Community > Posts By > Sin_and_Sorrow
put those rock fish back!!! awwww ruthie,,, happy looks so good on you, both ![]() ..if that's Spider happy... >.> Just kidding. ![]() if you notice...the picture is carefully cropped haha!! :P LOL xD -.- |
put those rock fish back!!! awwww ruthie,,, happy looks so good on you, both ![]() ..if that's Spider happy... >.> Just kidding. ![]() |
Titanic Question
If Titanic hit the Iceberg head on would it have sank? Yes, the Titanic sank because of the pride of man. ..and the cowardice of a captain. -.- |
Titanic Question
The Titanic was doomed from the moment men decried... 'Even God could not sink this ship...' Why in the world would anyone tempt fate in this way? ...nice. xD |
*prays* Dear God,
..please let no one quote the OP. It took far too long to scroll to the bottom. Oh, and, uh, bless all the midgets. Amen. :) |
Blood sacrifice
"How did the Pagans know it was necessary? (Granted they used humans which God abhorred)" ?????????????????????? I'm not sure what your question is. I'm talking about the need for blood sacrifice. God did not want them using humans as the blood sacrifice. Ruth is that... Spider? o.O Wow. Either he's really tall or.. well, heh. :X |
Edited by
Sat 03/10/12 07:13 PM
respected I would not want to see any of the other current candidates represent America to the world and I see the Healthcare reform as a historical and progressive achievement so I cant possibly NOT support him Reasons I cannot support Obama: 1. Unemployment may be dropping, but in my area, such is only due to people being unable to collect anymore; thus still "unemployed" but now I guess they just consider them "jobless". 2. Congress doesn't like him. The reasons for this, I honestly could careless; however, Congress sucks so as it is, but if there's a president they can at least "stand" in the same room; some "progress" can at least be hoped to be achieved. 3. Jobs that opened in this area since this so-called "raise in employment". Half of them are government related, a quarter of them are in construction hardcore manual labor which, people with a bad knee (me) can't even attempt. The other quarter? Good luck getting your foot in the door without a 2-4 year education and a hella good resume to back it up. Hard to get experience when no one gives you a chance. 4. Minimum Wage goes up - our good jobs go overseas. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't his fault. But it literally benefits big businesses to pay the Chinese, etc, to do what we can do for a heck of a lot cheaper. It's sad when you do all your business here and have a 75% more chance of going bankrupt. *shakes head* 5. WTF are his main focuses right now? Every time I see him, something about "war" or such related keeps popping out of his mouth. As if that's our biggest concern. Now.. Why I won't vote for Mitt, or wtf ever other douche gets nominated: 1. They are all hypocritical flat out lying douche nuggets. 2. I'd rather re-elect Bush for a third term then any of these guys that actually stand a chance to win it. 3. Every time I see them talking, I can literally see their Pinocchio nose growing inch by inch with each word. 4. Spending millions just to degrade the other guys "reputation" with false propaganda is getting REALLY old. That's MO. |
Can the President Kill You?
Interesting tid-bit since ya'll mentioned the Civil War. A. Johnson, the guy who succeeded Lincoln. Congress created a bill, once he took office; that forbid him from firing any already approved congressmen. He believed this unconstitutional, fired someone anyway, and was impeached. -.- If I recall correctly, Lincoln was with the Union, and Johnson was said to favor the south. Don't quote me on the last part though. Basically comes down to Congress doing wtf ever it wants whenever it wants. How many years? Not much has changed. but we continue to think the President has the most 'power'....... That' why I hate "politics" and I'm not as narrow-minded to just simply hate whomever the current president is and pass all the blame on him. That's why I consider the President just a figurehead. The only true requirements for him is being able to speak to foreign dikkheads, oops, I mean figureheads. It's like this: President wants to pass a bill, congress rejects; end of sorry (for the most part unless he refiles it). Congress wants a bill passed, President vetoes it, congress can override the veto. (Last I checked). Thus, a figurehead. |
Can the President Kill You?
