Community > Posts By > Drivinmenutz
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Mon 07/15/13 06:38 PM
its not the job of neighborhood watch to do anything but WATCH , and inform police of suspicious activity,, pursuit with a weapon is NOT part of neighborhood watch,,, neighborhood watches are organized by neighbors, it doesnt really take much except to decide you want to be a part and then to have enough members agree to make you 'captain' Z was taking tamerzepan during the time of the shooting,,, T had some weed in his system ,,,whatever relevance that has to stalking and accosting or shooting someone,, or fighting someone who is stalking and accosting you,,, The weapon zimmerman had did not come into play until he was being flogged, or did i miss something here? If he had it on him, it was "concealed", meaning "hidden", yes? Therefore Martin did not know Zimmerman was carrying. Martin possibly he suspected he was being followed, but i fail to see that as justification for beating his head into a sidewalk. Again, unless Zimmerman had his gun drawn there was no reason to jump him. flogging? lol, here's a pic of the "flogging" last time i got whooped, my right eye was closed shut for a week, 2 ribs broken, nose broke and a broken collar bone... i didn't have to shoot anyone Interesting, we are to know the severity of the beating we are receiving in advance to acting upon it? So how severely must one be beaten before utilizing deadly force? Where exactly should the line be drawn? At what point should one must wait until before his/her life feels threatened? ya know, its not an unreasonable question be interesting to see how many people have gotten away with shooting someone dead because they had a busted nose,,,, nice precedent that mere fearfulness is enough excuse for homicide,,, it would actually also excuse Ts actions regardless of the circumstances,,, after all,, at one point when one is being pursued should they utilize FIGHTING,,,lol should they wait until they actually SEE a weapon, or until someone actually punches them? or is the mere process of the stalking itself followed by combative words and contact of any sort enough for them to feel 'threatened'? I doubt it will be set in stone though,, thank goodness,,,that being 'fearful' justifies shooting someone dead there are alot of fearful wimps out there that bite off more than they can chew,, used to be a good butt whooping was a way for them to learn,,,,,and everyone walked away alive,,,, I think comparing the act of following someone down a street is very different and much less threatening than the act of knocking someone to the ground and hitting them repeatedly, but that's me. And your comment about fearfulness be an excuse for homicide is very interesting and not untrue. I think this is where a jury decides whether there was enough cause for fear of one's life that ultimately decides whose guilty or innocent. There are few instances of true black and white in this world (no racial reference intended). There are mostly various shades of gray. On a slightly separate note, i would like to think that if i were walking down a street, someone jumped on me, and started hitting me in the face, that i could shoot him and not get jailed for murder. Also, food for thought... I wonder if this story would be as famous or controversial if Zimmerman were able to fight Martin off, accidentally killing him in the struggle (this time with his hands). |
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Mon 07/15/13 01:30 PM
its not the job of neighborhood watch to do anything but WATCH , and inform police of suspicious activity,, pursuit with a weapon is NOT part of neighborhood watch,,, neighborhood watches are organized by neighbors, it doesnt really take much except to decide you want to be a part and then to have enough members agree to make you 'captain' Z was taking tamerzepan during the time of the shooting,,, T had some weed in his system ,,,whatever relevance that has to stalking and accosting or shooting someone,, or fighting someone who is stalking and accosting you,,, The weapon zimmerman had did not come into play until he was being flogged, or did i miss something here? If he had it on him, it was "concealed", meaning "hidden", yes? Therefore Martin did not know Zimmerman was carrying. Martin possibly he suspected he was being followed, but i fail to see that as justification for beating his head into a sidewalk. Again, unless Zimmerman had his gun drawn there was no reason to jump him. flogging? lol, here's a pic of the "flogging" last time i got whooped, my right eye was closed shut for a week, 2 ribs broken, nose broke and a broken collar bone... i didn't have to shoot anyone Interesting, we are to know the severity of the beating we are receiving in advance to acting upon it? So how severely must one be beaten before utilizing deadly force? Where exactly should the line be drawn? At what point should one must wait until before his/her life feels threatened? |
Zimmerman Murder case
