One most likely to change their sexual identity as a direct result of being a member here. |
You forgot one.
One most likely to be the spawn of inbreeding. |
I'm not my type.
Got it. No problem.
Yes domestically, but international crime will become an epidemic. The Russian mob will have a heyday, as well as the Italian mob. Illegalizing anything has never helped, we need better police, judges, courts, and jury. There in lies the problem. You would be suprised at how many criminals actually get their guns legally... True. However.. We are talking about a product that cannot be grown or built using common everyday products laying around. can make a zip gun with a length of pipe, a few washers, an end cap, a spring and nail.. But chances are you will blow your arm off with it. We are not talking about pot or meth... Weapons take engineering and factories. The traffic of weapons coming across our borders would be easier to control then the weapons we have here legally. Your mentioning that 'Many criminals get their weapons legally'. Really is not a good argument for less gun control...I might add. only way that thing started out being legally own is if someone with an auto license had it stolen or sold it, the latter i find highly unlikely
Or it was a modified semi-auto. |
Hey, Give the prison guards a break. Most of us are just doing our jobs. We're not all White supremicists. Huh? I fail to see how this statement and my observation have anything in common... Wanna clarify this for me? |
All D.A.'s, judges, lawyers, jurors, prison wardens that had a part in the hostage taking of an innocent person should be given 20 years of breaking rock at an minimum. If these crooks dont get time for their crime they should atleast pay this man out of their own pockets for reimbursement for his false imprisonment. All lawyers and judges should immmediatly loose their practice and be disbarred never allowed to practice law again.If they have a part in such a crime. This almost sounds reasonable.. Until you imagine it in practice. Then it breaks down to yet another 'not well thought out idea'. So.. At the risk of being wrong.. All the people involved in someones trial.. will almost always come up with a verdict or sentence that would be to the accused persons benefit. That is if you could actually find a Grand Jury and D.A. to bring up charges, A Judge that is willing to hear, Witnesses to testify, or a jury that is willing to deliberate. That sounds like a fine solution to our problem, which creates greater problems then the one we are trying to solve! |
We ban guns people will get guns, from who you might ask? Mafia, street gangs, and other criminal organizations. Where do you think they get guns? Do you think that the guns on the street are bought through the manufacturer? The criminals just call up Beretta and arrange for a drop shipment? The average illegal firearm was once a legal one. Bought by a citizen, who had a right to own it. Then it became a black market item, as soon as someone relieved him of that ownership. So.. it really does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you reduce the available legal weapons.. You also reduce the number of illegal ones too. |
the whole thing was awful. and i can gurantee you that not one of these people who disagree with the OP statement have never been heald down and threatened to be killed while they took advantage of you.. i bet that not one of them have ever held their best friend in their arms while they bleed to death because someazzhead felt the need to shoot them for no reason... I'm sure that is a comfort to you to believe you are talking to a bunch who has not had bad things happen to them. That all who do not see it the way you do, were born, raised and live in some plastic bubble somewhere. I'm very sorry you had to go through that experience. I'm also sorry that it has had the effect on you that it has had. I'm happy that you survived it, are still here, and still have a chance to put it to rest in your heart and mind. The bad things that happen to us are very often outside of our control. How we deal with it after the fact? Is in our control. I have chosen differently then you. I hold no ill will toward those that have hurt me, or those that hurt others. I do believe that they deserve a just punishment for their crimes. Whatever that is ~ determined by society to be and within humane limits. |
the shell remains in tact if it doesn't hit anything solid. and not everyone used fmj ammo. Huh? The shell by definition, is the entire round. Made of the cartridge, primer, propellant and projectile. In some vernacular.. It is the cartridge which contains the primer, propellant and projectile. Unless we are talking artillery..then it is the projectile which contains an explosive and fuse. So.. At best? In this conversation... The shell is either an unfired round, or the piece of brass that flies out the side of the firearm or stays in the chamber. You are talking about the projectile, or bullet. serial stamping on bullets?
