Community > Posts By > BrandSpankinNew

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Sat 06/07/08 02:19 PM

No offense taken. . . I've seen worse - right here on JSH. . .
but you're right . . .

moving right along!. . .

thanks sweetie!! didn't mean to sound like a b*itchflowerforyou flowerforyou

np LB
a ba-bit, ba-bit . .. . uh , one of those never had such a pretty smile blushing

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Sat 06/07/08 02:13 PM

and spell it right too!noway
spell what right

my own 'nic' . . .
you guys type too fast for meglasses
how do you post while deactivated:angry:

who cares..start a new topic. we're trying to have fun here.

No offense taken. . . I've seen worse - right here on JSH. . .
but you're right . . .

moving right along!. . .

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Sat 06/07/08 02:11 PM
ok, I'm seeing triple now!
Just checked . . I'm activated!

"It's not my fault!" - Lando

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Sat 06/07/08 02:06 PM
Edited by BrandSpankinNew on Sat 06/07/08 02:09 PM

you show deactivated how do you post while deactivatedgrumble

Its broken, I reanimated this morning . . . or so I thought!

yup, just checked I show a JSH pulse on my acct

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Sat 06/07/08 02:04 PM

and spell it right too!noway
spell what right

my own 'nic' . . .
you guys type too fast for meglasses

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Sat 06/07/08 02:01 PM
and spell it right too!noway

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Sat 06/07/08 02:01 PM
if you can't say anything nic, say it to someone else

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Sat 06/07/08 01:59 PM
if you can't say something nice, say something unnotnice :tongue:

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Sat 06/07/08 01:57 PM

on this site not many listen or care. many are too wrapped up in their own tiny world to see outside world and you know i am sorry if you are like that because time stops for no one

its not the site, its the planet the site is on
anyone know whe the filght to Saturn leaves?

(more from Stevie - On Saturn)

so instead of reading poems and feeling sorry for ourselves about others who want to waste their lives away like vegetables why not have some fun

How about this

Sing to the tune of �You are the sunshine of my life� by S. Wonder

I gave some moonshine to my wife
That's why she�s stum-bl-ing around
And she�ll just babble on all night
Then she�ll fall face first on the ground

I feel this has become a problem
Because now she says that she wants more
I swear this doesn�t happen often
And I�ll clean up the puke that�s on the floor

I gave some moonshine to my wife, yeah,
I made it from my basement still
And now I�m very mortified
I guess it wasn�t such a thrill

I should have known that she�d get plastered
Because she gets drunk off one beer
And she must think that I�m a bastard
Because all our friends thinks she�s very weird

I gave some moonshine to my wife, yeah
And now I wish I never had
She says she doesn�t feel all right
I think that batch she had was badlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

obviously there are more Saturnites here than meets the eye!

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Sat 06/07/08 01:53 PM
only in reel life

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Sat 06/07/08 01:51 PM

i say that every time i see my kids almost 1/2 the week every week They get me mad I tell them they get me mad but I tell them I don't love them less they are both seven and they know I say what i mean and mean what i say

on this site not many listen or care. many are too wrapped up in their own tiny world to see outside world and you know i am sorry if you are like that because time stops for no one

its not the site, its the planet the site is on
anyone know whe the filght to Saturn leaves?

(more from Stevie - On Saturn)

Packing my bags -- going away
To a place where the air is clean
On saturn
Theres no sense to sit and watch people die
We dont fight our wars the way you do
We put back all the things we use
On saturn
Theres no sense to keep on doing such crimes

Theres no principles in what you say
No direction in the things you do
For your world is soon to come to a close
Through the ages all great men have taught
Truth and happiness just cant be bought - or sold
Tell me why are you people so cold

Going back to saturn where the rings all glow
Rainbow, moonbeams and orange snow
On saturn
People live to be two hundred and five
Going back to saturn where the people smile
Dont need cars cause weve learned to fly
On saturn
Just to live to us is our natural high

We have come here many times before
To find your strategy to peace is war
Killing helpless men, women and children
That dont even know what theyre dying for
We cant trust you when you take a stand
With a gun and Bible in your hand
And the cold expression on your face
Saying give us what we want or well destroy

Going back to saturn where the rings all glow
Rainbow, moonbeams and orange snow
On saturn
People live to be two hundred and five
Going back to saturn where the people smile
Dont need cars cause weve learned to fly
On saturn
Just to live to us is our natural high

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Sat 06/07/08 01:46 PM

where was Dr. Sam Beckett when I needed him!

then again, there was that time. . .

did I just quote myself!!noway noway

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Sat 06/07/08 01:42 PM
where was Dr. Sam Beckett when I needed him!

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Sat 06/07/08 01:40 PM
and if you've already told 'em, tell 'em again . . .

(Stevie Wonder - These Three Words) -- timeless, put it in your ipod

When was the last time
That they heard you say
Mother or father, I love you
And when was the last time
That they heard you say
Daughter or son, I love you

Ones you say you cherish everyday
Can instantly be taken away
Then you'd say I know this can't be true
When you never took the time
To simply tell them "I love you"

When was the last time
That they heard you say
Sister or brother, I love you
And when was the last time
That they heard you say
Darling or best friend, I love you

The one for whom you'd give your very life
Could be taken in the twinkling of an eye
Through you tears you'd ask why did you go
Knowing you didn't always show
Just how much you loved them so

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Sat 06/07/08 01:22 PM

In my experience, this particular type of man, (and yes it could be said a woman), is known as a P*L*A*Y*E*R . Forget they ever are far more worthy of someone better than that! (JMO) bigsmile

its hard to tell the players from the game

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Sat 06/07/08 01:21 PM
no current sig, but. . .
when she's here - - always, that's what makes her a sig.
it's about joining two worlds into one

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Sat 06/07/08 01:19 PM

Im not affraid of commitment, im just affraid of commitment to the wrong woman, thats all

Ditto, been there, bought the t-shirt

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Sat 06/07/08 01:10 PM
accepted perception=reality

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Sat 06/07/08 01:09 PM

they're not ready

then why not say so?

they do, just not the ones you want to here it from....

oh well...

they want to be . . .
I know - that doesn't help . . .
all you can do is go by your gut.
sorry, Life's User Manual was blown out of whack, we're all trying to collate the pages

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Sat 06/07/08 12:55 PM
they're not ready