate to break it to you 'Lady Lindyy', but if you didn't exercise your own 'first degree' filter daily, and took most statements made 'with a grain of salt', you wouldn't be posting on these forums with the rest of us. You would be working for a 'gestapo' like fascist police, denouncing and prosecuting the whole bunch of us!!!......." Mr. V........The above paragraph (in fact, your ENTIRE post to my post, is your opinion and your opinion ONLY......sorry Charlie......) Your opinion does not constitute law...fact, theory, etc. It merely constitutes your own opinion. Thank you Dear 'Lady Lindyy', ... ironically, in your very own reply, you have exercised your 'very own first degree filter' as proposed in my argument, ... thus taking my statements 'with a grain of salt'. Good work, and perfect 'live' example. I'm glad, with your help Dear 'Lady Lindyy', that we could make a brilliant demonstration of 'first degree filter', and close this 'case' so diligently!!! NOPE........I just love having the last word.......... |
It never fails to amaze me how much whining and complaing I hear from the left and the liberals any time anyone attempts to take away their right to free speech.But yet you have Rush who is only speaking his mind(like it or not)and now it's a wonderful thing he nearly died simply because you can not stand his views.There is a ton of people I can not stomach to listen to no matter what they have to say but I don't rejoice when they nearly die.Just because they have political views different from yours that doesn't mean they may not have lots of common ground with you on other issues.The freedom of free speech is a wonderful thing in this country.It keeps balance and equality with people who have opposing views.I know when I listen to the radio stations I am always happy to hear one radio station who is conservative and one that is liberal.I know if they were all liberal or all conservative it would only lead to a huge mess and a lot of anger and hate. It's a free country people.You don't like what Rush has to say then don't listen to him.I can't stand Howard stern and I don't like the man but I know a lot of people do and it's really none of my business to play God and wish that he dies soon.You people that wish that Rush dies soon only show your true colors towards a society with out free speech or freedom of thought.If Rush offended you go cry to Obama you momma and tell him you want him kicked off the air so you can have your liberal only talk shows that the majority of Americans can't stomach for more than ten minutes. Calm down 'thomas3474'!!! No one here REALLY wishes ill or arm to any one else. It is naive and hypocritical to suggest otherwise i your comments. Second degree filters are essential in weighing people's words and their true intent when we afford the freedom to speak their mind. If you are such a lover and defender of 'freedom of speech' like most everyone in the western world, why would dissenting voices from what you claim to be YOUR BIASES, '... never fail to amaze you...'!?!?!?! Be consistent with your 'freedom of speech' conviction, and celebrate it every time you come across dissenting and contradicting opinions and views. I must disagree with you Mr. is a well known fact that certain "groups" of individuals do wish harm to others, and specifically to Rush Limbaugh as he poses a threat to the agenda of those who oppose Rush. And, after reading through this post, I am thoroughly convinced that when certain people wished harm on Rush Limbaugh, they certainly meant what they said. Please, do not offend us by attempting to convince us that we are naieve............NOR should we have to "FILTER" through anything and play mind readers. When individuals make a statement, it is naturally and legitimately considered that statement to be of their true belief and intent. Dear 'Lady Lindyy', You obviously have an opinion, and appear to be in full agreement with it!!! That is good! Unfortunately, reality and the 'annoying' line-up of facts show little sympathy for your position. Whether YOU, or many others, might believe in '... one's statement to be naturally and legitimately their true belief and intent...', ... in an overwhelming majority of instances, action doesn't follow, thereby contradicting the 'first degree' nature of the statement!!! If we were to prosecute everyone on their statements alone 'Dear Lady Lindyy', we wouldn't be living in a 'free' North America. Rush Limbaugh, along with his supporters, AND DETRACTORS, live and thrive inside a 'freedom of speech' paradigm !!! I'm afraid your argument is severely inaccurate. Here are some statements heard often, which shouldn't be taken literally... : "... I could just wring the neck of those little monsters..." "... Why did I ever have children..." "... I wish I could just be on a desert island, away from it all..." "... We should all send them back where they come from..." The list goes on... Hate to break it to you 'Lady Lindyy', but if you didn't exercise your own 'first degree' filter daily, and took most statements made 'with a grain of salt', you wouldn't be posting on these forums with the rest of us. You would be working for a 'gestapo' like fascist police, denouncing and prosecuting the whole bunch of us!!! ............"Hate to break it to you 'Lady Lindyy', but if you didn't exercise your own 'first degree' filter daily, and took most statements made 'with a grain of salt', you wouldn't be posting on these forums with the rest of us. You would be working for a 'gestapo' like fascist police, denouncing and prosecuting the whole bunch of us!!!......." Mr. V........The above paragraph (in fact, your ENTIRE post to my post, is your opinion and your opinion ONLY......sorry Charlie......) Your opinion does not constitute law...fact, theory, etc. It merely constitutes your own opinion. |
Just out of curiosity (not sure if this works or not but would like some input on the pro's and con's) What is wrong with letting each state decide the HC issue for their own state? Let the people in each state vote on it Because that would be the right thing, the civil thing to do. Sorry, got a little sarcastical......... |
Yes the USA sucks in HC....nice graph Slow. We barely beat out the Czech Republic in life expectancy. GO USA!!! Well, if you dislike the USA's health care so much, if I were you, I would take advantage of the country whose health care you think is so great, and move there..........there, problem solved. Next? |
The Current Situation
