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Thu 03/25/21 05:11 PM
There is no quick fix but I disagree that its difficult to lose belly fat or any visceral fat (fat around the organs) its just about making health choices, exercising, putting high quality nutrients in your body, drinking lots of water. Most people I know who complain about not being able to lose weight/fat are eating WAY too many carbs and refined sugars. dont get me wrong Im not a fad diet fan and I love my carbs. but everything in balance that's why they say balanced diet not fad diet.

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Thu 03/25/21 04:58 PM
Back in the day...
A healthy dose of bourbon would help.

You know its weird I rarely drink but when I do it keeps me awake. bizarre.

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Thu 03/25/21 04:53 PM
getting ready to shower and sleep finishing an episode of One Deadly Mistake

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Thu 03/25/21 04:48 PM
having to lug my recyclables out to the curb :cry:

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Thu 03/25/21 03:54 PM
Both my degrees are in psychology. My master's degree is in forensic psychology. when I was still an undergrad I attempted to disprove that Ouija boards were authentically supernatural. It took some convincing my professor and clarifying my methodology but he finally agreed to the project. I had another student and now my best friend help me out. Against the advice of a spiritually inclined friend I did a research session alone. Well I got a message and while I dont want to type it out here. Ill say this much about the following days. That night after I received the message I felt like someone was literally right beside me when no one was there. I felt hatred directed towards me. My best friend and room mate and began noticing our clocks going off at 3 AM and 3 PM. regardless of what we did to prevent this there was no logical explanation. we literally ruled out everything. One morning when my room mate left for a horse show before 3 AM I decided to stay home because I wasnt feeling well. She was picked up by a friend of ours and I stayed in bed. at 3:33 AM all the clocks went off. I shot out of bed freaked out and then yanked all the clock cords out of the wall. Mine was conpletely electric and it was still going continued to alarm and didnt stop as well as one other clock Id unplugged but that one took batteries as well. we discovered later there were NO batteries in it. I called My roommate hysterical and asked her to have someone pick me up for the show that I had to get out of there and couldn't stay alone in our apartment. I prayed long and hard after that for God to deliver me from whatever entity was tormenting us. I promised Id never use a Ouija board again and I didnt. After many prayers the clocks stopped going off a 3 AM/PM I still wasnt comfortable staying alone there and due to switching my major and having to carry more credit hours to graduate I had to spend an entire semester alone in that apartment. it wasnt pleasant and I had many sleepless nights but I eventually graduated.

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Thu 03/25/21 03:34 PM
I don’t believe in extra terrestrials, but I do think that there is something very real to what HealingTouch was talking about. There were human-animal and human-angel hybrids being made thousands of years ago by the fallen sons of God, and I don’t know that they ever really stopped. In Noah’s day, the earth was so full of people that weren’t fully human, God chose to save Noah and his family because he was the only living man who was “perfect in his generations” (fully human). This breeding program is also the reason we have such stories throughout the world as lycanthropes, skinwalkers, the cynocephaly (dog-headed men of Eastern Europe), the Minotaur of Crete, centaurs, sasquatch, yeti, etc., you name it.

As for the aircraft, saucers were actually originally developed by the Nazis and they had at least a few of them built when the war ended. One of them was found submerged in the sea near Denmark, another crash landed in a German forest. After the war, the magazine Popular Mechanics carried an issue on them, complete with instructions on how to build one. The antigravity “drive” may have taken advantage of a type of magnetism called “quantum locking” which has only recently been rediscovered, but that’s just a guess on my part.

Very interesting perspective. I like the biblical viewpoint.

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Thu 03/25/21 03:25 PM
Make-up is used by women just to hide behind as a mask. It once was used as a cheap form of cosmic surgery, the occasional to doll up for women to peacock and working in the sun such as the desert.

