The Undecided Room!
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Wed 03/12/08 05:59 AM
I go along with Ben Franklin. He was a very wise man. Did you know that he never took a patent out on his Franklin Stove? His reasoning was that if he took a patent out on it, then it wouldn't be available to the common ordinary everyday man. In fact, it is my understanding that if he did take patents out on any of his many inventions, they were few and far between. Additionally, Ben Franklin represents the epitomy of "The American Dream," so he is a good choice. |
when the people do nothing...
....but complain and bash the gov and never acknowledge any accomplishes of the gov they are dismissed as a fanatic who hates their country... Question your government. I don't bash the government, I bash a few select people in that government. Even then I've taken action on the issue. Acknowledge the good? Well I suppose Iraq is somewhat free, right? And... There is always some good that and there is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, it's needed. It is easy to criticize but to do so without offering any suggestions is worthless and constant bashing and posting propaganda to support an agenda is a waste of time and makes them and their opinion worthless... northrn yanke..... I agree with the last paragraph. In fact I have posted responses to that effect to a certain man who constantly copies/pastes/plagarizes. Getting back to what you said, I also feel that the people who constantly bash and post propaganda and never post anything positive or offer any type of constructive criticism are definitely anti-American and most of the time anti-Military. |
well being north of the border we need as much snow as possible to build our igloos... ![]() Sounds better than a snow fort. ![]() my maid lives in a snow fort... ![]() And what does your maid do for you? Never mind! I don't want to know! ![]() she feeds the sled dogs... ![]() northrn yanke..... What are the names of your sled dogs? White Fang? Buck? |
When ever a republican screws up
how do you know he was on the bottom....have you got pictures?.. ![]() northrn yanke........... You are sooooooo bad! Oh, geez, how can I hollar at someone who is so funny? ![]() |
Lindyy says: NO frog legs for dinner and NO warts! Thanks guys. Geez, can't turn my back for a minute. ![]() Heard that Spitzer has been doing his thing with prostitution rings for 6-7 years. Guess there is more in the complaint filed that keeps coming out. I do feel badly for the three daughters though. The wife, well, since it has been going on that long, from my own personal experience, she had to have known, and chose to stay. On one hand I give her credit, on the other, she only harmed herself and her three daughters by sticking around and/or not asking him to get some help for the sake of their marriage. Now that I stop and think about it, it is a wonder someone from the 'underground' did not go after him. He was so (at least to the public) adamant about cleaning up prostitution rings and crime, yet the whole time he was deeply involved in it himself. Led a rather risky life, I would say. Lindyy ![]() Lindyy..... One of the newspapers said he spent $80,000 on pay for play. And you are right in that the wife probably knew about him and his prostitutes. One of the pundits on cable brought that out and gave the same reasoning you did. When you mention 'underground,' what/who are you talking about? Do you mean to say it is a wonder he wasn't blackmailed? |
Yo fanta...! you know there is a great jingle over here about fanta... Hey did you know that Yank wants to do the neo-con "push in the bush" with me???? He's dying for it.... ![]() Hey, quit the references to sex. You are going to give people the impression that this is a sex thread. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Immigration Reform
Yep ..... the tree falling in the forest...... I get it. Well, my milk and cookies are almost gone. So, I am going back to sleep. If you hadn't been so mean to me, I would offer you some of my gourmet chocolate chip walnut cookies and a tall glass of milk. But none for you; all for me! ![]() sorry you feel i was mean to you if you would email me the post i was mean to you in i will send an apoligy my not wanting a negative action to happen is mean then that is your opinion but the offer stands adj4u..... sounds like you want to apologize privately through email. accepted .... |
Immigration Reform
Yep ..... the tree falling in the forest...... I get it.
