Community > Posts By > Elegance888
Noah's Ark discovered in the Mountains of Ararat. Noah's ark is real, the bible is the truth. Read the true story of finding Noah's Ark and the artifacts found there. It's an exciting discovery adventure in Turkey. There is a museum built near the ark in Turkey. Even the anchor stones are still there to see. Did lava really preserve this ancient bible artifact? Discover for yourself. Dig into Ron Wyatt's discoveries. "And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen." (Genesis 8:4-5) Did you see it? Read it again. God shows something new! It doesn't say mountain. It says "tops of the mountains" and "mountains of Ararat". Where are the mountains of Ararat? Certainly this includes the mountain range of Ararat. |
QUOTE FROM jeanebean---I don't abide insane zealots with their ridiculous silly superstitious ideas about a picture of a galaxy. I'm so tired of this insanity.
QUOTE FROM jeanebean---I believe it is vitally important for the future of the world that the truth be discovered about the fake religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. You jumped straight on the band wagon as usual after Rkisit said this---In Genesis 1:1-26, God created plants on the third day and fish and birds on the fifth day. On the sixth day, He created animals and man. 2. In Genesis 2:7-25, God created man first. Then He created plants. Then, for man to have company, God created animals and birds. And finally, God created woman. hell you can't even get past the first 2 genesis without there being a lie and a very conflicting story,funny thing is pastors have tried to neglect answering why this is written this way,all they say is genesis2 is a more detailed discription,REALLY but the days are still mismatched,so which one is correct? but you religious people will still "stand by your man" i can't believe the authors of the fictional bible didn't even catch that typo. ANSWER---READ the bible before quoting scripture and make sure your glasses are on if you have bad eye sight then you will see the scripture that says in gen 2:4 This is the HISTORY of the Heavens and the earth when they were CREATED,in the day that the LORD GOD made the earth and the heavens. Jeanebean ---- this was on one of your many many threads you have made on here to totally discredit GOD,HIS WORD AND CHRISTIANS who have had experiences with GOD ALMIGHTY, are sensible peaple,some very well educated,some in top jobs,professors ect ect,who are far from insane as you put it, all the way through every thread, as you say we are fake ect and you have the gall to slander,call us liers,say there is no proof of what we have said time and time again,like i said before you are a instigator and thats because you want others to believe what you preach on here ALL THE RUBBISH that comes out of your mouth,you are very argumentive about what ANYONE says to you. I dont really know what you are doing on religous threads to be honest because you know nothing at all about it,before you come at anyone about what they believe, you need to take a long hard look at what you are on about in enlightenment ect because this is not a good path to take which it shows for what it really is which i will say again TOTAL RUBBISH. Here is one of your sayings from another thread are you ready-- Nothing gets past my Bull-Sht meter. I don't care what kind of "authority" it claims to be So how come RUBBISH GOT PAST, Enlightenment tarrot cards ect? ARE YOU READY FOR ANOTHER OF YOUR QUOTES---It all goes back to the British, the f uck ing queen and the Catholic Church. IE the POPE. BLAME HIM, BLAME THE MONARCHY. And now they had a royal wedding and they are breeding again. (They are shape shifting reptilians you know.) NOT NICE JEANEBEAN. CAN i ask do you like anyone or is it just your self? CAN i ask is there only you who is right all the time? CAN i ask is there only you who studies? CAN i ask is there only you who wants evidence of anything that is said to you? But may i add while ime at it,yes i think i will, HOW come you believe what you do believe, all that RUBBISH you keep harping on about on a religous sight at that,because it all comes from man,books internet ect ect, CAN i ask where is your PROOF? NEARLY done---ON one of your many many threads you said---NO where in the new testament does it say GOD is the GOD of Abraham--- you make out you know the bible put your glasses back on again and take a look in the NEW TESAMENT in matthew 22:32 by the way this means chapter 22 verse 32 I AM THE GOD OF ABRAHAM THE GOD OF ISAAC AND THE GOD OF JACOB GOD IS NOT THE GOD OF THE DEAD BUT OF THE LIVING. Yes its there if you care to eat your words,its about time you stopped stirring on these threads if you dont want to listen on a religous thread then its quite an easy solution,DONT. And get your facts right you said i am not very elegant then you call me lady make your mind up ![]() ![]() PS TO Rkisit go and see your option he will test your eyes then you can read properly or maybe you could get a large print bible then you might get things right in the future ![]() PPS the darkness is always shown up for its lies when the truth is spoken. ![]() PPPS I am not here to bit and bat with you either,its just rediculas the answers you give to peaple who are putting there piont of view accross of what they believe, you try to rip to pieces with your tounge,NEWS for you it wont work! because we have the truth we have peace in JESUS.Night night and GOD BLESS TO YOU ![]() |
Ah now were getting some where,Andromeda contains dark matter,why follow that.
