Community > Posts By > theemachine

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Sat 10/27/07 11:15 PM
is actually a intelligent muldooh......whatever that is.indifferent sick

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Sat 10/27/07 11:08 PM
nailed it mimx. drinker

The best way to win at the game is to not play at all.

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Sat 10/27/07 11:06 PM
anyone know of anyone thats taken hypnotherapy?
I was reading about hypnosis last night, quite interesting. Not the stereotypical goateed evil looking dude with the swinging pocket watch.

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Sat 10/27/07 11:03 PM
please, the next time anyone posts long articles, split them into paragpraphs. its WAY easier to read.

fact is that its not just american youth thats being dumbed down, its a worl wide thing.

here in NZ we have this RETARDED NCEA grading system (was used, failed and booted in the UK I believe) which is teaching kids to do the BARE minimum in everything.

Im not really surprised why its coming down to this.

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Sat 10/27/07 11:00 PM
manami, you can get all this crap of a few simple searches on goodle.

you said yourself that we're 'kind of' doing your homework for you.

talk about lazy (x_x)

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Sat 10/27/07 10:38 PM
true in your case mimx, but If i cant find/get to my phone in time (damn cordless lol) is she fair to judge me that im not interested?

I totally get what you mean though.

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Sat 10/27/07 10:18 PM
ditto SFA drinker

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Sat 10/27/07 10:16 PM
Rocknroll singer by ACDC

its about a guy who doesnt want to live ordinary, so despite his parents disgust he persues MUSIC, funny because he makes it sound like its all about the music then Bon Scott (the front man at the time) says

"(coming out of chorus)...I hear it PAYS WELL.."
I was putting up a poster when I first heard that, almost fell off the chair.

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Sat 10/27/07 10:10 PM
tease dk

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Sat 10/27/07 10:09 PM
runs "dirty deeds, done dirt cheap"

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Sat 10/27/07 10:07 PM
dirty deeds done dirt cheap
ACDC classic!

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Sat 10/27/07 10:05 PM

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Sat 10/27/07 10:03 PM

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Sat 10/27/07 09:59 PM

I apologize on the behalf of the male sex.
sadly, there are a lot of losers out there that are just users.
In a way I suppose its good that they come on so fast so then you know not to waste your time.

then again you get the sleazy bastards that lie there way there.
sick mad

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Sat 10/27/07 09:56 PM
no worries lol it is quite funny.
I cant believe I didnt see it coming laugh

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Sat 10/27/07 09:53 PM
um, lol you're the youngest age bracket possible here!
so pretty much 18 and not higher right?
watch, when you hit 20, 21 it gets better.
although, that depends if you're willing to date a 18y/o :/
personally, she'd have to be a REALLY mature 18y/o.

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Sat 10/27/07 09:51 PM

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Sat 10/27/07 09:47 PM
lol yea sounds like a good thing!

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Sat 10/27/07 09:43 PM
thata boy bbf! laugh

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Sat 10/27/07 09:40 PM
wow player, your concept of attraction and maintaining it has become severley warped because of whatever material you've been digesting since age 14/"when you were young".
