Do you believe
Jess, yes here it is and there
are other very informative sites also. One of my favorite sites is There are quite a bit of people in the North east who follow the Wiccan Path! |
Do you believe
There are many who practice witchcraft. And all are not the same. Most
so called witches who are wiccan do not beleive in the devil or hell and do not beleive in hurting anyone with casting of spells. When casting a spell or having a ritual, it is similar to people in other religions such as christianity, who are faith healers and pray to god for miracles and healins, churches burn candles during masses and use incense. Most of the Christian holidays are based on the original old religions also known as Pagan religions. Christianity vs. Wicca. Christianity Monotheism. Christianity is monotheistic, meaning there is only one supreme God. A Christian is supposed to worship none other than God. Wicca Duotheism/Polytheism. Depending on the person's beliefs, Wicca is duotheistic or polytheistic. This means that there are more than one deity. For most Wiccans, there are two -- the God and the Goddess. For others, there are entire pantheons of gods (like the Greek gods and goddesses) each with different characteristics. Christianity Heaven. Heaven is the eventual destination of the soul of a "good" Christian. Wicca Summerland. Summerland is the place where the Wiccan's soul goes to rest before being reincarnated. Christianity Afterlife. Heaven or Hell for eternity Wicca Afterlife. Life seen as a series of lessons learned through experiences. The Soul takes as many lifetimes as it takes to learn all that it can through the human experience. Upon learning all that it can, the Soul proceeds to the next plane of existance. There is no concept of Hell in Wicca Christianity Salvation. Acceptance of Jesus Christ to be God in the flesh, and that he died on the cross to pay the debt for all sin. Followed by admission of sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ into one's heart, thereby beginning a life of service to God. Wicca Salvation. As Wiccans do not believe in Hell, the most common thought here is, "saved from what?" Progression to the next plane is outlined in the Above section on the Afterlife. Christianity No Reincarnation. After death, the soul remains in Heaven or Hell eternally. Wicca Reincarnation. After death, the soul is reincarnated into a new physical being. (This cycle just keeps going and going.) Christianity Satan. In Christianity, there is a supreme evil known as the Devil or Satan who is considered the ruler of Hell. Wicca No Satan The God and Goddess represent both the dark and the light, the balance. There is no supreme evil in Wicca. Christianity Hell. The sinners/those who did not let Jesus into their lives are sent to eternal damnation in Hell. Wicca Karma. In Wicca, there is no Hell. The three-fold law or karma returns all negativity that a person sends out back to that person. This is how a person "pays" for their evil deeds. Rather than burn in Hell for eternity, they receive a just punishment from the gods. Christianity Prayer. A Christian requests help or guidance from God/Christ through prayer. Wicca Ritual. Wiccans pray, too. But rituals or spells can be considered the equivalent of Christian prayer. A Wiccan asks their God/Goddess to provide the protection, help, or results they need through their magickal workings if not through simple prayer. Christianity Divine Power. Christians communicate their needs and wants to God through prayer with the belief that God will always answer them. Wicca Divine Power. Wiccans channel the Divine energy that is in all to a desired end result, calling on the God and Goddess to support them and provide the power through them. Christianity Healing. Christians believe in natural healing and in medical science. Many believe in the "laying on of hands" to channel the power of God to heal. Wicca Healing. Wiccans believe in natural healing and in medical science. Wiccans also channel the Divine power to heal Christianity Bible. Scriptures that tell of the life of Christ and guidelines for Christian living. Told through the eyes of the Christian prophets. Wicca Book of Shadows. Wiccans have no set book of scripture. The Book of Shadows is what Wiccans make on thier own. It is a compilation of all the lessons and experiences while on the Wiccan path. It is most often used as a reference book. Christianity Sex. Christians see sex as sacred. Sex is to be bound within marraige and commitment. Though, a very small percentage (we hope) have been known to ignore this. Wicca Sex. Wiccans see sex as sacred. Wiccans have very high morals that govern sex. Most often, sex is bound within marraige and commitment. Extremely few Wiccans see "open" relationships as okay with them. They do not judge ones who choose to do the open relationship as wrong, however. And, a very small percentage have been known to go outside their marraiges Christianity Ten Commandments. Have no other gods, make no "graven" images of anything, don't take the Lord's name in vain, pray and rest on the Sabbath day, honor your father and mother, do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not "bear false witness" against your neighbor, don't covet anything that's not yours. Wicca Wiccan Rede. One very simple rule. "An it harm none, do as ye will." Christianity Holidays - Christian holy days, like Easter and Christmas, celebrate important days in the life of Jesus Christ (birth, resurrection). Wicca Sabbaths are based on