Most men - and you are no exception - have great attractive qualities that would make them an excellent partner for any woman.
However, most of these men - and you seem to be no exception - have trouble finding dates or girlfriends or friends with benefits or whatever they're looking for. Now, why is that? You have all of these positive responses from women on this discussion thread that confirm your value as a good potential suitor...but you still seem to have some trouble finding a date? The truth is, most men just don't know how to sell themselves. There are many great products out there, but only the ones with effective advertising get purchased. People in the PUA (pickup artist) community acknowledge the fact that every man has something great and attractive within them that he can offer to women, and have developed the best methods to convey these attractive qualities, to basically become the best "dating salesmen" out there, or however you want to see it. I think you'll benefit from checking out my thread, "Pickup Artist Secrets Revealed!" in this forum. |
Welcome to the game. My name is Chief, and I am a Pickup Artist. no joke. Approach Anxiety is probably the number one problem discussed in the PUA (pickup artist) community and dozens upon dozens of methods have been created to eliminate it, but they all center around one basic principle: stepping out of your comfort zone. In fact, that's what progress and maturity entails... just stepping out of your comfort zone. A guy may be most comfortable just sitting in front of his computer at home, drinking hot chocolate or something pleasant, but he is never going to get any better at talking to women unless he gets out of the house and actually talks to people. To get what he wants, he'll have to sacrifice his comfort of sitting on his ass all day. That's stepping out of your comfort zone. I would recommend starting off with the "newbie mission" which is basically walking around in a public place saying "hi" to everyone you pass by, smiling and making eye contact while doing so. Some people will ignore you, some people will say hi too late, and some shall be very receptive. It doesn't matter. Just say hi, like this website says. |
You either learn material or you learn to become a better person. PUA stuff revolves around women. how many women state "I WANT A MAN THAT REVLOVES AROUND ME." I havent seen that one yet -because women dont want a man that has her as his core in life. If you in a healthy mindset you wouldnt want it either. By becoming a better person overall, for YOU, all the stuff that PUA tries to preach comes from a much stronger place because its CONGRUENT. Whats the point of opening the door if you can even walk inside? ![]() The wrong PUA stuff revolves around just women lol The right PUA stuff is centered on the PUA himself ![]() become better person ![]() I have met many PUAs from the community I have plenty of respect for, and I have met many PUAs from the community I have no respect for. Those who have earned my respect are the ones that understand their own innate human desire for progress, and aren't into the PUA stuff just to get laid. By the way, women do not directly say "I WANT A MAN THAT REVOLVES AROUND ME," but that's what many men hear when women say they want a "nice guy." (that's the wrong message to take from that, by the way) |
thanks to all these "pick up artists" whom couldnt hold down a relationship if their ****s depended on it. and you assume that because...? seriously. that's the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard. lol seriously. thats...yeah. wrong. LMAO And I don't know enough about schizo and aspergers to help you with that specifically, but I will tell you this: nothing can hold you back. pleeease. You get all these fricken MORONS preaching that you gotta treat women like SH*T...Women arent dumb, unfortunately some fall for this treatment because its a misinterpretation of his behaviour (b/c they have low selfesteem already and this 'give0sh*t' method just makes it worse); eventually they dump the bum and the fool carries on with his "women are all *****es anyways". its hilarious. heck, you can up to a woman and say "hey wanna ****?" and it MAY work it depends on her current state of mind, your current state of mind, the environment and atmosphere. that line has worked before because all those little aspects were in place. fact is being a MAN, by developing yourself to be the best for YOU beats any pick-up "artists" 'insight/knowledge'. theres only ONE dude out there that is preaching the RIGHT message, and slowly, every other "guru" is copying his stuff. pathetic. LMAO And you assume that because...? Are you a racist as well? Do you judge other books by their covers? ![]() Maybe you should learn a thing or two about a group of people before judging them, buddy pal. The Pickup Artist community is a real community with set rules and values, not just a bunch of guys who think they are "players." Did you hear that Lisa broke up with him? I really don't know. That rumor is OLD by many years, and a bunch of sources are saying different things about that. Thundercat's Lair says they talked to Style about it and apparently he says it's all a crock of media bull, but who knows? I don't really care lol |
hot in action
on one hand i could whip out my tarot card deck and tell you "the cards do not lie" lol
or i could tell you "whether you think you can or can't, you're right." - Henry Ford |
hot in action
look up Catch Him and Keep Him by Christian Carter and The Rules by... (i forgot the authors)
hey guys
watch this ![]() Neil Strauss (PUA name: Style) on "The View" |
thanks to all these "pick up artists" whom couldnt hold down a relationship if their ****s depended on it. and you assume that because...? seriously. that's the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard. lol seriously. thats...yeah. wrong. LMAO And I don't know enough about schizo and aspergers to help you with that specifically, but I will tell you this: nothing can hold you back. |
romantic tricks!
thats funny man! so PUA tricks do work, huh? they don't if you treat them like "tricks" lol its really about expressing yourself in a fun and positive way, in my opinion. most guys just hold themselves back from dong so without realizing it, and so they turn to the pickup arts to unlock their attractive side. |
WTF should i do
"quick fix"
"immediate gratification" wont help ya out in the long run, buddy pal. |
"mental illness?"
