Community > Posts By > TiffaIrishGirl

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 05:28 PM
awwwww sorry dear

(((((((hugs klugman)))))))


TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 05:26 PM

in-dash cassette players

I keep forgetting I don't...LOL

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 05:18 PM
my dad who is perfectly able to be serious when need be always says he never got out of his first childhood...and I say I'm a kid at heart...It just means you enjoy life, the little stuff make you laugh still...

well okay...for some this is what it means

others...Yeah it means they really are a kid heart

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 05:11 PM
thanks you three:wink: flowerforyou

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 05:08 PM

12-year-olds who AREN'T wearing make-up and provocative clothing..... *sigh*

ohhhh aye...yes...though again come to my family...the clothing might be more 'hip' but it isn't provocative...and NO makeup and NO cellphones (I mean seriously guys do your 12 year olds seriously need cell phones)

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 05:06 PM

soap on a rope.... kids playing outside...... graduates who can make change when the cash register falls apart......

oh my I'll agree with the graduates make change...I'm a supervisor in retail at another job I was assistant manager...and no matter how many times I tell people to count back the change as if the register had fallen apart they still only really just hand over the money...they don't even count it as they give it back...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....I mean the item was 4.25 they give you a hard is it to say seventy five is five and five is ten...

ughhh and it annoys me in the above case if I'd given the quarter after they already put in just the ten in the register...use your brains people...I mean I understand when its very very very busy and you've been working the same long hours I do at work and sometimes it just throws you off...but seriously its not that hard to take the quarter and give me a dollar....

(yep another rant...I train too many employees who just never get it to not rant)

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:59 PM

Ah yes, Gas Station Attendants, never see them anymore for sure! I married one a long long time ago, although he went on to get a college education, those were the days.

You don't see kids playing outside thier homes, jumping rope or playing red rover or Riding their bikes to the candy store. I love the sound of that candy store in Romeo, sounds like a blast to the past for sure.

gas station attendants...apparently in wyoming and other parts of the west have them.

and where do you live I see that all the time here....NOW I will admit not as much as when even I was a kids would play out on the streets all the time without a worry...just a careful eye...but now they play in their backyards...I think its the parents too...they need to get out and play with their children...I mean give them their build imagination but also have time to play too. If you find you don't have time you do...I work 65-80 hours a week at a job forty minutes away from my parents house...I don't live at my parents but I'd come home during the summer and find time to play with the kids...even if its only once a you realize how much that means to a child??? I dad was a traveling sales engineer and he made time for sometimes was once every two weeks but when he was home he and I became 'buddies' in tons of stuff (football, love of ships, swimming, flying, Nascar, baseball, he even helped with my horse when I got him)...

Okay whoa
that was a rant

here's a flowerflowerforyou

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:52 PM

You never see families going out into the woods and actually camping in tents and roughing it anymore. Now everyone takes an rv, hooks up to a concrete slab with water and electric available and amillion moer slabs around you. A convenience store right on site for you to get what yuo need or want, with an arcade room. The most rustic they get is a communal toilet and shower.

Now me, I would rather go into the woods, pitch a tent (this means set a tent up in the proper position lol, not throw it away). Find a creek or river bed to catch fish for dinner, and bathe in. Go hiking and watch the stars come out at night. have bonfires (well protected of course, and even with this setting I agree with having a fire extinguisher available).

One campground I went to as a kid was called yogi bear national campground or soethinglike that. They had some campers but was primarily tents. They did have an arcade and general store, but they were also in the middle of the woods by a loke, and they ahd an outdoor "theatre". At least tehy tried to include nature and the great outdoors.

Better yet, go with a few friends and set up a ring of tents in the woods like I described above. You can not imagine how fun AND RELAXING it is.

while this is true....but go out to Wyoming...Grand Teton and Yellowstone have tons of campers. I love an actual tent, hiking etc etc...I'm going to make sure my children enjoy it to (lol even if they don't...I'm hoping they will)...and no I don't have children...but tis my goal

I have two, you want one?devil

well I'd say I do but I have this feeling you really love them so....LOL....and plus while I want them I must admit I'm really not set in life to have them....LOL for one I need the guy...another I'd like my finances to be just a little better....So I'll go to my parents and visit the two that I helped raise and be happy

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:49 PM
flowerforyou well at least your admitting you don't know it...LOL even if you are pretending that you do...LOL also explains why some men seem to know absolutely nothingflowerforyou

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 01:09 PM

You never see families going out into the woods and actually camping in tents and roughing it anymore. Now everyone takes an rv, hooks up to a concrete slab with water and electric available and amillion moer slabs around you. A convenience store right on site for you to get what yuo need or want, with an arcade room. The most rustic they get is a communal toilet and shower.