peacei honestly fell like racism is a lack of uderstanding witchmost of the time manifests itself in fear in this case the lead this man to follow this kid .Now i hope if this was a young female they would lock him up just for following . Seriously?? Don't you know what a Neighborhood Watch volunteer does? they don't FOLLOW,,,, lol, they call the police seriously, THATS What they do,,,,, ![]() ![]() why did zimmerman even try to deal with him after the 911 operator told him not to? what what TM doing that zimmerman needed to accost him? is walking down the sidewalk illegal? some of you people are racist, if you think the killing of an 18 year old black man is justified here in any way... With disregard to race, Zimmerman may have pursued against advice, but did that really warrant the beating? Again, perhaps i missed something here, but didn't Zimmerman get jumped? The pursuit was reckless, but the shot was in self defense. Neither one broke any laws until the beating started from what i understand. |
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Mon 07/15/13 01:15 PM
its not the job of neighborhood watch to do anything but WATCH , and inform police of suspicious activity,, pursuit with a weapon is NOT part of neighborhood watch,,, neighborhood watches are organized by neighbors, it doesnt really take much except to decide you want to be a part and then to have enough members agree to make you 'captain' Z was taking tamerzepan during the time of the shooting,,, T had some weed in his system ,,,whatever relevance that has to stalking and accosting or shooting someone,, or fighting someone who is stalking and accosting you,,, The weapon zimmerman had did not come into play until he was being flogged, or did i miss something here? If he had it on him, it was "concealed", meaning "hidden", yes? Therefore Martin did not know Zimmerman was carrying. Martin possibly he suspected he was being followed, but i fail to see that as justification for beating his head into a sidewalk. Again, unless Zimmerman had his gun drawn there was no reason to jump him. And if this were perceived as a threat, should Martin have not called the police himself? |
and he had to use another Tragedy to plug his anti-Gun Stance! Sick! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yeh if Zimmerman had not had a gun, Travon would have beaten him into a coma. I don't think "gun control" is an issue here. Zimmerman had a legal licence to carry and use his gun. If he had not shot Martin, then it would be Martin who would be running loose with a gun. He would have probably taken it. all speculation on your part... had Zimmerman stayed in his car, he wouldn't have needed a gun... interesting flip to that; if martin had not jumped zimmerman, and proceeded to beating the crap out of him, zimmerman wouldn't have needed to use the firearm he was carrying... no? |
Zimmerman Murder case
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Mon 07/15/13 08:44 AM
peacei honestly fell like racism is a lack of uderstanding witchmost of the time manifests itself in fear in this case the lead this man to follow this kid .Now i hope if this was a young female they would lock him up just for following . Seriously?? Don't you know what a Neighborhood Watch volunteer does? they don't FOLLOW,,,, lol, they call the police seriously, THATS What they do,,,,, ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 07/15/13 08:50 AM
"We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of GUN VIOLENCE that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis." I love this mentality: - America, violence is ok, but GUN violence needs our attention. - You can beat people to death, but shooting them is wrong. - People should be punished for not being helpless victims |
A Misapprehension of Freedom
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Wed 07/10/13 06:15 PM
double post
A Misapprehension of Freedom
yep,, humans are still doing what humans have always been doing,,,being imperfect, displaying greed and obsessing over power,,,, not much changed since the founding,,,, True. I agree completely. I seem to remember a few folks at our founding who supported small government, individual independence, and low taxes for this very reason. The best one to govern ones own life 90% of the time, is oneself. After all, "if people cannot be trusted to govern themselves, then how can they be entrusted with the government of others?" This is why people should vigilant in the maintaining his or her own freedom. |
if you give probable cause you get the search but why is it if you lie t the police i is interfering with an investigation but they lie it is just doing their job ================================== all check points should be illegal where is the probable cause Indeed sir, indeed. ![]() |
"Do not be misled . . . by an old collectivist trick which goes like this: there is no absolute freedom anyway, since you are not free to murder; society limits your freedom when it does not permit you to kill; therefore, society holds the right to limit your freedom in any manner it sees fit; therefore, drop the delusion of freedom—freedom is whatever society decides it is. It is not society, nor any social right, that forbids you to kill—but the inalienable individual right of another man to live. This is not a “compromise” between two rights—but a line of division that preserves both rights untouched. The division is not derived from an edict of society—but from your own inalienable individual right. The definition of this limit is not set arbitrarily by society—but is implicit in the definition of your own right. Within the sphere of your own rights, your freedom is absolute." This is well worth mentioning again as people are forgetting the value of independence and the personal liberty required to achieve this independence. Kudos Conrad. ![]() |
I would like to point out that his is the idea of socialism/communism at its most extreme.
