The Deep State Witch Hunt
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Tue 10/10/17 03:21 PM
For eight years, members of the far Right tried to delegitimize the Presidency of Barack Obama by trying to prove that he wasn't constitutionally qualified to serve as POTUS. Now, the shoe is on the other foot. it is worth noting that 'racial strife' and 'political division' and 'trillions of debt' have been a part of the American Landscape long before Obama, thanks to human behavior, greed, and ego ![]() terrorist countries then either. Iran-Contra? I sure would've loved to see that drug transaction go down here in the states. What drug problem? Sorry, not following... Iran-Contra resulted in actual indictments and trials against multiple people (12 US citizens in total; give or take - can't remember exactly) due to legal violations. The pallet loads of cash memes to Iran during the recent campaign were at most just memes aimed at low-information, emotional, type voters. I'm not aware that anything came from those memes in a legal sense anyway (and I'm not aware of any legal reason that they should). with the difference being, weapons were sent to Nicaragua to fight the Cuban aided communist forces there. The money sent to Iran by Obama? Who knows. Probably sitting on top of a missle in N.Korea ready for launch. The difference was that one act was covert and illegal and resulted in indictments - and the other was a very public flurry of memes that went nowhere except with partisan chicken-hawk politicians... I'll give you credit for being imaginative in tying it in to NK though. =P It had to be covert because the Liberals in Congress, as usual, would not allow any assistance to help fight the Sandanista's. Thankfully, aid was sent to them. Cuba at that time was trying to spread communism in Central America. North Korea and Iran have shared nuclear and missile technology for years. Why would that be a stretch? Hah, Liberals, of course. It's a stretch because Iran agreed to end its cooperation with NK as a part of the international nuclear deal and getting that money returned in the first place. Don't get me wrong - anything is possible in the future with the way things are going now in regards to the nuclear deal in-between this administration and Iran. It was just unlikely at that the time and up until now. We'll see if the nuclear deal falls apart or not? Oh yea, the Obama international nuclear deal ![]() Trump will trash the deal as it should. |
Think California in about 10 years.
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and we see how much the 'average person' makes a change or brings about public discourse .... protesting on their 'own time' Good on them IMHO for using the national stage they have the privilege of using for something other than just 'their job' visibility is key to conditioning people towards 'patriotism' as it is the key to most public change that occurs throughout history. Exactly what are they protesting? On Kaepernicks part: execution of unarmed citizens by police officers who are not brought to justice emphasis on the part where people are not BROUGHT TO JUSTICE for ending a life, a living breathing human American life.... On the part of Many since: In reaction to the POTUS threats and attacks upon them. Ridiculous and wacky! ![]() |
More Illinois death spiral......
Billions in Illinois bills not sent for payment SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Illinois is chasing a moving target as it tries to dig out of the nation's worst budget crisis, and a review obtained by The Associated Press shows $7.5 billion worth of unpaid bills — as much as half the total — hadn't been sent to the official who writes the checks by the end of June. October 10, 2017 Although many of those IOUs have since been paid, a similar amount in unprocessed bills has replaced them in the last three months, Comptroller Susana Mendoza's office said Monday. That's in addition to $9 billion worth of checks that are at the office but being delayed because the state lacks the money to pay them. The mound of past-due bills tripled over the two years Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and Democrats who control the General Assembly were locked in a budget stalemate, which ended in July when lawmakers hiked income taxes over Rauner's vetoes. In some cases, agencies were waiting to send their receipts to Mendoza because lawmakers haven't approved the spending. For example, the Department of Corrections had $471 million in unpaid bills on hand as of June 30 largely for that reason. The Department of Central Management Services, which handles personnel, procurement and employee health care, has most of the June 30 bundle, with $5.8 billion. That's mostly doctor's bills owed to employee medical providers under the state group health insurance plan. Illinois has been without an annual budget for two years, the longest of any state in at least 80 years. The state is carrying a $6.2 billion annual deficit and $14.7 billion in overdue bills. The state has crept along on spending ordered by courts, but a federal judge last week ordered that the state pay nearly $300 million more a month to managed-care Medicaid billers. Fitch rated Illinois' creditworthiness as "BBB" in February. There is one more level, "BBB-minus," before falling into "junk" status. The tax bill approved Sunday would increase the personal income tax rate from 3.75 percent to 4.95 percent. Corporations would pay 7 percent instead of 5.25 percent. |
