The Current Situation
last time I looked...he was in the Senate voting for every piece of spending legislation...inherited this mess ?...he helped create it !!...when Bush left office...the budget deficit his last year was $454 billion...and...unemployment stood at$1.4 trillion and 10%...Obama has been a fuggin disaster...and...ALL the polls show copy and paste friend... The accuracy and objectivity of this post are truly remarkable!!! Sounds like the old story of the dark skinned person attempting to stop the white guy from steeling a car, just when the cops arrived on scene. Guess which of the white or dark skinned guy was taken straight to the pen??? ????????????????? Which one? PLEASE.............I do not understand what you are attempting to explain........ |
It never fails to amaze me how much whining and complaing I hear from the left and the liberals any time anyone attempts to take away their right to free speech.But yet you have Rush who is only speaking his mind(like it or not)and now it's a wonderful thing he nearly died simply because you can not stand his views.There is a ton of people I can not stomach to listen to no matter what they have to say but I don't rejoice when they nearly die.Just because they have political views different from yours that doesn't mean they may not have lots of common ground with you on other issues.The freedom of free speech is a wonderful thing in this country.It keeps balance and equality with people who have opposing views.I know when I listen to the radio stations I am always happy to hear one radio station who is conservative and one that is liberal.I know if they were all liberal or all conservative it would only lead to a huge mess and a lot of anger and hate. It's a free country people.You don't like what Rush has to say then don't listen to him.I can't stand Howard stern and I don't like the man but I know a lot of people do and it's really none of my business to play God and wish that he dies soon.You people that wish that Rush dies soon only show your true colors towards a society with out free speech or freedom of thought.If Rush offended you go cry to Obama you momma and tell him you want him kicked off the air so you can have your liberal only talk shows that the majority of Americans can't stomach for more than ten minutes. Calm down 'thomas3474'!!! No one here REALLY wishes ill or arm to any one else. It is naive and hypocritical to suggest otherwise i your comments. Second degree filters are essential in weighing people's words and their true intent when we afford the freedom to speak their mind. If you are such a lover and defender of 'freedom of speech' like most everyone in the western world, why would dissenting voices from what you claim to be YOUR BIASES, '... never fail to amaze you...'!?!?!?! Be consistent with your 'freedom of speech' conviction, and celebrate it every time you come across dissenting and contradicting opinions and views. I must disagree with you Mr. is a well known fact that certain "groups" of individuals do wish harm to others, and specifically to Rush Limbaugh as he poses a threat to the agenda of those who oppose Rush. And, after reading through this post, I am thoroughly convinced that when certain people wished harm on Rush Limbaugh, they certainly meant what they said. Please, do not offend us by attempting to convince us that we are naieve............NOR should we have to "FILTER" through anything and play mind readers. When individuals make a statement, it is naturally and legitimately considered that statement to be of their true belief and intent. |
I hope he survives , but maybe he could have something go wrong with his insurance or his job so that he could have some type of understanding of what its like for others and possibly show some consideration instead of constant condemnation of those who have it worse than him. Would you please advise all of us just how often YOU listen to Rush Limbaugh's conservative radio talk show? Until then, I do not consider your statements valid. |
You are missing (PERHAPS INTENTIONALLY?) a major fact in this issue.........Bunning is all for, and so are the Republicans, for extending UCC benefits.........the POINT Bunning was trying to get through to everyone is that THERE HAS BEEN NO PLAN TO PAY FOR THE EXTENSION! The Democrats do not want to come up with a plan to pay for the UCC benefits extension, Bunning's whole reason for not voting for the way the bill now reads is because there IS NO PLAN TO PAY FOR IT.......
Now, I for one am totally for the extension, jobs are no where to be found, no where........... but the democrats have continually been spending, spending, spending, and have no way of paying for any of the bills they have been passing.............. THIS HAS TO STOP..........the USA CANNOT keep on printing money, cannot, and I do not think China will continue to do so, keep having CHINA buy our debt......obama was already reprimanded by China for his reckless spending spree...........PRETTY BAD WHEN A COMMUNIST NATION HAS TO REPRIMAND THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA ON HIS SPENDING POLICIES.......... |
Well Hello!
Hi Cy.................I cannot e-mail you because I am too old.....