However this example is definitely something to think about. "To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, 'the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it.'" (Free enterprise) ~ Thomas Jefferson |
Let us take away the rights of citizens to acquire hand guns, so we can become totally dependent on agencies like the LAPD to keep us safe.. Good luck with that you blathering idiots. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Sat 02/09/13 09:39 AM
You have a serious case of Obama Derangement Syndrome if you think that Michelle Obama is doing something wrong by attending that girl's funeral. It is wrong because the bull chit meter indicates that it is just a P.R. event and that in reality she does not really care. Everything politicians and presidents wives do and say are carefully planned and directed. If you believe otherwise, well ignorance is bliss. Yep, I sound cynical... I guess I am. But my bull chit meter is working. So she can go to any funeral she wants, and I don't care a tinker's damn about it or whether she is being sincere or just following her script. I don't care, it doesn't matter. Indeed ![]() and i cant help but wonder if she brought HER guns to this funeral... ![]() |
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Sat 02/09/13 09:33 AM
You see, this statement right here. You are trying to attack me based on something that has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. I am sorry if I upset you, no offense was intended, but lets try to stay on topic here. This comment was utterly pointless. my point was that you were abusing your self by using the term "overwhelming majority" might as well just said "more than a whole bunch" would you know what an "overwhelming majority of parents agreed on" unless you're "Canank the Magnificient" and can read their minds I asked what you what you believed...but yet you tried to avoid answering the question by including what the "overwhelming Majority" of parent believed as an attempt to give truth to your answer you trying to pull stuff like that on me?...How Rude Right here, i was merely responding to your wondering "how i seemed to know what parents are thinking" (which is another desperate attempt at an attack at my credibility). Based on crime reports there was no drop or rise in violence correlating with new laws prohibiting kids from bringing guns to school. (Remember i couldn't seem to find any before 1990?) Therefore, it was either the children who were already doing the right thing, or the parents. Unless you have a counter to that. all you are doing perhaps without realizing it, is attmepting to prove that the children are smarter than Adults when it comes to guns and that's why the children choose not to have them I believe i mentioned earlier where this argument also has little to do with the topic area because kids do not have the same rights adults making this inapplicable in reality. It not only falls under the critical thinking fallacy of straw-man (i think that's what its called), but also falls under another fallacy (or fallacy category) of oversimplification. Therefore this question cannot be answered honestly as either answer literally puts words in my mouth that i disagree with. The question is a trap. things happen to children the same as they happen to Adults but yet you are in here stating that children do not have the same 2nd amendment rights to protect themselves it appears that you guys are more on Obama's side on the gun control issue then you realize ...or willing to admit My use of the term "overwhelming" was merely to point out my hypothesis on a greater number than 51% of parents not wanting their kids to tote around loaded guns. The attempt at trying to spin my words on this is a nice try and would be called a "red herring", unless, of course, you disagree with the statement, in which case i would question what leads you to such a disbelief. In either case, you then proceed to spinning my acknowledgement on this into a personal attack on you. Your question baits a reader into two ultimatums, #1 being that one believes that children should carry loaded guns everywhere, or you believe that gun laws curb gun violence. Then it proceeds to making you support whichever side you pick whether or not you believe in it. Critical Thinking is a class required in our school systems (in maine anyhow) and your question (or baited statement) violates logic on several counts according to the professor/textbooks. Therefore, it should not be used in a logical/productive debate. I would have liked to have an intelligent, productive debate on this topic as i feel the notion of forcing further gun control is irresponsible and illogical based on statistics of gun violence. It seems that the method of arguing you have fallen into involves twisting words to make people seem "hypocritical". And, as you have pointed out, you believe that a hypocritical action or statement renders all other actions or statements illogical. Fortunately, to those in a logical state of mind this strategy of yours is painfully obvious. Therefore, it appears that an attempt to have a productive debate here is impossible and therefore deserves no more of my attention. |