important events in the Bible and in Christianity's history. Sabbats. There are eight sabbats which are celebrated by Wiccans. They have little difference from the main Christian holidays because the Christian holidays have their origins in pagan celebrations which existed BEFORE Christianity. Christmas originated from the pagan Yule celebration, and Easter comes from the pagan sabbat of Eostar. Christianity Church/Temple Sanctuary of Christian worship or the house of God. Wicca Circle/Coven Some Wiccans may have temples, but most worship and practice rituals within a circle cast anywhere necessary. Others may consider their covenstead (where their coven meets) a place of sanctuary. Christianity Judgementalism. Christians are taught "judge not that ye not be judged" but many are judgemental anyway. Wicca Judgementalism. Wiccans are taught "judge not that ye not be judged" but many are judgemental anyway. Right or Wrong. Christians usually see that anyone who isn't one is doomed for Hell. Christians often believe that there is only one right and true way to spirituality and enlightenment and Heaven. Right or Wrong. There is only one specific problem that most Wiccans have with Christians. Wiccans see many paths to spirituality, enlightenment, and the Summer Land. So be it! |
ONE Deal-Breaker
I pass by the ones that have nothing in their profile. How are you going
to get someone attracted to you if you don't write anything in your profile? |
work of a police officer
Rudyderrick, I thought when you did undercover work it 's not suppose to
be discussed? You just said you're going undercover on myspace. You don't know if anyone here might be a child molester, you could of spilt the beans about your undercover operations! I thank cops for doing that but you should be wise enough not to blow your cover or the operation! |
Take a chance
i only date guys!
Summer is coming !! ??
I meant no skydiving for me Ken! I would not jump out of a plane. No, I
didn't know there was a skydiving simulator in NH. Geez, I learn something new everyday! LOL |
making out!!
I love to make out for a long time even when other things can be
happening. It's all about the kiss, tender touch and caress that stimulates my mind and body before the sex. It makes it more intense! |
Summer is coming !! ??
My sister-in-law and I took my nieces to the park up the road, there is
a nice pond that has a walking trail around it. And the kids love the playground there also. Lots of people were out and about, what a gorgeaous weekend we had here! |
Summer is coming !! ??
LOL, No skydiving for Ken!
Summer is coming !! ??
Lots of things to do in NH. Go to Beach clubs at night, beach during the
day, or camping and hiking in the mountains. Fishing and boating. Summer BBQ parties, All fun! |
Weight/And Being Asked?
I think it is rude to ask, but I'm straight about about my wieght. Not
skinny here but a real woman. Zap ~ I tend to like tall men who are like teddy bears, more to love if you meet the right one for you! I actually have a hard time dating a man that is lean. Not enough to hold onto. |
Q fro the Ladies
Never uncomfortable if someone ask where we met.
Q For the Guys
I love to cook for everyone. Entertaining is fun.
Rambill Wrote:
ive been personally opressed for my religious beliefs. i KNOW first hand that christians are being targeted in this country. Sorry to inform you that most people have been opressed for one reason or another. Not just because of religion. Look at the Native Americans, opressed and beaten down like dogs, their land was taken, white men killed them off with smallpox blankets to eliminate their race. Afroamericans, Chinese, Japanese,Irish, Mexican, Polish, Jewish, etc, etc, etc. Women have been opressed and so have children. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of religion, Freedom to Live and Let Live, yet we are hypocrits when we deny someone who wants the same! |
Ever hear of this:
Separation of church and state is a political and legal doctrine which states that government and religious institutions are to be kept separate and independent of one another. Primarily discussed in the context of United States law and politics, the term most often refers to the combination of two principles: secularity of government and freedom of religious exercise.[1] The prevalence of the term "separation of church and state" is generally said to derive from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to the Danbury Baptists, in which he referred to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution as creating a "wall of separation" between church and state. The phrase was then quoted and endorsed by the United States Supreme Court first in 1878, and then in a series of cases starting in 1947. This led to popular and political discussion of the concept, as well as criticism that the phrase overstates the limits created under the Constitution. Although primarily discussed in the context of the United States (and more specifically United States constitutional interpretation), the concept parallels various other international social and political ideas, including secularism, disestablishment, religious liberty and laicite. |
Amazing what people assume! I think men are afraid of that word
"Independent" |
I'm still single at the ripe age of 43 in New Hampshire!
Ones from Wales, England and Ireland. I have afriend from Wales and his
accent just keeps my attention. |
Well, I hear ya girl. NH is wet and flooding also!
Where is everyone ????
Hey Morena, How are you?