Interesting tid-bit since ya'll mentioned the Civil War.
A. Johnson, the guy who succeeded Lincoln. Congress created a bill, once he took office; that forbid him from firing any already approved congressmen. He believed this unconstitutional, fired someone anyway, and was impeached. -.- If I recall correctly, Lincoln was with the Union, and Johnson was said to favor the south. Don't quote me on the last part though. Basically comes down to Congress doing wtf ever it wants whenever it wants. How many years? Not much has changed. |
"Emotional Avoidance"
Wow great write Thank you. :) |
"Emotional Avoidance"
I take it you never heard of Epica before? nope, and always enjoy checking out new, to me :) Cool. :) Glad you like both. :D |
This might be true...but the bottom line is he took the bible and rewrote it for his needs...big big mistake. He took a fictional book that for centuries has been a force of hatred, violence, bigotry, and racism in our world and attempted to show the world how they could find freedom from its teachings. By lying and making a profit just like they do with Christianity? How do you know its "fictional"? What "freedom"? "Hatred" from whom? "Racism" from whom? "Violence" from whom? "Bigotry" from whom? Are we speaking of Man or God now? |
"IT is a popular misconception that the Satanist does not believe in God. The concept of "God", as interpreted by man, has been so varied throughout the ages, that the Satanist simply accepts the definition which suits him best. Man has always created his gods, rather than his gods creating him. God is, to some, benign - to others, terrifying. To the Satanist "God" - by whatever name he is called, or by no name at all - is seen as the balancing factor in nature, and not as being concerned with suffering. This powerful force which permeates and balances the universe is far too impersonal to care about the happiness or misery of flesh-and-blood creatures on this ball of dirt upon which we live. No, no, no.. he doesn't sound nearly as delusional as those God-fearing folk. xD Anyone who thinks of Satan as evil should consider all the men, women, children, and animals who have died because it was "God's will". Certainly a person grieving the untimely loss of a loved one whould much rather have their loved one with them than in God's hands! Instead, they are unctuously consoled by their clergyman who says, "It was God's will, my dear"; or "He is in God's hands now, my son." Such phrases have been a convenient way for religionists to condone or excuse the mercilessness of God. But if God is in complete control and as benign as he is supposed to be, why does He allow these things to happen? Too long have religionists been falling back on their bibles and rulebooks to prove or disprove, justify, condemn, or interpret. ..God's will, huh? "Judge not less ye be judged." God, according to his own words, only "judged" because of Satan's overwhelming influence in man; therefore, if the Bible was to be true; every single person that has EVER died, is actually the handy work of.. yup, you guessed it; Mista Satan! Cause of said horned demon/fallen angel; we were banished from a Garden, ALL creatures/creations lost their immortality and the cycle of death began. So, go on, yes, falsely keep blaming and proving God right. xD The Satanist realizes that man, and the action and reaction of the universe, is responsible for everything, and doesn't mislead himself into thinking that someone cares. No longer will we sit back and accept "fate" without doing anything about it, just because it says so in Chapter such and such, Psalm so and so - and that's that! The Satanist knows that praying does absolutely no good - in fact, it actually lessens the chance of success, for the devoutly religious too often sit back complacently and pray for a situation which, if they were to do something about it on their own, could be accomplished much quicker! ..yet you "worship" Satan why? Because he "cares"? Please. You will sit back and accept "fate" because you do NOTHING to change the cycle; you ADD to it. Thus you are counter-productive to your own "concept". ..and for the record, some things are out of mortal hands. Is praying useless then? Hoping for a miracle is useless? Pointless? No, you're right, let's go out and kick someone cause they grilled you wrong. Awesome philosophy. The Satanist shuns terms such as "hope" and "prayer" as they are indicative of apprehension. If we hope and pray for something to come about, we will not act in a positive way which will make it happen. The Satanist, realizing that anything he gets is of his own doing, takes command of the situation instead of praying to God for it to happen. Positive thinking and