sausage balls
I thought maybe I had to come in here and report an obscene subject in the cooking threads. Umm... As a Chef? You should know that naming your food attractively can go a long way? |
when Bush is out of office he needs to be arrested and tried for everything he has done! Otherwise, this kind of leadership will snowball into far worse examples of Gov secrecy and abuse of our military might! Right, wrong, indifferent... He and his Cabinet have acted within the rights of office. If you want to prevent that from happening again? Change the rules. |
Hmmmmmm. Very interesting.Could it be because I generally think opposite of your positions and you perhaps find that too abrasive to be able to comprehend? That is fine. But these constant, constant, constant threads that go over and over and over the same topic, yet you still participate in them and think your views are justifiable. I, on the other hand, am soooooo tired of the same that it leaves little, if any, opportunity to enhance one's intelligence. I sit to the Right, madman sits to the left. Does that mean only the centrist is correct? Lindyy ![]() Nope.. you missed my point entirely. That's OK.. You generally do. Both of you tend to hold dear, things that have little to do with the real world. Him.. Any left wing conspiracy theory.. You? Anything the PTL Moral Majority preaches.. Which is mostly.. 'Do as I say..not as I do.' Both of you instantly sign on to anything here that is written, true or not.. If it agrees with your point of view. Equally, vehemently try to discredit what does not agree with your point of view. Which causes a guy like me to think niether of you could care less what the truth really is. Both of you speak in absolutes... The extreme left is perfect.. and the extreme right is equally perfect. Most of us know different. Both are quick to attack folks on a personal level when they are simply disagreeing with you.. and when they return the favor you both play the victim. Both of you hold every thing, everyone, other then yourselves accountable for your behavior. Hopefully that clears it up for you.. I doubt it.. But I tried. ![]() |
Why didn't I think of putting a picture of me in my 20's? Oh yea.. now I remember.... because when I had pictures up.. I figured it might be a good idea to display what I look like now.
Let's see, If I close my eyes real tight stomp my left foot while spinning on my right foot and chant Bush doesnt lie, Bush doesnt lie,,,, Nope still dont believe it! ![]() ![]() ![]() Neither do I... But really.. Criminally? Doesn't our current situation and getting out of it as best we can...deserve this countries attention? Rather then playing the f@cking blame game? If this nation can be controlled by one elected that length and depth? You would think that needs fixing..long before we start building gallows for war criminals. |
Care to elaborate? Lindyy Only in.. You and Madman have more in common then the both of you would care to believe or admit. Just from opposing sides of the spectrum. |
For a short time only...
I have made many friends on here, and several have asked to see a picture of my daughter...I am really funny about that stuff, but figured it would be nice to share..Instead of emailing everyone I figured I would just post it on here for a bit... So here she is all, my Angel ![]() So.. Who was the father? She is way too good looking to.. Nevermind... I'll stop while I'm ahead. ![]() ![]() |
when was
Can't guys roob theirs? The last time i saw my brother? He had bigger ones then many of you women! We don't have much in common, by the way... I wish I could take a picture of the mental picture I am getting!
Did that last statement help? |
Has anyone, other than myself, heard of an obsessive, compulsive, neurotic disorder? Lindyy ![]() ![]() Nope.. some of us are familiar with it from a third person point of view.. Far less intimately as you or madman might be.. which I am left to assume might be a first person point of view. |
The CIA had evidence Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction six months before the 2003 US-led invasion but was ignored by a White House intent on ousting Saddam Hussein, a former senior CIA official said, according to CBS. Yup.. and the article also said.. 'A 2002 National Intelligence Estimate, to which the CIA was a major contributor, concluded that prewar Iraq had an active nuclear program and a huge stockpile of unconventional weapons.' Doesn't this kinda strike you as strange? Especially when in the same body of writing with this paragraph... 'But Drumheller, co-author of a forthcoming book entitled On the Brink: How the White House Has Compromised American Intelligence, rejects the notion of an intelligence failure.' To give completely diametrically opposed statements within 9 months, on the same subject? Sounds like an intelligence failure happened somewhere... Don't ya think? |
Four loves and three laughs...your not doing all that bad mate Too bad the loves are from a male counterpart... But hey? Never look a gift horse... All the women here are trying to do is offer some encouragement to him to change up his strategy some. Through negative reinforcement. |
Need I remind you of what Libby was sentenced for, and who pardoned that sentence? Nope.. you do not. Yet how exactly does that pertain to the topic? Valerie Plame Wilson was an intelligence officer who was allegedly focused on the nuclear proliferation of Iran. She was used as a pawn in retaliation to a New York Times article about how the intelligence reports regarding Iraq trying to obtain uranium from Niger was the alleged crime. Plame-Wilson was not a covert agent. Outing an intelligence officer that is not actually under cover? Is what exactly? Libby was a pawn as well.. Bush was completely within his legal parameters to pardon Libby. Like it or not. If you ask me? The whole thing was a genuine example of many things.. one of which is the constant in fighting between the two parties in our Government.. Another? The struggles between the CIA and our Administration. Lastly? The power struggle within the Administration. All things worth discussion and action..However, apparently... I don't make the same connections as you the subject at hand. |
