She did get beated bad, an no she didn't take him back. But she did forgive him.But as she said that was her christian side of her .She will never forget it. An she didn't try to stop any court actions on him. He needed to do time.An have one of the men in there to put the beat down on him. An all she asked him was why these girls were calling him while she was with him . an he went off on her.
Hot Flash
GOOD ONE needed a early morning laugh
Advice for a friend
Thats not weird that is great. How do people think some turn to christaniy.
Advice for a friend
Edited by
Wed 08/29/12 10:17 PM
Then tell her to keep it in prayer an go with her heart. God is love no matter what regilon you are. Just look in the bible an look at Ruth. She wasn't Jewish, but followed in a strange land with her dead husbands family . Them would up marring another Jewish man.She still wasn't Jewish. So God leads us we no not where. That is where BELIEVE comes into our lives. Good luck in what ever she decieds to do. You never know what God has in store for us.WE can be christians even around non-believers. It is our chose,God gave us.
Krupa's Journey Begins..
I am so happy for you both. You can see the happiness in his eyes even. I don't think its just because GAS is cheaper. Wishing you both extrem happiness.
Advice for a friend
GOD ask us not to judge so don't. You never know you might be the factor of him becomming a born again christan. He is a beliver, God brought him in your life for a reason.I know of married coulpes that the both are not born again. but he has helped her start to learn. I also have some friends that are muslim an christian. They have had a truly loving realionship for alot of years now. They have children an bring them up with both outlooks. So never say never when GOD is involved.
Passion Humor |
A sad phone call...
GOD an his angels were with her. Your family has my prayers.
Krupa's Journey Begins..
So happy for you all the updates are great.This make me believe that I still might have a chance to love again.Thank you both for sharing.
Krupa's Journey Begins..
for both of you be safe an congrats
Todd & the Book of Pure Evil
No I haven't where do you watch it on. Ya know chanel. I would like to check it out.Thanks
Elder Banking
that is great we need to do this.
from one IDIOT to another. I needed a laugh about my self. thanks
i miss my parents
Cry an CRY an CRY get it out your pain goes with the tearsits a way of cleansing you spirt an soul. It will bet better an at times it will overbare on you remember all the beautiful memoried that you will alwas remember,They are imprinted in your soul an spirt.WE love you girl May he bring his blessind an his comfortable spirt with sn after all this just ask him to take the painan leave the memories again if you need to talk I am here kim
need a good laugh
thank you I needed that
Old Man
THis one is for you, great
Say a Prayer for Ana
For all the ones we have loved an lost. Thank GOD we are better for knowing them.For they will always be in our soul.
I agree with both of you.Spare thr rod spoil the child. your right Plus there is so many thing you can take away to. Like not having any life outside of his room an house.We need to get back to the ol'way or raien our children.We all didn't turn into mass murders just bewcause we got spanked an thing taken away.We have to let our children rule us an we start ruling over them again.
The froggy stockbroker
Good way to start my day is with laughter. Thank you.