positive action add up to results. Yes, let's all give up hope and be miserable sacks of garbage. Hope has literally structured our lives as they are now. Not all were the source or by-product of God nor prayer; but Hope itself. How can you claim to be "positive" without "hope"? Hypocrisy once again. Just as the Satanist does not pray to God for assistance, he does not pray for forgiveness for his wrong doings. In other religions, when one commits a wrong he either prays to God for forgiveness, or confesses to an intermediary and asks him to pray to God for forgiveness for his sins. The Satanist knows that praying does no good, confessing to another human being, like himself, accomplishes even less - and is, furthermore, degrading. Oh? And how would he know this, hmm? Does such not "lift" the burden of regret? Or should we all live in regret? Well, obviously, yes we should. Because misery and violence is AWESOME! When a Satanist commits a wrong, he realizes that it is natural to make a mistake - and if he is truly sorry about what he has done, he will learn from it and take care not to do the same thing again. If he is not honestly sorry about what he has done, and knows he will do the same thing over and over, he has no business confessing and asking forgiveness in the first place. But this is exactly what happens. People confess their sins so that they can clear their consciences - and be free to go out and sin again, usually the same sin." Finally, at least we agree on -- okay well only the ending half. |
1. "Love one another" it has been said is the supreme law, but what power made it so? Upon what rational authority does the gospel of love rest? Why should I not hate mine enemies - if I "love" them does that not place me at their mercy? Hate begets hate, violence begets violence. Tis a cycle, and believing this only adds to it. We want change, not more of the same. Your type of thinking makes the world worse. It makes it the "Hell" he proclaims we now live in. 2. Is it natural for enemies to do good unto each other - and WHAT IS GOOD? If you know not, then do not speak of God nor the Devil in such terms. Makes you both the fool and hypocrite. 3. Can the torn and bloody victim "love" the blood-splashed jaws that rend him limb from limb? It has happened, yes. 4. Are we not all predatory animals by instinct? If humans ceased wholly from preying upon each other, could they continue to exist? Yes, they could easily. However, the deceptions of power and wealth would also have to be removed. Again, change is the foundation. Without it you have but cement to lay on and no roof for shelter. 5. Is not "lust and carnal desire" a more truthful term to describe "love" when applied to the continuance of the race? Is not the "love" of the fawning scriptures simply a euphemism for sexual activity, or was the "great teacher" a glorifier of eunuchs? Lust and desire - does not equal love. You want the answer, find it for yourself. Neither belief will teach you its true power. 6. Love your enemies and do good to them that hate and use you - is this not the despicable philosophy of the spaniel that rolls upon its back when kicked? Unless you know a dog that can write a historical document... 7. Hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, SMASH him on the other!; smite him hip and thigh, for self-preservation is the highest law! ..and the cycle shalt never end. This frame of mind, creates the Hell. This frame of mind is why man created God, whether real or not. This frame of mind is why they also needed to create the Devil. 8. He who turns the other cheek is a cowardly dog! ..yes, because peace over war is always the cowards way. *eye roll* 9. Give blow for blow, scorn for scorn, doom for doom - with compound interest liberally added thereunto! Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, aye four-fold, a hundred-fold! Make yourself a Terror to your adversary, and when he goeth his way, he will possess much additional wisdom to ruminate over. Thus shall you make yourself respected in all the walks of life, and your spirit - your immortal spirit - shall live, not in an intangible paradise, but in the brains and sinews of those whose respect you have gained. ..and you will be crushed, alone, empty, shallow, and broken. Always searching for something, but you shalt never find it. In your eyes... I hold 50x more respect for the coward then the one who "feels" obligated to "prove" he is more, when in reality, he is actually less. |
