Corrupt Uranium One sale
First, I did not write the story so I have nothing to retract. Is it fake news? I don't know but it is as good a story and as factual as any Trump/ Russian collusion stories which are fake. If it's facts you want, look for them yourself instead of berating and finding fault with stories that are posted. Good grief.
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Corrupt Uranium One sale
Way more than it deserved
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Corrupt Uranium One sale
How about you prove their not and then keep it to yourself.
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New Donna Brazile DNC Book
Podesta, Podesta Group, Fusion, Debbie Wasserman-Shults, Bernie Sanders,
Campaign money. Just your normal stuff. |
New Donna Brazile DNC Book
Brazile, "spillin the beans" on the DNC, DWS, and crooked Hilary.
Once again, the lying liberals face humiliation. Couldn't get any better. ![]() |
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New Donna Brazile DNC Book
Edited by
Mon 11/06/17 05:47 PM
Donna Brazile Dedicated Book to Murdered DNC Staffer and ‘Patriot’ Seth Rich Former DNC chair Donna Brazile went on ABC’s This Week on Sunday morning to discuss her explosive comments in her new book “Hacks.” During her interview Donna Brazile made this stunning remark about the DNC: “They Don’t Know What It’s Like to Bury a Child. I did – Seth Rich.” “Why am I supposed to be the only person who unable to tell my story? I’ve heard a lot of people tell me various things as well. But here’s what they don’t know. They don’t know what it was like to be over the DNC during this hacking. They don’t know what it’s like to bury a child. I did, Seth Rich.“ video: Speculation is that Seth Rich was the source of wikleaks ![]() |
Castro is hardly on a par with Genralisimo Franco, Hitler, and Mussolini,(the original Fascist), who at least made the trains run on time. so how many people deaths does it take to be considered a fascist? Ah, I see the problem. You think that what makes something fascism is how many people get killed. Well, actually, fascism doesn't have any more to do with killing people than capitalism and democracy does. Hasn't got a clue. ![]() |
Hail yeah!
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I agree. It's also a good incentive for students to make better grades. The school should provide help for those that want it though. wow, we agree on something ... ![]() ![]() I think the title of the article sets it up in a negative perception by using the word 'segregation' all awards and promotions 'segregate' on the level of considering who is meeting certain criteria and who is not. I know, weird huh? ![]() but that's good. |
Most kids go to school to socialize. If they want to eat with their friends, they can earn it. Just one of life's little hurdles.
I agree. It's also a good incentive for students to make better grades.
The school should provide help for those that want it though. |
This is bs are we back tracking instead of by color now by grade merit~~~ I tell ya this is about one of the stupidest things I have ever heard of doing... It is lunch time kind of like recess let them have their time to decide who they want to eat with. Honestly unless they are really close to places to eat they don't have much time to go anywhere.. But if they do then they all should be able too.. I know in High School I never left but after I ate and if I had time I liked walking around the school grounds with friends... that is good for them and should be allowed for all.... your right, lunch time is a break from learning.. you eat, mingle around. B/s with people.. that's the way its always been And BTW, the nerds already sit together.. also been that way forever. No reason to put a official label on them. Those with less than a "D" average are on break from learning, all day. ![]() |
Yea, that's true. But a 2.0 avg. come on, with a little cheating or help from a teacher they could make it. You know, instead of working for it.
