Community > Posts By > UWannaBSpontaneous
Hi Everyone
Welcome Sea. We have something in common. I get ESPN as well..... oh! you said ESP. Never mind and sorry for what I'm thinking right now.
![]() J |
Reasons to get up:
1. Opportunity to conquer the world. I'll help out the people too though. 2. Smell the Roses. 3. Thank God for my kids and watch them grow. 4. Success is sweet revenge for those that dissed me. 5. I can again support the breweries of the world. Yah! 6. So I can impress myself and others. Write a song. 7. Hash House Harriers. Funniest group of people on the planet. 8. To answer questions like this. |
finding and meeting friends
Dude! Join the hash house harriers..... we hit every bar in the South Bay.
Just type in and come out to an event. I'm setting trail from San Jose this week. We have a 50/50 mix that come out to play. It's a real good party and way to meet people. Later, J |
HELP ME................
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Thu 12/13/07 08:51 AM
James Taylor - Jingle Bells - Best version
Josh Groban has a nice Noel CD Never leave out Bing or Andy. Those guys still rock! Oh! Yeah and if you can track down a CD from about 8 years ago from Target stores that has an amazing mix of artists on it. If I can find it I'll forward the info as it is really awesome. It had a song by the Little River Band that was awesome amongst others. |
No! I'm on the left down the hall and I'm pimpin' tonight. Ya! gotta go right and talk to Rita. Tell her I sent you cause I get 30%.
Make me laugh...
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Thu 12/13/07 12:06 AM
Okay now there were some funny things here so now it's your turn to be original and funny?
Lets go common!!! Waiting?????? Damned she went narcoleptical again on her keyboard. |
gosh darnit
and i quote Ron Simmons "Damn!" Try quoting Richard Simmons and see if that works! "Inside every fat person is a thin person screaming to get out." |
gosh darnit
as soon as i start talking to a girl around my area, her account gets deleted... Honestly that is the funniest thing I have ever seen posted here. I'm cryin' here. I can barely type now. ![]() |
Be the Barnacle!
Make me laugh...
Out of 100,000 sperm you were the chosen one?
Make me laugh...
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Wed 12/12/07 11:45 PM
Speaking of desserts. Did you know that Stressed spelled backwards is Desserts. Coincidence I think not. Another bon bon?
Make me laugh...
Speaking of disease. Have you ever heard of Furniture Disease?
Its when your chest falls into your draws! ![]() |
Make me laugh...
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Wed 12/12/07 11:38 PM
Some people say the glass is half empty and some people say the glass is half full. I always say, "Are you going to drink that?"
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I'm quiet
If she's interested in you, which if she's your girlfriend, she must be, then she's interested in what you have to say! Yeah but she's tryin' to change him. So maybe this is just the first of many changes she'll request. However, give her a little bit here and there and maybe she'll be happy. Maybe she isn't into quite time and she just talks and talks and talks. Sometimes the other person should just shut up and kiss. |
i need
Advise only works with people intending to use it.
Who likes H.I.M?
Yep! Good group! Heard them a bunch. Never in concert though.
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Wed 12/12/07 09:33 AM
Guitar and Piano - My family is all musical so came from there but I started by playing Neil Diamond songs
If you want to be inspired by a guitarist look up Monty Montgomery on . He is unbelievable. |
I say waiting is a very cool thing... However, why are you gals so down and saying I wish I had waited!
Waited for what? Like it would have been better to wait for marriage first? In those situations generally you are trying to enjoy life and explore. It's okay to have had sex. People made a big deal about sex for years. There are all kinds of people getting married before sex... Doesn't mean it works. Stick to your guns if you feel that way. My sister did and she's been married to the same dude for 20 years with no end in sight. They will die together and never cheat on each other as well. We all know this. |
Creative..... and spontaneous..... The Don't Care card works best. It just doesn't matter.
Learn a few jokes and be able to tell them. One liners work best. Ask how many pick up lines he knows and jump back with a few. It starts the ball a rollin'. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 100,000 sperm and you were the fastest? Congratulations! |