Well, my milk and cookies are almost gone. So, I am going back to sleep. If you hadn't been so mean to me, I would offer you some of my gourmet chocolate chip walnut cookies and a tall glass of milk. But none for you; all for me! ![]() |
Immigration Reform
yep watching everyone ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() they are really they are ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() adj4u..... I am glad you can see these people who are watching everyone, because I can't! Do they talk to you, that is, do you hear voices? ![]() ![]() |
Immigration Reform
cant we all just get along??? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() adj4u...... "They are watching?" I can't see them and have no idea who they are. Therefore, they must be watching you. Be careful! |
with no food, drink, bathroom... All joking aside, it was a terrible thing, but one of the posters pointed out that she has to take responsibility since being in this country illegally put her in harm's way. |
The Undecided Room!
I might as well be the bartender and designated driver, alcohol don't mix with my diabetic medicine and I can open a beer and pour whiskey in a glass. However the current list of candidates on both sides makes one want to partake of strong drink. Order up ![]() champagne, caesar salad, shrimp cocktail, surf and turf, and cherries jubilee! |
Im here for the chips and dips... maybe a drink??? ![]() chips and dip for republicans only! ![]() |
Immigration Reform
Edited by
Tue 03/11/08 11:12 PM
Medical care to illegal aliens "Mexican ambulance drivers are driving their hospital patients who can't pay for medical care in Mexico, to facilities in the United States. They know that the federal Emergency Medical Act mandates that U.S. hospitals with emergency-room services must treat anyone who requires care, including illegal aliens. ------- CAIR - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform so much for no federal money for illegals This must have happened once and such a ruckus was made about it that it became an urban Doesn't even sound real. Dragoness...... In respect to the above about Mexican ambulance drivers bringing patients into American hospitals, it is a fact. However, there is one thing I want to clarify in respect to The Federal Emergency Medical Act referred to above. It only applies to emergency rooms at public hospitals. In other words, illegals cannot demand services at emergency rooms at private hospitals without medical insurance or the means to pay for services. Private hospitals have the right to turn them away. Addendum...... Another point I want to make Dragoness is that in reference to illegals who go to emergency rooms, you made the statement "Surprisingly [illegals] do pay their bills. You would be surprised how many of them pay their bills." I have mentioned this before that I had an accident the first week of January and was taken to the Emergency Room at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. There was a mix-up and in lieu of the bill being sent to my insurance company, it was sent to me. The bill for the three hours I was in the Emergency Room was over five thousand dollars. And you are trying to tell us illegals pay for treatment received in Emergency Rooms. I think not! |
Immigration Reform
I cut/pasted/posted part of your post, "This cannot be helped because we have travellers from other countries who have children here and citizenship is automatically given and should be they are born here. You were born here, I was born here, we got citizenship from just being born here noone had to do anything to make us citizens and that is how it should be." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My son is a bit of a Constitutional scholar, not an expert, but he knows more than the average person. I questioned him as to why illegal Mexican women who sneak into the USA and go to emergency rooms to have their babies wind up with American citizenship for their children. My son said it has to do with the 14th Amendment and the slaves. The 14th Amendment gave citizenship to the slaves and made the rule that if you were born here, you were an American citizen. Also, this is the norm for most countries. However, my son pointed out the fact that here in the USA the Liberals have twisted the citizenship thing to give citizenship to children of illegals, which was not intended by the original concept of the 14th Amendment. |
Public school taught me how to use a dictionary ![]() nar·cis·sism (närsĭ-sĭz′əm) also nar·cism (-sĭz′əm) n. 1. Excessive love or admiration of oneself. See Synonyms at conceit. 2. A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem. 3. Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self, especially as a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development. 