Community > Posts By > Final Dreamz
Your Favorite Pornstar
Krystal Steal
The Stranger
To everyone this is a talent that is dying and likewise for love to exist is to keep up this ideal that a Casanova type of man exists and while he pleased 1000 women I only want to please one woman 1000 nights....
The Stranger
There is nothing more beautiful then to see a man that has such a beautiful way with words.. Words written from the heart touches more souls then can be imagined.. And I am also dumb as any man yet still open to listen to the wiseness of a woman's knowledge listening to George Carlin say that Women are crazy while men are stupid and women are only crazy cause men are stupid... :P |
Who I am is rather odd is one to guess, in all shortness of breath my only answer would be yes...
Due to how a woman's wired and functions -partially caused by hormones- we are more in touch with our feelings and better able to deal with them and express them. Although many have also learnt to not express them purely as a child, but it's still easier for us. And before someone gets all irate, no, I'm not saying men don't have feelings! Another reason why men won't often cry -apart from the physical differences that drive us- is societal training that they have to be 'a man' and 'a man doesn't cry'. It is healthy for us all to cry yes that men replace tears with anger to be the man in any given way of life we confuse fear with this cannot be me? and which is psychologically damaging most men deny their inhabitions that they even have a problem at most want to be left alone and stew and boil... if men listened to a woman he'd be smarter and not as needed as much... who he became didn't seem to matter they can have talent and heart and deep down a really great caring guy and still no one cares... yea I'm not going to deny that was a personal note :( |
Didn't even read the posts to answer this question men were taught to be tough and fight when necessary to protect our loved ones at very least if we simply break into tears we feel abandoned that our lives are shallow and filled with nothing but emotions our forefathers didn't make us understand the men we became doesn't know what to do with such emotions and it creates anger instead... I have cried many times because of simple needless stuff before I became a poet I cried at nothing who I was was rather strong willed and fearless and likewise dumb but I still am... That as I grew older I started looking badass whereas young I was full of fight but a shrimp... And in all honesty it's still not wise to upset me either way :P Tears are a kind of language someone there might understand I have found being a poet to turn women away... they're interested if from afar maybe because it can be overbaring and needless to stop that once you become a poet that's who you are... |
The Stranger
Ty Julie :)
You're magestic
Lots of beautiful writing in here Majestic is a name for royalty ;) |
Beautifully written... It reminds me of what dwells inside of anyone who has or is suffering from addiction... Or merely surviving, not embracing life and their soul. There is truth to a lot to be said and what's said is that I have been ignored and escaped my own pain no addiction but lifeless I have thoughts of joy of peace yet I have my sorrows my anger my griefs While written beautifully I am scarred I am not measured by my creativity but by is a woman simply going to love me for being me or is she the greatest thing truly making me happy? Fights occur can she replace my scars my fears my tears? I have been ignored and loved at the same time. And when it fades do I make them feel miserable in leaving me? Do they know I still remember them I have some who kept as friends and an ex is still an ex what I have to say if anything is needless becoming a poet has opened my heart and torn me open at the same time... |
The Stranger
I am a stranger an innocent man and I am guilty of loving you. To take your hand is to know you every word you say makes me love you more because without your words I just want to kiss your lips ever so softly that who I am simply melts into you strangest days and night writing away useless love letters to some women who are cloudy minded and do not understand who I am is regardless hurt and negated reflected upon as crazy while brilliant and my own shadow follows me my past covers me whole and while I sing still as night who I become is to know you to right you and to protect you never knowing your name or your face or your voice you are a ghost that I have seen a thousand times are you even real or are you hiding as another woman I already know and this woman loves me and I have felt she hurt me as such said given strong willed crazy lovely man that I stand and I sit and ponder today's feelings typing away needlessly at a computer today's modern pen for poets and likewise authors the greatest books can be made for free on Kindle and who we are is simply the best and worst in time... You make me feel as thought every second of eternity with you Is precious and our lost time loving other people has made me feeling like I lost your touch... To feel it again is to open my heart once more an open door letting me know you're safe and you're mind again or likewise I'm about to make all your dreams come true...
