Community > Posts By > Water Lily

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Wed 07/17/19 08:33 PM

It truly does exist. I am a living example. The best relationship ever. I was blessed.

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Wed 07/17/19 08:26 PM
I totally agree. If Christ is Number 1 in both partners lives. The the Lord takes care of the rest, as long as they understand it is about a relationship with Christ, and not religion. Had that relationship and it was the best. Thank You Jesus.

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Wed 07/17/19 08:24 PM

Lot's of girl's say they want men who will take care of them and make them happy.

Only God can take care of you and make you happy.

Christians shouldn't think like that. It is pagans who think that way. Christ says, seek first the kingdom of God and it's justice, and all other things shall be added. See: Matt 6:31-33

Such selfish thoughts already create fault lines that will collapse the union.

Isn't it ironic that at this point in time, while some want out, some want in?

Two years ago, I met this nice Christian lady, from Jos, who had seen it all and then just wanted to serve God; working for food that'll never perish.

That is the kind of woman for me. A woman who will, with missionary zeal, support her partner in his work for Christ.

If both are focused on the Work of serving God, there'll be no time to focus on their individual faults. IMHO

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Wed 07/17/19 08:05 PM
I absolutely hate the 'man world'. If WD40 or duct tape doesn't fix it...I am lost.

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Mon 07/15/19 07:22 PM
So sorry for your losses. I can related. Within four years I lost my family. It was hard to be a widow, but then difficult accepting being an only child, then an orphan. At this point, age had no bearing. Grief comes in waves and can be debilitating. It is something you can't control. You can't pick up the pieces and put yourself back together. It is more of a rebuilding, because loss of loved ones changes you, so you will never be the same person you were. More often then not people don't realize that death of a person has nothing to do with you, it is between that person and God. All our days our numbered. That is why we have to learn to appreciated each day, it is a gift, that is why we call it 'the present'.

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Mon 07/15/19 06:38 PM
screens/windows vingar/water 50/50
Laundry.........I make my own, I don't trust what is in the commercial stuff and I don't find they clean properly.

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Mon 07/08/19 08:38 AM
Old saying ..... Woman give sex to get love, Men give love to get sex. Sometimes time changes nothing LOL

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Fri 07/05/19 03:09 PM

is it possible to fall in love with more than one girlfriend

GULP!...yes...but about stepping into the lioness' cage wearing a sirloin steak suit...

Best laugh I have had all day. Thank You. Very true tho

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Fri 07/05/19 03:09 PM

is it possible to fall in love with more than one girlfriend

GULP!...yes...but about stepping into the lioness' cage wearing a sirloin steak suit...

Best laugh I have had all day. Thank You. Very true tho

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Fri 06/28/19 08:00 PM
I must be one of the lucky ones. I have never looked at a relationship as "losing anything" To me I have always "GAINED". Like anything else in life, if it is worth having, it is worth working for. If it is the right relationship you gain satisfaction and pleasure in making your partner feel like they are the 'only one' in the world for you, that 'special gift'. You reap what you sow. I have gained so much, the effort was always returned ten fold. Maybe it is a mind set.

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Fri 06/28/19 07:10 PM
If he is creepy/weird I certainly wouldn't stick around to investigate the rest...LOL:smile:

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