Women over 35 buy three times the amount of make-up nowadays then ever in history. Those women of cause are single and use that to try to get men to marry them. Then the men see what they look like without the mask and leave. That's because women wrecked themselves with bad diets and other negative things.

most women wear makeup because they like it. its not a mask. hell would freeze over before Id wear anything for a guy specifically unless he's like some rare immortal Don Juan and even then Id have to be coaxed. Also Im 38 and buy makeup maybe once a year. I bought WAY more when I was younger than I do now.

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Thu 03/25/21 03:15 PM
I don't wear a mask and also what is up with all the mask litter?? is this just in Cleveland ohio?? literally saw 6 or more masks lying on the side walk, road and yards while walking my dog on my lunch break today. yeah SUPER DUPER great idea!! :smiley:🖒
gag me :persevere:

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Thu 03/25/21 07:20 AM
Tall people have greater chance of heart failure

Well yes there are some correlations between heart issues and I believe certain cancers too but keep in mind a relationship does not illustrate a causal factor much more must be considered like pre-existing conditions. weight, BMI. For example a person who is 5'2" and morbidly obsese with type II diabetes is going to be at a much higher risk of heart disease than a 6' individual who is athletic and in good health.

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Thu 03/25/21 06:19 AM
What kind of pair-bonding relationship doesn't include sex?
Where does 'that' get fun?
Most men realize sex is only part of a relationship, unless they are still immature.
Physical attraction is often based on sexual intent.
A mature man knows there is more to a relationship than physical attraction.

Anyone who tells you sex is not part of their desire to date you is lying to you. It may not be the focus but I assure you - its in there somewhere.

pair bonding is a relationship between two individuals that possibly will lead to procreation or mating but not absolutely all the time leads to sexual activity. Specifically humans may absolutely pair bond and not have a sexual mating relationship. However, there are instances of other animals pair bonding and not mating or procreating.

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Thu 03/25/21 06:10 AM
(1.) So, why are you on a dating site if you guys are still married?

(2.) Surely this wasn't something that happened all of a sudden. you MUST have seen this while you were dating.

(3.) Have you guys considered counseling?

(4.) Re: "bugging her for sex".....are you affectionate at other times, do you show interest and care and concern to her other than when you want a roll in the hay?

great questions and my sentiments exactly. :smiley:

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Thu 03/25/21 05:50 AM
It's definitely dependent on the person and circumstances. Ive been single since 2014 and still not sure Im ready for a relationship.

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Thu 03/25/21 05:27 AM
I dislike shopping and usually shop alone. I prefer it that way.

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Thu 03/25/21 05:14 AM
There are both advantages and disadvantages of being tall. Things most people need a step ladder or stool for I usually can manage easier. (Im not extremely tall but tall for a female) However, having to bend down is not comfortable, low doorways, bus seats not having enough leg room.

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Thu 03/25/21 05:05 AM
Im mostly Cherokee my grandparents were Cherokee. Im absolutely proud of my Native American heritage and my roots in the U.S.

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Wed 03/24/21 04:17 PM
I paint. Ive used oil paints in the past, water colors. Currently Im using acrylic.

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Wed 03/24/21 03:22 PM
Hi, guys! I figure out that there are so many guys have empty profile without any description. Some guys are not interested to read the profile and just say hi. I don't response to a person who don't even put some effort to write something. Will you response to a "hi" message when someone doesn't even read your profile and their profile are empty?

no I definitely do not and also if a guy has only one photo I dont respond either.

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Wed 03/24/21 07:16 AM
Im thankful for my church, my job, friends and family and my fur family too.

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Wed 03/24/21 07:14 AM
65 F and sunny

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Wed 03/24/21 07:09 AM
I don't know whether to just message ladies I like or whether I should wait to be 'Matched'. I don't want to jump in on someone unanounced, if you see what I mean.
Just wondering what is the protocoll and what other people do.

I definitely wouldn't message the ones you DON'T like LOL. I don't think there is anything wrong with messaging before matching. I personally do not send messages but then again Im female and really just here for the forum chat because Im stuck at home ALL THE TIME. except when I meet friends once a month this makes me feel at least somewhat connected and not isolated.