UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:05 PM
I have a real good buddy that got involved with a gal with a baby (we all love her too). Anyway, he was off and on and not sure as he was still getting use to her. After a year he really decided that there was no better person than her and he has grown to love the child.

I think it was her confidence, humor, and her motherly way that showed him some cool things that he realized he didn't want to take a chance on trying to find someone else.

It's all a chance so stay cool, confident with yourself and I'm sure one way or another it will work itself out the right way.

What's his family background??? Maybe he's tied to ideals of his family having a problem with someone who has a child..... ya gotta check out all angles but the end result is....

Does he have your back in life.

Best of luck,


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 08:17 PM
Hey Dragn,

Prayers out to you and to all those that remember your freind. While sad, I agree. But it's no doubt because they left such a great impression upon your life. It is I'm sure something you carry with you when you say hi to others.



UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 08:14 PM
Hey, but you love your little one so now you get to narrow down the field to those loving gentlemen who respect you, respect that you have a child and ....

you are so so young so don't worry. When the time comes you'll be ready and always have a backup set of "freinds" on here to chat with.


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 08:10 PM
Well in a way having your heart broken can make it sweeter when the next one comes along. You hope its the last one but .... arg.....so many variables in a relationship...

Hang in there bud, I've been through several in my life and that's part of the journey. I have kids now and thats the best part of the journey.

Hate to say it but I think it's better to meet someone outside in some venue...

Get out make freinds.... Tons and Tons of them.... something will happen along your growing path and you will meet someone.

In the mean time you become more well rounded... then you'll be even better off I think whether with or without a relationship.


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 06:30 PM
You seem lonely and that's what it mainly seems to be about from your post.... but thats alright. You seem to be self reflective about this which is a great personality trait...

I don't know the situation so can't comment beyond that... But you, you are young, attractive, and have so much to enjoy little by little as you watch her grow.

I hope the loneliness subsides and that you continue to find strength from what you will have to offer your daughter...

Very cool stuff. I love kids and love to watch them laugh and find humor and hugs in this world.

John, father of two daughters, 11 and 13.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 06:15 PM
Both Belle and Jasmine... But if one.... so so hard.... okay Belle cause she has such a beautiful voice and super personality.



UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 06:10 PM

Unproductive, completely useless, lonely, but I am lookin' forward to getting motivated and accomplished later.

Think I'll go pick up my guitar.... No pity for me please.. All is still good even with these temporary downers. I probably drank to much last night anyway with freinds on an awesome outing of 4 bars. The result is exhaustion.

All is well,


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 06:05 PM
Since you gave superpowers I gotta go with what I see from Superman. The evil Zod is goin' down.


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 06:01 PM
Well I think you would have agreement all around that she is absolutely adorable.

Hi Lisa,

I'm sure you are aware of my other posts by now and I would think you can see a diverse person in terms of jumping from fun forums to advise forums, to more controversial ones like this.

In my regular life with freinds and family my life is absolutely relaxed and actually a party. 90-95% of my day is spent laughing and enjoying 5-10% is the stress of situations.

Arguing a point in these forums keeps my wits about me and also I enjoy when someone from the other side can say something thought provoking.

I appreciate what has been written by almost all from both sides and it's clear that these controversial topics get a lot of hits.

Changes things up a bit and gets peoples brains thinkin'



UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 05:40 PM
Oh Yeah! I'm the type of person that likes to be connected to one special person for love, laughs, and life.

So when I'm not it can be lonely.

I say if your buds ask you out then go..... That is if you feel like gettin' out. I think most people do but shy away when they think they are a 3'rd wheel.

That's when you might meet someone cause others see you got people who like to be around you.


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 05:34 PM

It's unfortunate if you didn't like the other persons email or post but isn't that perfect? I try to get the important parts out of the way early in a relationship so that I don't waste time. Unfortunately it still didn't work as "other issues" such as depression get in the way...

The truth of what the other person said ended up being an attack to you.... If so then you've not wasted much time. If they apologize maybe... maybe they deserve another chance.


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 02:19 PM
"having great conversation thinking its going great then a guy asks you a question like how much do you masturbate a week, or what do you like to do sexually, favorite position"

Where do you find these "guys"? I know tons of gentlemen who would never ever do this to the women they date until they have that kind of connection clearly established.

Maybe a little of this is where you are finding these guys. Don't want to blame you fully as you can be "fooled" by another person but..... if it's happening all the time you'll have to take a look at where you are getting these guys (some real dive bar) or even how your personality/look is attracting certain people who are not gentleman.

Again not blaming you but saying maybe there is something to take a look at there.



UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 02:08 PM
I don't think you answered whether you are interested in being her freind. Sounds like no. Don't worry about how quick the relationship was... there are 2 involved and its natural.

I've had many dates turn from general interest and fooling around into freinds but I didn't feel any love lost and they are great freinds. Did have a little rough patch with each of them though and we distanced ourselves for a few months before fully making that switch.

It's a good thing this happened early.


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 01:58 PM
I switch strickly to phone after I've been out with the person. I find the internet impersonal for a person I'm into.

I won't say slow but pacing and timing is good....

If she says she wants to see you again just accept that. I never ask if a person wants to go out again because you can tell generally if their level of interest matches yours. That's the real key... Some people like to be hooked at the hips and some like to have some space.

I'd wait until she responds first from here out.


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 01:43 PM
Thanks for the compliment.

Hope all is well,


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 11:26 AM
Yep! I partied with the Hash House Harriers and then a bunch of us went pub crawlin' to 4 bars.

Yep! Love hangin' with the freinds at the pubs, dive bars, bar & grills, karaoke bars, dance bars, sports bars...... yep.

Drive Safe if you drive at all,


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:14 AM
Ewwwwww! I can't imagine the stress of knowing I helped a pervert on the net to look at pictures of my daughters and be perverts. Ewwwww!

Not having a pic doesn't make my children any less a huge part of me. If your child knew what I wrote above, and they had a voice, I'm pretty sure they would say, "Mommy, please take my picture off. I don't want to be viewed by the bad people out there."

Yeah it's bold of me to say this. Am I wrong though?

So I realize this is extreme but I don't think it would be a bad idea for the owners to put a statement in the policies that states for parents to use caution when using childrens pics... that maybe a far off picture is okay but closeups are not recommended...

I'm still going to go with just having them off completely.


Another big hit topic.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sat 11/10/07 12:10 PM
Truth... but do go easy. I agree with Sin and Jack


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sat 11/10/07 11:42 AM
Hi Lulu,

I am not here to meet a woman but it didn't take away from the topic of a potential policy against having childrens pictures on the site.

Personally I don't think any change in policy will happen but I do appreciate the well thought posts on both sides. I really do.

Catch... "it is up to the parent of the child where to "expose" their likeness" Not if the site prevents this and some sites apparently do from the posts prior. This one doesn't and as I said, I don't think it will happen but if it did I wouldn't mind and..... I think it could be a good thing.



UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sat 11/10/07 11:23 AM
oopps wasn't thinking.....and drawn into the drama

I apologize to Sin for writing back on what was Frsh personal attack/post to me. It has nothing to do with this post and she is known for saying unrelated things in other posts.

I apologize and won't do it again,


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