anyone getting
I'll consider one of me as well.. but only a PG-13 one.... of course! There are people I jist don't want to be peeved! Okay person. ![]() Far be it from me to stand in the way... I would not want to get waterloo all unhinged on me! |
anyone getting
everyone settles,if we didnt we would all drive Corvettes with supermodels at our sides. Hmmm.. Speak for yourself, there! If I was settling? I certainly would have not chosen Ohio as a place to do it in. There are plenty of women right here in my town whom I could settle for. I suggest we all make a mental note of this... in case he ever introduces us to someone he settles for. We can lead them here. |
An old Italian man once told me that the key to a long life was taking a dump everyday. True story Yup.. Otherwise the fur will bind you up a bit. |
Just eat a live kitten every day.. That's how I keep my youthful appearance.
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I voted for Pat Rbertson once! Exactly.. The founder of the Christian Coalition ran for President.. Yet they... The Christian Coalition, of which I am a member, believes that the Church should NOT run the government and the government should NOT run the Church. BUT, it definitely believes that God should NOT be taken out of the lives and decision making of our government and political leaders.
Not to mention funding several lobbies, holding many legislative positions and seats on courts on both State and Federal levels.... Yea.. Saying they believe in the separation of Church and State? Sounds like so much lip service to me! The last thing on these guys minds is equality. Less intrusive? Less power? Less Government? Then how come they want to amend the Constitution to say I can't marry whomever I might want to...and many, many other issues. Family values? My ass... Every one of their leaders has been under heavy scrutiny for some deviant behavior or another... Including ripping off their own constituency. |
you guys are chasing me away again..uhoh gotta runnow ![]() ![]() You kind of set yourself up for that one. You should have used elephants. Not in relation to womens size though.. For their memory. |
rookies should be welcomed and incorporated in the mix. Yup.. and you can lead a horse to water too. |
ashamed of looks
I think they're saying they talk and chat but can't meet anyone because their embarrassed of their complexion.. but well I could be wrong ![]() Maybe.. But if I were her.. I'd think my complexion would be the least of my worries. I'm thinkin she might be taking communication 101 classes, taught by an individual with the letters 'DB' as their initials. |
Should it be?
By comparison to many others with 28,000 posts and been here for 3+ years... You and I are virgins.. |
Hopefully not for a looooong time, babe. ![]() Probably not.. I wasn't supposed to live past my 30th birthday.. So I will imagine God is gonna punish me till I'm 105 now. |
I never made a comment on Christianity at large.
As for my beliefs? They are not relevant. If they were? I'd probably speak on them. However.. since you are consistently bringing into these debates your beliefs and how they ring very true to the PTL Club and Christian Coalition template.. Yours are. To think that the Christian Coalition represents all Christians? As you must.. because somehow you managed to think I was talking about all Christians simply because I mentioned the Christian Coalition... Is a pretty dim view of your reality. The coalition is made up of a number of evangelical Christians which include Jerry Falwell, Jim Baker, Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggart... and many more... They are a political advocacy group, a lobby, and despite their hiding behind the Church... Have become a powerful political force lead by clergy. So much so...that in 1999, it lost it's tax exempt status as a social welfare organization, because they were up to their necks in partisan politics. They have their hands in all levels of government from school boards to the administration. Call it what you like... But the Christian Coalition is second to none in political placement and power... Unless you consider Israel. |
lol, someone just told me I was older than 30, just asking sheesh. I never said I was ugly Hey now... I'm nearly 15 years your senior... If you are old? I'm a walkin talkin dead man. |
ideas for depression
OMG.....jistme and lily holding hands again to gain self-confidence.....hum..............lily, your own heart knows the truth, and even before you posted fear told you not to accuse, but you assumed it was my words making you afraid, and you did not see or feel your own wisdom trying to talk to you......if i ignore, you feel validated and i help create your own misery even more than you already wish to do this because someday soon you will have wisdom to speak, but your own self tell you NO right now, so listen to it.......while you are at it, accept all it says you have done to others, your ex men in are one MOST afraid of your own mind, and do not accept it, and it has compounded your fears, until you are now even petrified of the dark, and to be be petrified of darkness