4. The attribute of the human psyche charactized by admiration of oneself but within normal limits. According to Sam Vaknin, "Narcissists are an elusive breed, hard to spot, harder to pinpoint, impossible to capture. Even an experienced mental health diagnostician with unmitigated access to the record and to the person examined would find it fiendishly difficult to determine with any degree of certainty whether someone suffers from an impairment, i.e., a mental health disorder � or merely possesses narcissistic traits, a narcissistic personality structure ('character'), or a narcissistic 'overlay' superimposed on another mental health problem." Here is more input: They are the biggest liars you've ever seen. They will look you right in your eyes, swear on a stack of bibles and tell you the biggest lie you've ever heard. They will say they're not going to do something, while plotting to do just what they say they wouldn't do. They're very out of touch with their feelings. They talk just to hear themselves talk - while not believing anything they're trying to convince you of. It will become obvious very soon: an over-inflated ego. Astonishing lies. Exaggerated emotion. The old adage "if its too good to be true then it usually is" applies directly to narcissists. On first meeting a narcissist will engage you directly with their eyes, then they will move away from you. They will make you feel unique and that because they have such a grandiose sense of self worth then their attentions on you also reflect your worth. They will initially flatter you in a way that can be quite embarassing. e.g, "I made you blush," "No you didn't," "Yes I did. Look you've gone all pink." A narcissist projects an air of his own self importance. His facade is well cultivated. The very second you construe a behaviour that is immoral in anyway and he/she uses an excuse to justify the behaviour that is in itself immoral then you most likely are in the presence of a naracissist. How can you recognize a narcissist? I would say look at his family. His family, like ours, is a springboard of verbal and emotional abuse. He treats himself to everything, but his family has financial restrictions. He doesn't participate in caretaking or nurturning, however he is quite availiable to condemn, criticize and complain. The only great ideas are his, and the only valid purchases are those he justifies. He brags about how smart, healthy, talented and unique he is, but fails to appreciate everyone around him. He even puts his children down to elevate his own ego, and truly fails to appreciate what he so boldly steps on. There is no empathy, only exaggerated self emotion, self importance and self concern. You will have no peace living with a NPD, but removing him from your family's lives is no easier with this knowledge. Before you know it, you are entwined and smothered in his oppression, gasping for air for you and your family. I think a N is like toxic waste, there is no way to remain healthy while one is in your life. A narcissist is, at first glance, a friendly, real person. This is the narcissist's bait. The person lures people in, only to control them, in any shape ore form. You will not recognize this, but as time progresses, you will feel guilty. The most important thing to recognize is that you need to live your own life and not be controlled by a narcissist. They steal your relationships with people and haunt your feelings. They are a very special, wicked breed of people, who get away with what they do. My advice: be careful with who you meet; don't be misled. They will relate to the problems in your life, claiming that something very similar has happened to them. They make it sound like they and they alone truely understand and relate to you. They get you to share very personal things and make you feel like you've found someone who has been through what you have been through. And it's very comforting. It is difficult at first since they try to charm. Some possibilities: They have no sense of humor ... They manipulate and control ... They do not have a significant number of long-term relationships ... Their eyes have no soul They talk but only to hear themselves; dominate conversations ... They try to give people their opinions ... They love attention ... They are cheap ... This person's close friends have begun to assume some of their characteristics but don't hide them in front of you because they are not activley trying to manipulate you (yet) Benign narcissist are usually just braggarts. Malignant narcissist have subtle ways of cutting down other people. I am always surprised at their ability to brainwash people. Here are some of them I noticed, but I'm sure there are plenty more tricks they use out there. Everything they say is exaggeration, deception or lie. Everyone word out of their mouth is 1) self praise or, 2)cut someone or some group down. Biggest clue is that when they get done talking to you, you are left with a negative impression of someone, but the N never came right out and said anything directly. Train yourself to become aware as soon as you think someting negative about someone. You didn't really think it up yourself. It was planted. So be on the look out for sudden bad lighting on someone. Narcissists are by definition liars. They appear to be something they are not. They seem educated, confidant, charming, and social. They are master manipulators and total control freaks. They have no emotions and are void of empathy. They feel for no one but themselves. They are a bottomless pit that is never satisfied. They are incapable of giving and receieving true love. They think they are better than everyone else, always right and never wrong, and their way is always the best way to do anything. They love attention. They think only of themselves, but make you think they are thinking of your best intrests. They dont mind buying you lavish gifts as long as they do not have to give of themselves, especially their time. Their time is precious to