Now me, I would rather go into the woods, pitch a tent (this means set a tent up in the proper position lol, not throw it away). Find a creek or river bed to catch fish for dinner, and bathe in. Go hiking and watch the stars come out at night. have bonfires (well protected of course, and even with this setting I agree with having a fire extinguisher available).

One campground I went to as a kid was called yogi bear national campground or soethinglike that. They had some campers but was primarily tents. They did have an arcade and general store, but they were also in the middle of the woods by a loke, and they ahd an outdoor "theatre". At least tehy tried to include nature and the great outdoors.

Better yet, go with a few friends and set up a ring of tents in the woods like I described above. You can not imagine how fun AND RELAXING it is.

while this is true....but go out to Wyoming...Grand Teton and Yellowstone have tons of campers. I love an actual tent, hiking etc etc...I'm going to make sure my children enjoy it to (lol even if they don't...I'm hoping they will)...and no I don't have children...but tis my goal

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 12:58 PM
awwww Blackfox....precious as always

:cry: :cry:

Have you ever heard of "Home Sick" by Mercy Me...its a beautiful song about this.

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 12:54 PM
Hello y'all just stopping in for a quick visit and a cup of joe...and to say hi to all my christian friends on JSH.

and to share a little poetry...

Have a Happy and Blessed New Year

I want to run
I want to run free
To wherever this path will lead me
I might take a few scenic routes
Stop for a picnic here
Take a picture there

Where will this path lead me
I don't know
But it is Bless by Him
I feel
For He, My Lord, guides me
on the path I follow
The picnics, scenic hikes and pictures...
Those are blessed by Him as well

For its in them
That I learn
I learn who I am
What I want
What I desire
...I need...

Thank you Lord
For Leading me this far
Continue and I will follow
Over smooth track or rocky hillsides

I ask that your footprints
Always be there
As I walk
calm and turbulent shores
...of Life

I love you my Lord
Yours Truly
:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 12:49 PM

answering machines

ughhhh our apartment has one...grrrrrrr (lol I live in company housing, we don't get the luxury of voice mail...LOL)

and bookworm...what a good've gotten us thinking and lol remembering the good times (and if any of you comment on the fact I'm mentioned on another topic...I have an old soul, plus I'm the youngest of 8, so my parents still have values they've installed into us children)

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 12:44 PM
Edited by TiffaIrishGirl on Sat 12/29/07 12:46 PM
It was a good one
In Ways
Friendships made:smile:
Friendships brokenfrown
Friendships made uphappy
Friendships lost forever:cry:

For Me there was no loved lost
...only gained:heart:
But onehuh grumble laugh

I've moved
I've gained knowledge
Lost weightflowerforyou

It's been a long year
With happinesshappy
and Sadness:cry:
With anger:angry:
and contentment:smile:
With hurtsad
and Kindnesssmooched

I do not regret a thing
Enjoyed what I could
I do thank God for 2007:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

However I am not sad to see it end
For I feel
In my optimism
Will be wonderfully greatlaugh

I KNOW I'll be reconnecting with friends
Making new oneslove :heart: flowerforyou
Gain more knowledge
Lose more weightglasses

I know...
I'll have sadness:cry:
But I pray and feel
I'll have more happinesslaugh :wink:

I pray for new experiences
Even a date or twolove

Will this be the year
That is the
"Start of Something New"flowerforyou
I don't know

But God will be there
To lead me on my way

And to this I'll end
This silly little poem/prayer (LOL???)
And wish all of YOUflowerforyou drinker
A most interesting
and 99.99% happy

New Year:heart: flowerforyou laugh flowerforyou :heart:

blushing bigsmile Tiffany

(I wrote this off the pc, but realized as I did this that the beginning sort of reminds me of another poem(the emoticon usage), I hope its different enough for it to be my ownblushing )

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 12:30 PM
"Skin" Rascal Flatts:cry: flowerforyou

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 12:22 PM
well thank you allblushing :heart: flowerforyou blushing

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 12:12 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

tis a secret

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 12:07 PM
Thank you allflowerforyou

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 12:02 PM

So it's not okay to say "**** and Jane"?

Man. You never see any little boys called **** any more......

LOL...I know...I was saying something totally innocent about something and they blipped me out...but lol because they let them say other words on here...I don't get it

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sat 12/29/07 11:59 AM
you can go to Jackson Wyoming and they still have caroling on the town square...I think its still around in small towns....not all of course, but I believe its there. I went out to Wyoming five days before Christmas my first year out there. I was missing my family a lot, but then I saw the caroling and it meant sooo much to me...It made me have a special spot in my heart for Jackson and its people. :heart:
but hence family is important and I stay in Ohioflowerforyou barely see a coffee house withOUT wireless...though, sorry guys....I LOVE this (but sadly we even have it in the coffee house at Cedar Point...its an amusement park for those that don't know...I mean seriously folks...your supposed to be to have fun...I guess I can understand the computers for access...though stil...)