and we see how much the 'average person' makes a change or brings about public discourse .... protesting on their 'own time' Good on them IMHO for using the national stage they have the privilege of using for something other than just 'their job' visibility is key to conditioning people towards 'patriotism' as it is the key to most public change that occurs throughout history. Exactly what are they protesting? |
The Deep State Witch Hunt
Yea, I think that was near the end of Bush1. Slick Willy came in and
turned Mena, Arkansas into the cocaine import capital of the US. |
what else should they not be able to do while the anthem plays? When and where should they 'protest'? Keeping in mind a protest doesnt work much unless people in the public WITNESS it. forced displays of patriotism are a terrible idea that , IMHO, ironically, make the whole display meaningless and pointless Wacky much? |
The Deep State Witch Hunt
Edited by
Tue 10/10/17 12:24 PM
For eight years, members of the far Right tried to delegitimize the Presidency of Barack Obama by trying to prove that he wasn't constitutionally qualified to serve as POTUS. Now, the shoe is on the other foot. it is worth noting that 'racial strife' and 'political division' and 'trillions of debt' have been a part of the American Landscape long before Obama, thanks to human behavior, greed, and ego ![]() terrorist countries then either. Iran-Contra? I sure would've loved to see that drug transaction go down here in the states. What drug problem? Sorry, not following... Iran-Contra resulted in actual indictments and trials against multiple people (12 US citizens in total; give or take - can't remember exactly) due to legal violations. The pallet loads of cash memes to Iran during the recent campaign were at most just memes aimed at low-information, emotional, type voters. I'm not aware that anything came from those memes in a legal sense anyway (and I'm not aware of any legal reason that they should). with the difference being, weapons were sent to Nicaragua to fight the Cuban aided communist forces there. The money sent to Iran by Obama? Who knows. Probably sitting on top of a missle in N.Korea ready for launch. The difference was that one act was covert and illegal and resulted in indictments - and the other was a very public flurry of memes that went nowhere except with partisan chicken-hawk politicians... I'll give you credit for being imaginative in tying it in to NK though. =P It had to be covert because the Liberals in Congress, as usual, would not allow any assistance to help fight the Sandanista's. Thankfully, aid was sent to them. Cuba at that time was trying to spread communism in Central America. North Korea and Iran have shared nuclear and missile technology for years. Why would that be a stretch? |
The Deep State Witch Hunt
Edited by
Tue 10/10/17 12:16 PM
as a dedicated reader and somewhat sporadic commentator in the political threads for the past 4 years...i would like to offer this comment, which i have seen countless times, no matter what the topic/subject happens to be... if i may paraphrase just a bit.... *******its ALL Trumps fault****** ![]() ![]() |
The Deep State Witch Hunt
For eight years, members of the far Right tried to delegitimize the Presidency of Barack Obama by trying to prove that he wasn't constitutionally qualified to serve as POTUS. Now, the shoe is on the other foot. it is worth noting that 'racial strife' and 'political division' and 'trillions of debt' have been a part of the American Landscape long before Obama, thanks to human behavior, greed, and ego ![]() terrorist countries then either. Iran-Contra? I sure would've loved to see that drug transaction go down here in the states. What drug problem? Sorry, not following... Iran-Contra resulted in actual indictments and trials against multiple people (12 US citizens in total; give or take - can't remember exactly) due to legal violations. The pallet loads of cash memes to Iran during the recent campaign were at most just memes aimed at low-information, emotional, type voters. I'm not aware that anything came from those memes in a legal sense anyway (and I'm not aware of any legal reason that they should). with the difference being, weapons were sent to Nicaragua to fight the Cuban aided communist forces there. The money sent to Iran by Obama? Who knows. Probably sitting on top of a missle in N.Korea ready for launch. |
The Deep State Witch Hunt
For eight years, members of the far Right tried to delegitimize the Presidency of Barack Obama by trying to prove that he wasn't constitutionally qualified to serve as POTUS. Now, the shoe is on the other foot. it is worth noting that 'racial strife' and 'political division' and 'trillions of debt' have been a part of the American Landscape long before Obama, thanks to human behavior, greed, and ego ![]() terrorist countries then either. |
We really shuldn't care. Most of them will be broke by the time their forty. I wonder? Could multiple brain concussions be at work here?
