You may even be living next to a serial killer and never know it. At least his clothes will be clean when he comes to strangle you....of course you will show-up in the morgue wearing dirty underwear...your mother will be so disappointed ![]() |
I had the trash stolen from my outdoor trashcan. I went to take the trash down on garbage day and it was empty.
The police officer said it was probably related to identity theft. Lucky for me I never put personal items in the trash without removing my name and any bar on those annoying credit card offers |
computer and phone
My beautiful little grandson Riker He's a real cutie! Here he is texting and driving! ![]() Riker_text_and_drive by lili_emmy, on Flickr |
Here's another perspective
Had a friend, he wanted more, I was not willing to risk the friendship. We remained friends. Now he is married and I always regret that I didn't give it a try. Cause I think being with someone who knows you that well and who you feel you can tell anything to would be something special... So even though it may not work and maybe you can't go back...some may find it's still worth the risk... |
Oh I WANT it
A million dollars. And thankfully a wealthy tycoon in Africa has left me that much for no reason at all. Now, all I gotta do is hand over all my bank info for this transaction............or not. Hey can I get in on that...cause princess Nubu wants me to send her all my info so she can get the treasury of NUBUVille outta whatever...we should double down on this pair...hahaha |
That is so annoying...
Classroom over sharers
The professor lectures on schizophrenia Little WendySue raises her hand uncles brothers friends sister had that she lives in where ever they had to whatever....blah blah I don't want to sound insensitive but how is your family history relevant to the $1000 I'm spending on this here education... Thanks for sharing WendySue |
Teach me
new to this internet dating thing. for a first date, where is the best place to meet someone you meet on the internet? Best to meet them on your own ground...meaning you choose the place. I find coffee houses are good.. cause its a short date so if he is ...less than you have not invested too much time Walking date is in Portland there are a lot of trendy areas to walk around window shopping in retro shops and odd little places...harder to talk that way but less awkward than sitting across from a stranger Beware of the dinner can drag on and all you want to do is get the heck out but it just goes on and on and save that for after you decide he's worth the time investment you look like a smart girl but I'll say this anyway NEVER GO TO HIS HOUSE....DAH DON'T GET IN IS CAR......DAH DON'T GIVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER...unless you want to have to tell someone to "stop calling me you creep." Then change your number cause that don't work with creeps. I've been called paranoid..but I don't tell them my real name until after I've met them...I don't know.. it just gives me some distance and makes me feel safer GOOD LUCK Be safe out there.. ![]() |
Teach me
Edited by
Tue 03/15/11 05:12 PM
Thats a trip know your stuff..good kitty There ya go Now go get you a woman...ha ![]() oh I am full of...BS...this is just a wittle bitty sample You want to pet my kitty? ![]() |
worst dates
I have already ranted about this elsewhere but it bears repeating..
I went out twice and both guys did the same thing they talked and talked and talked...when i tried to enter the conversation they either dismissed my comment with barely a nod or talked right over me before I even finished speaking... ![]() I guess they would have been just as happy to date themselves...they certainly found the sound of their own voices more interesting than mine... Oh and the guy who talked about strip clubs and hash...that was fun NOT ![]() so sue me...I was really bored |
Lets be 21 bout things!!!
Well at least he's honest.
Allow me to clean this up for you. Here is your profile. "Well I am 30 years old, I just got out of a 12 year relationship. I am very shy when I am around new people but once I get comfortable I am a social butterfly." As a 30-year-old, you should have better grammar. Here are my modifications. "Well, I am 30 years old. I just got out of a 12-year relationship. I am very shy when I am around new people; however, after I get comfortable, I am a social butterfly." Still, a great profile. Shiki oh ...I thought that was going in a whole different direction...ya know...naughty Shiki...back to your cage Shiki I'm kinda disappointed *sigh* |
Where do you live
I live in Annapolis, MD. I love it here. I went to Annapolis was such a cute area and the history was was so humid that water was running down the windows and it was NOT raining... |
What you became...?
Sometimes you get what you desired ...only to find its not what you wanted after all.... or its not what you thought it would be...
Focusing on the prize is good but don't forget to look that's how you get to what you truly desire If I got what I deserved...well that might be a sad state of affairs...I try to avoid getting my "just deserts"... |
Teach me
Edited by
Tue 03/15/11 02:49 PM
When you email for the first time don't just say "hello" be imaginative.
Take something that she wrote in her profile and use that as your opening shows that you read her profile...and that you find something about her interesting...other than her hot pic Here is a rather lame example but it should give you the idea: Her profile says "Me and my cat look forward to meeting you" Your first email subject line...Your Kitty ( notice this is suggestive without being dirty like Your Pu$$y..that's not nice) then you could say something like I have never had a Kitty friend...I look forward to getting to know you and your kitty better. See now isn't that better than Hello I am so and so. There ya go Now go get you a woman...ha ![]() |
One of my favorite outdoor treks is the Ghetto. It's like that Elvis Presley song, "In The Ghetto." You really see how people live when you walk in the Ghetto. However, as a Caucasian, there are, quite honestly, not a lot of other Caucasian women who like jerk chicken or ox-tail soup. And you can really only get good food like that... the Ghetto. I once got lost in Watts(LA). That is a real nature walk (or in my case ride)...especially at night..but we asked for directions and the natives were very oxtail soup was offered though...hehe |
Edited by
Mon 03/14/11 11:20 PM
Aren't the polyunsaturated animal fats in butter really bad for you? Don't they contribute to heart disease? Butter causes heart disease. Margarine (hydrogenated fats) can cause radicals(hydrogen that breaks off of hydrogenated fats) damage cells There are many treatments for heart disease Cancer not so much Please pass the butter! |
mingle meet
This was awesome & I truly enjoy ya'll sharing your great time here! Mebbe I can throw a Mingletard party once I know I am gonna graduate :) or at least make the next one somewhere else! I want to be a mingletard! I would attend a mingletard meeting! I like it...mingletard mingletard mingle all the way...catchy |
What turns you off?...
Edited by
Mon 03/14/11 10:37 PM
then I read the definition below...I think its okay to be turned off by the person described in this definition... Definition from fawn 1 (fôn) intr.v. fawned, fawn·ing, fawns 1. To exhibit affection or attempt to please, as a dog does by wagging its tail, whining, or cringing. 2. To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior. yes fake people suck!!! I'm not really into dating, but I think people should avoid discussing politics, religion, and exs on first dates I had a guy talking about strip clubs and hash...really did he think I was coming back for more of I look like a boobie tasseled drug user...I think not |
What makes you feel lonely?
Edited by
Mon 03/14/11 10:28 PM
This thread is making me so sad... ![]() I have to go lie down now ![]() No s**t... Okay I don't know about you guys but now its so sad its making me laugh... ![]() |