why can't these schools just do what they are paid to do and educate our kids? Why do they think they have the power to make decisions like this?. To embarrass kids in school by publically labeling them. Who put them on such a high soapbox? but, isn't this education? |
Florida high school segregates students at lunch based on GPA, absences, report says:
A Florida high school has come under fire for the way it handles students’ at lunch time. Hudson High School in Pasco County, Fla., reportedly segregates students depending on their grade point average and the number of absences they have. The program was launched at the beginning of the school year. Officials described the program, called "On-track", as a way to encourage students to perform better in school, but some students feel it divides them. To be a part of On-track, students must have a GPA higher than 2.0, fewer than four absences, no F’s on their report and they must earn all their credits for the semester. Students who fit the requirements receive special privileges, including free tickets to sporting events and the ability to eat lunch outside instead of in the cafeteria. The students also received a bracelet and ID labeling them as part of the program. Students who do not fill the requirements are forced to eat inside the cafeteria and are not allowed to leave the room during that time. “We’re not allowed to, even if we had a pass we could not go see any teachers, we’re not allowed to leave the lunchroom, period,” Kat Davis, a junior at the school. Senior Rhainey Knight said the cafeteria could become very crowded. “There’s so many kids that sit on the floors, they’re sitting on tables, and they’re just standing, and it’s overcrowded,” Rhainey Knight. On Thursday, some students protested the program by walking out of the cafeteria citing the lack of space in the area. School officials said there was enough room to fit all of the 250 students who were not in the program. “A lot of people that are tracking still sit in the cafeteria rather than going into the lounge or commons, which then makes less room for the people who aren’t tracking to sit in there,” Ashlynn Brooks, a junior at the school, said. Mandy Lohan, a parent of one of the school’s students, believed the program segregates students. “I think the program needs to go away, it’s not good for anybody,” Lohan said. “You’re definitely labeled regardless of if you don’t have that, you know, obviously they’re putting you into a special group, and then if you do have that you’re in another group.” “You want unity and you want family, that’s what Cobra preaches, but yet they’re separating the kids. It’s not right,” Lohan said. Some parents were concerned the program breaks the law for students with disabilities. |
Crime & Corruption
Numerous SEIU local officers have been convicted of or pled guilty to crimes conducted in office, including stealing their mostly lower-wage employees’ dues money. Numerous SEIU local officers have been convicted of or pled guilty to crimes conducted in office, including stealing their mostly lower-wage employees’ dues money. Others have allegedly stolen or misused money but not faced charges. The SEIU has a history of pervasive corruption within its local unions. By manipulating their dues receipts for personal enrichment and political gain, these disgraced SEIU officials stole thousands from their largely low-wage members. Some even had friends in very high places. Tyrone “Ricky” Freeman, disgraced ex-President of SEIU Local 6434 (formerly 434-B), California United Homecare Workers: Convicted in Federal Court of four counts of mail fraud, six counts of embezzlement/theft of union assets, and one count of making false statements to a financial institution; sentenced to 33 months’ imprisonment. Alejandro Stephens, the late disgraced ex-President of (now defunct) SEIU Local 660: Pleaded guilty in Federal Court to mail fraud and tax evasion; sentenced to four months’ imprisonment. Janett Humphries, disgraced former President of SEIU Local 99: Pleaded guilty to conspiracy and embezzlement for a scheme to finance a Los Angeles city council campaign with union funds. She was also convicted on state-law charges of perjury and conspiracy and sentenced to six months’ jail time. Dana Cope, former Executive Director of the State Employees Association of North Carolina, SEIU Local 2008 and former Vice President of the SEIU International Executive Board: Pleaded guilty to two felony state charges relating to his theft of over $500,000 in union funds for personal purposes—crimes first unearthed by a local newspaper investigation. A union audit found that he had allegedly misspent $494,043 over a three-year period from late 2012 to early 2015. He was sentenced to 58 to 82 months in state prison. Rena Opre, the disgraced former Secretary-Treasurer of Workers United SEIU Local 323 was charged with failing to disclose a material fact in a report filed with the Department of Labor. John McMahon, disgraced ex-President of Workers United SEIU Local 335-T was sentenced to six months’ house arrest for making false entries in union financial records. Cedric Earl Hughes, then an organizing coordinator for SEIU Local 721, was indicted for embezzlement from the (unaffiliated) union of union staff (the United Union Professionals of Los Angeles) for which he served as treasurer. Sophia Gonzalez, an accountant for SEIU Local 925, pleaded guilty to embezzlement and was ordered to pay restitution of $40,087. Mia Garza, former clerk, SEIU United Health Workers: Pleaded no contest to felony counts of identity theft; investigators found 400 actual victims. |
She should have been prosecuted for wearing those friggin polyester pantsuits. ![]() Orange looks good on her. ![]() The DNC should also part ways with Donna Brazile. But then it's the DNC. |
Clinton Now Involved in 3 'Watergate-Level' Scandals
On "Special Report" tonight, Charles Hurt reacted to former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile's bombshell claim that the DNC rigged the Democratic presidential primary to ensure that Hillary Clinton won the nomination over Bernie Sanders. Brazile alleged that the DNC was in debt and signed an agreement with the Clinton campaign to keep the party financially afloat. She said that effectively turned the party’s financial, strategy and staffing decisions over to the Clinton team. "We have three Watergate-level scandals going on right now involving the Clintons," Hurt said, pointing to the recent revelations about the controversial Uranium One deal and the Clinton campaign's financing of the now-infamous Trump dossier. "This is stunning stuff," Hurt said, adding that he's not sure if it's worth it to pursue these allegations in a legal sense. "But it is stunning the amount of scandal that these people are sunk in right now." Jonah Goldberg said very few people are shocked that the Clintons are corrupt, although he disagreed with the claim that the Uranium One deal is "Watergate-level." As for the new revelations from Brazile, Goldberg said he assumes that the Federal Election Commission's regulations require parties to hold fair primaries. Where is the Special Prosecutor? ![]() |
Corrupt Uranium One sale
You are referring to established facts as though they are one-sided allegations .
That seriously undermines your arguments overall. |