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Yea, right on.
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It's just a few minutes to show our respect and unity for our country.
Not a lot to ask for what our country has done for ALL of us. Nothing else. |
Money is JJ's "prioity".
Football is Big Bidness. ![]() |
Jerry Jones gives Cowboys players ultimatum: Honor the flag or take a seat on the bench
Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said Sunday any player who disrespects the flag will not play. Jones’ comments, the strongest made on the anthem controversy, came after he was asked about Vice President Mike Pence leaving the game in Indianapolis early after several San Francisco 49ers players took a knee during the national anthem. "I know this, we cannot ... in the NFL in any way give the implication that we tolerate disrespecting the flag," he said following the Cowboys’ 35-31 loss to the Green Bay Packers. "We know that there is a serious debate in this country about those issues, but there is no question in my mind that the National Football League and the Dallas Cowboys are going to stand up for the flag. So we're clear." Dallas players have stood on the sideline, many with hands over their hearts, during the anthem ever since former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick started kneeling last season in protest of what he believed were instances of racial injustice in the U.S. Jones said showing respect for the flag and the anthem is more important to him than any potential issues of team unity. Additionally, Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross said he changed his view on how his team should handle the national anthem. Ross said because Trump made standing for the national anthem about “patriotism,” he evolved the way he looks at the protest, according to the Miami Herald. Ross now wants all of the Dolphins players to stand for the anthem. Three Dolphins players – Kenny Stills, Julian Thomas and Michael Thomas – remained off to the sideline during the anthem Sunday. The NFL has said the game operations manual distributed to teams includes a reference to players standing for the anthem, but that it's a policy and not a rule. The league has said it doesn't plan to punish players over anthem protests. "The league in mind should absolutely take the rules we've got on the books and make sure that we do not give the perception that we're disrespecting the flag," Jones said. |
Jerry Jones said that it was for "racial equality". I thought we had fixed that, just me. ![]() not just you, many are under that delusion because they don't live it or experience it or have loved ones who do themselves.... Must be like collusion delusion ![]() |
Las Vegas shooting
the idea that any single individual needs a full-auto long gun to do *battle against the forces of a tyrannical government who are oppressing the citizenry is laughable.. without, at least, a third of all military personnel to defect and join the citizen resistance, provide commandeered weapons, ammunition and the know how to operate them, you have zero chance to remove the tyrants from power... the resistance to tyranny needs your body, WE will arm you, WE will organize you and WE will fight along side you... #DontBringaPopGuntoWar. I agree, mostly it's "macho bravado" motivating the quest for the ultimate killing weapon. Most of it is harmless until one nut pulls a trigger. I heard that the "Bump Stock" is selling as fast as they can get them also heard that they frequently jam the gun too. But they gotta have one. It's crazy. |
Jerry Jones said that it was for "racial equality".
I thought we had fixed that, just me. ![]() |
70 miles of butterflies...
Who Liberals? Yea, they go which ever way the wind blows.
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