"the overwhelming majority of parents"??? ...wouldn't just the term "majority" been sufficient ..I guess if you add "overwhelming" it magically becomes true You see, this statement right here. You are trying to attack me based on something that has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. I am sorry if I upset you, no offense was intended, but lets try to stay on topic here. This comment was utterly pointless. first you claim that kids weren't mature enough to exercise their 2nd amendment right to carry guns to school, now you claim that perhaps children made the decision themselves not to carry loaded guns to school...see how you are jumping back and forth? but anyway I didn't ask you what you believe what the "overwhelming majority" of parents believe or what the kids believed...I wanted to know what you "believed" Right here, i was merely responding to your wondering "how i seemed to know what parents are thinking" (which is another desperate attempt at an attack at my credibility). Based on crime reports there was no drop or rise in violence correlating with new laws prohibiting kids from bringing guns to school. (Remember i couldn't seem to find any before 1990?) Therefore, it was either the children who were already doing the right thing, or the parents. Unless you have a counter to that. you first choose option are you going to stick with option two or not OPTION 2: do you believe that restrictions should be put in place that take away children 2nd amendment right to bear arms at school as a way to curb gun violence? I believe i mentioned earlier where this argument also has little to do with the topic area because kids do not have the same rights adults making this inapplicable in reality. It not only falls under the critical thinking fallacy of straw-man (i think that's what its called), but also falls under another fallacy (or fallacy category) of oversimplification. Therefore this question cannot be answered honestly as either answer literally puts words in my mouth that i disagree with. The question is a trap. |
We will get back to the nuke and law enforcement arguments. Right now I would like to focus on the assumption that gun control has a direct correlation to gun violence... "Drivinmenutz"...that would be a useless argument ....because it's obvious that before there were guns..there were no gun violence .... and it's obvious that if you take away all the guns there would be no gun violence but since the 2nd amendment gives the citizens the right to bear arms and commit gun violence... therefore you have to place in laws and restrictions the same that you would do with anything else that presents a clear and present danger to society and it's citizens one such restriction is that children are not allowed to bring guns to school.... now all you have to do is say that you don't believe that such a law have any direct effect on curbing gun violence please say you don't believe...please Yes, before guns there was no "gun" violence as the technology wasn't invented yet. Yes, if you take ALL the guns away "gun" violence will most likely cease as well... So how would one take all the guns away? the 2nd amendment forbids taking guns....but it doesn't forbid placing laws with the intent to protect society from their irresponsible usage I guess that depends on the law being issued... So how would these new laws "protect society from the irresponsible"? "Drivemenutz"...I've already presented a question to you that you didn't answer ...but anyway ...let's try that question again THE QUESTION; one such restriction is that children are not allowed to bring guns to you believe such a law would curb gun violence? Unfortunately it just isn't that simple. But i suppose i will "bite the bullet" on this one. It was interesting to me that I couldn't seem to find any laws that were passed on this issue until 1990. Admittedly I only searched the topic for about 15 minutes so i may have to revisit the issue. Anyhow the law passed in 1990 allowed for the declaration of "gun free" zones. Another passed in 1994 prohibited "juveniles" from possessing and/or selling handguns. Perhaps there were school "rules" established prohibiting weapons. All the information i seem to come up with shows that school homicides (couldn't seem to single-out "gun" homicides from the rest) directly coincided with the rest of the country which fell dramatically starting in 1993. As a matter of fact it continued to call until about mid 2012. (Interestingly it still remains less then 50% of what it was in the 90's) So to answer your question, i believe that such a law would do little to curb gun violence in schools or anywhere. It would appear that people were already following this "rule", as parents can all agree that letting your 8 year old take off to school with a loaded gun is wrong. Perhaps this was the point you were trying to make? "Drivinmenutz"..perhaps if I make the question simplier.... 1:you either believe that children without restrictions should exercise their 2nd amendment right to bear arms at school or 2: you believe that restriction should be put in place that take away children 2nd amendment right to bear arms at school whichever one you pick...explain why you believe it would or wouldn't curb gun violence This question cannot be answered with completely honest opinion, as it has been oversimplified (there are more moving parts than allowed to address.) But hey, i will play along as i believe you ultimately have a point. Option 2. Because children have not yet fully matured. Also, many have not yet received the proper instruction on how to handle a firearm. This could lead to accidental shootings. This is why we have gun safes and don't leave loaded guns lying around when 5-year-olds are running around. This what you were looking for? now that you have choose option that perhaps an indication that you believe that taking away the children's 2nd amendment right to bear arms at school would also curb gun violence? I believe this