them and you do not deserve any of their time unless it is to their benefit. You exist solely to please them. To them, you are less than human, you are not worthy of their mere presence. Constant talking and praising of herself while putting others down. She always has the better recipe, has eaten a better meal than you a serving her, knows more about any topic than you do, and when she is unfamliar with the topic insists on immediately changing the topic. Forgets her friends and families birthdays, and doesn't care about it; while at the same time expecting huge parties and lavish gifts for her own birthday. Lies easily, and with such ease that it is difficult to detect, since it is so common. Always wants more from you; you could never give enough. When people call her a "princess" she thinks it is a compliment. Competes with people on every dimension; if you are sick, you should feel sorry for HER since she feels bad that you are sick. Never goes out of her way for anyone, even a dying "best" friend. Thinks she is entitled to everything in the world; does not expect to earn anything. You can tell when she is on the phone with anyone, since the other party is limited to saying "uh huh" or the like. She never asks people about their interests, and doesn't care what they do. Her children's accomplishments are only valuable to the extent she can boast about them to other people. She dominates (or tries to) any social gathering. She has no intimate knowledge of another human being. She sees herself as extremely talented and extraordinarily bright, more than most of the world. She expects gain with no effort. She has no empathy with other people. Unfortunately you dont really detect anything until they have made sure your hooked. But I can list the most obvious traits I had in my nightmarish experience. 1. Will lie blatantly whilst looking you directly in the eyes. 2. Will lie about who they are, what they do, and even what they had for breaky if they feel like it. 3. It's all about them and their problems and their needs all the time, if you try to tell them about you....a look of disinterest will appear on their faces...and they lead it back to them. 4. Your emotions and feelings and needs mean are only there for their needs...end of story. 5.Their moods and emotions are extreme...and one night they can be crying and sobbing and (sucking you dry for support) and the next day they havnt a worry in the world. 6.They will push and push for what they want until you succumb to their wishes or needs regardless of how you feel about it. 7.They have to be with people and are terrified of their parents dying and leaving them (if of course the parents are supplying something they need). 8. They are never at fault, and even if they say it once or twice that they are...its only words to make them seem more human. 9. When they find other better fresher supplies of will become non existant, until they may need you again one day when they may just rear their heads again and try and suck you back in. 10. They will be nice as pie to your face and turn around and tell the next person they see and say you are nothing to them. 11. They are master manipulators and use any information they have on you to control you and get them what they want. 12. Their emotions are shallow and have no meaning and everyone in their lives are nothing but a source of attention. 13. They say things that are so out there that you think they have gone to another planet. You are off topic. We are not talking about Hillary. |
well being north of the border we need as much snow as possible to build our igloos... ![]() Sounds better than a snow fort. ![]() my maid lives in a snow fort... ![]() And what does your maid do for you? Never mind! I don't want to know! ![]() |
i'm only telling you what the link said...that she drank her urine. it did now, however, mention feces. Can we find out if she ate her feces? Oh my I better get off this thread before it gets shut down for being toooo crude! ![]() I hope she flossed... ![]() she COULDN'T have flossed...if she had floss, she could have...filed through the bars or the lock or something. crap, ya'll are wearing off on me. What about a toothbrush? |
Edited by
Tue 03/11/08 02:09 PM
that would make you a witness.... not a party to a crime... if you had no previous knowledge.... WITNESS....
they can charge you as an accomplice. in a lot of people's eyes you're just as guilty if you didn't stop the one who was actually breaking the law I'm sorry I didn't elaborate... I'm at a convience store with someone I barely know, and that person pulls a gun and shoots someone.... If you had no knowledge of the gun or what that person planned.... and that can be proven in court... that makes you a witness... not an accessory... lily..... Your accompanying the person makes you an accessory. The law doesn't quibble about whether you barely knew the person or had no knowledge as to what that person was going to do. You are guilty of murder. Of course, under the circumstances, the charges might be mitigated down to a lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter, depending on a multitude of facts. |
we know you are so angry. that is what the complaints are about. in lieu of contributing something worthwhile to this thread, you are starting confrontations with everyone that have nothing to do with the subject of the thread. now quit being so nasty. |