LOST JOBS, ESCALATING COST OF ENERGY, FUEL, AND FOOD...... I kind of understand the premise regarding war crimes.. but disagree. If anyone is accountable it should be the international intelligence community and the members of Bushes staff that interpret it. The Administration does not create intelligence.. They respond to it. If the President is accountable? Then so are all the Senators and Representatives that came to the same conclusion after reviewing the same information.. You folks seem to forget that the President, while Commander and Chief.. cannot bring us to war on his own. If he could? We would be a dictatorship. As far as holding him entirely accountable for the economic dire straights we may be facing... That does not take into account other global occurrences, such as the BRIC's treaty.. The European Union... and the purpose driven effort to drive down the value of the dollar. If he is solely responsible for that? Then we may as well throw in the global warming fiasco too. As deficient as our Government can be at times.. The system we have in place does not allow one man to have as much power as you folks are attributing to him. Having said all that.. I am no fan of Bush... but blaming him for all our ills? Will not bring us any closer to solving our problems. |
where do you
5 years is too far ahead for me to think about. Everytime I've planned that far ahead, I pretty much ruled out what ever I had planned.
crown molding
that is assuming the house hasnt shifted at all, and everything is plum and swuare, which it never is |
Do all dates end
It all depends on the situation at hand. I certainly do not have any rules on this... Although it is in my nature to take my time. Sometimes, to my detriment.
If there is both a physical and emotional attraction and/or attachment on the first date.. that has been communicated and both are comfortable.. Then I see no reason why not. If those things are not present or not been communicated effectively.. then ~ no. The general idea in my opinion... is to listen to what is going on and if it feels right... So be it. My experience has been, over my limited dating career.. That you stand as much chance of alienating her, making uninvited moves, as you do...not responding to the ques she offers. Either way.. You are not paying attention to anything outside of yourself. |
crown molding
I didn't say it was impossible Jist, just saying for your typical person it is a chore that will end with a lot of frustration. Cheers to your mother ![]() ![]() I agree... The first time I did it back as a teenager.. I think I consumed almost as many board feet in scrap as I did in used product by the time the house was done. My Mom and Dad had an unusual relationship in regards to the houses they owned along the way. My Father was quick to rip out walls, build additions, install cabinetry, etc.... then lose interest before the project was actually finished. So.. in order to finish a project.. My Mom and us kids would have to come along behind, while he was at work.. or we would have a tore up house to live in. Since my Dad died.. I'm still over there every once in a while completing projects that my Dad started years ago. One of the last ones was repairing the sheet rock and tile he ripped out of the guest bath.. trying to find a leak in one of the supply lines. The leak was in the ceiling.. but that did not stop him from ripping out some of the wall right below.. and even a hole on the other side of the room. I've got to give credit where it is due.. He was always good at demolition. I think it is his way of reminding us he was there. |
crown molding
Does anybody know anything about it? Is it hard to put up or should I hire someone to put it up for me? Typically, I'd agree with Rob. However.. My Mom, who is not a finish carpenter, has managed to put in both wood and urethane crown moulding using a 10 inch miter, some adhesive, countersunk finish nails, a tape measure, chalk line, combination square, utility knife and coping saw. After a few failed cuts.. She just made templates with scrap, that she followed as she went along. Always making sure her last cut fit before marking the second cut. |
The Iraqi Army
I'm big enough to admit my faults, but you have to admit that the numbers coming from the field probably aren't accurate either! Fair enough. With exception to the reported numbers possibly being so disproportionate. Especially considering the value you place on getting the words from the General as opposed to the press. Again... if 5000, 10,000 or more walked off a battle field.. We'd be hearing a lot about it for a few weeks. If 1000 to 1500 did.. of a 20 to 30 thousand man army? It is noteworthy but not anything different from the overall average. Every war has similar stories about isolated incidents of battlefield desertion, and is indicative of nothing much. Agreed...It would be interesting to see what a few soldiers think of the Iraqi Army their current capabilities and draw backs. However.. given recent events in Basra and the overall lack of chatter on the subject... It might be a fair assumption that anyone who knows, may not be talking about it on a public forum for strategic reasons. |
| ASUS-m3a nuff said thank you I guess Nope.. Not nuff said.. It is not a mini atx.. It is an atx. It is also not a prosavage chipset. It is not compatible with any other thing she has... She would have to buy a processor, case, memory... Well. a whole new computer.... I'm thinking.. That is not what she is trying to do here. |