Topic: The Deep State Witch Hunt | |
Any REASONABLE and INTELLIGENT person of any political persuasion can see through the politics of the Russian collusion/meddling scam.
After watching the recent Senate Intel Committee update briefing, I was almost laughing out loud at the sheer hypocrisy and lack of integrity of this so called "investigation". To see Dems and Repubs, especially Intel members feigning outrage that Russia would try to meddle in our elections or political process is so disingenuous, it isn't even funny. Everyone except maybe young millennial's know that Russia has been trying and succeeding to some degree to influence our elections and politics for decades. Every Senate and House Intel Committee, every FBI, CIA and NSA employee and most informed Americans know the US government spends billions of dollars a year trying to influence elections and politics in foreign countries (including Russia) around the world every year. Just look at the recent disclosure that the Obama admin spent millions of taxpayers’ dollars and resources trying to undermine Benjamin Netanyahu's re-election in Israel. And that is one of our allies! Should the Intel agencies investigate Russian (and other foreign countries) attempts to influence our political processes? Absolutely, and they have done so every day for the last 20 years to see their techniques and sophistication. But why make it so public now? For sheer political reasons! Russian Collusion? After over nine months of investigations by every intel agency, numerous House and Senate committees, still not one shred of evidence the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. By now if there was any evidence at all it would have been released or leaked. To see the deep state’s desire for a political witch hunt, one must only look at the appointment of the special prosecutor Robert Mueller to the “investigation”. First, according to the federal statute, there must be evidence of a crime for there to be an appointment of a special prosecutor. Where is this evidence and what crime has supposedly been committed? Instead this special prosecutor is in search of evidence of a crime, a big difference in what the statute states. Even assuming the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians, collusion is not a federal crime (except in the unique case of antitrust law). Whether you love him or hate him, the truth is that President Trump is neither a true Republican nor Democrat. He is an outsider that poses a serious threat to the deep state or swamp we call Washington. The real power brokers on both sides, Pelosi, Schumer, Ryan, McConnell and the Bush’s and Clinton’s that control politics and power in the country will do anything and everything under the sun to hold on to their power including endless “investigations” to undermine his presidency. This is the one thing both sides will work together on, bipartisan deep state corruption to undermine the will of the people and serve the global corporate interests instead. |
Edited by
Tue 10/10/17 09:41 AM
I think the greater truth is that a presidential term is only 4 to 8 years, there is no president, no matter how much of an outsider, who has to go BACK to the status quo after his/her term that wants the power dynamic to change or will try to or be able to
And citizens in the USA are not held to the standard of any other countries, and do not appreciate OUR elections being meddled with by presidential nominees colluding with other Governments to potentially risk US information through supported meddling or hacking nd Presidents/Presidential candidates have had subjection to 'witch hunts' before Reagan had Iran Contra Clinton had his affair with an intern. Hilary had EMAILS.( a witch hunt Trump joined in on) OBama had citizenship rumors(a witch hunt Trump also joined in on) This President is getting what he gave and now he whinges about it. And some Presidents are more of a threat with incompetence than any proverbial STATUS quo has been since the civil rights era This president might be that one .... |
All of Congress is a joke... they all have done something wrong, so they all have dirt on each other that keeps them from prosecuting each other
Edited by
Tue 10/10/17 09:43 AM
Reads like a Pravda article.
All of Congress is a joke... they all have done something wrong, so they all have dirt on each other that keeps them from prosecuting each other |
I think the greater truth is that a presidential term is only 4 to 8 years, there is no president, no matter how much of an outsider, who has to go BACK to the status quo after his/her term that wants the power dynamic to change or will try to or be able to And citizens in the USA are not held to the standard of any other countries, and do not appreciate OUR elections being meddled with by presidential nominees colluding with other Governments to potentially risk US information through supported meddling or hacking nd Presidents/Presidential candidates have had subjection to 'witch hunts' before Reagan had Iran Contra Clinton had his affair with an intern. Hilary had EMAILS.( a witch hunt Trump joined in on) OBama had citizenship rumors(a witch hunt Trump also joined in on) |
I think the greater truth is that a presidential term is only 4 to 8 years, there is no president, no matter how much of an outsider, who has to go BACK to the status quo after his/her term that wants the power dynamic to change or will try to or be able to And citizens in the USA are not held to the standard of any other countries, and do not appreciate OUR elections being meddled with by presidential nominees colluding with other Governments to potentially risk US information through supported meddling or hacking nd Presidents/Presidential candidates have had subjection to 'witch hunts' before Reagan had Iran Contra Clinton had his affair with an intern. Hilary had EMAILS.( a witch hunt Trump joined in on) OBama had citizenship rumors(a witch hunt Trump also joined in on) . |
For eight years, members of the far Right tried to delegitimize the Presidency of Barack Obama by trying to prove that he wasn't constitutionally qualified to serve as POTUS. Now, the shoe is on the other foot.