Didn't even read the posts to answer this question men were taught to be tough and fight when necessary to protect our loved ones at very least if we simply break into tears we feel abandoned that our lives are shallow and filled with nothing but emotions our forefathers didn't make us understand the men we became doesn't know what to do with such emotions and it creates anger instead... I have cried many times because of simple needless stuff before I became a poet I cried at nothing who I was was rather strong willed and fearless and likewise dumb but I still am... That as I grew older I started looking badass whereas young I was full of fight but a shrimp... And in all honesty it's still not wise to upset me either way :P
The tiredness of it all... great men fall full of chariots the steel. horses of power wise men roam where emtpy streets fill the needs of many great and small. Children running free in the tower of life's garden and at every masterpiece you have built to better reflect this land. you can truly stand as a symbol opening heart with open doors you let her pass and into your heart the charmber doors open. mixed emotions mixed feelings of is she the one I've been begging for long lost in the space of time. this empty measure of our own creations we simply yearn to be understood children to be children the greatest men still had a sense of humor and adventure. even old wise men can tell the funniest treasures little gems like pearls in the sands and at his heart is the creation of such laughs his own imagination. Linking his very roots his very plans into open concept one understands. And is freely broken. While I have tried simply empty but thoughts rose rubied slippers silent in the cast of a thousand orchids and at the center of my heart is the time I have left to explore this earth empty bellies to simply be fed today's meal some wonder when they get another and at least if one could say i do not know what to truly believe? If we are simply lost and found or better yet if gardens grow at all? Little seeds to create life just like human beings with man and wife... love seeps in and creates a flow what that child is to become who's to know... And if they are given any instruction to use their heart they may fall apart... times come in they don't know if they're doing is right or wrong but they always recall each verse and song. You kept singing them as a child lost to the world. They simply put is very filled but rather stronger day by day... forgiven in the fore passes of a lost cloud and at the very stem of the rose in their hearts is a shadow of a man that is proud and tall understand right from wrong and keeps carrying on regardless of how tall he stands... He simply yearns for another to take his hand...
Queenie there is a rumor circulating about and I must simply find out if it's true maybe you know something? Please message me because I am simply a man who does not understand... And while smart my own creativity can be a very disasterpiece willing to unold if i'm doing the right thing or not?
What is love????
To whoever the OP is and for everyone posting it's not easy... if you want to know what love is you're obviously not a player otherwise what is love but a game... People use people everyday to get what they want and likewise as such in a relationship. I think love is listening to each other making ends meet. That you can go through life meeting so many people in life you get lucky with a few that accept you and it either does not work out or they learn to deal with your bs and put up with you regardless of who you are what you do or anything in-between that they just accept you for you. I haven't met such said person that is willing to put up with me because I do listen to her needs and what I want more is ignored because that certain.... someone just has not entered my existence it is common to bump into such a person by accident at the grocery store at a party or online matching up with singles... they do not have to share your views on the world but this other half of you is you...
You're magestic
If only more men listened to what a woman has to say
The world would be 50% more efficient It's a shame people cower in the night Sleeping in their beds of silk and cotton thinking By God I have a great life getting her to do what I want The little sad truths of life We can run in fear of a dog that sleeps on the patio And never escape us from opening that door that leads us to the perfect house to live in Our dreams our endless possibilities to see that dream come true Do not exist because we are scared to open that door and find the perfect thing we need in our lives I have tried I have pleaded with God to give me that perfect existence And somehow someway he's telling me opening your damn eyes man I have given you the perfect life because you actually listen to what someone has to say And combining our answers forms us to make this perfect lives through everyone we meet making us better people And when that dog begins to sleep it wakes up to you giving it a bone and becomes your best friend... |
Serk's Ramblings
Women Stay away from me