I just reactivated my account to see what has been going on........... I still have that poem you wrote for me about my son Brian, who died as a result of a hit and run auto is so beautiful............ OK.............I said hi....LOL..... LINDYY................. |
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Sun 02/28/10 08:24 PM
differences and similarities between the two across numreous issues, but OBama is definitely more hard working, more intelligent, more of a family man, more diplomatic,and more handsome,,,:) I have a tendency to disagree with the "adjectives" used to describe me he appears to be an angry, inexperienced, vindictive spoiled little school boy who is always blaming the prior administration for everything he can possibly muster up to blame.....and oh, my, the dreaded FOX news.....will they ever stop picking on the dear man............I do think obama forgets that 'freedom of speech' applies to every citizen of the USA...... someone please remind him...... |
their lives have been quite different, policy differences wont become evident until OBamas term(s) is/are up. OBAMA vs BUSH 26 vacation days vs 69 during first year graduated mcl from harvard vs C student at yale first worked at 24 as community organizer vs first worked at 33 heading his own oil company went to college on grants and scholarships vs on AA(child of alumnus) spent college years doing community service, vs spent college years drinking No, I don't care for Bush. Hussein continually lies. Spent college years doing dope. He's an admitted Muslim. Has deep associations with ACORN. Friends of a terrorist. No managerial skills. An elitist. Pro-Illegal workers=Anti-American worker. Bows before Egyptian terrorist king. And the beat goes on. so our standards are different, because besides the lying, and the fact that he managed to still graduate top of his class with solid A's whatever 'dope' he did. Also the fact that organizing in Chicago takes premier managerial skills and that there is no proof he is an elitist. I have no problems with anything on the list. Bush flew the whole Bin Laden family on private jets after 911. anyone can accuse someone of associations. OBAMA vs BUSH 26 vacation days vs 69 during first year graduated mcl from harvard vs C student at yale first worked at 24 as community organizer vs first worked at 33 heading his own oil company went to college on grants and scholarships vs on AA(child of alumnus) spent college years doing community service, vs spent college years drinking ****************** Geeze............where did your facts get manufactured? |
Good! Hope that a-hole dies! Oh, what a nasty thing to say........perhaps Rush intimidates people of opposing opinion..........well, such is life......... |
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Sun 02/28/10 08:22 PM
My son was a manager at McDonalds and ALWAYS made MORE money than I made as a legal secretary of 22 years........Why does everyone always pick on McDonalds?
Geeze............everyone seems to forget that it was REPUBLICAN President George W. Bush who signed the first bill extending unemployment benefits..........I wonder why people want to forget that the Republicans first started the unemployment benefits extenssions? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm P.S. I know, as I was a recipient of that extension......... Thank you President Bush
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Sun 02/28/10 07:45 PM
Hi Giacomo ...............I am just going to sit here and watch......I will not comment as I do not want to offend anyone with my difference of opinion............LOL........ OOOPPPPSSSSSSS..........yeaaaaaaa FOX!!!
She seems kinda hypocritical to me. I never knew that nude pics was something christians do And I dont think christians are supposed to lie either My dear, dear, Friend, nothing ever seems to change, does it? Let me pose a question here to all......who in this wide, vast world of billions of personalities, demeanors,opinions, morals, on and on, NEVER made a mistake or wrong decision at any stage of life? And, if there are those of the Christian faith among us, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I do believe the proper choice of wording here is "FORGIVE"...... LINDYY........... |
I just love sitting back and watching the left wing liberals squirm like a worm........
LINDYY............ |
Very sad. That poor little girl never had a chance. I just can't believe that she was found so close to the grandparents home and wasn't found before this!! I wondered that was just on the news that the area was covered with water at the time the wooded area had been searched....I guess from a prior storm..... OOPS.....should have read the other posts first...sorry.... |
Very sad. That poor little girl never had a chance. I just can't believe that she was found so close to the grandparents home and wasn't found before this!! I wondered that was just on the news that the area was covered with water at the time the wooded area had been searched....I guess from a prior storm..... |
If the remains are that little girls which they probably are maybe this story can be put to rest. I'm sick of hearing about it. The media has put way too much into it. There have been plenty of other stories they could focus on. I mean it's been obvious all along the mom is guilty. One simple action confirmed it... waiting a month to report the child missing. What parent would wait more than a few hours without completely losing it? When it comes to finding a child, even though the child is deceased, NOTHING, NOBODY could have put way too much time into it.... What that little girl went through is horrifying. Lindyy |
Tell me why anyone....why does it always come down to religion on the gay marriage issues??? Because everyone else would give a mouse butt (translation: rat az) about two consenting male adults getting married... but the Christian Church Ladies think it is the end of the World scenario and a bunch of Men will instantly turn gay because now it is now ok to get married. hehe... Seriously, The Gay Issue is a Strong Heated Debate issue. Perfect Issue/Subject for the Manipulative TV Evangelists and Republicans to GAIN MONEY, POWER and VOTES. They easily have a willing followers of SHEEPS (not asking any questions "Why")that will accept their FEAR tactics into sending them MONEY and SUPPORT. The issue has NOTHING to do with GOD but the WORLD using CHRISTIAN Bible and Fears to CON easy brainless mindless sheeps that accept everything on FAITH spoken by the right people. Read, "Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back" by Frank Schaeffer and "Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity" by Bruce Bawer OH PLEASE................. |
Edited by
Thu 12/11/08 08:13 AM
Sorry, I cannot give up Animal Planet and FOX news.....Animal Planet soothes my mind from legal dealings all day and running around like a chicken with its head cut off as the attorneys are notorious for letting briefs or discovery responses go to the last minute - grrrrrrrrrrrrrr, love the dog shows both conformation, obedience, agility and field trials, etc.....FOX gives me my political news, which as you know, I am very much into....I do take a break and listen to Christian radio.
I don't understand why you hate gays so much when it has been proven that jesus himself was a homosexual and had a relationship with john the baptist. Where did I ever say I hate gays? I simply posted scripture from the Bible as to what God says about it. If Foliel and I get along and understand each other...what is the problem with everyone else? You and others are simply putting words in my mouth....not a very constructive thing to do... Lindyy |