what condition do you have, specifically? with the pickup arts, any obstacle pertaining to your love life can be overcome. from what ive read in your posts and stuff, i really cant imagine anything outside the realm of your control that could hold you back from achieving whatever you'd want. That "click" thing has another name... "Vibing," as defined by master pickup artist Juggler. lol...anything that works already has a name |
romantic tricks!
one of my ex girlfriends made me a booklet of memories weve shared together for my birthday
![]() she was such a sweetheart ![]() anyways, i was talking to this girl one day about routines that pickup artists use. i told her about one where the pickup artist would meet someone and during the conversation he would say, "you're not a thief, are you?" when she says no, he would take off his necklace, reach around her neck and put it on her and say, "well i have to go right now, but i'm counting on you to return this to me the next time we see each other ![]() i expected her to think it was sleezy because its a PUA (pickup artist) thing, but to my surprised she said "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW that's so romantic" or some sh!t like that ![]() i bought so many necklaces from ebay ![]() |
I gotta full proof pickup line, ask said woman "you wanna go out for pizza & a f*ck?" when she says no say "ok we can skip the pizza". Works everytime;^] ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() leave that sh!t in the pickup lines thread in Sex & Dating haha ![]() pickup arts don't involve "pickup lines" ![]() I wouldn't know, I don't use either;^] maybe ull find that you'll have a lot more fun if you try ![]() who knows? only one way to find out... |
Cant take it anymore
uhh just tell em
lol why wait? |
the approach
a lot of people say "dont dip the pen in the company ink"
do what you will with that advice the approach can be one of the most frightening parts of the entire dating game, but it can also be the most fun. just have fun with it. yesterday some of my buddies and i (were all pickup artists lol) went to the mall and just did approaches for a few hours. one of my friends went into victoria's secret and asked someone, "if a guy was at the wrong place at the wrong time, would you tell him?" haha it was great. she just started cracking up and he effectively transitioned to more conversation. i approached a hired gun (that's what we call female employees who are hired for their good looks) in victorias secret and said "i'm going for a new look..." haha it was awesome. we played around with conversation and she recommended i try on some yellow panties... ![]() i recommend starting off by practicing approaches with hired guns. they are paid to talk to you lol - of course they can't reject talking to you! if they did, they would be unemployed. get used to talking to women. of our group, one of my friends was dressed the most appropriately in terms of blending in with everyone else. so, we got him to try this out - we told him to approach people in stores while pretending to be an employee by saying, "are you finding everything OK? can i help you?" and then in the middle of the conversation he could just be like "naw im just kiddin. i dont actually work here. i just wanted to talk to you ![]() if you are with friends and talking amongst each other about something, see if you could benefit from having a female opinion about whatever you're talking about. now, us guys being pickup artists, we were talking about attractiveness. my friend asked me if its attractive to have a strong sense of entitlement, and i used that as an opener for an approach. we were in the food court and i saw these 2 cool looking girls nearby, and i just walked right up to them and told them about the conversation we were having and was wondering what a girl might think about the topic (classic opinion opener). the girls were giving me some obvious IOIs (indicators of interest - signs that she's attracted to you) and actually seemed a little nervous as if she were talking to some rock star. i thought it was pretty ironic because most guys act nervous around women they are attracted to while the woman is just calm as a hindu cow but it's so easy to flip the script around like i did if you just display some confidence. from this, i also realized that the girl's nervous energy was actually making ME a little uncomfortable. she wasn't even showing that much nervousness, but imagine how uncomfortable a woman must feel if she has to talk to a guy who seems TOTALLY nervous and unconfident! wow. just have fun with it, man. don't worry about people judging you...who cares? people are too worried about others judging them so they usually don't even think about judging YOU lol. every second that passes by will never come back to ya. celebrate every moment you get! |
it all depends on how fast you escalate conversation to the "next level"
![]() |
WTF should i do
get rid of your external locus of control and adopt an internal locus of control you'll be a lot happier and stop ignoring what i said before cuz i basically gave u the answer oh and merry xmas! smile Edited by ChiefPUA on Mon 12/24/07 10:59 PM i've tried & failed, as for your previous comment if first you don't succeed, try try again that's what separates the chumps from the champs internal locus of control -> success and happiness blaming genetics = external locus of control |
to get a date is it all?????
well I do not lie put on a cover to get a woman and after all if you have to put on a cover then what when she finds out the truth better off being honest from the strat but how honest are you talkin about? if you are saying right off the bat, "i think you are beautiful and i am feeling emotions of love for you when i see your beauty," do you REALLY think that's honesty? No, it's not. It's letting attachments get in the way of who you are. "Be yourself?" That statement of advice is very good if you know what it's really saying. Notice how you act carefree around your friends and family. Now try that around a beautiful woman. Not so easy being yourself, huh? But do it anyway. |
to get a date is it all?????
My bad, I did not know we were getting into the psychology of it all actully, i very much overreacted lol sorry man |