Community > Posts By > alleoops

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Fri 10/06/17 01:01 PM
She will probably just go down the hall to CNN.

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Fri 10/06/17 07:01 AM
Kenny Rogers, "You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille, with 400 children and a crop in the field".

Actual lyric: "You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille, With four hungry children and a crop in the field".

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Fri 10/06/17 06:45 AM

Schlatter said the colors on the radar image are a result of the butterflies' shape and direction,

Amazingly beautiful colours.

Oh, silly me, I thought it was because of their political affiliation.

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Thu 10/05/17 08:37 PM
Starlings are nasty birds. They are not native to n. America, some
idiot brought them over from England to control insects.

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Thu 10/05/17 08:31 PM

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Thu 10/05/17 06:01 PM
I remember years ago the Monarch's migration came through N. Texas.
The flew just over the tree tops and lasted about a week. Sure was
something to see. I didn't know there was a Painted Lady migration too.

I think that the Monarchs are conservative and Painted Ladies are liberal

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Wed 10/04/17 07:16 PM

A five-year University of Texas Houston School of Public Health study in 2000 of 1,025 couples - including 406 white, 232 black, and 387 Hispanic - found that black and Hispanic couples are two to three times more likely to report male-to-female and female-to-male intimate partner violence than white couples.

IgorFrankensteen has a valid point.
The aforementioned article is about domestic violence that is reported.

As the article states, "Intimate partner violence is probably vastly under-reported."

Dam, I'm really depressed now.noway

Perhaps you should take another trip to the Hebei Provence of China. :tongue:

Thats, the Hebei Provence of NORTHERN China. :tongue: :tongue:

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Wed 10/04/17 07:12 PM
Politics has become very mean no matter which side your on.

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Wed 10/04/17 04:56 PM

A five-year University of Texas Houston School of Public Health study in 2000 of 1,025 couples - including 406 white, 232 black, and 387 Hispanic - found that black and Hispanic couples are two to three times more likely to report male-to-female and female-to-male intimate partner violence than white couples.

IgorFrankensteen has a valid point.
The aforementioned article is about domestic violence that is reported.

As the article states, "Intimate partner violence is probably vastly under-reported."

Dam, I'm really depressed now.noway

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Wed 10/04/17 04:50 PM
Edited by alleoops on Wed 10/04/17 04:51 PM
ok, I think this was an older story and it was kind of long too.

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Wed 10/04/17 01:11 PM
If Trump is innocent of collusion with Russia, what happens to the media?

With the investigation into Russia's interference in our election underway, the mainstream media have engaged in rampant speculation about President Trump's administration. Despite any evidence of collusion or an actual crime that has taken place, publications and networks have drawn comparisons to President Richard Nixon and Watergate. They have wildly and recklessly speculated about impeachment and obstruction of justice. But no one is asking the more likely question: What happens to the media if the president is innocent?

The media are already suffering from a credibility crisis. Trust in the media is at an all-time low. And according to Gallup, 55 percent of people believe the media are often inaccurate. A Harvard-Harris poll had a similar finding, showing that 65 percent of voters believe there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media.
A new report from Harvard Kennedy School highlights the media's deeper problems.
It concluded that 80 percent of the news coverage in Trump's first 100 days was negative, never dropping below 70 percent and even reaching 90 percent at its peak. One network even devoted coverage to a story that Trump gets two scoops of ice cream and everyone else gets one, as if it was an indictment of his character.

We don't know what will come of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, but the media should tread carefully. They are already facing a credibility crisis -- sensationalized reporting without concrete facts will only further erode public trust in the media.

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Wed 10/04/17 12:44 PM

Thats not a scam. The best scam going today is that Puerto Rico borrowed a crapload of money to rebuild the infrustructure and never did. Then the hurricane came and they are begging for more. I can care less about those ppl. They are not americans to me. Its a territory and is not on my flag i served for!

Just like Trump said in a nutshell::: Stop begging and help yourselves! PR bonds are worthless and are crashing faster then heck. To the loaded dingbats who bought them I say...TOO BAD! Take the hit and move on like the rest of us do!

Now the bond holders want a little relief. Really? When does the insanity of system loop holes end in this country?


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Wed 10/04/17 10:56 AM
Edited by alleoops on Wed 10/04/17 11:04 AM
8 Jamaican Lottery Scam Suspects Set to Appear in US Court
Eight more people are set to make court appearances in the U.S. in what authorities say is a multimillion-dollar lottery scam that victimized dozens of Americans.