Why not? They do it with high explosives. Little macroscopic tags that have a serial number attached to a database, which enable tracking from the manufacturer to the final purchaser and user. |
No one can say TRUTHFULLY how they would react or wouldnt react unless theyve been put in the position. I would never say to anyone try to imagine it happening to your son or daughter, because i can tell you you CAN NOT imagine how you would feel.. CAN NOT.. IMPOSSIBLE... I am very sorry your Daughter has had that experience..As I am for any other child who has suffered at the hands of another. Yet.. somehow you seem to have put yourself on a pillar over her tragedy. How do you know you are not speaking to people who have not lost a loved one, or had a crime perpetrated on their child, member of their family, or themselves? Just because some do not agree? Just because some see it differently then you do? I'm sorry to say.. That is extremely presumptuous. |
As i said before...i'd gladly put the bullet in anyone who did something like that to my say it's not fair to call another human's actions 'vile' is the most ridiculous thing i've read here in a while!!! I would (not gladly) take a life if it meant I could spare another life or victimization by doing so. The only way I would do that ~ was if I happened upon the crime in action. After the fact... The rules change some. As for me having a desire to want another human being to suffer unreasonably? That would make me no better then the one that has me feeling that way. Treating someone as less then human is not acceptable. Even if that person is guilty of treating others as less then human. It throws civilization and the evolution of society back to the dark ages. |
I don't see what the big deal is? they would be Giving back to mankind, and thats a Good thing! ![]() Oh yea! As if the medical industry does not already have enough power in our current system. Lets put them in charge of our criminal justice and prison system too! So..when they clear out death row..Then what? Maybe reduce the standards of what justifies capital punishment? Redefine guilt? |
gun control doesn't reduce crime, violence, say studies National Academy of Sciences, Justice Dept. reports find no benefits to restricting ownership of firearms This was posted way back on the front page. What the NAS found was simply and clearly stated. They found the studies to be inconclusive. The last time I looked? 'Inconclusive' does not mean that gun control does not reduce crime and violence. |
Why shy...?????
Shy is a pretty subjective term.
I notice many who call themselves shy... yet they often post things I'd never consider posting about myself... and I tend to post quite a bit in regards to who I am, if it applies to the topic at hand and might be of help to someone. I've also read some of what a few of the girls receive in emails here from self professed shy men... Again.. You'd never see me write some of the things I've read. Which struck me as anything but shy. Frankly... If I feel I am being ignored by the majority of the people I am trying to engage? Chances are ~ my delivery probably needs some work, or I am trying to engage the wrong people... That is something that I can do something about. Which really seems to be more productive then blaming it on being shy..or blaming it on the people who are ignoring me. |
Dave has the respect of many. He's a solid guy w/his head on straight, yet living with his heart as well ![]() Thanks, but I don't know about all that. I have my moments... Both good and bad. Besides.. Just yesterday ~ I was a 74 year old woman, with a crappy attitude! |
Thank you for such kind words and encouragement..from all of you....i never this dating thing really works...thanks to all ![]() None of us really do understand how this dating (online or otherwise) thing works. It just does for some of us. Those of us that think we got it all figured out. One way or the other... are usually just fooling themselves. |
well I eat fast food, and anything I want. My blood sugar is perfect, my pulse averages 66, blood sugar impeccable, and am 10% body fat. I work out religiously. So we shall see if the food is really as harmful as everyone says You are 30. Wait a few years. If you are still at 10% body fat and don't have high blood pressure... Then what you are saying will be much more credible. |
Are Blonds Really Dumb?
Nah, people who ask dumb questions are dumb.
Of course.. We aren't looking all that bright either, for contributing to his dumbness. Is dumbness a word? |
JISTME- Not that it probably means anything to you, but I have a lot of respect for you after reading that post. You sound like a guy who has his priorities straight ![]() It looks like it might be up for re-evaluation again. Nothing seems to stay static in this life. At least it doesn't in mine. Having hard and fast rules for myself and those around me? Has never really worked. |