Topic: Caught on Video: 9-year-old's Violent Daycare Rampage | |
Who is raising all these feral animals?
![]() VICKSBURG, Miss. -- Surveillance video from a daycare center in Mississippi shows a 9-year-old on a violent rampage in a room full of infants. In the video, shot at Kiddie City Childcare Center in Vicksburg, Miss., the boy can be seen punching one little girl several times, then choking another. Later in the video, he violently shakes another child. The 9-year-old can be seen waiting until workers turn away to attack the girls, according to WBLT. At one point, the boy kicks one of the little girls while a daycare worker looks out the window. He later picks up the girl and kicks her again. Former daycare worker Sandra Trevillion has been arrested and charged with two counts of contributing to the neglect of a minor. But Treveillion isn't the only person that's facing charges. The parent of one of the girls, 29-year-old Jamie Williams, was arrested and charged with misdemeanor simple assault after he slapped the child he thought was responsible. Williams said his 1-year-old daughter came home for about a week with injuries including a busted lip and a bit mark on her chin, WBLT reports. Williams became upset last Thursday when daycare workers couldn't offer an explanation about why his daughter was injured there on Monday. That's when he slapped the child he thought was to blame -- the wrong kid, according to police. Police have interviewed the 9-year-old boy and his mother. It's not clear if they'll face any charges. The Department of Human Services is also investigating and other charges could be forthcoming. |
why it is so terribly difficult to find decent childcare facilities
if you cant toss out a small fortune to do so ,,,,terribly sad and disappointing |
why it is so terribly difficult to find decent childcare facilities if you cant toss out a small fortune to do so ,,,,terribly sad and disappointing And it is disappointing that parents will not be more responsible and worst yet punish some of these children deservingly. This one calls for a HARD spanking after being made to watch himself on camera and if he denied his actions before the video then comes a second spanking after the first one! I am sorry but there are cases of spare the rod and spoil the child! This is one of them! There are WAY to many people who do not deserve to be parents. Hell, I would punk out the parents something fierce if it was my child being treated that way by another! And I know someone out there is going to say what if the father is bigger than me? Mace and HIGH VOLTAGE! That should level things nicely! God people are the reason I am so frustrated with life most of the time! Seeing stories like this with video evidence just PISSES ME OFF to no end! |
I agree , it is disappointing that so many create life and then walk away from the responsibility
parenting is at LEAST a two person job, and too many children have the misfortune of being deprived that basic foundation,,,, |
I agree with both of you.Spare thr rod spoil the child. your right Plus there is so many thing you can take away to. Like not having any life outside of his room an house.We need to get back to the ol'way or raien our children.We all didn't turn into mass murders just bewcause we got spanked an thing taken away.We have to let our children rule us an we start ruling over them again.