Community > Posts By > Benji1010

Benji1010's photo
Tue 10/25/11 12:18 AM
No problem - live and let live.

Benji1010's photo
Tue 10/25/11 12:16 AM
Nor am I, but live and let live is my motto. Welcome aboard and I hope you meet some nice likeminded people. Enjoy!


Benji1010's photo
Tue 10/25/11 12:00 AM
Edited by Benji1010 on Tue 10/25/11 12:03 AM
Good morning from England. It's almost 8.00 a.m. over here on a cold and rainy day. This is Smokey the Puss writing this post, by the way, and yes - I am a kitty! Would you believe that my human, Benji, is still in bed at this time? Well, he is so this means I have to write this morning post AND make breakfast! I think my human is taking liberties and, if he does not get his act together, I shall be obliged to replace him.

A trip to the vets for the snip might be a good idea, methinks. Might do him good!

There's a pot of fresh coffee here, some lovely fresh Earl Grey and lashings of toast and olde English marmalade for you to enjoy - and of course the usual cigarettes, so come on over: you'll be most welcome.

Have to go now! There's a pretty little girl cat lives next door and I have some unfinished business to attend to .......!

Have a really lovely day.

drinker drinker drinker smokin smokin smokin

Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 11:49 PM

Hey Benji

You should make this your thread. Instead of starting a new thread everyday you could say good morning on this same thread and watch people follow along. Minglites love Chit Chat Clubs and Coffee House type threads and yours would be great!

wonderful to have you here


Thank you for your kind words and I shall do as you suggest, starting right now.

Regards from England.


Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 04:27 PM
Welcome and good luck! I am sure you will find the person you are looking for on here. Great site, lovely sincere people.


Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 04:24 PM

Dude, I have tried my damnedest to understand Cockney slang and I guess too much of it is based on British entertainment...if it ain't Monty Python...I rarely get it.

To be honest, most Londoners don't use cockney rhyming slang anymore it's tends to be an abbreviation of "Youth" slang

You're right! It is indeed dying out and tends to be used mainly by the older costermongers in the East end. It is rarely if ever heard in the West end.

Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 04:20 PM
A frosty wintry night with the stars shining brightly ..... enchanting!

Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 04:18 PM

Dude, I have tried my damnedest to understand Cockney slang and I guess too much of it is based on British entertainment...if it ain't Monty Python...I rarely get it.

I know what you mean, and agree with you. Many people over here can't understand it, either.

Some of our dialects are even more difficult!

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 04:13 PM

Have you a spot of land in mind?

Well, if you will be my queen, I think we should take over Buckingham Palace and put our good friends Lizzie and Phil out to pasture.

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 04:08 PM
Edited by Benji1010 on Mon 10/24/11 04:09 PM
Frog 'n' toad - road
Barnet, from "Barnet Fair" - hair
Syrup, from "Syrup of Figs" - wig
Oxo cube - Tube, or London Underground
Old brass - a prostitute
Brown bread - dead
Bull 'n' cow - a row, or quarrel

All the above are examples of London Cockney rhyming slang and can still be heard in the East End of London today.

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 01:38 PM

How much for a Queenship?

Well, if we legally form our own country, you can be Queen. Your wish is my command!


Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 12:09 PM
Welcome aboard! Have fun - and enjoy.


Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 09:26 AM
Yes, but I suppose you could call it an honorary title for the duration. Why not, indeed? But not quite the same.


Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 09:16 AM
Edited by Benji1010 on Mon 10/24/11 09:19 AM
There are some websites which offer to sell you "a genuine English title" - for a great deal of money! Beware! Such titles can only be granted by the sovereign, and certain of them can of course be inherited by the eldest son upon the decease of his father. In many cases the "titles" offered are what are known as manorial titles, for example, "Lord of the Manor". Yes, you may call yourself "Lord of the Manor of Whatever" but this is far from being a true title: it is roughly the same as calling yourself the landlord of the local public house or bar.

In the case of one of your ancestors having been granted the right to bear arms, you just might have the right to bear these arms, but this right has to be approved and granted by the College of Arms in London. Alternatively, you can petition - if you wish - the College for a grant of arms. Internet sites offering to "sell" you arms often offer attractive extras, for example, airlines and hotels will instantly upgrade you at no additional cost. Utter balderdash! What they fail to tell you is that you just might make yourself a laughing stock!

So, if you happen to be tempted by the offer of a title from some well-known sales sites, beware, for all is not as it seems.


Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 07:48 AM
Welcome aboard - nice to meet you.


Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 07:42 AM
Of course I will. Regards.

Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 07:41 AM
Welcome aboard! Great site, sincere friendly people. Enjoy your stay.

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile smokin

Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 06:17 AM
You are very wise indeed to do that and are to be respected for so doing. Your dog certainly was acutely aware of the situation at that burial ground. My own dog reacted in pretty much the same way when she accompanied me to various sightings over here.

Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 06:05 AM
Edited by Benji1010 on Mon 10/24/11 06:06 AM
That is fascinating! And thanks for recommending that book.

Benji1010's photo
Mon 10/24/11 04:41 AM
That is a beautiful sentiment. Welcome aboard!

smile2 smile2