straw man has been beaten to death. I gave reasons and answered questions, both on the honest level, and the level in which you seemed to have trapped me. If what you are saying is that some, certain restrictions can/should be allowed to preserve the safety of the masses then I would agree. Truth of the matter is that question is way too oversimplified to be applied to the argument. Children do not have the same rights as adults, nor have they ever. If this were the case children would be deciding on which medical treatments he/she receives, or be allowed to live on his/her own at any age. They would be allowed to purchase anything adults can including alcohol and cigarettes. Parents would be prosecuted for illegal detaining when trying to ground their child. And oh yeah, children would be allowed to vote. The scenario in question is merely an example of guardianship, NOT individual rights. Parents make rules and put restrictions on children so they can be introduced, and tested, one by one, therefore teaching said child responsibility. This is why prior to any laws being made, rules against weapons in class were enforced. Unfortunately these factors render this example completely null and void. I'm still trying to figure out how you yourself know what "all parents" agree on...especially when "all parents" can't even agree that they are "all parents" which is why I had to phrase the question in such a way to assure that I would get your own persoanl opinion and not a "google cut and paste" version when given 2 questions you chose option 2....which means that you are for gun restriction...with the belief that it will curb gun violence I believe that the overwhelming majority of parents agree not to let their kids tote around loaded firearms everywhere they go. If they did not agree on this said rule, then perhaps it was the kids themselves just decided it was not a good idea to stash a gun in his/her backpack. Either way, it apparently worked the same with laws as it did without laws. Again the issue i had is in the phrase "gun violence", for it technically isn't what i would be afraid of in a school with armed kids. It would be accidents and misuse. Perhaps there would be more violence if kids had guns. I don't really know. Again, I do find it difficult to give my opinion on such matters without first educating myself on it. After looking over the information at hand i can then proceed to formulate a cause/effect hypothesis thereby giving an " educated opinion". An uneducated opinion would fall under the category of "knee jerk reaction" would it not? It appears we had a temporary breakdown in our communication nonetheless. |
Those who turn swords into Plowshares will plow for those who do not! -Thomas Jefferson to bad Thomas Jefferson didn't give his slaves that option you're here praising Thomos Jefferson who was to his slaves part of a tyrannical government that use guns to deny others their Rights ... but yet at the same time you're here cursing those in today's government that you believe is trying to do the same thing to you that Thomas Jefferson done to his slaves sort of ironic Indeed, the Irony is apparent. However the words he speaks are no less true... He was quite wise, and America has matured since then, recognizing the error in it's ways. President Lincoln was responsible for a movement that ultimately freed the slaves. He was a large supporter of Jefferson. Also ironic... if you speak for the rights of one group of people while in the same breath denying the same for another group,... that is not being wise, that is being clueless if Lincoln was truly a supporter of Jefferson he would have opted to have sex and make babies with slaves not Free them No, that is being hypocritical, which, no historian would disagree in this. However you will notice that slave ownership was a social norm at the time. Jefferson actually wrote a couple emancipations towards freeing slaves, but these were highly criticized by the locals, whom he was trying to win over. I would say he prioritized by first severing the ties to a far-off power and preaching freedom. Lincoln understood the ultimate goal, and fortunately didn't shun Jefferson's teachings just because the man was one of many who still owned slaves. We should all be wise enough to take the good (which was Thomas Jefferson's teachings on equality and freedom) and look past (while still acknowledging) the negative aspects of character. It is a critical thinking fallacy, after all, to focus on attacking an individual's character when only a certain principle was brought into question. sorry but Jefferson preaching about equality while owning and making babies with slaves makes him a hypocrite.... it's the same as politicians of today preaching against illegals aliens while at the same time employing them as housemaids etc and using them as slave labor. so if you are willing to look pass the hyprocrisy of Jefferson, then you should have no complaints about anything any politician or the government does today Unfortunately this mindset involves little logic. Because someone did something you disagree with does not mean that everything he/she says is untrue. |
BTW, Sandy Hook Elementary did not involve an assault rifle. It was left in the car the shooter drove to the school and the coroners reports showed no large (rifle) caliber bullets in any of the victims or anywhere in the school. Just an FYI, i checked the video that brought about this belief. The weapon they found in the car was a semi-auto shotgun. The action did not match the AR style rifles when the officer was clearing it. ![]() |