last time I looked...he was in the Senate voting for every piece of spending legislation...inherited this mess ?...he helped create it !!...when Bush left office...the budget deficit his last year was $454 billion...and...unemployment stood at$1.4 trillion and 10%...Obama has been a fuggin disaster...and...ALL the polls show copy and paste friend... Considering the deficit amount is inaccurate and the rest is exaggerated, I don't know what this is really saying either. LOOK!...not a plan in any reply...why no plan? I'll give you one, the GOP's HC plan...cost more, insures less, and gives the HC industry free's no wonder no one posted that plan. But's gone and I know it was there 2 months ago....but it was replaced with this: "Start Over on Health Care Reform Preamble President Obama's initial attempt to seize control of one-sixth of the U.S. economy by nationalizing the American health care system has failed. But serious issues continue to plague our health insurance system, and they must be addressed. Now is the time to start over on health insurance reform and do it right." Now, why start over when THEY (GOP) could have been working on a plan they didn;t have to scrap instead of sitting rotating on their thumbs screaming "NO"! Why do Republicans hate humans? Why do statements like the above continue to be flung through the posts? I am a Republican, never hated anyone, not even the person who killed my son............. And, obviously you do not keep apprised of the facts.......IF you would have watched the 'dog and pony show' "Summit", you would have been astonished to find out the we Republicans DO have a PLAN, and obama knew and acknowledged that he knew of the Republicans' plan.......he and the democrats just never wanted to listen to anything the Republicans had to offer.......i.e. TORT reform (obama is a little queezy on this as his 'buddies' are all trial lawyers), being able to buy insurance across state lines, end pre-existing health conditions ban, (oh, my, I bet you never heard about that, am I right?), just a few.........of course if you would have viewed the Summit you would know this. No, what would astonish me madam is an apology from the people who voted for this disaster we are in today....thanks GOP, you're guy did a bang up job and your people are STILL blind! So where's the plan? Once again I ask....WHERE IS THE GD The DEMS included the Pubs but the Pubs just said: ~~~~ Here's your "plan"...(since most RWers here do not bother to reference anything) Congressional Budget Office Thrashes Republican Health-Care Plan If people would have viewed the Summit, they would have heard some of the Republicans' Plan..............NOT our fault the damocrats hid behind locked doors...........funny, obama read the Republicans' plan, he admitted so, again, if the Summit were viewed by individuals asking where the Republican Plan is, they would have known about the Republican Plan, just like obama knew about it and knew what the Republicans have to offer...... Hmmmmmmmmm I wonder why so many people did not watch the 'dog and pony' show...... |
You are missing (PERHAPS INTENTIONALLY?) a major fact in this issue.........Bunning is all for, and so are the Republicans, for extending UCC benefits.........the POINT Bunning was trying to get through to everyone is that THERE HAS BEEN NO PLAN TO PAY FOR THE EXTENSION! The Democrats do not want to come up with a plan to pay for the UCC benefits extension, Bunning's whole reason for not voting for the way the bill now reads is because there IS NO PLAN TO PAY FOR IT....... Now, I for one am totally for the extension, jobs are no where to be found, no where........... but the democrats have continually been spending, spending, spending, and have no way of paying for any of the bills they have been passing.............. THIS HAS TO STOP..........the USA CANNOT keep on printing money, cannot, and I do not think China will continue to do so, keep having CHINA buy our debt......obama was already reprimanded by China for his reckless spending spree...........PRETTY BAD WHEN A COMMUNIST NATION HAS TO REPRIMAND THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA ON HIS SPENDING POLICIES.......... Pretty funny, actually, because Bunning and some of the GOP is like a teenage boy being dragged to a shotgun wedding trying to claim it's not all his fault and that he was probably tricked into this situation. That besides, he _can't_ marry her because he's already married to someone else and that as an old-school Mormon, he's standing on principle -- _his_ rights are being violated because given his druthers, he'd be a polygamist. The fact that hypothetical teenage boy doesn't have a job and spends what little money he DOES have on playing World of Warcraft online is just an inconvenient detail. -Kerry O. ??????????????? The above paragraph makes no sense......... I cannot decipher what is trying to be stated |
The Current Situation
last time I looked...he was in the Senate voting for every piece of spending legislation...inherited this mess ?...he helped create it !!...when Bush left office...the budget deficit his last year was $454 billion...and...unemployment stood at$1.4 trillion and 10%...Obama has been a fuggin disaster...and...ALL the polls show copy and paste friend... Considering the deficit amount is inaccurate and the rest is exaggerated, I don't know what this is really saying either. LOOK!...not a plan in any reply...why no plan? I'll give you one, the GOP's HC plan...cost more, insures less, and gives the HC industry free's no wonder no one posted that plan. But's gone and I know it was there 2 months ago....but it was replaced with this: "Start Over on Health Care Reform Preamble President Obama's initial attempt to seize control of one-sixth of the U.S. economy by nationalizing the American health care system has failed. But serious issues continue to plague our health insurance system, and they must be addressed. Now is the time to start over on health insurance reform and do it right." Now, why start over when THEY (GOP) could have been working on a plan they didn;t have to scrap instead of sitting rotating on their thumbs screaming "NO"! Why do Republicans hate humans? Why do statements like the above continue to be flung through the posts? I am a Republican, never hated anyone, not even the person who killed my son............. And, obviously you do not keep apprised of the facts.......IF you would have watched the 'dog and pony show' "Summit", you would have been astonished to find out the we Republicans DO have a PLAN, and obama knew and acknowledged that he knew of the Republicans' plan.......he and the democrats just never wanted to listen to anything the Republicans had to offer.......i.e. TORT reform (obama is a little queezy on this as his 'buddies' are all trial lawyers), being able to buy insurance across state lines, end pre-existing health conditions ban, (oh, my, I bet you never heard about that, am I right?), just a few.........of course if you would have viewed the Summit you would know this. |