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Eight more people are set to make court appearances in the U.S. in what authorities say is a multimillion-dollar Jamaican lottery scam that victimized dozens of Americans.

The eight suspects were being extradited from Jamaica and were to appear in federal court in Bismarck, North Dakota, on Thursday.

Authorities allege the sophisticated scam bilked at least 90 mostly elderly Americans out of more than $5.7 million.

Fifteen suspects each are charged with 66 total counts of conspiracy, wire fraud, mail fraud and money laundering. Lavrick Willocks, who authorities say was the mastermind, pleaded not guilty in January.

Among the remaining defendants, one is awaiting trial in Rhode Island, one is in custody in Jamaica awaiting extradition to the U.S., and the remaining four defendants are still fugitives.

500 more wanted! - US warns of wave of extradition requests as 8 J'cans are sent to stand trial for scamming

PROSECUTORS in several cities across the United States (US) are getting ready to unleash a wave of up to 500 extradition requests for Jamaicans they believe are involved in the deadly lottery scam.

Joshua Polacheck, counsellor for public affairs at the United States Embassy in Kingston, revealed yesterday that "a few" requests for the extradition of alleged lottery scammers are already with the Jamaican Government and warned that American prosecutors had "dozens" of cases that are "at the extradition stage".

"That means most of them are with US attorneys [offices], getting ready to be sent to the Ministry of Justice," Polacheck said when asked to define the "extradition stage".

Polacheck revealed, too, that Jamaican and US law enforcement agencies were jointly pursuing between 3,000 and 5,000 lottery scam investigations and indicated that as many as 300 cases were at the pre-extradition stage.

"This is just the tip of the iceberg. We expect to see just a steady flow of people going up to the United States to face justice for this crime," he declared.

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Mon 10/02/17 05:49 PM
One of the terrorist groups has claimed responsibility for this.
Don't know what thats about.noway

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Mon 10/02/17 02:28 PM
Oh Yea, collusion runamuck!glasses

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Mon 10/02/17 07:58 AM
64 years old, I guess he didn't achieve the American Dream.ohwell

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Mon 10/02/17 07:52 AM
Edited by alleoops on Mon 10/02/17 07:53 AM

"Politics thread has never required nor been concerned with opinions or contributions based on 'scientific studies' alone, and that is not the point here"

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Sun 10/01/17 06:46 PM
OMG! Good that you saw that. This is probably another fake news story.
Probably those pesky Russians again.glasses

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Sun 10/01/17 12:03 PM

So what you're saying is ; people who tend to have lower educational, social, and economic backgrounds, and who also drink a lot, tend to fight a lot?


Yes Bernie Sanders, it is.laugh

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Sun 10/01/17 09:43 AM
Domestic Violence Varies by Ethnicity

Black and Hispanic couples are two to three times more likely to report male-to-female and female-to-male partner violence than white couples, and alcohol plays a role in the increased risk of violence, especially among black couples.

It is probably not surprising that statistics concerning intimate partner violence vary widely from study to study and from year to year. Interpersonal violence is not a topic that either the victim nor the perpetrator is eager to reveal.

Therefore, intimate partner violence is probably vastly under-reported, and the actual percentages reported in research surveys can and do vary widely from study
Domestic Violence More Prevalent Among Ethnic Groups?

Although completely accurate numbers are probably not available, research generally agrees that among ethnic groups in the United States, blacks are the most likely to experience domestic violence - either male-to-female or female-to-male - followed by Hispanics and then whites. Asians are the least likely to experience intimate partner violence.

A five-year University of Texas Houston School of Public Health study in 2000 of 1,025 couples - including 406 white, 232 black, and 387 Hispanic - found that black and Hispanic couples are two to three times more likely to report male-to-female and female-to-male intimate partner violence than white couples.

White couples reported rates of male-to-female and female-to-male partner violence at eight and 10 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, black couples reported rates of 20 percent and 22 percent, respectively; and Hispanic couples reported rates of 21 percent and 20 percent, respectively.
Alcohol Increases Violence More in Blacks

The graph shows that the more the perpetrator drinks, the greater the percentage of violence in all groups. In white females, for example, the rate goes from a little over 10% for nondrinkers to almost 20% for heavy drinkers. But for black females, the rate of violence skyrockets from 22% for nondrinkers to almost 60% for heavy drinkers.

Of all the ethnic groups, heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk the greatest for men who are in a relationship with a frequent or heavy-drinking black female.

In male-to-female violence, the rate for males went from 20% for nondrinkers to more than 40% for frequent-heavy drinkers.

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