For eight years, members of the far Right tried to delegitimize the Presidency of Barack Obama by trying to prove that he wasn't constitutionally qualified to serve as POTUS. Now, the shoe is on the other foot. |
The absurdity of it all! WOW!
All of Congress is a joke... they all have done something wrong, so they all have dirt on each other that keeps them from prosecuting each other Yes and they all become millionaires the same way by inside trading and lobbyists, and an outsider may change the status quo. |
All of Congress is a joke... they all have done something wrong, so they all have dirt on each other that keeps them from prosecuting each other Yes and they all become millionaires the same way by inside trading and lobbyists, and an outsider may change the status quo. |
Any REASONABLE LEADERSHIP? ![]() This is the one thing both sides will work together on, bipartisan deep state corruption to undermine the will of the people and serve the global corporate interests instead. This sounds about right. |
All of Congress is a joke... they all have done something wrong, so they all have dirt on each other that keeps them from prosecuting each other Yes and they all become millionaires the same way by inside trading and lobbyists, and an outsider may change the status quo. I will do more than agree. That's a fact. |
Edited by
Tue 10/10/17 10:29 AM
*deleted and reposted below*
and look at what the unqualified POS did to our great nation... racial strife, political division, 20 trillion dollars in debt... thanks to the lying left... Do you really believe that? From where I live and work things have gone downhill drastically this past year (even in things like the partisan rhetoric you used to say that). I'm curious what you base your opinion on and why there is such a vast disparity in how 45 supporters view the country and everyone else? |
I think the greater truth is that a presidential term is only 4 to 8 years, there is no president, no matter how much of an outsider, who has to go BACK to the status quo after his/her term that wants the power dynamic to change or will try to or be able to And citizens in the USA are not held to the standard of any other countries, and do not appreciate OUR elections being meddled with by presidential nominees colluding with other Governments to potentially risk US information through supported meddling or hacking nd Presidents/Presidential candidates have had subjection to 'witch hunts' before Reagan had Iran Contra Clinton had his affair with an intern. Hilary had EMAILS.( a witch hunt Trump joined in on) OBama had citizenship rumors(a witch hunt Trump also joined in on) . Trump is part of the topic. He is fair game to idolize or 'bash' |
For eight years, members of the far Right tried to delegitimize the Presidency of Barack Obama by trying to prove that he wasn't constitutionally qualified to serve as POTUS. Now, the shoe is on the other foot. it is worth noting that 'racial strife' and 'political division' and 'trillions of debt' have been a part of the American Landscape long before Obama, thanks to human behavior, greed, and ego |
nd Presidents/Presidential candidates have had subjection to 'witch hunts' before Reagan had Iran Contra Clinton had his affair with an intern. Hilary had EMAILS.( a witch hunt Trump joined in on) OBama had citizenship rumors(a witch hunt Trump also joined in on) Except for Obama's birther issue, all the above had hard evidence to support government investigations. As for the birther or citizen issue with Obama, I recall it was certain media outlets and private citizens or groups(Trump included) that questioned his birth place. I don't recall months of investigations by any formal government agency, select committee. Not one. |
nd Presidents/Presidential candidates have had subjection to 'witch hunts' before Reagan had Iran Contra Clinton had his affair with an intern. Hilary had EMAILS.( a witch hunt Trump joined in on) OBama had citizenship rumors(a witch hunt Trump also joined in on) Except for Obama's birther issue, all the above had hard evidence to support government investigations. As for the birther or citizen issue with Obama, I recall it was certain media outlets and private citizens or groups(Trump included) that questioned his birth place. I don't recall months of investigations by any formal government agency, select committee. Not one. Russian collusion has just as much 'evidence' as any of the aforementioned, according to the same 'intelligence' communities who presented their concerns and suspicions. |