Men don't mske me throw you through s window You keep playing your little games I'll keep showing you the door The more I think upon this I want it even more I have listetened to s million words Heard a thousand or so such the same old lies At this rate I could retire from a professional phychologist giving you advice You keep telling me you hurt me hahahhah The truth of the fact I kick my own *** harder you hit worse than your girls You ought to put your woman up Tell her it just ain't the same this guys is freaking nuts The fact you could probably kick my *** if you only had the guts So you can call me mr crazy I have never shed a tear The fact you care at all I might go back to beer Listened to you yes it's true you're scared it's a simple fact n all I'm just bored as hell I would not make that call Cause no matter how bad you hurt me I'll run into another ditzy confused girl you use as bait I play your games it's already too late No really man in all honesty I do not care... you really want to hurt me tell me why you don't bother to listen maybe you're scared hurt sad want to hurt another human being that cares... I've lived my life it's all the same... grow a brain and maybe some balls maybe your woman would actually make you feel like a man? Stop trying to pretend you're not crazy yourself we see past that crap.... She's got a heart of gold if you'd stop using her it's a damn shame you keep messaging me on different accounts telling me all this shensnigans how'm I supposed to feel... Afraid? Sad... Brother you have a choice here... do not think it matters cause you're as common as grass... a dozen losers like yourself man not even close real life street life on the school parking lott wherever there's guys like yourself there's as little lost kid inside that tiny brain you call a rational thought... so keep hurting me sending me anything you can dish out... I might get upset lose my temper you're wasting your own time and life with these games killing your free time.... or you could do what I do... enjoy the show? I can always log off? |
Social anxiety
A lot of mental health professionals have problems themselves just able to manage it
I have talked to some that say they break down over their clients because in helping them on drugs they're making them flat devoid of life just zombieized and dry... it's causing them to not be reckless but exhausted as hell... That when they do breakdown they are on the drugs anyway and likewise for the drugs to cause what they should have prevented... You will see all across the news screen of lawyers taking into account that we should sue the pharmaceutical companies because it caused adverse side effects These people are here to help you and they will keep taking you cause you keep coming back to them with a problem... through private insurance or Medicaid whatever you use to pay for them. If you really want to help yourself? Start by learning to relax stressful situations we're all in control of our own fears and phobias... that the boogey man does exist at night yet at the same time he is a myth... A clockless hermit the worlds a dangerous place sure but if we keep tied to the screen... "o no someone did something stupid shame shame shame" you are likely to never engage with actual people. That babies do not start off bad till someone bullies or upsets them and nobody is ever truly evil just sick... |
Social anxiety
A lot of mental health professionals have problems themselves just able to manage it
I have talked to some that say they break down over their clients because in helping them on drugs they're making them flat devoid of life just zombieized and dry... it's causing them to not be reckless but exhausted as hell... That when they do breakdown they are on the drugs anyway and likewise for the drugs to cause what they should have prevented... You will see all across the news screen of lawyers taking into account that we should sue the pharmaceutical companies because it caused adverse side effects These people are here to help you and they will keep taking you cause you keep coming back to them with a problem... through private insurance or Medicaid whatever you use to pay for them. If you really want to help yourself? Start by learning to relax stressful situations we're all in control of our own fears and phobias... that the boogey man does exist at night yet at the same time he is a myth... A clockless hermit the worlds a dangerous place sure but if we keep tied to the screen... "o no someone did something stupid shame shame shame" you are likely to never engage with actual people. That babies do not start off bad till someone bullies or upsets them and nobody is ever truly evil just sick... |
why love is a pain ???
As someone forced into that situation... I guess this other half of myself wanted to clear up a few things explore the world a lil bit have the same type of romances I myself as any other individual experienced and we kept looking at this moon... that sharing the same sky we were both under that darn moon each and every night.... it's a really small world when you think about it. All of us intertwined in the history of human beings and in finding the right one we're going to crack open a few eggs to make the perfect meal the thing that satisfies us... This other half of me for example different and yet the very same noble hearted with eyes of kindness and looks like a fighter with a kind heart. But lord have mercy as with myself I do not want to make her angry of I know the own way to escape a storm is to hide in the bathroom till she blows under :o...
You're magestic
The River in Steve's life is pure
A noble soul full of spirit and free will If one could cspture such a maiden who am I to stand up to such heroism I seek a lot of things in this world have upset a few people just living my life What I am not stupid enough to do is to stand in-between a man's dream He builds it he keeps it secure and stable if she is his they belong to each other and no one else I wish you two a life of comfort in each other and somehow through all the days that poetry is spoken though a little odd the writers just get weirder with time :S That each of us has this voice and in finding each other in finding a blessing you have mine... |