So glad Jesus has sent his wonderful light on this thread,darkness shall not pravail.never has done,the devil is a thief a lier and a murderer,Jesus came that you might have life and that in abundance John 10:10 Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. ![]() ![]() |
Personally, I am angry and I'm not going to take it anymore. I'm sick of the unsupported, unscientific, absurd claims made by all religions.
I say prove it, or get out of my face with it. Live in darkness if you chose but don't peddle your unproven information and untruths to me. Put up or shut up Answer- Jeaniebean. many christians including myself have given you the truth,i myself having told you some of what God has done in my life. all you do is kick against what ever anyone has to say to you,and thats because you are not having your way on this and other threads about being enlightened (new age stuff which is a lie from the devil himself to try to discredit GOD ALMIGHTY)and that includes tarrot cards that you read to others,through your self,(it proves you believe in the devils work ,darkness,because thats what it is,did you know the devil himself when you come against GOD ALMIGHTY has a hold on your life he will use you like a puppet on a string,telling his lies,but let me just say this, he has been defeated at the cross HIS LIES WILL SHOW FOR WHAT THEY ARE,the light of GOD himself will shine in that darkness what you are preaching on here to others,and may i add you will also be accountable with what you say leading others astray from there creator,its quite clear on these threads you are the instigator of coming against things what you clearly dont know anything about. Sounds like to me you are just full of hot air,you are a well without water. You make out you know everything about everything you always think you have the answer,you dont. You cast aside everything christian say to you as having no proof,but there is lots of proof even without christians saying anything about who God is,just open your eyes and look just for once ,take off your blinkers and see how good GOD is. Why do you think christians keep showing up on these threads? God will reveal the truth in many ways to you, but for you too hear you need to do some listening. And no, i have been down this path with you so has others i wont be going there again.but be rest assured JESUS is the listener to every conversation and is recorded in heaven for the time of judgement to come, you dont need to ask for proof it will happen and it will be to late to turn around there will be no repentence on that day,GOD listens to no excuses from man, as every one would have had there chance,he is a just GOD. |
Hi Jeaniebean.
I understand the way you might be thinking, as when you become born again thats where the HOLY SPIRIT teaches you the truth of what you dont understand, we come to God by faith and trust what he says to us as being sinners and need salvation,we do understand this part before we get saved as GOD reveals this too our heart,and we do know this is the truth by the power of GOD when he calls,so we give our life back to him as we have all gone our own way in life and rejected GOD ALMIGHTY our FATHER in heaven. Because GOD our Father gives his HOLY SPIRIT to us more of the truth is revealed to us,this is when we can understand the trinity,GOD THE FATHER,GOD THE SON AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT are one,GOD the FATHER is Spirit,GOD THE SON and GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT come from the FATHER but are a person,JESUS IS OUR MEDIATOR between us and GOD,the HOLY SPIRIT is with in us,so when we pray we go through JESUS to father GOD,the HOLY SPIRIT within us is our helper,teacher,councilor,advicate,ect,he is the one who helps us to pray GODS will, thats why we get answered prayer but in GODS timing not ours,thats why we dont see results everytime,this is why peaple get healed,delivered,demons cast out ect because as a vessel for GOD he places that power within us because we are a part of him,he wants peaple saved,delivered,healed because he loves us ,and yes he loves you too,the only difference between me and you is i am saved,and GOD has a ongoing work going off within my heart,thats why its a journey with him,change does not happen over night as there is much work to be done in our life from our past. As a christian GOD gives us love for others,thats why we can forgive as he has forgiven us much. I really do hope this helps you to understand a bit more,as you come to know JESUS,FATHER GOD and his HOLY Spirit this is when the truth becomes real to you,and i do know in my heart you are being called to him,otherwise i wouldnt be wasting my time with explaining all this too you ,niether would morningsong.Know can come to GOD unless they are called.You are being prayed for to come to him and know his love,he will reveal himself to you because yes you do belong to him,you just need to reconise he is calling you home,we have all been prodicals and i know you know what i mean by this. A lovely song for you to listen to is WHEN GOD RAN,sang by philips,criag and dean,have a listen,i know this song will let you know his love for you. ![]() ![]() |
Quote from jeaniebean.....So what you are saying is that these "born again" Christians are God
Answer...Why keep twisting things when the truth has been stated to you? Not one christian has ever claimed to be God. God is in us because of his HOLY SPIRIT indwelling within us,this is part of being born again read John 3:3 its very interesting to read and is spoken by JESUS our Lord himself, how you must be born again to see the Kingdom of heaven.God Bless ![]() |
Love the picture jst great where did you get it from?
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Kleisto read again what you wrote, here it is,
If there's no interpretation why the hell are there so many people who argue what it says even in the religious sect? If it's so damn obvious, why doesn't everyone know it?? Answer for you- the peaple who argue about GODS WORD is the rebellious, because they dont want to except the truth, because the darkness in there life will be shown for what it is in the light,(THE LIGHT IS JESUS HE IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD)(NO NOT ENLIGHTENMENT)in simple terms they dont want to repent of wrong doing against GOD ALMIGHTY... But God by his Grace and mercy gives us chance to repent,but he also gave us a free will so its our choice at the end of the day,and speaking of the end of the day -time will run out, the second we close our eyes to go into eternity,then we are on our own,(some peaple on this earth didnt wake up this morning)i dont think there will be arguements then, or rebellion, because we will meet our maker.there will be repentance,fear,sorrow,regret,tears ect. By the way christians dont argue about the word of GOD why would they, another lie to descredit GODS word and his church. And everyone CAN know GODS word,thats why he gave us his bible the written word of GOD,just so we can know who he is,what he wants us to know, he gave it to man to pen to paper)everyone CAN go to church to find out more,GOD gave us teachers,preachers,pastors,evangelists its if you want to,so there are no there is no point saying what you have said,Like i said God doesnt listen to excuses when he has spoken to you. He has shown his power with the earth and everything on it,he is our deliverer,healing restorer,the lover of our soul,he formed and knitted us together in the womb,he breathed into us and gave us life. You can never come against GOD and get away with it. HE IS A JUST GOD,A RIGHTEOUS GOD,A HOLY GOD. He has a plan and purpose for your life plans to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a future and a hope there is no hope without GOD. NONE! ![]() |
Salvation belongs to our GOD
Who sits on the throne, And Praise and Glory, Wisdom and Strength, Honour,Power and Glory be to our God, for ever and ever and ever, AMEN. |
Well this will be just a short message, you will all, one day, which wont be long, (as the end times are coming upon us which is spoken of by JESUS in the word of GOD, in the book of matthew),will have your chance to question our creator God Almighty who created you, and gave his son JESUS to die(went beyond the pain of man and was unreconisable,suffered beyond measure) to pay the price for your sin and you rejected him as your saviour,slandered him ect, and you will have the chance also to call him a copout God too,God is a listener to every conversation he knows everything that has been spoken or written on this thread,) thankful to my God by his grace and his mercy i wont be one of them,now that i know about him, as he is a God to be feared,to mock him is disgraceful because of how he loves us, i love him but he first loved me.
We all put him on that cross because of our sin not just the peaple who were there on that day.if you had been there, you most certainly would have said the same as you have been saying on here just like the peaple that day, but JESUS still said just before he gave up his life (yes he GAVE UP HIS LIFE, WASNT TAKEN FROM HIM) Father forgive them for they know not what they do,peaple knealed,cryed and asked for forgiveness for what they have done and said,even one of the main soldier knealed and repented,so did the thief on the cross. JESUS went to hell for us in our place, so we dont have to go there,he preached to the prisoners down there in the bowls of the earth,he took back the keys from satan himself, of death and hell,death and hell is what satan made it because of what he did to adam,and every one would have been subject to this.adam listened to him instead of his GOD,JESUS took back control of the keys of death and hell so the devil was defeated he lost what he stole. JESUS ROSE FROM THE DEAD the victory was won he is now sat at the right hand of the Father in heaven on the edgeof his throne waiting for the Father to say go bring my children dates. GOD made this earth and all the beautiful things in it he loved us so much he wanted to bless his children.satan decieves peaple all the time he hates GODS creation The Bible tells us in john 10-10 the devil is a lier,a thief and a murderer,but Jesus came to give us life in a abundance. Satan lies and peaple take it in,he loves to stear GODS creation away from him, just one example evolution,GOD created this earth,he said and it was done,he spoke and it was so....not a big bang,he made man, and he made animals seperate, not apes who grew into stone age men, then into us,he is much too clever to do that he is a GOD of perfection who can do anything,he is the FIRST THE LAST AND THE OMEGA,HE IS THE BEGINGING AND THE END. Any one can read books, there are millions written by man who think they are right, who think they have discovered something new, which is really from another man and he learned that from another man, and so on,gets to be a bit like chinese wispers really,but the problem is that head knowlege bring pride and what goes before a fall? There is only one bible,yes different versions but all have the same scripture the word of GOD.this book is full of wisdom and power, not just head knowlege, but goes much deeper into the heart which brings change to your life,this is when things happen,things like being able to forgive,to love,to care,ect but mostly to know who our God is,why we are hear,what we mean to him,what we can do for him ect the bible is never ending you can always find things new in there no matter how long you have read it ,GOD teaches us through his word,his love,his ways,his care,his thoughts,he is just amazing. What goes through the eyegate or through the eargate goes into the heart and the abundance of that is what comes out of the mouth,as a man thinks in his heart then so is he its what goes into the hear is what changes us,mulds us, makes us what we are,at the end of the day its what we allow. HOW GREAT A GOD WE HAVE. ![]() |
Firstly i want to address ms ladylid2012,you have brought up something you know nothing about, my life,i have said nothing to you at all about it, so why write what you wrote that is out of order its a blatent lie so why put it?you spoke about my children let me say miss perfect mum who has never had to chastise her children at all dont come against anyone who has and by the way i didnt tell you how i chastise,so keep them comments to your self,this thread is not about children.
And Yes ms ladylid2012 God is a he is quite clear you have never ever read the bible so how can you comment at all about GOD,here is just 1 scripture that gives you the answer you clearly dont know anything about so what are you doing on here there are threads what would suit you much better like erm perfect parents. ![]() acts chapter 17 verse 24-26 are you ready God who made the world and everything in it, since HE is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is HE worshiped with mens hands,as though he needed anything, since HE gives to all life.breath,and all things. Now i hope that answers your questions.lets put a smiley face on here because i will be accused of being angry ![]() ![]() mr caposton the points you made are not true either go back to your bible,in the old testement there is things in there what GOD did but he has his reasons and he is GOD ALMIGHTY who are any of us to question a true and living GOD who will have his way,its not us to judge him,its him who is the judge, and the biggest judgement has to come yet you can ask him then why!bearing in mind you will be all alone when that day comes when you stand in front of a fearfull GOD,and he listens to no excuses from man. Dont you know HE loves his creation its the sin he hates,the rebelion of his creation thats against him when he gave us life,how can we as his children worship and bow down to other gods,and other things we do the ten commandments is for us as a guide line and we need to honour our GOD for all the good things he has done for us,the blessings he has given us,such as our children,grandchildren,families,food,ect. John chapter 3 verse 16 He gave his one and only son that who ever believes in him shall never perish but have ever lasting life,the whole chapter is great because he tells us what we need to do to be saved and heaven bound. Yes the road to hell is paved with good intentions but they never listen to what the truth is they harden theres hearts and listen to fables. Matthew chapter 7 verse 13 tells you about this, The narrow way Enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to distruction, and there are manywho go in by it, because narrow is the gate and difficult is the waywhich leads to life, and there are few who find it. John chapter 14 verse 6 Jesus said I am the way,the truth and the life,no one comes to the Father except through me. Know one can climb over the gate or get into heaven any other way there are not many roads there is only one. Jeaniebean your principles are in some ways correct but also so off the mark,GOD made this earth with most of them priciples in mind as you rightly stated nothing escapes the law as GOD said there is seed time and harvest,what you sow is what you reap on this earth, he made things quite clear in his word in the book of Ecclesiastes too about all this,i can see you like to study so you might just be interested in this book in the bible, the written word of GOD. |
I was very calm not upset as i wrote what i wrote yesterday,why be upset when its about My God ,what i said, again,which is the truth from the word of God, you have turned it around to suit what you wanted it to suit what benifits your new age properganda,and for others who dont know JESUS,you are just trying to slate every christian who comes on this site,and did you forget what you wrote about my sister in JESUS who you now say is a true christian make your mind up!!!!!!!!.
Personally i think what i have wrote to you,you will think about often, because in your heart you know this is the truth!!!!!!!! You see the truth always catches up eventually because its the light of JESUS,its the Power of God and no one can stop it!!!!!!!!! But again, even though you will see this, you still have a free will and God wont force his way into your life but will still be there for when ever your ready to believe it........ What ever is said to you with whats in your heart you choose to believe that instead of what God wants you to hear.the abominations thats in the bible are in Deuteronomy 18 take a look..... This was on this thread a few times... Quote, I would think that Christians would want to read all of the scriptures that were purportedly written by disciples of Jesus. I don't think they even know about most of them. Why would the church withhold such information? The wrath of God is some more information from the bible which you have been saying the church keeps information from you so there you go.......This is the real thing!!!!!!!!. Check out the book of revelation,this will maybe speak to you..... |
Jeaniebean you and your friends have no idea of what you are talking about, with what comes out of your mouth is what is in your heart and mind and its filled with rubbish from think you know it all,you think you lord it over this site,so you think! and other sites you have on here with all this rubbish stuff on enlightenment ect ect(new age stuff)do the crystals really give you dreams and protect you (you know them cold stones)?and why tell peaple about it when they dont want to know!!!!! just like you said about christians (the difference is, man can only tell what you know,(head knowlege) ALL THAT HOO HAA TOO DAFT TO LAUGH AT STUFF.
But we HAVE A AWESOME GOD WHO HAS THE POWER TO SPEAK TO PEAPLE and lead them into all truth ,why do you think the biggest religion is christianity,because we have a GOD WHO LOVES,DELIVERS ,HEALS,MAKES WHOLE,ENABLES YOU TO FORGIVE,AND TO LOVE YOUR ENEMIES AND PRAY FOR THEM WHO SPITEFULLY USE YOU!!!!!!! All you have done is pull down,call christians liers and God Almighty at that(take it from me you really do need to fear GOD and repent of all that you have said about him, because you dont really know who you are messing with)he is a God of wrath as well as love, and you will be judged for every idol word spoken by each of you.Now, we have gone out of our way to be nice to you all and in return you have totally underminded everything that has been said on this site which may i add, is about judgment day and this universe,which again may i add belongs to our GOD THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH,WHO MADE THE UNIVERSE AND ALL THAT IS IN IT,THE MOUNTIAN AND THE SEAS HE HOLDS IN THE PALM OF HIS HANDS,AND IN HIS SIGHT WE ARE AS SMALL AS GRASS HOPPERS,(and you think you being big with your thoughts and critisis about him and us his children!!!!! you really need to think again about the words what come out of your mouth against him.I feel sorry for you to be honest for the slandering remarks about all this!!!!!!! You are not the only ones who have your say on here,and why do you mess with tarrot cards when its purly of the devil himself, you are working with darkness and it will come back to bite you believe me, the devil has no friends.You read these things to innocent peaple (probably charge money for the devils service too)you will be made accountable to GOD for this!!!!!!!! take a look in the bible for once and find out this is an obomination to our GOD the same as spiritulism,telling fortunes,bowing to other gods(yes little g) and there for brings curses upon your life,peaple delve into these things not really understanding the consiquences (and no i am not a good speller as you clearly pointed out to me )but so what its just a little matter not important,and when bad things happen to them---they BLAME GOD. HAVE YOU EVER READ THE BIBLE!!!!!!!(dont judge others or it will come back to you) He gave the bible for all these reasons too, for your protection because he loves you BUT you have all just thrown it back in his face,even before i was a christian i would never say the things what you all have said about him i would be to afraid and i was right to think that way,he gave you the breath you breathe,if he stopped breathing so would you. Where and how do you think you were made?dont you ever think why you were made the way you are,dont you ever think of how wonderfully you are made,dont just think of the outside look at the inside,was it the men who wrote the books which you read,did he make,mould and fashion you,NO it was GOD ALMIGHTY OF HEAVEN AND EARTH THATS WHO MADE YOU........ I think head knowlege ruins a person they think they have it all!!!!!!!!! and know it all !!!!!!!!but they have nothing!!!just wells with out water. JUDGEMENT DAY....WILL COME.and no these are not threats because threats are just threats...this will happen and JESUS is coming soon (no dates for you just read your bible and find out for your self. I know what my God has done in my life, there for i know him to be true,i have been in his presence many a time and also been healed from athritus and asma, so where my children healed of asma,he has done many things in my life if he hadnt proved to me who he said he was i would never be walking with him today after being a christian for 18 years.BUT i know you will call me a lier but your words dont matter at all to me as JESUS said if they dont want to listen, turn around and shake the dust of your feet.Ah i wonder who he means?yes jeaniebean you do have just one thing right GOD does not interfere with your free will because you all know right from wrong he didnt make robots its what you choose at the end of the day,As for any one who preaches the word of GOD by faith God will honour he will also lead us into all truth and the truth will set us free,and clearly you dont know the scripture or studied it because if you read it then you would know the devil is under our feet as a child of GOD because of JESUS,read about the man who was full of demons and JESUS COMMANDED the demons to go into to the pigs!!!!!!!the man was completly set free and normal again....... and the demons in the man who said, JESUS i know, Paul i know but who are you......Thats called authority!!!!!!!and there are many more truths in the bible if you would care to pick it up and read instead of judgeing about something you know nothing about. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, WHO WAS AND IS AND IS TO COME! YOU ARE WORTHY,O LORD, There will be fear and trembling on that day of judgement before almighty GOD, is all this worth the risk of being so wrong,i would say NO. |
long way away...
Too you all on here God Bless always Jesus loves you all
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I would say from experience its better to pray than to pay as you just said they just throw there money down the drain really,where its free from God no charge at all,you see he knows your thougts ,hearts,ways and everything about you,know human person would ever know them things about you,but he does because he created you,this is the onlt place in life you can find peace when you have problems.
And to the lady who has never chastised her children then well done that they have grown up nice children!!!!!!. Maybe you could teach all the other millions and trillions of other parents whos children have gone the wrong way in life,prison,drugs,hitting there parents,stealing from them,robbing old ladies and killing them all children have different personalities,you can get your little angels and you can get your little monsters so to speak.foolishness is bound up in the hearts of children and we as parents need to make sure they grow up right to the best of our ability if that takes chastisment then that needs to be done,Schools used to use the cane,but now there is nothing and the teachers are having nervous breakdowns and many dont want to even teach maybe you could teach in the schools there are plenty of jobs,how would you handle these kids i would be interested to know. |
We are put on this earth to LIVE AND BE FREE. We don't need to be punished and chastised for all our bad choices. The universal law of consequences (law of attraction) takes care of that. This is an automatic law that does not discriminate or play favorites. We are what we think, we create our own experiences by what we think and do
You are correct in this, thats why our Lord leads us and guides us into the truth so that we dont take these paths that will harm us. ![]() But its up to us if we want to listen to him just like our kids as he gave us a free will he didnt make us like robots..... |
So Jeaniebean, you mean to tell me no one has ever said anything to you or advised you that something you might want to do, or think you might want to try,that they have not said its not a good idea,or i wouldn if i was you and they have changed your mind to think again,someone who loves you maybe or even a friend,even as a adult,because if you say no then it must no one loves or has ever cared about you,we all have peaple in our life mainly family members who would watch out for us,i know i still do with my children,i will always watch over them because they are mine and no one would hurt them where i am as a mother,i would die for my kids because of the deep love i have for them as they are a part of me,if i am not pleased with them they will know that too and thats because i do not want to see them hurt or go wrong in life,although i will admit they dont always listen and i can see before hand when things wont work out,but also encourage them when i know something is good for them,my kids are grown up and they have children and they do the same because of the word LOVE.
As someone commented on what i wrote in my last letter children know when they are doing wrong from roughly 4 years old and i wouldnt have my children at that age burning themselfs on a fire,oven,bully,biting other children or taking things thats not theres,or running near a road, thats why you put reigns on them,yes its better to let them know its not pleasing to you if they do these sort of things,this is called LOVE by chastising because you want your children to grow up nive peaple,its not butting in its being a parent and you are a parent for life. God loves us and wants the best he is a God of love,and wants us to love others instead of hating we need to forgive instead of bitterness he wants us to love,God says love your enemy because he loves them and not only that hatred,bitterness,unforgiveness will do damage to us,thats LOVE,thats my GOD,thats why he died for me as i would die for my children,thats why he will let us know he isnt pleased we will feel convicted when we do peaple wrong because its not right to do,God says to love your nabour as your self,not to pull down because you think you are better than that person,even tramps on the street have a heart and need love,yes they might want that kind of life thats up to them and yes there are places they could go to stay,live,but they choose that kind of life but it dosent make them bad peaple, or makes someone who has a big house,nice clothes and lots of money better than them.LOVE makes the world go around and it starts with your nabour.the ten commandment non of us could ever keep them but God gave them as a guide for us to follow because he loves us,just the same as we do for our children,God Bless ![]() |
Let me explain about the healthy fear of God,when you have a daddy on earth from being a certain age, lets say from 4 years old thats quite a naughty age for some children they get up to all sorts of things thats why they say you need eyes in the back of your head,when they do something that you know isnt good for them because you love your children you wouldnt just leave it would you,you chastise them from an early age and they understand you are not happy with what they have done,and because they get chastised they start to change because they know its not good to do,its all a part of growing up,mums would normaly say wait till your dad gets home then the fear comes because they know there in trouble its not about dad having a stick its about him being there DAD,this is a healthy fear because it causes the rebeliousness in that child not to do it again and to know its wrong and not good for them.
Hope that explains the healthy fear of God in a bit more detail,its the simple way but its a good way ,God is love but he will chastise his children just like we do our children,and we know when to turn away from whats not pleasing to our daddy if you like,but the same as children its a journey with God and things dont change over night Glad to hear you are reading your bible too Jeanniebean because i always say its always worth searching and not discarding till you find the truth. When i was 18 my mum died and i went to a spiritulist church to be honest i thought it was Gods house i was so nieve,any way they told me things they could never have known so it was true,but from that i saw a ghost in my bedroom right at the side of my bed i had bedding pulled off me and other things so i stopped going,things got back to normal,i became a christian from someone saying to me ask Jesus into your life,funny enough i knew this was right but i went along to a pentecostal church to listen to the gospel myself of why Jesus died on the cross,as they preached i was a sinner and needed to repent i knew in my heart this was right,from repenting Jesus stated to do things in my life,if he hadnt proved who he was to me as a one parent i would have been doing as i was doing,i would not praise and worship or talk about a God who i wouldnt be sure of why would i!!!!!!! hope you can read this a bit better than last time sorry about that Jeanniebean. |
Hi sister is Jesus
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First of all you stated this thread is not about God, well i must have been reading something different to you cos what i can see its about my Gods universe,and judgement day,is there only you who can have a say. I can understand where you are coming from with the book written by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D. called "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness because he probably is a very influential man with peaple who dont know God,niether does he, other wise he wouldnt be writing such rubbish about matters he knows nothing about,but there again he will be pocketing lots of money from peaple like your self,what a waste!!! especially when it will all come to nothing!!!!sounds like new age teaching,big bang,coming out of the water like a fish with legs and growing up to become a man,man coming from apes ect ect,i wonder why they dont do that anymore cos there are still plenty of apes around and still look like apes to me!!!!!!!all of this is to daft to laugh at i wouldnt even have believed it when i wasnt a christian because inside my heart i always new there was a God because of what i saw with my own eyes, of the beautiful world he gave us,even the flowers are so awesomly made,the trees have you ever noticed how many different greans there are,the mountains, the seas,just amazing,the diffent fish,mammels,colours of them are amazing,God also has a sence of humour he wanted to so much bless his creation he gave us clown fish,sea horses,ect ect,they are so beautiful,there colours are just amazing,i could go on and on and on how great a God he is,did you check out shake the nations see what he is doing see the power of healing,ect and then there is pastor benny hin,kenneth copeland,these men are raised by God to preach his gospel to peaple like your self and others to know him and how much he loves you,you are worth more to God than the whole universe put together,believe me,the bible is the book to read,the bible will give the answers you are looking for as i can see you are searching and if you give God a chance he will show you what you want to know,man is just man ,God is God eternal,he reingns in the heaven and the earth and all that is in it,the universe is his and much too complex for any man to fathom,he is the answer to everything you can think of.And yes i do have a healthy fear of God this is the begining of wisdom and we need it to keep our eyes on him.but he is a God of much love too and lets you know!!!!!!. |