and not see one has fear is not very awake......heed your own truth and free yourself, and your unfounded fears will leave you.....then you try to gain lilliths affection by taking her to your fearful miserable will find no love by trying to make others do, say, and be what you wish them to be..........and jistme, a good question you asked even if it was for ulterior motives........why do you fall prey again to the need to be validated by a confidence will ever be placed in you again by others that know you until you pay heed to your own voice.......why do you ignore your own wisdom each time an opportunity presents itself for you to validate yourself.......this will keep you from listening to your own wisdom, and more failures will follow you as they already wonder why lilliths heart tells her to not trust you yet.......why do you make her feel bad for listening to her own wisdom......if you believe in her and love her than you wish for her to be strong in herself.....this is love, and not what you try to feed to more selfish, and see that this will not achieve what you help her to embrace her own strength will give you strength, and lily or any other women will not influence you enough to make you cheat again.......don't go against your own better more selfish......validation means not that another cares for you, but rather only that they seek affection as you do.....both will fall prey in a house built on these principles....... Somehow that written above and my prior statements of... Irrational ones would have me trying (miserably, I might add) to be something I am not in these a for instance.
and Living life without fear is simply denying it's existence, yet still suffering from its manifestations. Then more often then not...blaming those manifestations on something outside of self.
Have much in common. One was written by you... and substantiates the others, written about you. As for the op... Gambling as a profession is not an addiction. The issue that caught my eye is in regards to how it makes you feel vs. how it used to make you feel. Along with, what some might consider a bit of rationalization and bargaining in what you have written thus far. No matter.. For me to claim you have an, or not have an addiction? Is not my place. Only you can determine that. All I can do is comment on what looks familiar. |
Dating is tuff in new town
vegas.....good morals ...?????? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Actually... The people who live in Las Vegas? They are just like any other city in this Country. I've spent a great deal of time there and in Reno.. I was married to a Las Vegas girl who despised gambling and only visited the strip when entertaining out of town guests. The 'immoral' there? Are usually those that don't live there. |
ideas for depression
if a soldier go to war, and is afraid, he will be the first killed.....his fear will control him...... If a soldier is not afraid in combat... They are in denial. That denial will probably get him and others killed sooner then the courage to fight in the face of the fear. This little ongoing diatribe does explain much about you though. |
How much is Race A Factor?
We are in a race?
Hey, I'm straight edge man..... ![]() Ummm.. And all this time I thought you were a soft curvy woman who sometimes is ham handed when it comes to your keyboard. I learn something every day! |
ideas for depression
![]() ![]() I wouldn't have it any other way. fear of something is what make it control you, or become an addict to dont sound like you fear it, so let no one convince you has been good for SOME reason.....did you make yourself have a love for man creates their own is a physical reality of a deeper inner desire that has to do with your destiny in life........
Actually.. speaking from an addicts point of view. Fear in general, and the lack of courage to face those fears, can give addictions a disproportionate power in ones life... A fear, or healthy respect as some call it, of the addiction? Can be a good thing. Man does create desire for themselves in plenty. Mostly in material possessions, substance, and behavior that is unhealthy or self destructive. Holding destiny accountable is to say: I am not responsible, and everything or anything else is. |
I'm not trying to start anything...
Neo is another word for new. So to call you a neocon is to say you once was a liberal and switched sides. A theocrat is someone who believes that society should be run by the clergy. Both the PTL and Christian Coalition are theocratic in nature, but relatively new on the political conservative stage. The irony is... Conservatism speaks of less government, less State power, less intrusiveness... Neotheocratic thinking, which can sometimes be made to look like conservatism in theory.. does anything but conservative, in practice. By the by.. I believe neotheocrat is not really a word... But it does seem to fit in this line of discussion. |
wanting a relationship
I think the only way to keep the peace in this thread is to bow our heads in reverence to the presumptuous young man with attitude... and possibly sacrifice a virgin to the cause.
Any volunteers? |