“Whenever, therefore, a lie has built unto itself a throne, let it be assailed without pity and without regret, for under the domination of an inconvenient falsehood, no one can prosper. “ Such a hypocritical statement, I must say. “Blessed are the valiant, for they shall obtain great treasure - Cursed are the believers in good and evil, for they are frightened by shadows!” ..says who? o.O “He that is slow to believe anything and everything is of great understanding, for belief in one false principle is the beginning of all unwisdom.” ..says another religious fruitcake. “Don’t waste your time with people who will ultimately destroy you, but concentrate instead on those who will appreciate your responsibility to them, and, likewise, feel responsible to you.” ..Yes, great advice. Ignore those who could do you the most harm. Let me guess, let you'll call us cowards for "turning the other cheek", eh? "Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!" ..and since when are businessmen the best people to listen? Politics and war - they are both "businesses" too, ya know. "Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!" That so? According to whom? "Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!" MAN represents undefiled wisdom, not God. "Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!" HAHAHA! OMG, I almost choked on my pickle. xD "He who turns the other cheek is a cowardly dog." Holy crap! I actually called this. -.- What was that about a hypocrite? "Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!" Wow that is such BS. "There is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment! Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity! Choose ye this day, this hour, for no redeemer liveth!" So Satan, like God, just another "name"? Interesting he'd admit that. |
So what have we learned from this thread? It is your right to belief whatever you want. Stay in school, don't be a funch. Harmony has a sense of humor. So long as you don't crack jokes on Obama. ..and you should never assume.. Class dismissed. :) What was the lesson? It is your right to belief whatever you want. Stay in school, don't be a funch. Harmony has a sense of humor. So long as you don't crack jokes on Obama. ..and you should never assume.. Class dismissed. :) Yeah? I don't get it. Seems like a bunch of statements but oh well... Lesson I: "You have the right to believe in whatever." Lesson II: "Stay in school, less you become a Funch." Lesson III: "Harmony has a humor." Lesson IV: "Unless you attack Obama, she has no humor." Lesson V: "Never assume." The conclusion of a lesson is usually a statement. It can be a question, and you make your own conclusion. I chose to simplify. |
So what have we learned from this thread? It is your right to belief whatever you want. Stay in school, don't be a funch. Harmony has a sense of humor. So long as you don't crack jokes on Obama. ..and you should never assume.. Class dismissed. :) What was the lesson? It is your right to belief whatever you want. Stay in school, don't be a funch. Harmony has a sense of humor. So long as you don't crack jokes on Obama. ..and you should never assume.. Class dismissed. :) |
So what have we learned from this thread?
It is your right to belief whatever you want. Stay in school, don't be a funch. Harmony has a sense of humor. So long as you don't crack jokes on Obama. ..and you should never assume.. Class dismissed. :) |
awwww ![]() I love you too Fer-Fer. :D |
Alright, it's been fun. Son's home from school. Later. xD go spend about 15 minutes with him then come back here I spent an hour. Homework, calling him back when he's done. you know that you can't stop stalking me for that long when you know I'm online you posted at 12:43 that you were leaving and then posted again at 1:09 ... BUSTED It's on the phone? Brother's not permitted to be on the net WHERE he works at the same time? Oh yes, soooo busted. xD Actually came back on cause Jennifer told me she wrote me. Peeped it out while I was on, and plus, he couldn't talk as long as normal cause of his homework. Mmhmm. said that you were gone an hour wasn't even 30 minutes before you ran back to post to me I place me above your son I'm not going to post here for a while so that you can concentrate on your son ..I'm injecting an ideology into this forum that your Children should come first perhaps this ideology won't go anywhere beyond this forum but if I'm willing to take a vacation from posting here for your son.. then imagine what you should be willing to sacrifice for him no more excuses I was already on the phone. You take a break? lmao If your ideology is idiocy, then you should be crowned emperor. Excuses? Brahahaha. Besides, now' your chance to be all Funchie, he's doing his homework. Thus why the convo was cut short. ..and if you wish to be precise and technical: The call was 43.9 minutes long. ..and lmao, if you think I ran.. you should probably stop thinking too. |