Community > Posts By > Benji1010

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 06:48 AM
These words are so beautiful, so sentimental - and so very true. They have certainly touched my heart. :heart:

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 05:34 AM
Hello, and a very good morning to you all. My name is Benji: my human is called Benji1010 and - you've guessed it - I am a kitty! My human is making breakfast and has left me here in charge of things so I thought I'd just say a quick "miaow" to you all. My human really is a strange creature in many ways and I do have to keep him under very tight control indeed.

Kippers on the menu this morning, and hot coffee, toast and cigarettes a-plenty, so come on round. And if my human thinks I am making do with cat food he is very much mistaken, believe me.

Have a lovely day.

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 05:25 AM
Edited by Benji1010 on Sat 12/08/12 05:26 AM
Whoops! Just realised I have already welcomed you but - welcome again and enjoy!

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 05:14 AM
Edited by Benji1010 on Sat 12/08/12 05:15 AM
Memories are the building blocks of life
A dream we have and one day can fulfil
For memories should be treasured day by day
A sure sign that God is with us still

To live, to learn, to love all nature's blessings
To greet and hail with joy both day and night
To realise God's creatures are a blessing
To so believe that we are in God's sight

For sentiment and tears are all God-given
To comprehend His blessings in this world
If we respect all that the Lord has given
The mysteries of life will be unfurled

As we grow old, those memories and blessings
Can oft call forth both tears of joy and love
To realise that life is just a moment
In passing time, a gift from God above

To be as one with someone kind and loving
To share the joy of earth and heaven above
When two hearts beat in unison as one
This is the sense of pure requited love

For memories are with us for a lifetime
We think of them and often smile or weep
Those moments oh, so magical, can never disappear
Dwell in our hearts until the day we sleep

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 05:02 AM
I should be delighted to send you a card. What a considerate girl you are.

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 05:00 AM
Wonderful! Your words really touched my heart. Thank you.

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 04:57 AM
What an intriguing posting! I think the very fact that we can accept our faults gives us a greater understanding of our inner self: the person who never made a mistake never made a darned thing. :smile:

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 04:54 AM
And thank you too, Smallpebble:I am so pleased you enjoyed it.

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 04:53 AM
Thank you so much for your kind comment, AthenaRose. This is really appreciated.

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 03:27 AM
Edited by Benji1010 on Sat 12/08/12 03:28 AM
I cannot walk and yet I live
In the forest free
With all my friends, the shrubs and plants
You see - I am a tree!
A mighty pine, a gift from God
A long long life I've had
My cones I generate each year
And yet I still feel sad
For winter is a lonely time
So lonely for a tree
My friends are now all fast asleep
But what is this I see?
Two humans walking down the path
Arm in arm, so kind
They've come to see my forest friends
And left their own behind
They stop, look up and gaze at me
I'm pleased to see them, too
I wave my snowy boughs at them
Through the wintry hue
They smile and say kind words to me
They have respect, that's clear
And on a lonely winter's day
A word can be so dear
For words can be so comforting
So gentle - and, to me
They so respect the fact that I
Am just a mighty tree
But trees have feelings in their veins
A gift from God above
Trees can feel both hurt and pain
And also they feel love
And so farewell, my human friends
Your visit was a boon
I know you'll visit at some time
Please come and see me soon!
I wave my snowy boughs again
The breeze it makes me sigh
And as the evening star doth rise
I hate to say "Goodbye"

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 03:08 AM
Do you believe that you just might have been here before? Have you ever met someone with whom you feel you were connected in some way in a previous incarnation? Have you ever experienced a past life regression? Love to hear your comments and experiences. :smile:

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 02:43 AM
Welcome aboard! You will find plenty of friendly, genuine and sincere people on here, so enjoy your stay with us. :smile:

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 02:41 AM
I have spent a lifetime studying the paranormal, and am still occasionally called in to investigate hauntings. Ghosts fascinate me. Have you ever experienced any spooky happenings you would like to share? I am sure we would all be fascinated to hear them. pitchfork pitchfork

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 02:34 AM
A fascinating posting indeed! Well, I think I would have been very happy had I lived in Victorian times over here in England. :smile:

Benji1010's photo
Sat 12/08/12 02:32 AM
Hello from England, and a very warm welcome to you. :smile:

Benji1010's photo
Fri 12/07/12 01:15 PM
Eccentricity is truly a wonderful gift: I was born an eccentric and have every intention of dying as one. laugh laugh laugh

Benji1010's photo
Fri 12/07/12 11:53 AM
Age is simply two figures on a piece of paper. If two people truly love and respect each other, any age difference is unimportant. Besides, one is as young as one feels. :heart: :heart:

Benji1010's photo
Fri 12/07/12 11:42 AM
I too have had some strange ones from Ghana and Nigeria, but purporting to be from the United States and, would you believe, one from England who claimed, by some weird coincidence, to live here in my town. Rather strange that they knew nothing about it. They always give themselves away sooner or later, and are not difficult to spot.

Far better to be totally honest, then there is absolutely nothing to fear.

Benji1010's photo
Fri 12/07/12 11:31 AM
Thank you for your lovely comment: how right you are. After having read your words, I have decided not to be shot! :heart: :heart:

Benji1010's photo
Fri 12/07/12 11:13 AM
Call me old-fashioned - and as well as being both eccentric and wacky, I suppose I am - but I have always believed that a lady should be treated with the utmost courtesy, consideration and respect at all times. Should I be shot? :heart: :heart: