Community > Posts By > theemachine

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Sun 10/28/07 03:50 PM
I want the next 4 days to pass NOW.

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Sun 10/28/07 03:38 PM
still raining, still dreaming
jimi hendrix exp.

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Sun 10/28/07 03:34 PM
(ROFL donald..)


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Sun 10/28/07 03:32 PM
professional baseball fan

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Sun 10/28/07 03:31 PM
I was a member of the north shore spear fishing club....

I tend to avoid orginizations, just dont fit in.

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Sun 10/28/07 03:25 PM

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Sun 10/28/07 03:23 PM
[lol im actually growing my hair long now; that pics about 4 months old.]

I wonder why I let people convince me to cut it short in the 1st place. hmmmmm

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Sun 10/28/07 03:17 PM
a manly-looking man in a mans kinda car excect theres a skirt jammed in HIS door.

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Sun 10/28/07 03:14 PM

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Sun 10/28/07 03:14 PM
lol God is exempt of time itself, you think he has DNA? LOL

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Sun 10/28/07 03:13 PM
LOL botched that one

loud our quiet?

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Sun 10/28/07 03:12 PM

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Sun 10/28/07 03:10 PM
what are you listening to right now??

Deadmans suit -Shayn Wills (local artist)

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Sun 10/28/07 02:57 PM
my uncle after getting divorced found his next wife via a newspaper add- first girl he dated too.

and they're great together; married now and 1 baby of their own + his 4 other kids LOL.
shes great.

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Sun 10/28/07 02:52 PM
to clarify, when you say kids Im thinking age 12 and below.
excuse the spelling aswell lol

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Sun 10/28/07 02:51 PM
Well, I havent dated any women that have kids and im less inclined to various reasons, but if I were in that scenario; I would want to break it off but I'd tell her WHY 1st and just tell her straight that I'm not gonna hang around for this, so sort it out. (since Im in no possition to tell the kids what to do, the ball is in her court)

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Sun 10/28/07 02:42 PM
if you're constantly expecting, you point yourself in the position to be constantly dissapointed right?

so chillax, enjoy and like twitch said 'whatever happens, happens.'

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Sun 10/28/07 02:41 PM
ditto twitch.

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Sun 10/28/07 02:39 PM
"i feel all giggly and drunk around him."
followed by
"i just like him but not like that."

Can you see why men have problems understanding this logic!>? laugh

this is the point where the guy thinks theres chemistry, goes online to a place like yahoo answers and gives his perspective, everyone says "YAAH GO FOR IT MAN! SHE LIKES YOU!"
so he goes for it and its shot down in flames.


we should band together and right a male and female dictionary with a thesaurus for things like:

she says "Im looking for a tall man"
"Im looking for a man that gives me the feeling of safty, security and makes me feel feminine."


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Sun 10/28/07 02:32 PM
LOL. devil but hilarious